Both Needed Crimson Hearts and Stolen Flames (Callout)

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Both Needed Crimson Hearts and Stolen Flames (Callout)

Hi! I'd love to join!

Name: Tyrani "Tyr"
Species: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Eye color: Emerald Green
Hair color: Blue
Personality: Tyr appears as a cold, unfeeling being. With eyes like green ice and a voice that commands a room, she is actually a very caring and forgiving elf. While she is very loyal, she is also strong willed and stubborn. When she is truly enraged she can move mountains with a look alone. Tyr is a very prideful elf as well, finding strength in the Elven blood that flows through her veins. For this reason, she has become very resentful of those that she has served, those who treat her like trash, and longs to be free again.
History: Tyrani used to live happily among her clan of wood elves. She was dutifully working her way to be Head Healer, as her mother had done before her. She was taught from a very young age which plants could help and which could hurt. Her working knowledge of the greenery surrounding their clan proved very fruitful for her during training. Just as Tyr was reaching her final stage of training, however, tragedy struck.

One dark, quiet night, almost too quiet she remembered thinking, a horde of Orcs, commissioned by the Humans, raided her village. She awoke to not so distant screams and cries of terror, which jolted her out of bed and into the red glow coming from outside. As she stepped out, she was greeted with the site of flames. Everything around her was on fire, burning intensely in the cool night air. The screams around her were deafening, burning the memory deep into her brain. As she took in her surroundings, she remembered her mother. All at once she was sprinting, dodging bodies, orcs, and half burnt hutches, her only thought was reaching the Healing Temple. As the temple came into site, she could see a slender frame pressed against the double doors leading into the hall. She drew closer and realized, with a lump in her throat, that it was her mother. She was trying, in vain, to keep the intruders from ravishing the temple. There was already a fire blazing from the west side of the temple, slowly making its way to the front entrance where Tyr's mother stood, bawling and screaming. "Mother!" She called, trying with all her might to call her away from the doors as she was running towards her. before she could reach her, however, she was intercepted by one of the intruders who gave her a nasty grimace. With one large hand, he scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder, his strong calloused fingers wrapping tightly around her waist. She screamed in protest as she was carried away from her mother, who had just locked eyes with her captured daughter. There was a moment's hesitation before Tyr's mother started to step off the stairs leading to the archway but as she reached her arms out to her daughter she was cut down by an Orc that had climbed his was to the top of the temple. Tyr watched in pure horror as her mother fell to the ground, lifeless. She sobbed and beat the back of the one carrying her, which only made him grunt and shift her weight on his shoulder. She continued to sob as she was tossed into the back of a wagon with others from her village that had been captured, all sobbing from the loss they just endured.

Once the Orcs had finished with her village and all that was left were piles of ash, they set off for the kingdom where Tyr would be sold off as a slave. At first she was incredibly resistant to her new captors but she soon realized htat fighting back on her own would only get her punished. So she became docile and compliant. She silently worked her way up to being a personal servant for the General who ran her household and has been seated at his feet for quite some time. Through this she has learned some combat techniques which she intends to work on in secret so that one day she can aid in the liberation of her people and all those under the thumb of the Humans.
Yep! Feel free to step in and create your character. Our story is still in the beginning stages of development so shouldn't take too long for you to catch up. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to let me know or give a shout in the group discussion. :)
Name: Shadbak the Betrayer

Species: Orc

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Eye color: Forest Green

Hair color: Black with highlights of red in the sun.

Personality: Quick to anger and quite cunning, Shadbak is renowned for her prowess on the battlefield. Long ago some would have said that Shadbak was kind to those who knew her...But now she keeps to herself and has nothing nice to say of anyone. She can be fiercely loyal to those who prove they deserve her friendship but has found that she does not make friends easily. She has strong opinions and an inclination towards Elvish wines.

History: Shadbak was destined to be a warrior ever since her name day, as all her people are. It is an honor and a privilege to fight and fall in battle. She rose quickly in the ranks of the military. She was regarded once as a brace and fierce warrior and any unlucky enough to come across her on the battlefield was sure to fall. Everything changed when she was returning from a scouting party and fell witness to a caravan of slave traders transporting Elves to serve as slaves to their human counterparts. Seeing them in their cages....Like trapped animals broke something inside of her that day; she made a choice that changed the course of her fate forever...She slaughtered the slave traders outside the gates of one of the mighty kingdoms and released the Elvish prisoners. Though they thanked and praised her for her kindness, Shadbak felt only hollow. She was cast out from her tribe and called a betrayer... They cut her hair as a sign of disgrace. Her single deed led to the loss of the only family she had ever known....Because of this she fell to the drink and began fighting in taverns and inns. Life is not easy for an Orc on their own and over the years Shadbak began to develop a deep-seated resentment for the Elves.
Looks wonderful! Happy to have you! Feel free to read up on events that have transpired up to this point, your post can begin after Kittonyxs and resume in that order from then on.
Looks wonderful! Happy to have you! Feel free to read up on events that have transpired up to this point, your post can begin after Kittonyxs and resume in that order from then on.
Sounds great! I just need the link again because the one posted in this thread takes me to an error page.
I've sent you a copy, hopefully that works :D
We have an order in the ooc thread! But might not be a bad idea to include it elsewhere too
I'll write an official Order here and in the discussion
Lady mysaria

(kayden is no longer active)
Though I suppose your post and kittonyx depends on who wants to go first, since initially it was first come first serve to decide the order. I'll leave that up to y'all.
Name: Tarl Stoneheart.

Species: Werebear.

Eye color: Blood red. (Can glow depending on his mood and stress level.)

Age: 36.

Hair color: Jet black, hangs down his back wild and unkept.

Personality: Tarl is a tall, broad, imposing man with a poor temper towards strangers. Is an expert in close quarters combat as well as throwing projectiles. He carries duel arming swords and a belt of small throwing axes. Doesnt talk and attempts to stay out of the public's eye, but if his toes are stepped on he will step back. Wears an all black cloak concealing his family's coat of arms he wears in red on his shirt. Mostly spends his days with prostitutes, booze, or alone quietly brooding in a dark alley. When he needs a little extra coin he'll opt for mercenary work and other odd jobs. Most people are scared of him due to his temper and immense strength. There are rumors he was once a powerful baron who ruled a prosperace city that was wiped off the map, but no one dares confirm it with him. It's said speaking to him is like speaking to a stone wall that might punch you through the roof if you hit a nerve or offend him. Perhaps with the right kind of prying he can be motivated...

History: Long ago in the land of Zepher, a great and powerful city once stood. They were ruled by a mighty yet fair baron named Tarl Stoneheart. The denizens of this city were all a species once common in Zepher, werebears. This city produced mighty warriors and savy merchants. The humans viewed Tarl and his people as a threat, and reduced his home to ash. They made him watch as they killed his citizens. When they were done, they branded the left side of his neck and cast him out into the world as a lesson to others like him. Disgraced and distraught, Tarl stumbled into the world, going into hiding and squandering the money he had on distractions to his despair. The humans came and reduced this once brave and fierce king into a drunken wreck.
(Hope this will suffice as a charecter!)
Are you still accepting? I could get a profile up as early as tomorrow if you are still looking for characters?
We are actually pretty maxed out for characters as I don't want it to get to the point we struggle to remember everyone. I'm terribly sorry! But if things change in the future, someone drops, or we decide we need another I'll be happy to shoot you a pm :)
Hey I haven't been getting updates on the thread can someone post the main thread link for me? Please and much thank you lol.
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