Any Just A General Request Thread

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Any Just A General Request Thread


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So this is just a general request thingy. Nothing fancy. Just a bit of info on what I'm personally looking for as far as writing partners go.

- I play adult male characters of varying species.

- I write multiple paragraphs per post with word count going as high as 600 words. However, how much I write will fluctuate with each post depending on how much I have to work with and the current point in the story.

- I'm a believer of quality and quantity being equal in writing as one shouldn't be sacrificed for the other. However, quantity, as stated above, will fluctuate but quality should never suffer.

- Proper grammar is a requirement. However, mistakes do happen and it's not always caught. A few errors here and there doesn't hurt the story as a whole so long as it's easy to figure out what it was supposed to mean.

- My motivation fluctuates so I may take time to get a post out. Please don't pester me to post as that will make me lose more motivation.

- Communication and collaboration is key in working with me. I want to discuss the plot both before and during the roleplay. Doing so helps define where the characters will go in the future and helps us dig each other out of a spot where we might not know the best course of action. It also helps us to know where our heads are at and helps us to keep in touch so we aren't just left hanging. Life does happen though which can smack us upside the head out of the blue.

- Please note: I'm not used to forum style roleplay sites. I come from a site where things are formatted completely different and have a totally different way of working threads and characters.

Writing Topics
I do both original and fanfic/fandom stories. My list of fandoms is always changing and my current fandom interests is always changing. I play male canon characters as well as male OCs. Ask me for my list of current fandom interests via PMs.

Keep in mind the following genres listed are simply ones I've had experience with in various combinations.

Genres I Will Do(Mix n Match for best results)

Fantasy. Supernatural. Adventure. Thriller. Mystery. Crime. Comedy.

Genres I Can do(Things I'm OK with but not great at or on the fence about)
Sci-fy. Apocalyptic. Romance. M-Preg(must be a damn good plot though). Historical. Dark/Horror.

Genres I Won't Do(For Reasons)
Smut(Because I want story, not porn).

Things I Will Do(Pairings and other things)
MxM and MxF pairings. Any time period(within reason). Bend and flex my characters as needed(where possible). Mature. Platonic.

Things I Can do(Stuff I'm meh with but won't say no to)
Human characters(me playing them). Groups(small). Adult/NSFW.

Things I Will Not Do(Don't bother asking)
FxF pairings(Can't play females worth a damn). Underaged anything(anything with characters under the age of 18, however they can be a part of the story as a SIDE character). Abusive relationships(unless it's part of the character's backstory and they were in one previously). Zombies(If the main enemy is zombies, that's a no).

If you're interested, PM me. I'll update this occasionally and bump the thread when I have any basic ideas. I'm always open to hearing about other people ideas.

If you want to check out my characters, you are more than welcome to. I will add more as I get inspired by whatever character.

My Character Collection Thread
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Basic plot idea for character Kaito Shimizu:

Long ago, there lived a dragon god. He watched over the lands of Japan and China, blessing them with clean air and water. He helped the people live peaceful healthy lives and nurtured the land to flourish. But slowly, over time, he became forgotten and quickly abandoned.

When the industrial age came, the people took to new ways of living. Factories, cars, electricity. It quickly polluted the air and water and the god could no longer keep up with purifying it all. It wasn't long that he learned that the people have abandoned him as a god, denounced him even. He grew angry and abandoned what he once knew as home.

Now bitter towards humans, the god wanders aimlessly searching for his place in the world. He helps nature where it's in desperate need of purifying but he knows it will only last for a short while as humans will only clog it up with pollution again. He refuses to help humans despite their pleas as he has a strong hate for them all because they abandoned him and poisoned his home.

His name is Kaito Shimizu as he's known in Japan. Will he ever find peace among the humans again? Or will he forever be a lost god and never find a place to call home?

Informational Whatnots:
-MxM or MxF pairings. Strongly prefer MxM.
-Setting would take place in modern day California on the coast.
-Would need a Dominate character. Or a switch. My character would be more submissive relationship wise.
-Story oriented.
-Strong romantic drama and tension. However, I want a mix of light and dark, comedy and tragedy in regards to emotional moments.
-NSFW scenes would be a relationship builder but not the focal point. Nothing overly hardcore. Maybe some kink as the relationship builds.

