MxF General Fandom RP

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MxF General Fandom RP


Dr. Rogers
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Hello there! My name is KaraBunny and I have been rping for a good decade. I have another thread that is all about my original ideas.

I will play any pairing but I am most comfortable with MxF and FxF. If there is an idea that appeals to you and it is set up as a pairing you don't like or would rather had as something else, talk to me! I like my characters to be dominated, but that doesn't mean they can't be dominant at all!

Before I go heavy into the rules I wanted to address sex and smut! I love smut and I don't have a lot of triggers. I will list out my Don'ts below.

  • Bathroom play.

  • Incest

  • Underage
Yup that is really it for don'ts! Please feel free to ask me questions! I want to go over my personal rules first!

  • No one liners! I am a paragraph writer! I want to post more than a few lines! I really want to create a story with you! I understand that not every post can be longer than a paragraph and that is okay! However, I do not want three or four sentences and that be it! Sooo, you may not want to bark up this tree if you don't like read a bulk of words!

  • Please please don't ghost me. There is nothing I hate more than typing out an intense starter. Something that I took a lot of time to type and then find a good title for, just to be completely ignored. If you think that you aren't interested in the RP, it is okay to tell me! Please tell me before we start if you aren't feeling it after all.

  • If you lose interest, teellll meeeeee! I promise I will not be mad! Maybe we can rework it! Maybe we can start a new RP! I am in this for the partners as well! I will bend to you as much as you need me to, just tell me!

  • Be somewhat responsive. I am a masters degree seeking student with a full time job. I understand that we cannot simply respond every hour or everyday. I will not be mad! Just keep me updated! I will do my best to give you the same treatment. If it has been a minute and I haven't responded send me a message! I may have not seen the alert or something might being happening behind the scenes!

  • Lastly but not leastly, please if we are roleplaying together do not skip over my characters actions, control my character or flat out ignore parts of the post. There are some details that absolutely can be ignored or skimmed over, but if my character directly talks to yours and you just ignore that dialog and move the RP forward, I may be a bit upset. I like to move slow in RP's, I am not in a hurry to get anywhere anytime soon. I don't mean crawling speed, just not blink and there is sex.

  • If you have made it thus far, what is your favorite color? I am color blind but my favorite is red.

Ahhh! The boring bit is over how lovely! Please be sure and give those a read it would be a lot! Now onto what you came here for!

]Alright I am gonna mention this here: I have a whole thread about Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. I am still heavily craving that fandom and will love you forever if you would check that out! Thus, there is a link below.

Fandom list:

Harry Potter: OC x OC, Cannon x Cannon, OC x Cannon. Any time period, any plot line. Hit me up with ideas.

Marvel: I will play any character that you want besides for Deadpool, Daredevil or Jessica Jones. I am most comfortable playing Tony Stark, Loki, Thor, Bucky and Peter Parker. I am looking for someone to play Steve Rogers for my OC!


So my idea takes place in an AU were Civil War didn't happen. Bucky was hired by SHIELD (because Civil War didn't happen) and all is well between Steve and Tony. Steve is starting to have issues adjusting to the new times. He tried to date someone, it did not go well. He just starts feeling blue and starts locking himself up in the Avengers tower (In this AU he still lives with all the Avengers in Stark Tower which is attached to Stark Labs.) So Tony starts making him leave the Tower because he "can't stand the fact that Steve is cooped up all the time." So Steve is forced out of the Tower. He starts running into the same redhead in the elevator (my oc). They exchange small talk and it seems from the elevator talk they have a lot in common. However, my oc has a dark back ground. She was in an abusive relationship and ended up leaving, but her ex is still fuming over the break up.

Which leads to two starting points. Steve could be going out after not being able to sleep and my oc could have just been getting off work. Steve walks into the parking lot and catches her ex trying to hurt and steps in.


Steve could finally get the nerve to ask her out in the elevator and learn about the ex later on.

The whole RP would revolve around their relationship growing and my oc learning to let someone love her and Steve maybe finally being able to get the love that he craved. The life he once dreamed of that was so far out of reach at one point, a wife and house with a white picket fence maybe some kids and a dog, all washed away when he was frozen in time. But now maybe it is closer than ever before.

While my OC and Steve are falling in love HYDRA is working on something evil. Bringing back the Red Skull. The Avengers raid a HYDRA ship and find a liquid on board. No one in Stark Labs can figure out what it is. So it is since to my OC's Lab. (She works as the head of the forensic lab at Stark Labs). She eventually figures out what it is and then HYDRA kidnaps her to keep her from telling the rest of the team. Thus, Steve's dream of the life he once wanted all washes away again as he races to save his girlfriend before HYDRA kills her.


