Both Needed Crimson Hearts and Stolen Flames (Callout)

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Both Needed Crimson Hearts and Stolen Flames (Callout)


Usurper of the wilds
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 12:43 PM
Fear of the unknown is a powerful and driving force among the limitations of man. The world of Zepher may as well be the birthplace of such a point of being, the harsh and hungry terrain littered with violent beasts and beings aplenty. Here, blood is shed, wars waged, hungers ravaged, and fires set ablaze. Taking place within a fantasy time line, humans seek reign at the top of it all; the country littered with warring kingdoms without mercy, bringing all those who oppose their growing force to their knees.

Orcs, being temporary allies with this violent race, pledge their services to the military or mercenary work within these vast kingdoms. Those still choosing to stay true to their ancient cultures lay scattered in tribes within the harsh wilderness, striking down all that dare to stray within their territory.

Elves lay at the lowest class of them all, often only able to receive work as loyal servants, trade workers, or slaves; unable to climb any higher in society than is already allowed. Though this determined race still stays true to their customs, rumors of defiance and small uprisings are beginning to spread in the main trade kingdom of Knavesmire.

Dwarves exist as little more than tales within legends, their kind long since disappearing within the early rise of man. Despite this, their ancient ruins and underground architectural structures still remain proudly intact, serving as common educational grounds for scholars, travelers, and tradesmen alike. Although, supposed sightings of this long unseen race had been claimed to exist within the harsh tundra of the northern mountains. Yet these reports have been dismissed as pure speculation.

Finally there are the Dragonoids. Often clinging to various clans dependent on their species, a massive guild of hunters and mercenaries alike had been forged with the intent of exterminating these creatures on sight for fear of their unknown abilities and strict defiance towards human kind. Although powerful and intelligent, a brief alliance between 3 combined kingdoms resulted in a massive army that nearly wiped these beings from existence. Those that still remain are forced to live as prisoners of war or live within the shadows in hiding, adapting to adopt the forms of the very creatures that destroyed their own homes in order to survive.


And there you have it! As you all may have figured by now, this is a magic/fantasy roleplay taking place within a world much similar to Skyrim or Dragon Age. The world is massive and so are the vast variety of creatures that live within it. Through it all, man stands at the very top while many other species lay on the verge of collapse. The story takes place within this aftermath, and shall be forged depending on the characters and the actions they choose to take. Will we together become a small spark that brews the flames of justice for all that mankind has wronged? Or will species all together slowly die off one by one?

The result all depends on you.

Rules and regulations:

I know this can be annoying so I'll make it as short and sweet as possible

- No one liners. (can't stress this enough, I know some replies may vary more in length in others. Nonetheless I feel it reasonable to request at least a paragraph or few sentences in each response.)

- Mild sexual content. ( I am never opposed to any romance or future acts of intimacy between long as it isn't too extreme or takes away from the story. All I ask is nothing too terribly graphic. If you have any further questions in regards to this subject please let me know! )

- Order of responses ( This one is a bit out there but I only say it with the best interest in mind. We all live very different and separate lives, some with more free time than others. As such, while the first posts will be first come first serve, I would like to say that all replies after go in the correct order they first fall into. This will help prevent anyone from getting left behind because life got a little busy, and of course if you plan on being gone for an extended period of time please just let me know so we can become aware or adjust accordingly.)

That just about does it! I have character sheets below for any and all who wish to join, I greatly look forward to roleplaying with all of you! :) Welcome to Zepher!

Eye color:
Hair color:

Name: Amaris (last name unknown)
Species: Dragonoid (nightwing)
Gender: female
Age: while her true age is unknown, she claims to those she meets to be around 23
Eye color: blue
Hair color: black
Personality: Calm, quiet, and intelligent. Often acts upon her own sense of morality and feral instincts rather than any social standards put in place. Is open and kind to others, yet mostly keeps to herself for fear of becoming too attached.
History: Amaris is the last of the species of nightwings (a nocturnal species of dragon that draws their power from the moon) to remain after being a sole survivor of an army raid within her home clan. Since then she has lived her life in hiding, somehow seeking to forge a name for herself without ever allowing her true nature to come to light within the vast trades city of Knavesmire. While in the past getting by within small trades and odd jobs throughout town, Amaris now has forged a life as the town's healer after finding a knack for her ability to heal and seek biological knowledge.While she now lives in service to the very race that became the downfall of her own people, the young girl still bears the memories of her former clan life, eager to seek out the days when her kind can once again live free from hiding. As such, rumors have been spreading about of the local healer accepting mercenary work by night, eager to take a stand within society.

