All Dark Tunnels (5e D&D beyond integration)

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All Dark Tunnels (5e D&D beyond integration)

Because of me or because we let a crazy lady take the DM role? 😆
Hay now im the fairy in the rp if anyone gointo be chaodic it shell be I
Because of me or because we let a crazy lady take the DM role? 😆

at leas she not a crazy cat lady
the crazy cat lady i knew had 107 cats that lived in her house ... 14 of them was found dead when her house was raided
Hey now, to be fair, we know of one living cat... who knows the possible quantity of dead ones
Being that this cat randomly bites me then runs away, there may or may not be one more added to the uhm... "missing" cats...
i once had a cat that rubbed up aginst your legs and the you reach down to pet it it locked it arms around your arm and bites the shit out of you as it kicks it back legs at your arms.
Its a good thing I have a dog then. Don't have to worry about that.
Is there still a spot open?
Do you know what classes have been taken so that I do not upset the balance?
I cant speak for all but mines a Wizzard
Ranger, bard, wizard, Barbarian *ahem*, and a rogue npc.
So basically we could probably use another warrior or my poor half-orc will be doing all the hacking work 😂
So haveing a paladin or clearic sould be good
A healer in party could go a long way
Ill be going cleric of the grave then
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