Character(s) Inso’s Characters

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Character(s) Inso’s Characters


Valkyrie in training
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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In my own little world
General disclaimer! I do not own any of this stuff, except the names, and ideas! The pictures and music belong to all the lovely people who created them who I discovered on Google Search. The music was found on Spotify. On another note, the songs are more for the vibe of the character!)


Windalyn (Windy) Toraz
Age: 24
Height: 5'10
Weight: 148lbs
Family: Joulric Toraz (Father) Astia Toraz (Mother, Deceased)

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Name: Rosabel Munterios
Age: 22
Family: Vireon Munterios (Father) Liora Munterios (Mother, deceased)
The kingdom of Letripon once served as a beacon of freedom, compassion, and safety in uncertain times. Surrounded by war on all sides, the king of Letripon refused to choose a side and become involved in the war; at least until Vireon took the throne. Decades of neutrality went out the window as the new king took advantage of the countries position. Vireon swooped in and took control of its neighbor to the west, a small kingdom pulled into the war because of long standing alliances. With its army stretched thin, Pelune didn't stand a chance against Vireon and his fully supplied military.

War raged on, Vireon continuing his invasions to take control of every kingdom he could, gaining more and more land, resources, and power. Still, it wasn't enough for Vireon.

Refusing to bow down to Vireon, the remaining countries called a truce and gathered their forces together on the borders of Letripon. Fighting on both fronts, the Letripon forces began to show a weakness. Those trapped outside the borders were unable to receive the resources that they needed, stealing all that they could from the war torn countries Vireon had taken over.

Furious that his kingdom was surrounded and isolated, Vireon gathered his advisors to come up with new battle plans and tactics. It was during one of these meetings that an idea was planted into the king's head, a sinister plot that would require a sacrifice.

Vireon could not know that Dervin, one of his advisor had his own sinister plans and that he was being strung along by forces far more powerful than him. A god, or so he claimed to be, had come to the advisor with an offer he could not refuse. Allow the god to possess the man's body and the man would be gifted with all the powers of his powers. However, what the god failed to share was that he only wanted one thing and once he got it, he would no longer have any use for Vireon or Dervin. What did the god want? The soul of Vireon's daughter, Rosabel.

At first glance, Rosabel's beauty is undeniable, with her long silver hair and gray eyes. She looked every bit the spitting image of her mother Liora when she'd first married Vireon. Unfortunately, they would share the same life of misery and abuse.

Liora and Vireon's marriage was anything but happy. From the moment Liora stepped into the castle of her future husband, Vireon made sure to keep the female under his thumb. Every night the queen was locked away in her chambers, only receiving her husband's attention to conceive a child. When a child was finally conceived, Vireon allowed Liora some freedom. Wanting his kingdom to see he would have an heir, the king paraded his wife around for all to see.

The queen barely survived Rosabel's birth, but she managed to live for another three years and conceive one more time, resulting in her and her son's death. Furious that he was left with a daughter rather than a son, Vireon wanted to get rid of the princess. However, the entire kingdom adored the child who looked exactly like her mother. Eventually, Vireon pawned the princess off on the servants and had nothing at all to do with her, until she turned thirteen and gained her powers.

The entire castle was startled when the usually calm and quiet princess suddenly became irritable and withdrawn. No one was prepared for what would happen at the stroke of midnight on the princess' 13th birthday.

The entire castle was woken up by the screams that ripped from Rosabel's throat only moments before her mouth opened to spew out thousands of shadowbugs. The bugs did nothing but flutter around and eventually disappear, but there was no question where they came from. The only question was, what exactly were they?

It was soon discovered that Rosabel had the power to control shadows and the shadowbugs were not only a way of protecting herself, but a release for her magic when it became too much for her body to handle. From that moment on, Rosabel's life changed for the worst as her father's focus became locked on her and would remain that way for the following 9 years. Vireon forced Rosabel to train from morning to night, learning everything about her magic, strengthening it, and gaining control of it. Her training was brutal, even more so when her father began to lock her powers once her training was over.

It became a punishment. Vireon would lock away Rosabel's powers, forcing her to go through combat training for weeks at a time while her powers began to build up. He would wait until the princess was in physical pain to finally unlock her powers. Tossed into the middle of the forest, trapped in a barrier, the king would send one of his servants to remove the necklace from around Rosabel's neck. The first time it happened, unable to control her magic, the shadowbugs picked the servant apart, leaving nothing more than bloodstained bones. Rosabel was left traumatized while the king gained something to taunt the princess about.

And that's how it was for years, at least until the tides began to turn for the king. His original plan was to use his daughter as a weapon. With her magic, he knew he could easily slice through the other kingdom's numbers. However, he did not want his daughter's powers to be discovered. Not when Dervin came to him with a deal. If Vireon sacrificed his daughter, the god would give him Rosabel's powers which would allow him to destroy the armies on his own. It wouldn't matter if they learned of his magic; they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Vireon eagerly agreed, already plotting his daughter's death the moment he sent his guards to find her. Conflicted about what they were about to become a part of, the guards decided to escape with the princess and flee to the borders in hopes one of the kingdoms would accept Rosabel as a refugee.

Three weeks have passed since then. Rosabel and the guards remain on the run. They steer clear of villages and towns, fearing that word would get back to Vireon. However, the guards realize the flaw in their previous plans when they realized that Letipron was seen as the enemy and they would have to find a way to sneak the princess past all armies to get her to safety.
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Name: Iriel Dadon
Biological Parents: Morwen Dadon (Mother) Madigral Morfir (Father)
Age: 120

Height: 5'11
Weight 165lbs
Eye color: Blue

History: Of all the noble houses, the house of the Lord of the Land was known to be filled with compassion, love, and a connection with nature. The family line became known for their healers, alchemists, and above all else, Lifegivers. When Iriel was born, those who laid eyes on the small infant felt her power lying below the surface. Naturally, the family was quick to show off their new arrival not only celebrating her birth but the power she possessed. However, when the Lord of Battle announced the birth of his own child, claiming he too possessed unusually strong powers for a baby, the competition began in earnest.

It became obvious instantly that the two children were nothing at all alike, from their powers to their milestones. Iriel was the first to speak, the first to solve puzzles, and learn to read and write. Her counterpart was the first to walk and accomplished all physical milestones far younger than most. Although the families ran in the same circles, the two were mostly kept apart with the exception of special occasions held by the king. Their parents still pushed the children to display their talents for the king, hoping to gain his favor.