All points can be discussed accordingly.
Basic Plot Idea:
Biblical based apocalyptic story. Based around my character Jason(true name Aion) and the truth of the bible and an end of the world prophecy.

Informational Whatnots:
-MxM or MxF pairing. Strongly prefer MxM.
-Modern day setting.
-Must not allow any personal religious beliefs to get in the way of the story.
-Story oriented.
-Romance is highly welcomed but I want a more slow burn romance.
-NSFW scenes are welcome but will not be the focus. Nothing overly hardcore. Maybe some kink as the relationship builds.
-There should a roller coaster of emotions. Up and down, happy and sad, comedy and tragedy. Especially shock and drama. Everything should be evenly done and not over the top.

All points can be discussed accordingly. Plot and be further developed due to never having fully fleshed out the idea.
Basic Plot Idea:
Religion based. Conflict of interest. Based around the concept of the movie The Order. Character in development. A Sin Eater burdened with the sin, guilt and regrets of countless people and a religious order, The Order of the Dove, that wants to destroy him. Perhaps one off the members comes across him and decides to help him instead of turn him in?

Informational Tidbits:
-MxM or MxF pairing. Preferably MxM.
-Modern day setting.
-Must not allow any personal religious beliefs to get in the way of the story.
-Story oriented.
-Romance is highly welcomed but I want it a slow burn.
-NSFW scenes are welcome but will not be the focus. Nothing overly hardcore. Maybe some kink as the relationship builds.
-Roller coaster of emotions. I want all the emotions.

All points can be discussed accordingly. Plot can be further developed due it being new and barely developed and character, as of 10/6, is not developed.
Basic Plot Idea:
Vampires evolved from a primitive ancestor just as humans and animals did. However, unlike animal an human ancestors, there is still a primitive vampire living in today's society. Could be a conflict of interest plot. Could be a 'I don't believe in vampires' type plot. Could be something else.

Informational Grits:
-MxM or MxF pairing. Preferably MxM.
-Modern day setting. Set in the US.
-Some vampire lore is typical but a lot is changed to suit how I feel fits my character and the world he is set in.
-Story oriented.
-Romance is highly welcomed but I want it to be a slow burn, tension filled, and dramatic.
-NSFW scenes are welcome but will not be the focus. Nothing overly extreme but can possibly get a bit in the more hardcore range. Some moderate kink as the relationship builds.
-Emotional rollercoaster required. I want all the happy and sad, comedy and tragedy. I want the tension, drama, fights, the make-ups, the breakdowns, and everything else.
-There will be themes such a gore, death, blood, the tearing and devouring of flesh, possible drug use, alcohol use and other themes not considered PG rating.

All points will be discussed accordingly. Plot can be further developed due to lack of official plot idea. Open to ideas to develop a more defined base plot.
Basic Plot Idea:
Omegaverse(M-preg) but with werewolves. Werewolf lore the same as normal but with changes and added bits. Omegaverse has changes as well.

Informational KitKats:
-MxM exclusive.
-Modern day setting.
-As stated, most werewolf lore has not changed. There are, however, some changes as well as things I felt would work.
-Story oriented.
-Romance highly sought after. Prefer a slow burn. Think more cat and mouse.
-NSFW scenes welcome but will not be the focus. There will likely be more of than a typical story but will still not be the focus. Mild to moderate kink welcome but nothing over the top or hardcore.
-I want to see the light and the dark side of the moon. To good and bad sides. The happy and sad, the comedy and tragedy. Give me the drama, tension, fights and fisticuffs. Give it all.
-There will may be bloody themes involved such as gore, death, and the tearing and devouring of flesh. Other themes may include drugs, alcohol, violence and other themes not considered rated PG.

