It's Been Too Long

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It's Been Too Long


Vampire Obsessed, Manically Depressed (^_−)☆
100 Posts!
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Today 2:27 AM
Hello, hello!

My name is Tara, I live in the beautiful pacific northwest with my loving boyfriend and my adorable mini aussie named Kiyomi, and I have an unhealthy obsession with vampires. Not sexy, mean, manipulative vampires, but the ones who dislike who they are and want to be human again. Love me some angst.

It's been a while since I've roleplayed, I actually got my start on tumblr, but I feel like this official site is going to be so much better for me to really spread my wings and write to my hearts content. I've really missed writing. I love romance, action, fantasy, slice of life, and comedy! I just love to feel from my writings, you know?

Besides writing, I love hiking, nature, reading, playing games, and surrounding myself with good energy. I've been trying to be a better person this year, and this begins with taking time for myself and doing the things I enjoy.

I'm in school right now, had a year break after my first two years, and I'm going to education and Japanese, as I want to move to Japan and teach english to students over there, as well as travel and experience the beautiful culture and country that is Japan. I'm only taking three classes, as my therapist advised me not to break my back with a four or five course load, so that means more time to enjoy doing things I love, like writing!! :)

Well, I really hope I can meet some of you soon and begin wonderful, emotional stories that we both can get invested in!

Until then! :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
I used to do tumblr rp too, my golly those were the days~~ LOLOLOL

I hope you find some good partners, feel free to slide into my PM's if you wanna get some stuff going on!

Welcome to our little community~ ( ^▽^)σ
I used to do tumblr rp too, my golly those were the days~~ LOLOLOL

I hope you find some good partners, feel free to slide into my PM's if you wanna get some stuff going on!

Welcome to our little community~ ( ^▽^)σ
Thank you so much!! I'll definitely slip into those PM's, I hope we can find a good story! :)
Welcome to the Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy your stay here! ❤️
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