Human form:

Dragon form:
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Name: Rex
Species: Dragonoid (Grass Dragon)
Gender: male
Age: claims to 28
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Personality: Introverted but can open up a little after getting to know people. He is nice to strangers for the most part but is skeptical, intelligent and usually has a trick up his sleeve just in case things go wrong. Rex was ferocious as a young dragon but over the years, he has grown to be calm wise and stealthy. It takes a lot to get him to snap.

History: He never knew his real family and grew up fending for himself deep in the forest. He eventually ventured into human territory out of curiosity. There, rex found himself intrigued by humans. He taught himself to speak, read and write so that he could learn from them. He wanted to learn everything he could to not only help him out in the woods but also to help him blend in with humans and occasionally enjoy small luxuries. To bring in a little cash, he sells meat from his kills and hustles people who think they can play Darts (usually just to get a free drink or two). That said, he still spends most of his life in the forest and only comes out every few years.

Human form:


Dragon form: (he is only 12ft tall)
Name: Saphinia (Saff) Theyra Derrington
Species: Half-elf though you wouldn't know it by looking at her
Gender: Female
Age: Just shy of 20.
Eye color: Emerald green
Hair color: Reddish brown
Personality: To the world Saff is a cheerful girl, smiles and laughter abound in even the worst of situations. One would think she was just naturally inclined towards a sunny disposition and they would be half right. That side of her is how she was meant to be, it's how she wanted to be. Underneath the bright grins and playful tones is a black ball of hatred. She hates the humans who enslaved her. She hates the orcs who tortured her. She hates the elves and their weakness. She hates the dragons whose very existence is what had her mother made into a slave years before she was born and ultimately what killed her. She hates the world, it's people, and everything in it. More than anyone or anything else however she hates herself the most. Half human-half elven bastard child and slave.
History: Saff was born into a life of slavery. Her mother was a battlefield capture, a small village of elves living out of sight and out of the way was discovered, burned to the ground, and every elf found was either slaughtered where they stood or captures and branded as a slave.

Her mother drew the eye of a Blade Master, a renowned swordsman who had earned his title as master. The man took her into his household and though he already had a wife and three sons he eventually bedded the slave and this Saphina came into this world, an existence that shouldn't have been made.

Always watching and always underfoot she took her share of beatings over the years as she grew up. But she learned, she grew. She didn't have any talent for magic like many of her mothers race, her skills seemed to follow after the human half of her. Purely by observation she watched her father train until finally she was caught by the mans sons. They beat her and beat her until she took up a wooden training sword and before she ever stepped down the path of womanhood she won and was sold away in anger to an orc slave trader. Tortured and beaten by the man she was only freed when a dragon attacked the small city. She gained her freedom but in the panic she witnessed the death of her mother by the dragons hand.

For the rest of her time growing up she fended for herself, making a small name as a hunter and mercenary. Her skills with a blade grew though she does everything in her power to hide her heritage. Rumors have reached her ear that her father and brothers are still alive, their names growing more and more as the years pass. Eventually she wants to confront them. Eventually she wants make them and the world pay...
Looks awesome!!! :). Hopefully with a few more people to join the group we can get started.
I would like to join! Would it be okay if I made two characters? A female elf ranger type and a half-orc male warrior?
Sounds great to me! Go for it!
Name: Neveria "Neve" Fenivyre

Species: Elf

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Eye color: bright blue

Hair color: white blonde

Personality: Neveria or "Neve" as she likes to be called is a confident woman who can come across as brash and cocky. She likes to view herself as a dashing rogue and a charmer, even if her temper can get in the way. She is a spit fire when she is challenged and can hold her own despite her lack of physical strength. But she is loyal to a fault with those she trusts. She cares for people around her, even if she can be a bit prickly around the edges. Overall, Neve is just a woman trying to be independent in a world that views her kind as trash.

History: Neve was never content just being a seamstress like her father, making coats and fine dresses for the human nobility, or a servant like her mother, a servant that cared for young ladies and lords. Although she learned to sew and be a proper little servant, she used it to watch the ladies in court and the luxuries that money could buy. She became enamored with that life style free of strife and safety. She began taking small bobbles and trinkets, things that would never be missed in all the fascinating things the people around her owned. But her childish dreams were disillusioned when she was caught stealing by her mother and quickly reprimanded. However, the little lordling saw her mother with the precious jewels and ran straight to the lady of the house. Her mother took the blame for the theft and was jailed indefinitely for her crimes or until her bail could be made. It was a price her father couldn't hope to match, but he tried. He never openly blamed Neve for her mother's arrest, but she saw the tears that fell when he thought she had gone to bed.