All points will be discussed accordingly. My character for this is currently under development. I am fully aware M-preg is not a popular theme. I have read plenty of M-preg stories and have developed a version that doesn't seem to so cringey. At least I hope so.
Possible Idea(Fandom Based):
Based around the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. OCs with 3 possible versions. Version 1 is based shortly after Stardust Crusader's but the story doesn't officially begin till between Golden Wind and Stone Ocean(think of it as a spin off story) where shortly after Jotaro got home for Egypt, he dated for a short while and unknowingly creating a child(my character). Version 2 is based after Stone Ocean in an alternate universe where Jolene survives, marries and has a son(my character). Version 3 is based several years(can be decades even) after Stone Ocean and Jotaro gets cloned to revive the Joestar bloodline and bring back what's been considered the more powerful of the stands. However, things didn't turn out exactly as planned and got someone slightly different than the Jotaro they were aiming for with a stand with very different abilities.

Detail Gibblets:
-MxM or Mxf.
-Modern day or slightly futuristic setting.
-Story oriented.
-While some plots might include some canon characters as NPCs, the actual characters involved in the stories are entirely OC.
-Romance can be involved if desired but I'm fine with being platonic as well.
-If romance is involved, NSFW scenes are welcome but they will not be the focus. Some light kink and roughness is ok but nothing extreme.
-There will be high violence, blood, possible death, the use of alcohol, cursing and other themes not considered a PG rating.

All points will be discussed accordingly. My character is currently still under development. Keep in mind this is a fandom based idea where OC character creation will be needed. I may be able to assist in the creation of an OC if needed. No knowledge of Stone Ocean needs to be known but general/basic knowledge of the show/manga is needed.
Basic Concept?:
This is kind of an 'out of the blue' idea. Kinda of historical but more a fantasy style historical. Think Witcher. This would be something like an adventure story, a journey maybe. No true set goal but more random events that happen. It involves my character Matthias Grimm. He's a beast breaker and in short, instead of just taming a beast, he essentially turns them into weapons he can call on any time. He's a wanderer and doesn't really have a set goal in mind of where to go or the desire to settle down in one place. I think something like this would be easy to make into a lovely easy going yet twisty turny, 'surprise me' story.

Detail Bubbles:
-MxM or Mxf.
-Historical fantasy setting. Think Witcher.
- Story oriented.
-Romance is encouraged. Preferably a slow burn type but I can work with a 'admiration from youth turned love' type deal. Willing to discuss the romance in further detail.
-NSFW scenes are welcome but will not be the focus. Some light kink and roughness is ok but nothing extreme.
-I want to see a bit of everything from the tragedy to the comedy, happy to sad and even depression, mental breakdowns and angry outbursts. Ii want the roller coaster of emotions.
-There will be themes such as violence, blood, death, the use of alcohol, cursing, and other mature themes that are not considered rated PG.

All points will be discussed accordingly. Plot can be further developed as this was thought up on the fly.
Plot Idea:
The Devils Kiss - What if the devil wasn't who everyone said he was? What if he was a lonely man with a grudge against his family for what they did to him? What if all he wanted was someone to call a friend?

The idea for this is kind of old but still intrigues me. It's a concept where the devil, named Damion on the surface, has been facing emotional issues due to being alone for so many millennia. So to combat that, he devised a plan with the hopes to make a friend each time in each generation of humanities' life. This plan was to make a deal with humans in need of help and in exchange, he'll take something valuable from that person. However, he never took any souls. He only took objects. From cars to priceless paintings to even things like jewelry and vases. He never touched a humans soul. He sealed the deal with a gentle kiss on one or more people depending on the deal being made and, again depending on the deal, he would come back in a certain amount of time to collect. Sometimes he would be given a person as his reward but he never took their freedom. They were free to do as they please and if they chose to come with him, he would give them a life of luxury. But they always left once they got comfortable, never wanting to become close. So the devil was always left alone. Until his latest deal where he's given a young infant as a reward. So he comes back 21 years later to make his claim and is shocked by the events that follow.

Now, what I also thought of to make this a bit more twisty was to add that because of the way the devil is instead of the way he's supposed to be, he's suppressing the darker side of him and I'd like to incorporate something where he start's showing the true devil side of himself. The dangerous, cruel, sadistic side. I'd also like to maybe incorporate something where perhaps it was all designed or something.