Outside of her parents' strange competition with the Battle Nobles, Iriel's life was filled with love and laughter. It became apparent early on that the young girl possessed a penchant for plants. Most brushed it off as a natural ability, but at the age of sixteen during her drawing ceremony that theory was laid to rest. When the priestess announced to the crowd gathered to watch the ceremony that the adolescent was a lifegiver, everyone believed that the most powerful of the newly aged Fae had been discovered. Moments later, when the son of the Lord of Battle stepped forward to have his powers drawn, the priestess announced in awe that the male was a deathbringer. Never in their history had a lifegiver and deathbringer existed at the same exact time, but there was no denying it. From that moment on, the two garnered the king's attention without even trying. Unfortunately for him, the customs forced the two to begin their training.

For the first year Iriel felt like an outsider. Both a noble and powerful, the majority of her peers tried to steer clear of her. Some attempted to bully her, believing because of her gentle nature she would not defend herself. They would discover too late that Iriel may not respond with violence, that did not mean she would allow anyone to push her around. The first attempt ended with the male harassing Iriel trapped in a tree until he not only admitted what he attempted to do to her, but apologize in a way that Iriel believed to be sincere. Eventually he snapped and gave into her demands, after spending several hours attempting to outwait the female. He grew tired of trying to fight his way out long before Iriel began to show signs of weakening.

Once she received her apology, Iriel let the male down gently and went about her way as if nothing happened. That was her way. She wasn't dumb enough to believe that wouldn't gain her more trouble than not. Oddly enough, it was the son of Battle that eventually became her shield in ways that she never expected. As the two were forced to face off against each other time after time, with Iriel keeping up with the male that most of the trainees feared. That in itself was more than enough motivation for Iriel to push herself harder. Not only did she have her parents words echoing in her mind, but the moment she lost to him she was doomed.

In spite of the constant competition between them, the two began to grow close. What started off as outright rivalry became something close to friendship. No one knew that they began to meet up in secret, training to exhaustion. It got to the point that Iriel began to feel as if she spent more time with him than her own friends. Iriel began to look forward to the time they spent together. By the time she realized that feelings were developing on her side it was too late. There would be no turning back.

Now in her fourth year of training, Iriel is beginning to grow anxious. With only one year left before they return to their lives, she knows it's only a matter of time until she would need to think about her future. He would be destined to serve the king. As for her? Iriel knew her path wasn't her own. Arrangements would be made and her fate would be left in her father's hands. Although her father would not sell her off to the highest bidder the way most nobles would, she knew there would be no avoiding marriage, that much remained certain. The best she could hope for was being married off to a decent man and allowed to use her gifts for the greater good. It wasn't a life she would have chosen for herself, but it wasn't the worst scenario either.

With time slipping through her fingers, Iriel's focus as been on training. Although she hoped to never have to use her offensive training, the female honed her protection skills, always hoping that she will never need to utilize either skill. Something in her gut told her she was going to need every skill she could learn. The sense of foreboding continued to grow up until the first abduction.

Rumors spread that the instructor had grown tired of his profession and finally lest his position after centuries. But when he stumbled back into the sanctuary without a drop of magic in his body and no memory of where he'd been, Iriel finally understood why her instincts were one constant alert. She may have questioned how she knew if the answer actually mattered.

The kidnappings continued, growing more frequent. It started as once a month soon turned into once a fortnight. Now it was down to once a week and the kidnapper was growing bolder. They still only took one victim, but they no longer waited until the cover of night to strike. WIth things only continuing to escalate, Iriel begins to question if she should try to find answers on her own. A foolish endeavor, but one that the female would attempt if it meant saving someone from losing their magic.
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Slice of Life Characters:

Name: Jessica (Jess) Logan
Age: 18
Family: Anthony Logan (Father, deceased) Tara Logan (Mother, deceased) Damon Logan (Brother, deceased)
After Jessica is struck by a car, her brother begs his best friend that if something should ever happen, that he (BF) would look after Jessica. In a position to be able to afford the responsibility, the friend accepts, believing it would never come to that. However, when the entire Logan family is murdered and Jessica is left alone, he is forced to step in to help her.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 138lbs

History: From the moment she came into the world, Jessica Logan became the darling of the Logan family. Knowing she would be the last child they would have, her parents adored her and even her older brother Damon doted on her. However, the spoiling never went to the girl's head. She understood from an early age that despite her parents' desire for a large family, she was the product of years of fertility problems and that her conception alone was considered a miracle by Anthony and Tara. She also grew to understand that no matter how important she was to her father, his work was a priority that he could not ignore.

Anthony Logan made a name for himself right out of law school when he took a case that eventually would make headlines around the world after when he defended a member of the Russian mafia on a murder charge. The fact that the man was acquitted earned the lawyer lots of attention and it wasn't long before the mafia pulled him into their world. Anthony knew that trouble that his choice could bring, but he also could not deny his family the lavish lifestyle that came with his decision. He knew the risks, but always assumed that he would be the sole target of the mafia's ire. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.

When Jessica was ten she became the first target in the family, or perhaps she was merely a target of opportunity; the family would never know. After one of lower members is charged with an assault on a child and Anthony refuses to take the case, a loud message was sent. Jessica was struck by a car as she walked to a friends house, the vehicle jumping the curb to hit her then speed off. She was lucky to escape with only a few minor injuries and a cast on her left leg, but her father knew that wouldn't remain the case if he didn't do what the mafia wanted him to. The accident foreshadowed a lengthy struggle for Anthony Logan, who felt trapped in his position. He did as he was asked to despite the fact that he was beginning to resent his choices.

Things grew quiet after the accident and Anthony began to walk the line set for him, at least until a few months before the family's murder. Once again Anthony was called in to defend a member of the mafia, this time accused of murdering his mistress. The evidence was all circumstantial and it should have been a walk in the park getting the man acquitted. However, when it was revealed that there was a witness to the crime, the mistress' ten year old daughter, and that the mafia planned to take the little girl out, Anthony could no longer stand by and defend them. He informed the police and FBI of the planned attempt and the girl was placed under protection until the day she testified and then quickly hidden away from the world before she could be harmed. It didn't take long for the mobsters to realize what happened, which sealed the fate of the Logan family, all except Jessica who continued to remain oblivious to her father's troubles. And why wouldn't she? Her parents did everything in their power to shield her from the truth as much as they could and the teenager was happy to focus on her own life.