Years into their servitude and pursuit of her mother's freedom, her father caught an illness that was passing around the lower reaches of the city where the elves lived. With her father unable to work and the bills pilling up when Neve has to manage the business on her own, Neve took to less legal measures to protect the hovel she called home and to keep saving for her mother's freedom. She began working with the local thieves on odd jobs. There, an elf in the group taught her to use a bow and dagger, to keep herself safe as a girl on her own in the slums of the city. Neve honed her craft with this group and eventually came to see them as a family. They even helped her bury her father when he passed from his failing health. Although his passing had hit her hard, she held out hope for saving her mother. After a year or two of work, she saved enough to finally pay for her mother's freedom. However, the corrupt jailer had been selling prisoners with no chance of earning their freedom off as slaves. Her mother had been sold long ago and was probably in another kingdom by now. Blinded by guilt and anguish, Neve struck out at the jailer, killing the man instantly. With a stroke of luck, she was able to escape the stockades and ran to her chosen family for help. They smuggled her out of the city with a local merc group that was setting out to look for odd jobs on the road. It was with them she met Cathan, an outcast half-orc man that became her best friend and partner in crime.


Name: Cathan "Cath" Clanslayer

Species: Half Orc

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Eye color: Brown

Skin color: light grayish green

Hair color: Black

Personality: Cathan is a gentle giant in every sense of the word. He is earnest and hard working, especially when it comes to making sure others are safe and cared for. He would take a heavy beating for anyone who looked like they needed the help. His general attitude is joy for the small things in life and he tends to air on the side of a silver lining than harp on the negative. While by no means a moron, Cathan isn't an academic and can come across as a bit oblivious. Cathan would rather talk things out than resort to violence, unless violence is absolutely necessary. When the fire is lit, as Neve would say, the man is a force to be reckoned with on the field due to his brute strength and tendency to loose himself in a rage when he's in a fight.

History: Cathan was born out of the unlikely union of a peasant woman and an orc. His mother, a woman from a fishing village, was protected by an orc who refused to kill her during a raid his tribe made. It left him cast out of his tribe, broken and bloodied after the fighting. Instead of running for her own safety, the woman stayed and fought beside him, and even tended to his wounds. Love blossomed out of friendship, and soon Cathan joined their odd little family. Although within the walls of their home, their little family was happy and complete, the outside world of the village hardly accepted what they considered an act against nature. Cathan was mercilessly bullied, his father treated worse than a common criminal, and his mother could only find work as a bar maid. Due to their struggling finances, his father left to bring money back to their home by joining a traveling Mercenary group. At first the money came regularly with letters of his adventures, but then suddenly they disappeared. Cathan and his mother feared the worst as his father was loyal and would never abandon them. At a young age, Cathan took odd jobs around the village and as a teenager he was able to work as laborer due to his strength and slightly taller than the average human size. When he was old enough to leave home, he convinced his mother to allow him to travel and see the world his father described in his letters. With her blessing and his father's great axe he had left for him, he traveled around blindly till he stumbled across a band of mercenaries that were bogged down in a fight they were losing quickly. He jumped to their aid, saving a young blonde elf and taking a hit to the face in the process. For his help, he was asked to join the group and quickly became friends with Neve. She is now his closest and only friend. Cathan still carries his father's letters today and sends money and letters home to his mother weekly.
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Is making a human character alright? It looks like you're setting up humans as an antagonist race, but I think I can make a human character that would work with the other player characters. I'd like to use a character that has training in combat and magic, which a background in a human army would support.

Will my character's abilities work for this story? I wrote my character as being trained to support a group of combatants, and therefore having magic suited to warfare. For example, her necromancy training helps her weaken or kill a large group of enemies with time, and then use the death to power more magic later. Will this fit with the setting?

Name: Maria Ambrose

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Eye color: Gray

Hair color: Dark brown

  • Serious and practical, focused on achieving her goals.
  • Deliberate; carefully weighs information before acting.
  • Cautious; highly concerned with avoiding her death and bases many decisions on how they affect her chances of survival.
  • The opposite of squeamish form dealing with lots of corpses. Comfortable around and with causing death.
  • Curious; interested in the nuances of magic and how they might be applied.