Yeah one and two are similar so sorry haha!

My OC's name is Alice Lovett. I will send her character sheet later if you like this idea. She works as the head scientist over the Forensic's Department of Stark Labs. Which most people don't even know Stark has a forensic department. So she has worked there for about three years or four. She worked there before Steve was found in the ice. This would take place in a AU where Civil War didn't happen because it complicates things haha. Anyway Alice isn't looking for love or anything of the sort but Tony has other ideas for her. Tony gets tired of Captain moping around and tries to set him up with a bunch of different girls none of which work. During a meeting with Alice , Tony realizes how a like her and Steve are. Thus the idea clicks in his head to set them up together. Both Alice and Steve say no. Tony being himself doesn't give up. He talks Steve and the rest of the team into coming to a work party. He also makes it mandatory for Alice to go. Alice knows Banner very well and Nat but that is about it. Steve and her bump into one another at the party and end up having a really good time. She or he depending on how we want to take it ask the other if they would like to leave the party and go get an actual dinner. Away from all the drunks. Thus begins a slow building relationship. The RP would start with them meeting at the party and carry onward.

Alice 's job can be dangerous as she also visits crime scenes. Steve's job is out right dangerous. There could be times where they both have some close calls sending the other into a worry mess. Which I have little ideas for those that can come about later.

It is all about Steve and Alice finding comfort in one another. Steve finally getting to love someone and possibly get the life he once dreamed of. A family, settle down. Or at least the thoughts could be discussed.

Meanwhile this relationship is building Hydra is up to no good as always. They are working on bringing the red skull back. They have come up with a complicated chemical serum that is basically the super soldier serum. They plan on bringing him back to do as he had always planned. Because as it turns out The Red Skull left his plans and ideas behind for all the other agents to carry out. Those plans including bringing him back if he was ever killed. Some time after Steve and Alice start dating, the avengers take down a Hydra ship. On that ship were a lot of this chemical. It gets sent through every wing of Stark Labs to try and figure out what it was. Alice is the one who figures it out some time later. (After some more cute things happen) In order to stop SHIELD from figuring out their plan Hydra kidnaps Alice . It ends up Steve has to save his girlfriend before she is killed and that is when they learn about the Red Skull.


This plot it mostly wide open here.!!!!!!!!! ENDGAME SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!! It would involve my character meeting Steve when he goes back and time and lives his life. It's slice of life what can I say? I love romance and the Captain deserves some happiness!

YouTube: I think I could play just about anyone because I will do research and watch videos if I don't know the YouTuber. I will be looking for someone to play Markiplier (Mark Fischbach).


Sean McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye)'s younger sister is an FBI tactical agent working in the U.S. Alex McLoughlin is 23 and has been living in L.A. for a good while working for the FBI. She gets sent into dangerous situations to defuse them. Sean has no idea how dangerous her job is exactly until one day he gets a call from Mark Fischbach saying his sister has been shot.

RP starter: Alex had the day off and she spent it by going to the bank. She needed to move some things over and make sure that everything was okay in her bank account. While she was there she stood behind a man that looked familiar. He may have been in some of her brother's videos. She didn't say anything. Suddenly gunfire rang out, she saw the gunman and he aimed straight for Mark. She took the bullet for him, getting very wounded.

The RP would follow Alex and Mark as they slowly fall in love and Sean learns the dangers of his sister's job. Having some action from Alex's job.


Mark hadn't moved into a home yet. He was still a small time YouTuber that was slowly growing in fame. One cold snowy winter he happened to be gazing out the window and noticed a girl about his age sitting in a tank top and blue jeans beside an alleyway. She had a very thin cloth around her shoulders. There was two to three feet of snow on the ground and she was clearly freezing to death.

The RP would follow Mark and My OC as they he takes her in and helps her. They start to fall in love as he learns the tragic story of her life.

Slice of Life? Yes. Am I sorry? Yea a little.

X-Men: Yeah I know it's part of Marvel. I still count it as it's own. I can play anyone really, besides Deadpool! I would be looking for someone to play Young Charles Xavier, played by James McAvoy, for my OC.

I am not the biggest fan of OC x OC in this world. Convince me!