By this point Jessica was graduating from high school, not exactly at the top of her class but certainly not near the bottom either. Academically there was nothing remarkable about the young woman that would have had colleges banging down her door. It was her talent on a soccer field that paved her way into one of the most prestigious college in the country. From the moment the acceptance letter came, Jessica's focus was on enjoying her last bit of freedom before buckling down to pour all of her energy into her education while also leading the college's women's soccer team to championships. That was her plan when she left her family the last week of August with her best friend for a girl's trip to the Florida Keys. One last fling before she settle down. Sadly, the trip would be interrupted by a phone call and the terrible news that her family was dead and that her childhood home was nothing more than ashes.​

Name: Victoria (Tori) Neisin
Age: 18
Profession: Student/Receptionist
Family: Rodrick Neisin (Father) Laura Neisin (Mother) Victor Neisin (Brother)

History: The Neisin family had always been that family on the block, the ones everyone talked about but no one interfered with out of fear of Rodrick's wrath. Being the wealthiest family in their small town as well as the main employer made Rodrick practically untouchable, although the rumor mill loved to spread the gossip each time Laura stepped out of the house with wide sunglasses or long sleeved shirts on hot summer days. It wasn't uncommon for the patriarch of the family to brag about how he'd put his wife in her place or how he kept his children in line. Of all the members of the household, Tori was the one who got off the lightest. The apple of her father's eye, the girl received a slap on the wrist for offenses that would earn her brother or mother a beating of a lifetime. Fortunately for them, Tori did not abuse the situation. Rather than take advantage of the way her father would turn his brutal assaults on his spouse and son, Tori began to take responsibility for offenses she knew would lead to trouble.

Seven years her senior, Victor was out of the house before he was even eighteen. At the age of 16 he fast tracked his way through the last two years of high school and enlisted in the Navy the minute he was free. He didn't have any problems having his father or mother sign off on the paperwork and at the age of 17 Victor was off leaving Tori and Laura behind until he could swoop in to save them. Unfortunately, he would never get the opportunity to.

Three years after Victor's departure, Rodrick's wrath could no longer be satisfied by slapping his wife around the house. The man became a sadist, inflicting physical pain on his spouse and emotionally and psychologically terrorizing both Laura and Tori. Rodrick would make Tori choose her mother's punishments, giving her horrifyingly brutal options that would leave the older woman scarred for life. If Tori refused to chose, he would simply inflict both punishments and force the young teenager to watch. Their sprawling mansion became a regular house of horrors and the once beautiful Laura was merely a shell of her former self, without an ounce of courage to defend herself or her daughter. Tori herself began to shrink into the background, hiding away from everyone and everything out of fear of what would happen if she infuriated her father at the wrong time.

All the while, Victor was trying to make a name for himself in the military. Along the way he became friends with a man whose background didn't differ much from his own. Born into wealth with a dictator of a father and a mouse of a mother, his best friend knew exactly what it was like to witness abuse. Like Victor, he'd run off the first chance he got, deciding to run straight to the one place his father couldn't reach him. However, the moment his enlistment was up, the man made a life for himself. He purchased a ranch where he was determined to live out the remainder of his days with only the people he chose to keep in his life, Victor being one of them. It was this friendship that eventually became Victor's saving grace, at least at first. With his friend's support, Victor intended to rescue his mother and sister, bringing them to the ranch where they could recover from their emotional scars and begin new lives for themselves.

However, Rodrick had other plans. Learning that Laura intended to leave with a now fifteen year old Tori, the man lost what little of his sanity remained. In the middle of the night and directly in front of Tori, the man doused his wife in gasoline and burned her alive, leaving Tori to find her way out of the burning home with nothing more than the clothes on her back and a lifetime of trauma.

For the first time, Rodrick finally faced the consequences of his actions. The trial, which became the spectacle of the century in their little town, lasted two whole years, mostly due to the Tori's traumatized state. As the only witness, the state's case relied heavily on a girl who refused to speak at all, yet that did not deter the prosecutors. They managed to build their case, using the now mute teenager's trauma as well as her attempts at communication to nail Rodrick for his crimes. The punishment wasn't near harsh enough for the lifetime of torment he'd put his family through, but it ensured that Victor and Tori would never have to lay eyes on the man again. This also left both children with a small fortune at their disposal.

At first, Victor invested in Tori's mental health. He hired all of the best psychiatrists and therapists to analyze the young woman. Doctors were brought in to find if there was a physical cause for her silence. They all came to the same conclusion; Tori could speak, she simply refused to. She did, however, find comfort in music. During a therapy session while her therapist sought out ways to help the girl express herself, she was placed in front of a piano and from that moment on things changed. Tori didn't begin to speak, but with a new outlet for all of her emotions, she would spend hours behind the keyes, playing lamentful songs. Still, she was no closer to finding her voice than she had been from the night of the murder.

Enter Victor's original escape plan for his sister. Knowing that a change of scenery as well as a new start was exactly what his sister needed, the man sends her off to stay with his best friend, hoping that being surrounded by nature along with the solitude of his friend's ranch will help her regain some peace of mind and start to heal the scars left behind.


Name: Delilah (Del) Rose Niale
Age: 27
Family: Alexander Niale (Father) Sarah Niale (Mother) Mia Niale (Younger Sister 20) Ava Niale (Younger Sister 17) Roger Niale (Paternal Grandfather)
Height: 5'8
Weight: 142lbs
Profession: Paralegal​
History: The oldest of Alex and Sarah's 3 children, Delilah was always a good role model for her younger sisters. She never argued with her parents, always did her chores, and focused on school. She loved playing with her sisters, especially Mia who she grew close to as the younger girl grew. The family lived comfortably and happy in their little piece of suburbia.
When Delilah turned sixteen, her grandmother passed away leaving her grandfather Roger alone. It was decided early on that the Niale patriarch would move in with the family rather than live alone inside his large house. There adjustment was quick and easy with Roger easily slipping into the family dynamics. Delilah loved listening to her grandfather talk about his marriage to her grandmother and the love their shared over the years. The stories always filled the teenagers head full of romantic notions that would eventually lead her down a road better left untouched.

