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Ruotsin Björn
Local time
Today 12:43 PM

I've been looking for a big and welcoming community to help me get back into RPing. Google, blessed be its name, guided me right to the Inner Sanctum. I knew that was it the moment I saw the search result link -- the community for me to join -- as if providence itself sanctified my search request. To some, this might seem too unlikely and exaggerated, but I say... them observant sceptics are right -- I just had no better idea for the preface.

On a more serious note, I've been roleplaying for ages now. I scribbled my first image-ridden, colourful and glittery passages in the reign of Web 2.0, but had to go on prolonged hiatus to complete my studies, move to the big city and let the college swallow my spare time up. Now, I balance my studies, my career and my hobbies -- which I have in plenty, much to my delight and dismay.

I'm very passionate about all things gamey. I've had the luxury of working side by side with industry vets on PlayStation 4 and HTC Vive titles and having just enough funds to start a minute venture of my own, even though our debut title is still far from ready. I enjoy designing and rendering games out, board and video alike, especially if they involve more than one player -- it's always fascinating to observe as different people cook up different solutions to the puzzles you challenge them with, and how those solutions often vary to an unprecedented degree.

Another subject I'm smitten with is traditional art. So much so, I'm already in the process of brushing up and prepping my portfolio to try and earn a seat in the art college. I appreciate the challenges you have to face and creative solutions that spring up when you, say, must capture the look and "feel" of your subject in an elaborate portrait. So many techniques to put to the test and instruments to try! I blush to think of an avid gamer with a love for graphite and charcoal.

All that being said, I happen to weave words in a rather dull manner. While I wouldn't call myself the master of wordy excellence, I do fancy in-depth storytelling no matter the genre -- from the heights of High Fantasy to the banality of Romance with a Modern touch. When I have the time to roleplay, I toss out the clock and type away from dusk till dawn (But don't take my word for it!), meaning I'm very much able to conjure up and send away up to 3-4 paragraphs if I've got the stimuli, and the story we're shaping up still catches my eye. I'd say, I'm very open-minded and easy-going -- feel free to hit me up any time and we'll get cracking, ha.

Oh, I also happen to reside right in the middle of Finland -- stuck between warm Baltic waters and frigid Laplandish winds, and prefer not to disturb my biological clock. If we ever start an RP together, it'd be great to sort out the "schedule," if you will, so that my absence in the Western morning and presence in the Western evening does not upset you and sabotage whatever engaging story we come up with.

Yours truly,
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend! Be sure if you have not already to take a look at the sites rules!
The Rules of the Sanctum
Happy Roleplaying!
Hello and welcome, I am also new to the site. I have no idea what you are up for writing wise; but I have a few profiles posted if you want to look around and shoot me a message. I am currently in one story I started today and have pleanty of time to do another.

Happy writing.
Hello and welcome, I am also new to the site. I have no idea what you are up for writing wise; but I have a few profiles posted if you want to look around and shoot me a message. I am currently in one story I started today and have pleanty of time to do another.

Happy writing.

Ahoy... and will do!

I was going to include a paragraph breaking down my interests and pet peeves when it comes to roleplaying, but then I noticed an entire subforum dedicated to partner search/roleplay requests and decided to save all those nifty details for a separate RP profile.

In any case, given we're both strangers in a strange land, I wish us both luck and for our paths to cross sometime! ;)
Ahoy... and will do!

I was going to include a paragraph breaking down my interests and pet peeves when it comes to roleplaying, but then I noticed an entire subforum dedicated to partner search/roleplay requests and decided to save all those nifty details for a separate RP profile.

In any case, given we're both strangers in a strange land, I wish us both luck and for our paths to cross sometime! ;)

Come up with something interesting and we might; I look forward to seeing profiles/interest go up.
*swoops in*

Many many welcomes, we are home to a little bit of everything here, so hopefully you will have no problem finding something that piques your interest.

Any problems see the wonderful staff. If you have more general queries try popping into chat. There is usually a long-term resident or two lurking that will help you if they are able.

Check out requests if you haven't already, i will suggest that you check the first few pages at least since the threads switch up quite frequently, plus there have been alot of new members over the last couple of months.

Here's hoping that we see you around
All the best.
Hi and Welcome
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