Okay so this idea takes place during the timeline for Days of Future past. Charles had just lost his legs and had his school shut down due to the war. He is a broken, sad and just all around upset man. He becomes addicted to the serum, that Hank created, that allows him to walk. Though it causes him to lose his abilities, which he is fine with doing. That is when Logan shows up from the future to force him back into the chair because they need to find Raven (Charles' adopted younger sister). If they don't stop Raven then the future of Mutant kind is at a great risk. That is the basic plot of the movie.

My idea involves Charles rescuing my character, Adelaide. I have a whole character sheet that explains her, her powers and just her whole backstory so I will send that later. Charles goes off the serum and finds her with cerebro and this is where the plot can go in many different ways.

1: Charles finds her at the beginning of the "movie". So when Logan forces him off the serum and he uses Cerebo again he finds her first thing because she is so powerful, pain is just rolling off her live a wave. Hank and Charles go to rescue her then and she helps aid in the break out of Magneto (Eric), stop Raven, whole plot of movie.

2: Charles does not find her until the "End" of the movie. So, she wasn't powerful enough for Charles to find her without looking for her specifically. So he doesn't notice her until everything is done and he is restarting his school. That is when he uses Cerebo and finds her and they rescue her.

Now once Adelaide has been found, she ends up really working her way into Charles' heart. She is very caring and innocent (again explained much better in Character Sheet(CS)). He starts to help her understand her powers and how to use them properly. All the while falling in love with her and she to ends up falling for him. It is a rather slow burn and he doesn't want to tell her how he feels because he is bound to a chair for the rest of his life and doesn't want to limit her. Their love story would continue after the "movie" ends. It would take place in the 70's. Once she learns how to use her powers she realizes she wants to have a career as a scientist, more specifically she wants to fix Charles' legs (again CS explains more of that), Charles being the kind hearted person he is lets her go even though he loves her and wishes she would stay.

Now this also brings up a split in the plot where it could go a lot of ways

1: We time skip to when she comes back with the news that she wants to fix his legs.

2: We actually start the RP with when she comes back. This option is for those who do not want to RP out the little details of their relationship.

So, Adelaide ends up giving the man who gave her everything the one thing he wants the most, his legs back (CS explains how), and returns to the school. Eventually they tell each other how they feel, this is the fun of RPing I don't want to have it planned out how they tell each other I'd rather RP it out and have fun with it. This idea also has Adelaide's older brother Alexander returning when he learns that she isn't dead. He hates humans and is enraged that she would help someone who wants to help humans. He becomes a major enemy as he works with Magento to try and destroy what Charles is working on/kill his sister. This can be developed later as it is much later in the story plot twist.

So really this whole plot is a love story with action. It can start in many different places.

1: It could start with Charles finding Adelaide before the events of the movie and she helps find Raven, break out Magento, and save the world and then events of the idea unfold after that (she fixes Charles legs etc)

2: It could start with Charles finding Adelaide after the events of the movie and jump right to him trying to help her learn her powers and adjust to being in the real world once again and then events of my plot unfold, he falls in love with her, she leaves to have a career, then returns.

3:It could start with Adelaide returning after having a career and learning that she can fix the professors legs. Then they end up telling each other how they feel and onward.

There are lots of fun things that can go on in this RP. It is set in the 70s so bell bottom pants and we can adjust the world and include Woodstock (I know 1969 but we can stretch the truth) and have the characters go to it.

Beach days in vans, and Adelaide clinging to Charles because she has never seen the ocean. (Lovey Dovey I know, can't help myself).

Charles being there when Adelaide falls down or becomes overwhelmed. Adelaide being there for him when he is feeling down about the school, or Raven.

And there are lots of room to bend the RP and the Idea in any direction really. So just let me know what you think and if you like it what order you would like to start things in. If you want me to explain more about Charles and his character I mean anything just give me your thoughts, opinions questions!

I am just grateful you read this and were willing to hear the idea! If you got this far, you are amazing holy cow.


This idea is rather wide open. My OC is a boxer and a trainer. She has the powers that are much like Poison Ivy. She can control plants.

It would start with Charles trying to get her to join them and learn to control her powers. She would not be a fun, nor would she want to help them. A lot like Logan(Wolverine). However, Charles is charming and rather patient and talks her into it.

It's another slice of life kind of RP. I mean there is lots of room for action and bumps. I need some help plotting here. I am very open to anything really

Criminal Minds: I have not seen the last season. I can play any character you want. I am looking for someone to play Spencer Reid for my OC.

I have a few ideas but really Criminal Minds is wide open. Talk to me, give me plots!

Alright! That is the end of a rather long thread! I hope that there is something that peaks your interest! Shoot me a PM please! I am bendy and open!