After graduating top of her class, Delilah headed off to college to follow in her grandmother's footsteps, who was not only the first female of her family to attend college, but one of the few female lawyers in their little hometown. She had everything planned from going to her grandmother's chosen schools to the type of law firm she wanted to work for. There was never any plans to meet anyone or fall in love, not at first at least. For the first two years of college, Del kept to her books and skipped socializing. She wanted to make something of herself and thought if she was distracted the way some of her friends were, she wouldn't be able to achieve her goals. That all changed when she met Corey Masters.

Known to be the campus playboy, Delilah didn't give Corey much attention when he first approached her. She would try to ignore him when he showed up to walk her to classes or saved her a spot at her favorite cafe to share a cup of coffee with her. Eventually he word her down and she agreed to go out with him. Corey laid on the charm and within six months after their meeting they officially became a couple.

The first few months of their relationship was good. They spent time enjoying each other's company, doing everything that normal couples would do. Little did Del know, it was all an illusion and sooner rather than later her dream would turn into a nightmare.

The first time Corey hit her had been over a perceived insult. She simply made a joke about how easily distracted he could be and he back slapped her. Her first instinct was to break up with him, but Corey knew how to win her back. Unfortunately, that would not be the last time Corey laid hands on her or the last time she would go back to him. The first few times she returned because she thought that he loved her. She thought, like most women did, that she could help him become a better person. Eventually, she simply stayed out of fear. Not fear of what Corey would do to her. It was fear of disappointing her family and embarrassment over how easily she'd been manipulated that kept her in the relationship.

She finally confessed everything to her grandfather after her graduation from college. Roger immediately went to his son and the two formulated a plan to get Delilah away from Corey before he ended up killing her. Calling in a favor from his friend. Alex secured a place for his daughter to live, states away from her abusive ex. Knowing that she would need a job and someone who could keep an eye on her, he asked his friend to help once again and eventually Delilah was given a job working as a paralegal, with her free time spent going to law school to finally get her law degree.​
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Name: Eslaria Atel'dora
Age: 275
Position: Princess of Horinsin
Parents: Joeznior Atel'dora (Father) Noraneta Atel'dora (Mother) Felton Atel'dora (Older brother, heir to the throne Mischanana Atel'dora (Older sister)

Height: 6'3
Weight: 193lbs
Markings: on her wrist

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Name: Inica Sultera
Age: 30
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Name: Emonie Harrington
Age: 20
Family: Esmond Harrington (Father, King) Jusella Harrington (Mother, Deceased), Edwen Harrington (Brother)

Height: 5'8
Weight: 143lbs

History: The kingdom of Notten rejoiced with the birth of Emonie, who was not only a symbol of a successful peace treaty, but the first female born to the Harrington family in generations. Her birth was seen as a sign that their kingdom had been blessed.

Despite the fact that Esmond and Jusella were forced to marry to cement a peace agreement between Esmond and Jusella's father, the two eventually grew to love one another. By the time Edwen was born, Esmond was head over heels in love with his wife and nothing could change that.

Although the love was not fully present at the time of Emonie's birth, the princess never felt that her parents did not care for each other in some way, and that care passed down to her. As the couple tried for years to have another child, Emonie became the center of her parents' world and she was doted on. She lived a happy, carefree life. She was educated by the wisest scholars her father could find. Her wardrobe was always up to date with the latest fashions and made with the finest fabrics money could buy. She had everything she could ever want, including her parents' love.

Most would assume that when the king and queen announced the queen's pregnancy ten years later that Emonie would have thrown a fit at losing her place as the only child. In reality, she was thrilled to have a younger sibling. Once Edwen was born, Emonie did not let him out of her sight. Her parents often joked that she was more of a mother to the prince than Jusella was. Unfortunately, there was some truth behind the joke.

After Edwen's birth, Jusella began to grow weak. At first it didn't seem too unusual for after having a child, but as months turned into a year, then two, they knew there was more going on.

Healers from all over the kingdom were called, but no one could figure out what was wrong with the queen or how to heal her. Jusella continued to live, however, she spent the majority of her time in bed, barely able to leave her rooms without feeling exhausted. During this time, Esmond began to change. The loving husband and father, and noble king were replaced by someone colder, far more malicious than the Esmond Emonie had been raised by. Her father had become cruel, heartless and hungry for power, the complete opposite of the man she'd known.

It wasn't hard to look for the person responsible for the change. Like a storm, Lurician came entered the castle, destroying life as Emonie knew it. From her first meeting with the man, she did not trust him. The way her looked at her made her skin crawl, but it was the way he glared at her brother when he thought no one was looking that sealed the man's bad impression. Emonie would not allow the man near her brother, even going as far as having his rooms moved to her wing of the castle to keep a closer eye on him.

Her father's change in personality wasn't the end of the strange occurrences that came along with Lurician's arrival. People that she'd known for years were suddenly behaving in ways that were unusual for them. Emonie did not know what was going on, but Jusella did. Esmond came to her after he first made his pact with the ruler of the Underworld. All he needed to do was open the portal to the Underworld and allow his demons to possess his people. In exchange, Jusella would be cured and Esmond would have a demon army at his command.

At first, Jusella held off from telling her children anything with the hope that Esmond would realize the horrible mistake he made and try to fix it. She knew her husband was a lost cause when she realized that slowly but surely, every member of their guard was being possessed. When she could no longer keep things quiet, she finally called for Emonie to reveal the truth. The princess didn't believe it at first. With Jusella's illness, she thought perhaps her mother was losing her sanity as well as her health. It wasn't until she witnessed a disturbing encounter between Luricien and one of the maids that she realized her mother was speaking the truth.

Emonie returned to her room, trying to decide what to do. Her mother was far too ill to be able to escape with Edwen and there wasn't anyone that could be trusted. Knowing that she didn't have much of a choice, the princess gathered up what supplies she could and in the dead of the night escaped with Edwen. Now she is on a quest to get him to safety and try to find someone willing to help fight against her father before it's too late.
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Name: Vincelilia Wicotrios
Age: 300
Position: Princess of Yuna'Devo
Family: Alimarand Wicotrios (Father) Faria Wicotrios (Mother) Losinda Wicotrios (Older Sister, Heir to the throne)
Magic: Fire Magic
Other Skills: Because of Yuna'Devo's need
World History: No one knows why the continent of Ixian was split into two, or how the sun does not touch the frozen wasteland to the north while beating down constantly on the land to the south. There was no war between the two countries prior to the shift. In fact, according to history, the two lands were intended to seal an alliance between them with a marriage between the Yuna'Devon princess and the prince to the north.