Detail Nick-Knacks:
-MxM or MxF
-Modern day setting
-Story oriented.
-Romance highly encouraged. Slow burn but not too slow. Definitely good for drama and tension. Maybe a bit of fluff.
- NSFW scenes welcomed but not the focus. Light to moderate kink but nothing extreme.
-Definitely want all kinds of emotional rides. Specially the comical, drama, tension, panic, and maybe a bit terror. It's a devil story. Come on.
-There will/possibly be mature themes such as blood, gore, death, torture, alcohol use, drug use, and other themes that are not considered rated PG.

All points will be discussed accordingly. The plot can be refined more and gone into further detail as I only put the basic concept and minor details. I'm willing to hear about any additional ideas to add into the base plot to make things a bit more twisty turny.
Concept Idea:
Warframe based concepts - I have a couple Warframe based concepts that might be interesting. No knowledge of the game is needed but there is a wiki that holds all the information of it. My character, Noel, is based on the game but there are things that I did change to make things a tad bit different. The concepts are as followed:

Crash Landing - Noel is traveling to a mission but gets shot down by something and ends up crash landing on earth. Earth is a sanctuary planet and it's been made forbidden for anyone that isn't from earth to go there. Noel's ship is rendered unusable and his communications are cut off. He's stranded and has to now live among humans while trying to figure out how to get back home. Modern day setting.

Caught in the crossfire - Noel is in the middle of a battle when a bystander gets caught in the crossfire. Because his job is to protect people, he rushes to protect them. An electrical explosion happens and because Noel was in the wrong Frame(basically a metal supersuit with special abilities) for taking large hits, he goes down and falls unconscious as rubble buries him partially. Futuristic setting.

I'm open to any other possible ideas for a plot.

Informational Tic-Tacks:
-MxM or MxF. Preferable MxM.
- Modern day or futuristic setting depending on the plot.
- Story oriented.
- Romance encouraged but not required. If there is romance, would like it to be a slow burn but not too slow. Definitely tension and drama.
- NSFW scenes are welcome but not the focus. Possible light to mild kink. Nothing extreme.
- I want a good amount of everything in regards to emotional expression.
- There will be mature themes such as violence, weapons, death, blood, gore, alcohol use, and other themes that are not considered rated PG.

All points will be discussed accordingly. There is no definitive plot as I only have concept ideas. I'm open to hearing any add-on ideas to the concepts you see or to any ideas of another concept or plot you may have.
Concept Idea:
It's a supernatural-ish setting where humans and a creature known as Heart Eaters live side by side relatively peacefully. Though the creatures were domesticated and more or less forced into human society centuries before, it became the norm for them to be regularly brought into the world of humans. The ones that own a Heart Eater are registered as masters and have had the training to legally own one. There's regular inspections and annual license renewal. Heart Eaters are to be collared with either a bronze, silver, gold or diamond collar set depending on their strength level. There's designated approved heart suppliers in every city that masters can get hearts from to feed their Heart Eater. Only about a quarter of the worlds population own a Heart Eater.

Detail Snacks:
-MxM or MxF. MxM preferred.
-Modern day.
-Story oriented.
-Romance can be involved but not required. If involved, it will be a slowish burn with tension and drama. There can be some fluff.
-NSFW scenes, if romance is involved, are welcome but will not be the focus. Possible mild to moderate kink. Nothing overly extreme.
-Would like a good amount of everything in regards to emotional tones throughout the story.
-There will be mature themes such as blood, gore, death, the tearing of flesh, eating of hearts, possible alcohol use, possible weapons, violence and other themes not considered rated PG.

All points will be discussed accordingly. The idea is just the basic world idea I came up with but doesn't have to be the only one. I'm open to ideas and a plot can be discussed. My character(the Heart Eater) is somewhat under construction as of the creation of this reply. I will answer any questions about the creature and whatnot.
No new plot ideas currently. Just a casual bump. Nothing special really.
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