——⠀THE ROSE⠀——
ORIENTATION | full character name here
content, content
or ethnicity
xx [ xx/xx/xxxx ]
contentsexual |
Your character's personality description will go here. Can include hobbies, character strengths and weaknesses, fears, and goals. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit aliquet tortor id congue. Praesent at nibh tellus. Curabitur tellus sem, tempor in feugiat sit amet, bibendum quis massa. Morbi quis sodales ex, a venenatis tortor. Sapien faucibus et molestie ac. Ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis.
content here
content here
content here
content here | DISLIKES
content here
content here
content here
content here |
VOICE | x' xx" [ xxx cm ]
content, a few descriptor words
content, a few descriptor words
content, a few descriptor words
content, a few descriptor words
descriptor words, or a voiceclaim link |
Type out character appearance here. Be sure to include distinguishing marks, typical attire, signature scent, or any visible disabilities. Type as much or little as you desire! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit aliquet tortor id congue. Praesent at nibh tellus. Curabitur tellus sem, tempor in feugiat sit amet, bibendum quis massa. Morbi quis sodales ex, a venenatis tortor.
ABILITY NAME // a short description of your character's skills or powers. can be magical or mundane in nature, type as much as you'd like.
ABILITY NAME // curabitur tellus sem, tempor in feugiat sit amet, bibendum quis massa.
ABILITY NAME // morbi quis sodales ex, a venenatis tortor.
DOMINANT | ───────•───────────────── | SUBMISSIVE |
VANILLA | ───────────────────•───── | KINKY |
PRACTICED | ────────•──────────────── | INEXPERIENCED |
GIVING // write out a short list, of your characters, preferences, type as many or little, as you'd like, have fun with it
RECEIVING // write out a short list, of your characters, preferences, type as many or little, as you'd like, have fun with it
KINKS // write out a short list, of your characters, preferences, type as many or little, as you'd like, have fun with it
LIMITS // a list of things, you'd rather avoid, or do not want to see, never ever, not fun
Type out your character's background and lore here! Or any other specific information you want that doesn't fit anywhere else. Type as much or little as you please. Mauris vel purus non neque mattis commodo eget id lectus. Sed at turpis nec risus euismod dapibus ut quis risus. In ultrices justo eget nisi pharetra bibendum. Morbi mollis erat libero, at vulputate est pellentesque vitae.
Type out character appearance here. Be sure to include distinguishing marks, typical attire, signature scent, or any visible disabilities. Type as much or little as you desire! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque blandit aliquet tortor id congue. Praesent at nibh tellus. Curabitur tellus sem, tempor in feugiat sit amet, bibendum quis massa. Morbi quis sodales ex, a venenatis tortor.