What history does not tell is that the prince to the north was unfaithful before he was set to marry the Yuna'Devon princess. Before the arrangement was set in stone, he began a love affair with a powerful witch. The witch wished for the prince to choose her, pleading with him to marry her instead and promising she could fix everything so that war would be prevented and the princess would not be insulted. However, the prince refused. He had his sights set on becoming a king, and he fully intended to marry the princess to ensure it happened.

Scorned, the witch went straight to the princess to inform her of her intended husband's betrayal. Unaware that the witch intended to punish the princess as well for stealing her true love from her, the witch convinced the princess to allow her to place a curse on the prince's lands using her blood. Knowing it was foolish to trust the witch, especially with her blood, the princess was too blinded by her rage to think about it too deeply.

With her own sacrifice to the god of Chaos, the witch cursed both lands with the north feeling the coldness of the prince's true heart and the south feeling the heat of the princess' wrath until the two could truly be healed by love. However, to truly break the curse, one must kill the other and spend the rest of their lives without their love.

The beginning of Yuna'Devo's recorded history begins after the shift, after the land had died off and gave way to the desert wasteland that it is at the time of Vincelilia's birth. (And this is all that is needed for the roleplay!)
Name: A'vera
Age: 250
Element: Water
Magic: Water based spells, water manipulation, minor healing spells, minor poison spells
Height: 6'0
Weight: 157lbs

Family: Ne'vor (Father) Tal'yana (Mother) Ru'ven (Brother) Rynka (Sister)

♥Soft Spoken
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Name: Son'Ra
Age: 117

(Like almost all the other characters, this is a work in progress!)
Aerilyn D'Roserio]

Age: 25
Height: 5'3
Weight: 111lbs
Family: Helmidor D'Roserio (Father) Avalanne D'Roserio (Mother, Deceased)

Skills: Hunting, Leatherworking, Bone crafting

Annasea (Ann-a-sea-) Chambers
Age: 18
Occupation :Apprentice

  • Annasea is fairly accurate with any type of ranged weapon, but she prefers shotguns over all.
  • Minor psychic abilities. (Predicting when something will be useful in the future. Communication with members of her Ka-tet.)
  • Breeding and training Billybumblers
  • Calm under pressure
  • Not easily intimidated
  • Resourceful
  • Empathetic
  • Socially awkward
  • Not very feminine
  • Snarky
  • Short-tempered
  • Stubborn
  • Intolerant of people she deems stupid
General Appearance
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 137lbs
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Shooting
  • Can be charming when she needs to be
  • None.
General Personality
Annasea is a straight shooter who doesn't put up with much. She calls it like she sees it, and rarely can be persuaded to change her opinion once she's formed one. She's a perfectionist who is her own worst critic, always pushing herself harder than anyone else can. She does not often rely on others outside her own Ka-Tet and rarely trusts anyone besides her ka-mate Edgar and her bumbler Pere.

She's not much of a talker, only adding comments when and if she feels they are necessary. Because of the gifts that she inherited from her great-grandfather, she usually does not have to speak to communicate with those she is closest to.

She is stubborn to a fault, often refusing to listen to the advice of others because she believes that she knows better. Because of this, it is not uncommon for her to get into trouble with her teachers and anyone who tries to guide her on her path to becoming a gunslinger.

She does not allow people to get close to her. The handful of people she has deemed worthy of her respect and admiration are the only ones that she bothers with if she can help it. Although she can be difficult and standoffish toward most, she had does have a soft spot for children and animals.

Parents: Roger and Alice Chambers
Brother: Patrick Chambers

Uncles: Robert, Alan, and Derrin Chambers
Cousins: Edward, Terrence, Carl, and Clemins
Grandparents: Edwin and Rose (Deceased) Chambers
Great-Grandparents: Jake and Ellena (Deceased) Chambers
Ka-mate: Edgar Dean (Born on the same day, an hour after Annasea)

Early Childhood:

Annasea was born the youngest of Roger and Alice Chambers, the only female born into the Chambers family, and the youngest grandchild of Jake Chambers. There was nothing unusual about her when she was born, nothing at all that made her stand out above all the other Chamber children, but it was obvious from the start that she was Jake Chamber's favorite great-grandchild. She had a fairly normal childhood with an affinity for billybumblers, and a habit of spending hours in silence, while her ka-mate Edgar Dean chatted away beside her. At first her parents thought that she could not speak at all, but as she grew older, she began to talk a bit more, never as much as other children her age, but enough to put their fears to rest

No one could have predicted that Annasea would be the only of the Chamber children to inherit the blood of Arthur Eld, not until the girl picked up her father's gun to shoot a snake that was trying to attack her billybumbler when she was five. Everyone expected that it would be Patrick, the oldest of the siblings who would be sent off to the castle to train with the other aspiring gunslingers, but within a week of the incident, Annasea was packed off and sent to begin her training.

Her first year was difficult for her. Being the only female in her ka-tel, she had to work twice as hard to prove that she belonged. The first year was spent fighting off the boys of her ka-tel, throwing punches whenever she believed they were trying to insult her, and being an all-out terror to her instructors. If it wasn't for her natural abilities with a gun, and her quick thinking in stressful situations, she might have been tossed out before she could even begin her trial.

Early Adolescence:
The next few years of her training went a bit smoother, at least until Annasea reached adolescence and the differences between herself and her ka-tl became more obvious. She hated her developing body, but hated the attention it brought her even more. The senseless fights of her childhood started anew, only this time it was Annasea's way of putting the boys in her class in their place and asserting herself as just another part of the ka-tel. As the ka-tel settled and adjusted to the changes that came with their age, Annasea settled down along with them, but began to retreat more and more into herself. It wasn't uncommon not to hear a word out of her for days at a time, and the only person she willing spoke to at any lengths were Edgar and her great-grandfather.

