Policy Update Clarifying Site Policies

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Policy Update Clarifying Site Policies

Hello Sanctum Dwellers!

Just a short (for me) announcement today to clarify a couple of things regarding our rules. To be clear, the rules themselves have not changed, merely been updated to reflect the way that they are actually enforced.

Rule 7:

"No Bestiality. Any character engaged in sexual activity must be humanoid and possess human-like reproductive systems. Furries are permitted within these boundaries. Weres and shapeshifters are allowed but must be in human form for sexual acts. Half-humans (Centaurs, Lamia, etc.) are likewise only permitted to engage in sexual acts if they can shift to human form"

We wish to issue a clarification here. For the sake of consistency, animal and half-animal characters that never engage in any kind of sexual activity are permitted as protagonists under this rule, to match our policy with shifters (any form, so long as it is humanoid for sex). Such stories are allowed in either Mark Twain's Table or Poe's Corner, but violence is the only differentior. Any of the Forbidden Sanctum forums are a solid "No".

I wish to emphasize: This is not an "oops I made a mistake" rule. This, like, our under 18 sex rule, is a "break it and staff hold a raffle to see who gets the pleasure of banning you". If it involves or even resembles sexual activity with an animal, do not do it. You will be banned without appeal or warning.

Rule 14:

We have added this section to clarify existing policy regarding secondary accounts: "c. This rule includes deletion of accounts. Unless a specific exemption is requested and granted by an admin in advance, any user who requests account deletion is barred for one year from creating any new account. Access to the old account can be restored at any time via the site contact form."

In short, our rule forbidding second accounts includes anyone who deletes their first account and tries to make a second. We are issuing an amnesty for anyone who has previously done so, due to lack of clarity, but it will not be tolerated moving forward. We are increasingly concerned this has been used as a "loophole" to ghost partners without consequences and that is a severe violation of our rules regarding respect for other users. I want to be clear: We are not accusing any individual user of doing so, merely addressing the larger trend.

If you have any questions or wish to mock my inevitable typo, please post below.

James Martin
Inner Sanctum Admin
Sooo... what about aliens and humanoid monstrosities?
Same policy as always—if they function roughly like humans do, they're allowed to be engaged in sexual scenes. If they have animal traits, they're not.
Most function roughly like humans more or less, which is why I'm wanting to be 100% clear. So flairs, doubles, tentacles, and knots are a no-go?
Seems a bit restrictive if the characters themselves are still humanoids, but y'all are the ones making the rules.
Aww, so no tentacle hentai?
That's going to get into a very "use your best judgement and ask staff for specifics if you're confused". The rules are designed to focus on "don't have sex with animals" and "don't use obvious workarounds to have sex with animals". If your evil wizard wants to summon primordial tentacles then honestly, it's not going to matter because that's basically a sex toy by any other name. We are trying to keep the rules as close to binary as possible, with "have sex as a human" allowed and "have sex as an animal" not, so people don't get confused—but obviously there is grey area in creative pursuits. If you think you have something that's enough of a grey area to go either way, ask. We ban conduct, not questions.
This is exactly why I'm seeking clarification on the issue since it still seems rather muddled. I've had several people interested in lab experiment role plays that will involve extreme modifications and I'd rather not be banned without warning for misunderstanding.
Any clarification is, inherently, going to be case by case—if you have a specific idea or scenario you're referring to, staff are more than willing to address it. But the context of a story matters and so we can't issue more than a general "probably not" without it.
Any clarification is, inherently, going to be case by case—if you have a specific idea or scenario you're referring to, staff are more than willing to address it. But the context of a story matters and so we can't issue more than a general "probably not" without it.
Clarifications as in tentacle monsters (not bestial monsters. Think Beholders and other intelligent monsters, such as in AD&D)? Otherwise, bestiality is not an interest.
Clarifications as in tentacle monsters (not bestial monsters. Think Beholders and other intelligent monsters, such as in AD&D)? Otherwise, bestiality is not an interest.
Nonhuman main characters may be involved under the sole condition that there is nothing even remotely sexual going on. That would include Beholders and the likes. However, if there is anything romantic, sexual, or otherwise non-platonic happening, all characters involved in the relationship MUST be humanoid, which a Beholder is not. If it can be classified as a monster, beast, or animal, it cannot and shall not be involved in sexual contexts.
So, that eliminates demons too, I guess 😒
If the character is humanoid and possessed humanoid reproductive organs, it can be involved in intimate scenes. As James said earlier,
Use your best judgement and ask staff for specifics if you're confused.
So, even if they're humanoid, does that nix the ability for certain shape and texture variations?

If it is believably humanoid, it is allowed. If it looks like an exotic sex toy, it had better be an exotic sex toy. No dragon penises. No horse penises. No corkscrew duck penises. No two-headed alien penises. If it looks like something you could probably find on a human male, you can sit on it. It can be big, small, curved, straight, hairy, hairless, and just about any color you want, but it must be humanoid, as must its wielder.
So no bumps, ridges, or spikes even?

Seems a bit creatively restrictive, IMO, but whatever.

I mean, if someone wants to play out getting abducted and ravaged by aliens, I'm sure they're after the full alien experience not what creatively equates to a bunch of regular guys in body paint and facemasks.
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Humanoid: non-human creature or being, or a robot, with human form or characteristics

I don't know what is complicated here. The rule in question is "Don't fuck animals" and is designed so there isn't a loophole of "it isn't an animal, it just happens to have all the characteristics of one". We use the exact same structure to ban under 18 content. If it resembles or is a reasonable variation on a human, it has NOTHING to do with this rule. If it resembles or functions like an animal, it does. No knotting, no egg implanting, no tentacle dicks. Bumps or ridges are irrelevant.
Just making sure it's 100% clear is all since, as you've said earlier, there is some grey area.
It's never going to be 100% clear—site rules are truncated so that new users can read and understand them. But clarification on that grey area is going to be context driven. If you have an idea for an alien abduction plot, PM the staff with the details and ask if it's kosher. Lacking context, the answer will usually be "it depends"
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