Maria was raised and trained as a witch. Her homeland's children were tested for their magical ability when they were six years old; those with potential were taken in by the state to be trained and use support its army.

Like many in her homeland, Maria was noted to have an affinity for necromancy. In addition, she showed considerable skill in performing rituals and enchantment even at her young age. She, alongside those with similar talents, was thus assigned to a magician for training and military use. For the next ten years, she was taught magic by a number of higher-ranked magicians – they never really lasted long, dying in battle or being reassigned as others did – and practiced her magic in the field.

Maria was trained with a focus on supporting combat, using her magic to aid her allies and hamper their enemies. Rituals became the backbone of her skills; when used in conjunction with enchantment, she could "store" a ritual's effects in a trinket, making a talisman to be channeled through her staff at a later time. Necromancy let her draw strength from bloodshed and bring the living closer to death. Furthermore, it let her subdue the vengeful wraiths inevitably created by a battlefield's violent deaths. She also was taught how to bludgeon people with her staff, hopefully holding off anyone who got through the melee combatants until the other soldiers could kill them.

Maria trained and fought in her homeland's army for about ten years, until an invading force managed to reach the capital and kill the royal family. Without leadership, the army disbanded, its soldiers gathering under generals-turned-warlords, turning to banditry, or joining up with mercenary groups. Maria chose the latter option, forming a mercenary group with other former soldiers for several years before its leaders died and it too disbanded. She ended up changing groups several times as they fell apart for various reasons, taking advantage of the constant death and plentiful materials to build a store of magical energy and equipment. Currently, Maria's main goal is to survive, primarily by stockpiling power and becoming a more skilled witch. She's heard good things about lichdom and is interested in tracking down the process and possibly improving it.

While mankind is the sort of antagonist of the story, at least those within corrupt and higher power, that doesn't mean that all of their kind follow within that general role. I think having a human that eventually works in favor of the others would be perfect and help to show that not all of their species are prejudiced to subjects of greed and malice.

I think your character is a wonderful idea and can't wait to see how such a group would carry on within the story! :).
I think we so far have a good group going, and sometime today (probably early afternoon) I will make an initial post to get things started. Of course any others who wish to join before or even during that are welcome as well! Slots are still open!
@Feralstryker , I haven't made my post yet. Sorry about taking so long; I have a few assignments to work on. I think it'll be done in a few hours. Should I just make one after you or wait for everyone else to go again or what? Right now I'm thinking of having my character talk to Kimcora's characters about recruitment once the commotion's died down a bit. That kind of post seems like it would still work if everyone else did another round of posting.

Also, should there be another thread to talk about out-of-character stuff? It seems kind of rude to bump a thread in the group request section to ask about something.
Oh goodness! I am so sorry about that, with everything going on I hadn't realized you didn't make your post yet, I am so sorry! You can go ahead and post yours whenever it is finished and I will wait until the others are done and you have made another before continuing. Again I can't apologize enough for my carelessness.

As for the question about a group discussion thread, I feel that would be a great idea. I will forge one here shortly and post the link for you all to use.
image.jpeg Name: Kayden (Last name Unknown)

Species, Human, but lives among the Draganoids, often riding their backs for transportation. If they allow it of course.

Eye color: a soft blue.

Age: 23

Hair color:Blonde

Personality: A scandalous young man, Kayden chooses charm, deception, and light weapons over a straight fight. Townsfolk claim that "You seem him one moment, then you blink, and he's gone, along with all the money in your pocket." A scruffy but intelligent guy, he can always think himself out of a situation. When it comes to women, he's never been known to stay with a girl for more than three days. Jelica, a former romantic partner of Kayden puts it this way: "Just when you think you got him loving you more than anything else, he leaves , leaving a note saying he's "sorry not sorry." His popularity with women have gotten him into tricky scenarios. He befriended the dragonoids after stealing back their precious dragon jewel for them, and takes refuge in their living quarters. He doesn't back down from a challenge, amd befriends everyone he meets, usually only so he can steal their valuables. He also works as a hitman, and will assassinate someone of your choice for a steep price, he has not however, attempted to steal from the draganoids. He learned long ago to respect their species. However, thanks not to say for the right price.....
He's more of a mecenary and "bad boy" kind of character, but will be useful to a team, and has always found other races easier to interact with than humans.
I love him, sounds awesome! I have the link to the original story and discussion forum within this post. There have been a couple already but the story is still well in the beginning stages of making so feel free to jump in however you please. Looks like all of us are currently engaged in an intense bar fight, haha.
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