During this time in Annasea's life she was dealing with changes on all fronts. With the passing of her grandmother and great-grandmother, she lost two of the most prominent female role models she had. What little influence the two women had over Annasea quickly faded away, and the girl who was just beginning to show the smallest traces of femininity reverted back to her tomboyish ways.

While her parents weren't particularly pleased with the turn of events, her teachers were thrilled with the development. Not only did Annasea throw herself into her training, but she was determined to outperform everyone in ka-tel. She immersed herself in her lessons, and would often get i

nto trouble for sneaking away to get in extra practice with her guns long after the day's lessons were over.

Name: Sylvara (Sly)
Race: Forest Nymph
Age: 172 (Mentally 22)
Family: Kiana (Mother) Elowen (Older Sister)

Powers: Healing, Nature Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Telekinesis

History: Sylvara did not know much about the circumstances of her birth, only that her father was a beloved god who became injured during a hunt on earth, and began an illecit affair with her mother after she healed him. The stories were always told with an air of amusement, a tale that no one repeating the rumor truly believed, not with how humble and plain Kiana appeared to everyone. What everyone did know was that Slyvara, unlike her sister Elowen, was the result of Kiana's love for one male, and it showed in the way Slyvara was raised.

Elowen was quick to pick up on her mother's favoritism. The product of a failed relationship between Kiana and a Satyr, the differences in Kiana's treatment of her children was not entirely night and day. The nymph loved both of her daughters, but it was Sylvara she shared her every secret with, and the youngest daughter who held her heart the tightest. Of course, most would have seen why if they observed the two females close enough. While Elowen snubbed those she considered weaker than her, Sly was welcoming them with open arms and treating them as long lost friends. One made of lust and one made of love, behind closed doors, that was how Kiana's two daughter's were referred without anyone needing to share which sister they were referring to.

While Elowen was always in the background, planning and schemeing, Sly was at the center of attention bringing happiness to everyone she met and doing everything in her power to make the world around her a better place. By the time they were presented to the fae king Toliath, personality wasn't the only strength that Slyvara had over her sister. Her connection to nature was far stronger thanks to her mother's lessons and her own compassionate nature. However, what Slyvara lacked was what Elowen held in abundance; ambition. Determined to outshine her sister in some way, Elowen went about earning the king's respect in a different fashion; by showing his son exactly how cunning she could be when necessary.

Moved away from their valley home and their mother, Elowen and Sylvara were ushered into the king's court to learn about the kingdom beyond their small portion of it. With new exposure to power, Elowen thrived in their new environment of political intrigue while Sylvara made a name for herself in entirely different ways. Her good nature and cheerful disposition made others flock to her. When it came to disputes, Syl was the first to be called in to calmly mediate the situation. To anyone watching the two sisters it became apparent that each one had their motivations. Sylvara inspired to make the world a better place. Her sister only cared for their home and their kind. This made the king's decision clear when it came time to appointing his envoy into the human world.

The announcement came as a shock to all, Sylvara in particular. The nymph dove into her position and her mission with a heart full of excitement. She studied every book she could get her hands on about humans and their customs, wanting to make the best impression on the humans she would be meeting, all the while her sister whispered warnings in her ear about the weaknesses of man. Sylvara ignored it for the most part, but the words began to dampen her enthusiasm. However, Sylvara was not the type to let anything keep her down for long. As the day of her journey approaches, she remains filled with hope and a renewed excitement for the future.

Name: Leilani Donavon
Age: 28
Height: 5'8
Weight: 136lbs
Profession: Writer/Journalist

Family: Ava Martin (Mother) Daniel Martin (Stepfather) Williarm Donavon (Father) Aiden Donavon (Brother)

History: Although her mother will never say it, Leilani was Ava's attempt at fixing her marriage to William. After being disappointed that their first child was a son, Ava quickly became pregnant with Lailani, hoping that by giving her husband a daughter things would improve between them. Sadly, Leilani's arrival only highlighted the flaws in her marriage. First to show off his infant daughter, Willian did nothing more as a parent than brag. By the time Leilani was three, her mother was finished and her father was temporarily out of their lives. Ava packed the kids up and moved them back to her hometown. With the support of her parents, it didn't take long for her to get back on her feet and the trio's lives truly began.

Despite her parents' unhappy marriage during her younger years, Lani was a happy child, if not a bit of a handful at times. Even at a young age, Lani was passionate about everything. From basketball to writing, whatever she set her sights on, she put her full effort into it, at times growing frustrated with herself when she made small mistakes. This is where Aiden often swooped in to save the day. As the older sibling, Aiden took his role as older brother seriously from the very start. Although he was only a few years older than Lani, Aiden was always there to step in whenever she got too carried away with herself. Their mother often joked that Aiden inherited all the patience and he had to share it with Lani. That was how it was with the siblings. While Aiden was patient, calm, and laid back, Lani was almost his polar opposite. Lani always had to be on the go. She needed to remain busy and if she wasn't, she usually ended up landing herself in trouble. Everyone learned early on that a bored Lani usually meant a lesson would be learned the hard way.

Daniel did not enter the family's lives until Lani was eleven. Daniel started off as Aiden's soccer coach, forming a bond with the boy who was desperately seeking a father figure almost instantly. Lani, on the other hand, took a bit longer to warm up to the man, always holding out hope that her parents would get together. In spite of her hopes, the pre-teen did not hold it against Daniel when Ava began to date him. Seeing how happy her mother was with Daniel, with only the fading memories of her parents stormy relationship, Lani eventually began to warm up to the new man in Ava's life. It wasn't long before the trio became a quartet and the family happily settled in to their new lives.

William remained out of their lives until Aiden's sixteenth birthday. Only Lani was truly surprised when out of nowhere William showed up at their door, just in time to witness the new car her mother and stepfather purchased for Aiden pulling into the driveway with the excited teenager behind the wheel. Young as he was, Aiden figured out quickly that his father was not there to see him or his sister. William certainly didn't help himself with the way he eyed up his son's vehicle. From that day forward, Aiden wanted nothing at all to do with his father, but Lani simply could not shut the man out of her life. However, William disappeared, only to reappear when it was her turn to be handed over the keys to her own car.

Aiden and his parents bit their tongues as they watched Lani chauffeur her father around, often dropping everything she was doing to take the man here and there without even a dollar given to her for gas. They were all relieved, save Lani, when William vanished again, most likely getting himself into trouble and needing a quick get away before it caught up to him. William's disappearing act didn't bring Lani down for long, not when she turned eighteen shortly afterward. Now considered an adult, Leilani didn't have time to think about her father while her entire future was ahead of her.