Happy Writing!
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Hey Kara! I'd be very interested in a Fantastic Beasts roleplaying, and have an idea for a beginning plot of a Newt x OC plotline if you're still looking.
Hey, I am interested in doing a Harry Potter roleplay if you are still interested. I do both male and female roles so just message me and we can talk about ships and details.
I have an idea that could tie Loki into the first Steve Rodgers plot (of course, it would be post-Thor:TDW).​
I'd have to rewatch DoFP, as I'm not a 100% on if I've seen it... but I'm open to doing it. Especially if you're open to doubling as Raven.​

Okay so this idea takes place during the timeline for Days of Future past. Charles had just lost his legs and had his school shut down due to the war. He is a broken, sad and just all around upset man. He becomes addicted to the serum, that Hank created, that allows him to walk. Though it causes him to lose his abilities, which he is fine with doing. That is when Logan shows up from the future to force him back into the chair because they need to find Raven (Charles' adopted younger sister). If they don't stop Raven then the future of Mutant kind is at a great risk. That is the basic plot of the movie.

My idea involves Charles rescuing my character, Adelaide. I have a whole character sheet that explains her, her powers and just her whole backstory so I will send that later. Charles goes off the serum and finds her with cerebro and this is where the plot can go in many different ways.

1: Charles finds her at the beginning of the "movie". So when Logan forces him off the serum and he uses Cerebo again he finds her first thing because she is so powerful, pain is just rolling off her live a wave. Hank and Charles go to rescue her then and she helps aid in the break out of Magneto (Eric), stop Raven, whole plot of movie.

2: Charles does not find her until the "End" of the movie. So, she wasn't powerful enough for Charles to find her without looking for her specifically. So he doesn't notice her until everything is done and he is restarting his school. That is when he uses Cerebo and finds her and they rescue her.

Now once Adelaide has been found, she ends up really working her way into Charles' heart. She is very caring and innocent (again explained much better in Character Sheet(CS)). He starts to help her understand her powers and how to use them properly. All the while falling in love with her and she to ends up falling for him. It is a rather slow burn and he doesn't want to tell her how he feels because he is bound to a chair for the rest of his life and doesn't want to limit her. Their love story would continue after the "movie" ends. It would take place in the 70's. Once she learns how to use her powers she realizes she wants to have a career as a scientist, more specifically she wants to fix Charles' legs (again CS explains more of that), Charles being the kind hearted person he is lets her go even though he loves her and wishes she would stay.

Now this also brings up a split in the plot where it could go a lot of ways

1: We time skip to when she comes back with the news that she wants to fix his legs.

2: We actually start the RP with when she comes back. This option is for those who do not want to RP out the little details of their relationship.

So, Adelaide ends up giving the man who gave her everything the one thing he wants the most, his legs back (CS explains how), and returns to the school. Eventually they tell each other how they feel, this is the fun of RPing I don't want to have it planned out how they tell each other I'd rather RP it out and have fun with it. This idea also has Adelaide's older brother Alexander returning when he learns that she isn't dead. He hates humans and is enraged that she would help someone who wants to help humans. He becomes a major enemy as he works with Magento to try and destroy what Charles is working on/kill his sister. This can be developed later as it is much later in the story plot twist.

So really this whole plot is a love story with action. It can start in many different places.

1: It could start with Charles finding Adelaide before the events of the movie and she helps find Raven, break out Magento, and save the world and then events of the idea unfold after that (she fixes Charles legs etc)

2: It could start with Charles finding Adelaide after the events of the movie and jump right to him trying to help her learn her powers and adjust to being in the real world once again and then events of my plot unfold, he falls in love with her, she leaves to have a career, then returns.

3:It could start with Adelaide returning after having a career and learning that she can fix the professors legs. Then they end up telling each other how they feel and onward.

There are lots of fun things that can go on in this RP. It is set in the 70s so bell bottom pants and we can adjust the world and include Woodstock (I know 1969 but we can stretch the truth) and have the characters go to it.

Beach days in vans, and Adelaide clinging to Charles because she has never seen the ocean. (Lovey Dovey I know, can't help myself).

Charles being there when Adelaide falls down or becomes overwhelmed. Adelaide being there for him when he is feeling down about the school, or Raven.

And there are lots of room to bend the RP and the Idea in any direction really. So just let me know what you think and if you like it what order you would like to start things in. If you want me to explain more about Charles and his character I mean anything just give me your thoughts, opinions questions!

I am just grateful you read this and were willing to hear the idea! If you got this far, you are amazing holy cow.
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