Name: Liora Brightforge
Age: 25
Family: Kaelen Brightforge (Father) Nyira Brightforge (Mother) Riven Brightforge (Older brother, heir to the throne) Mirelle Brightforge (Younger sister)

Height: 5'5
Weight: 127lbs
Eye color: Hazel

Name: Tovana
Age: 22
Race: Fae
Family: Lespin (Father, Deceased) Mara (Mother) Tulan (Younger Sister)

Height: 5'11
Weight: 176lbs

Markings: A long, thin scar that runs from the top of her left shoulder blade down to the small of her back. Two small scars, circular scars on the left side of her neck. The Mark of the Ascended on the back of her neck.


Life and memories:
Tovana's memories begin at the age of seven, two years after the slaughter of her family. What happened during those two years and even the memories of her time before that are a blank in her mind and the Emperor's request, all discussions of her past were forbidden. The emperor swore it was to protect her fragile mental state, but the truth was far more sinister. Those secrets would remain hidden forever, although Tovana rarely went a day without trying to draw her memories back from where they'd been buried.

Tovana was not introduced to the Empire until her tenth birthday and from that moment on her life was put on display. She was shroud in red from head to toe, every part of her covered save for a single opening for her eyes. Although to the public the young fae was raised as a princess, doted on and given only the best of everything, behind closed doors her life was far colder than portrayed. She had no friends. Her maids were more her keepers than caregivers. Even her guards were cold and distant with her. By the time she reached the age of eighteen, the fae had grown tired of it. Desperate for companionship, eager for even a taste of what the world beyond Lamosis.

Despite her isolation, Tovana did what she could to make friends with anyone she met. Eventually, she learned her guards were the easiest to win over. None dared to truly engage with her, however, they did often spoil her in subtle ways. They would bring flowers to decorate her room and sneak her sweets that she was forbidden to have. Having at least a few people she could consider allies boosted Tovana's confidence and only amplified her desire to seek life outside of Lamosis.

Name: Natalie Curtis
Age: 28
Family: Michael Curtis (Father) Kelly Curtis (Mother) Katherine McDaniels (Younger Sister) Chase McDaniels (Brother in Law) Matthew (Younger Brother)
Profession: Personal assistant

History: Natalie's life was always under a microscope. From the day she was born to Kelly and Michael Curtis, to the day she started college, there was always someone watching her. With parents not only famous for their medical practices and their may life saving accomplishments, it was impossible to stay out of sight no matter how hard she tried. Impossibilities came aplenty when she also needed to live up to the high standards her parents set for her.

The spotlight remained after her younger sister Katherine was born, and when her baby brother Matthew the pressure remained. Most of the blame could laid on her parents' shoulders. They wanted their children to follow in their footsteps. Fluent in dozens of languages, able to play multiple instruments and sports between them, Kelly and Michael wanted their children to be as well adjusted and talented as they were. By the time Natalie was five she was already active in soccer and taking piano and dance lessons. By middle school she was starting her own pursuit in interests that still fell in line with her parents wishes. She became active in the student government and a journalist on the school newspaper. Her resume of extracurricular activities landed her a top spot in one of the most elite high schools in the country, which would be the first time in her life Natalie managed to get out from under her parents watch.

Despite the freedom being away for school gave her, Natalie refused to participate in any activity that would bring embarrassment to her parents. She remained a straight A student, active in every group and organization that would pad her already glowing list of accomplishments for college applications. Her goals were no longer to meet her parents' standards, but to outshine the two people in the world who were always more concerned with what she did than who she was to them.

After graduating from high school, Natalie returned home to prepare for her freshman year of college; the same college that both her parents graduated from years before her. The plan was simply to lay low for the summer and spend time with her younger siblings who she adored. Her parents, however, had already filled her summer with various charity events and activities that Natalie had no interest in. Still, they pestered her to follow in their footsteps and become involved with nonprofits to boost her future resume. Sadly, Natalie caved into the pressure and through her college years, she followed her parents advice and became involved in the same charities that they were, at least until she graduated from college and landed herself an internship across the country.

Natalie made a life for herself in Seattle. Her internship eventually led to a career as a personal assistant to Vikki Lynn, one of the most sought after press representatives on the west coast. However, four years into her employment, just as she was about to venture into the PR world on her own when she received that her father had a heart attack and she needed to come home to learn how to run his company. Natalie knew in her heart it was all a ploy to get her back under their thumb and as much as she wanted to resist, she could not ignore the pull of family duty. What Natalie doesn't know is that while it is true her father plans to get her involved in the family business, that is not the only reason that he needs his daughter to return home. After making several bad investments, Michael has gotten himself in a hole. His solution? Sell his daughter to his debtor in hopes that she will cover his debts.
Name: Natalya Orlav
Birthday: October 13th
Age: 27
Hometown: Baltimore

Family: Dominik Orlav (Father) Kira Orlav (Mother, Deceased) Dimitri Orlav (Uncle) Nikoliai Orlav (Uncle, deceased) Andrei Orlav (Oldest Cousin) Karina Orlav (Youngest cousin, missing) Ivan Orlav (Youngest Cousin)

Height: 5'10
Weight: 152lbs

Languages: Russian, Italian, French

Degrees: Bachelor's in Cybersecurity and Computer Science

Miscellaneous Skills: MMA training, pilot's license

History: The only child of Dominik and Kira Orlav, Natalya was considered something of a miracle baby by her family. From the moment she was born, she was spoiled rotten by her parents and their extended family. She learned early in childhood that her life was not the same as the other kids her age. She was driven by a personal chauffer who also served as her body guard and was given the royal treatment anywhere she went with her parents. As a young child, she didn't fully understand why her father was both respected and feared by those he came across, although she witnessed the consequences of any slight against her father firsthand. Although her parents tried to protect her from the violence of their world, Natalya couldn't escape it and eventually she learned to tune it out.

Being the daughter of the head of the Orlav family, Natalya had full access to the best life had to offer. While she didn't necessarily agree with her father's choices in business, she kept her mouth shut knowing that it was his choices that brought her all the luxuries she enjoyed. She tried to keep herself isolated from the family business as much as possible, and would have been happy to grow up and move away from her family's life of crime if not for being pulled into it.

At the age of thirteen, Natalya and her mother were cornered by a hitman sent to take out the two of them and her father who missed going out with them because of an emergency. They were lucky enough to escape with their lives, but the encounter changed Natalya's views forever. She still had no desire to join in her family's illegal activities, she understood that she would be forever linked to them. The only way that she could truly remain safe was if she learned to protect herself on top of the added security her father provided.

At the age of sixteen, Natalya was well on her way to graduating high school while also earning several credits toward college. She used the skills she learned to protect her family's activities without fully getting involved. It didn't take long at all until she was using her skills to gain information on people without the possibility of being tracked. Hacking became her game, illegal, but easy to hide and cover up her tracks. But she wasn't satisfied with that. Natalya wanted to continue to be part of the family, but she insisted on being the face of their legitimate businesses.

At the age of 18 her father placed her in a low level position within the family's security company. At first Natalya simply held an administrative role, but as she invested more time in the company she climbed the ranks. It wasn't long until she had the company under her complete control, allowing her father and uncle to utilize it in their own business dealings as needed. The company received legal payments for protection which were often padded by extra 'donations' for excellent service. In most cases the guards would make certain videos and witnesses disappear, and in others the money was paid to keep certain activities quiet. On the outside, everything seemed on the up and up but her family's business often became entangled with the firm.

At 21 Natalya graduated from college and set her sights on maintaining her own legitimacy. She began to hold back on the blackmail material to focus on building up the security firm's reputation. The firm branched out, no longer simply providing private security for public functions, but also creating personalized security systems for their clients. Natalya took what her father taught her about business and used it to her advantage. She wasn't entirely above blackmail, but that wasn't her entire goal. For Natalya, the job became about outsmarting others and keeping people safe.

Natalya's life wasn't all work. As the daughter of a known mob boss and the unofficial owner of one of the most sought after security firms in the country, she enjoyed the glitz and glamor that came with her lifestyle. She dated a few celebrities and it wasn't uncommon to see her face on tabloids a time or two. She rubbed elbows with the rich and famous and enjoyed every second of it. She may not have liked the main source of her wealth, but she certainly loved the money rolling in.

All of that came crashing down shortly after her 26th birthday. After celebrating with her friends, Natalya's parents had a special night planned for her. Unfortunately for her, it would be the last time she would see either of her parents alive and she would barely escape with her own life and freedom. Her parents' assassins made the mistake of underestimating her. Giving her a low dose of a sedative, they thought they she would be drugged enough to remain under their control. When the drugs wore off halfway to their destination, both men were surprised when the young woman managed to kill the driver and make her escape from the moving vehicle. For two days Natalya remained hidden and on the run. By the third day after no one came after her, she returned to her home to discover the aftermath of her father's death. Her uncle Dimitri took over the family business and was already laying waste to her father's efforts to keep a low profile on their activities. Dimitri wanted the respect her father couldn't earn from the other families and decided that he was going to take the family in a new direction. The only thing left untouched by her uncle was the security firm.

Hating the new direction and resentful that all of her efforts to stay on the up and up were now in vain, Natalya began to resent the life she was forced to remain connected to. Knowing that even if she tried to get out, she would end up either being drawn back in by her family or targeted by the other families. With options running out, her only choice it to take out the families and destroy their legacies.

Name: Velarya Du'Vonte
Age: Unknown (Assumed to be over 100)
Race Unknown
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100
Miscellaneous: Tattoos (Same in Pic) two jagged scars down her back, a thin scar from her right knee to the middle of the inside of her right thigh.
Magic Affinity: Fire and Shadow

Life before awakening on a ship, the deck coated with blood and gore, and the bodies of dozens of sailors strewn haphazardly about is a blank to Velarya. The stormy seas churned angrily, the sun hidden behind thick clouds so dark they could have easily passed for black. Through flashes of lightning the woman watched the scene unfold. Only four other bodies stirred from behind her, four men circled around her, trying to shield her from the carnage, but she shoved past them, letting herself absorb the scene and feeling somehow at peace with the violence she'd been born into.

The five took control of the ship, claiming it as their own in spite of the sinister events that occurred aboard. They had no memories of who they were, how they got there, and certainly no recollection of the battle the claimed the lives of the previous crew. It did not matter. Velarya saw this as their lives. There was a reason the five of them were together on that ship and she remained committed to seeing that they remain that way.

Their lives began from that moment on. They learned the ways of the seas, and soon enough, the ways of survival on the seas. For years they spent life afloat, moving from one ship to the next, killing those who refused to join them, and taking their vessels until the need for another ship arose. Of the five, Velarya became the captain. The petite female was the fiercest of them all. Quick to slit a throat as she was to compliment a job well done, the crew quickly fell in line. Velarya did not use fear to keep her crew in line, nor did she allow them to carelessly fumble through their crimes, taking whatever they wanted and leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake. They were quick, efficient, taking what they wanted and needed and killing everyone, leaving not a single person behind to tell the tale.

Her fleet grew, but even then Velarya remained cautious, calculating. She had no bold ambitions of great wealth and power. Her only goal was keeping her 'crew' together, her 'brothers' as they convinced themselves they were.

Flacon was the closest to Velerya, a hulking wall of a man who remained a constant at Velarya's side. He was her first mate, her right hand man. If the order did not come from his captain's lips directly, he would not follow it and he ensured that everyone was quick to jump when Velarya gave the word.

Next was Hajo. More laid back than his brothers, Hajo became the morale booster of the group. Able to blend in easily at the ports, he would scout out their targets, spending a great deal of his time in the taverns, listening to the drunken sailors boast about their cargo.

Saco came next, Velarya's assassin and frequent lover (No, this isn't incest. They aren't really related. Sorry!) as viscous as his captain, if they see Saco coming they are already dead.

And finally, Habrin, older and somehow wiser than the others, Habrin is Velarya's advisor. He is quick to let her know when she is being hasty, which does not happen often, and encourages her each time she has an idea that he believes will benefit them all, pushing the captain when he needs to and stepping back when he doesn't.

Eventually, each of her brothers gained their own ship, and while she preferred when they remained together, she let them go off on their own as they pleased, flying under her colors and upholding the same standards she had set for her fleet.
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