Character(s) KittOnyx's Characters

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Character(s) KittOnyx's Characters


A Hot Mess
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Face Claim:

Face Claim: Nebulaluben from DeviantArt - Morrigan Cosplay
Name: Oleander
Gender: Female
Age: Approx 356 Years - Looks about 25
Species: Dark Elemental Witch
Personality: Oleander is stern and calculated. She is rock solid in her conviction and is not easily swayed when it comes to decision making. She is self-centered and self-motivated, making her quick to decide to save herself and push her motives over anyone else. She does have a soft side for nature, being an elemental, she has a deep connection to it.

Face Claim: Andre Hamann
Name: Blair Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Human
Personality: Calm, cool, collected. Blair is a pretty outspoken but is also soft and gentle when handling people's feelings that he cares about. He is generally a pretty quiet guy unless provoked and doesn't like to deal with drama. Blair will protect those he deems family with his life, however, and is not afraid to back down when challenged. He does try to stear clear of violent confrontation when he can, as he grew up in an abusive home and hates throwing the first punch.

Face Claim: Kim Petras
Name: Remington 'Remy'
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Species: Human
Personality: Remy is a firecracker. With a quick wit and short fuse she's almost bound to get into a fight. Remy is also a big flirt who has absolutely no care in the world, she will flirt to get whatever she wants regardless of who it's with or who they might be attached to. She is sexy and sultry, with a voice like honey, making it exceptionally easy for her to persuade any gender.
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Name: Tyrani "Tyr"
Species: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Eye color: Emerald Green
Hair color: Blue
Personality: Tyr appears as a cold, unfeeling being. With eyes like green ice and a voice that commands a room, she is actually a very caring and forgiving elf. While she is very loyal, she is also strong willed and stubborn. When she is truly enraged she can move mountains with a look alone. Tyr is a very prideful elf as well, finding strength in the Elven blood that flows through her veins. For this reason, she has become very resentful of those that she has served, those who treat her like trash, and longs to be free again.
History: Tyrani used to live happily among her clan of wood elves. She was dutifully working her way to be Head Healer, as her mother had done before her. She was taught from a very young age which plants could help and which could hurt. Her working knowledge of the greenery surrounding their clan proved very fruitful for her during training. Just as Tyr was reaching her final stage of training, however, tragedy struck.

One dark, quiet night, almost too quiet she remembered thinking, a horde of Orcs, commissioned by the Humans, raided her village. She awoke to not so distant screams and cries of terror, which jolted her out of bed and into the red glow coming from outside. As she stepped out, she was greeted with the site of flames. Everything around her was on fire, burning intensely in the cool night air. The screams around her were deafening, burning the memory deep into her brain. As she took in her surroundings, she remembered her mother. All at once she was sprinting, dodging bodies, orcs, and half burnt hutches, her only thought was reaching the Healing Temple. As the temple came into site, she could see a slender frame pressed against the double doors leading into the hall. She drew closer and realized, with a lump in her throat, that it was her mother. She was trying, in vain, to keep the intruders from ravishing the temple. There was already a fire blazing from the west side of the temple, slowly making its way to the front entrance where Tyr's mother stood, bawling and screaming. "Mother!" She called, trying with all her might to call her away from the doors as she was running towards her. before she could reach her, however, she was intercepted by one of the intruders who gave her a nasty grimace. With one large hand, he scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder, his strong calloused fingers wrapping tightly around her waist. She screamed in protest as she was carried away from her mother, who had just locked eyes with her captured daughter. There was a moment's hesitation before Tyr's mother started to step off the stairs leading to the archway but as she reached her arms out to her daughter she was cut down by an Orc that had climbed his was to the top of the temple. Tyr watched in pure horror as her mother fell to the ground, lifeless. She sobbed and beat the back of the one carrying her, which only made him grunt and shift her weight on his shoulder. She continued to sob as she was tossed into the back of a wagon with others from her village that had been captured, all sobbing from the loss they just endured.

Once the Orcs had finished with her village and all that was left were piles of ash, they set off for the kingdom where Tyr would be sold off as a slave. At first she was incredibly resistant to her new captors but she soon realized htat fighting back on her own would only get her punished. So she became docile and compliant. She silently worked her way up to being a personal servant for the General who ran her household and has been seated at his feet for quite some time. Through this she has learned some combat techniques which she intends to work on in secret so that one day she can aid in the liberation of her people and all those under the thumb of the Humans.


Discussion Thread

RP Thread
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= NAME =

= AGE =


Alor is quiet and calculated, making him an ideal stalker. He doesn't like to waste his time with distractions or play around with emotions. He is short and curt when it comes to communication. He has a bit of a temper if you get on his nerves and has been known to snap at others when pushed too far. He takes his role seriously and doesn't like when things get in the way of completing his tasks. If you stay on his good side, however, he will defend you without a second thought.

= ROLE =

Character Thread

RP Thread
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Name: Tiberius Ndiya
AKA TB or Tibby

Race: Mau

Age: 22

Appearance (Please feel free to use images):


Personality: TB on first glance is stoic and a rough around the edges. Being a Mau has given him a tough outer-shell but being the 'runt of the litter' has kept him lean. He has a good sense of humor when it comes to almost everything and has a huge soft spot for his mother. He's a bit hard to get close to, as he has a lot of walls to break down, and he doesn't like to let people too close so he doesn't end up getting hurt.

Strengths: He has a strong sense of smell which not only aids in tracking but in the kitchen as well. He is slender, agile, and well trained in hand-to-hand combat which also means he's quick on his feet and able to be sneaky when the need arises. TB also posses a heightened sense of hearing and the ability to wield a war hammer.

Weaknesses: TB can be absent minded and get lost in thought. He is also a little goofy, which while not inherently a weakness can get him into trouble. Tiberius has harbored a lot of negative feelings towards his father, making him very resistant, and sometimes combative, to most male authority figures. Being new to sailing also doesn't give him much of an advantage at sea.

Background: Tiberius came from a fine family tree, in his blood ran that of great warriors, which they took great pride in. His father was a large, burly male with claws bigger than the faces of most human men. He had seen many battles in his time and witnessed acres of his homeland robbed and pillaged, making him a harsh and tough figure. His mother, while smaller in stature was equally as tough but had a more lithe, agile frame. She, too, had lived through many of the same losses as TB's father. Joined together in their pain and shared want to keep their bloodlines alive, his parents had a family of four. Tiberius was the youngest and smallest of his siblings. Before him there are his eldest brother and two middle sisters; Maximus, Saura, and Kiani, respectively.

Maximus followed closely in his father's footsteps, he was strong, mean, and highly skilled at fighting, making him proud though he didn't show it often. Saura was right on Maximus' heels, in both age and ability. They were constantly trying to outdo one another. Kiani came a few years after and while she lacked in natural ability she didn't come with a lack of effort. They all craved the approval of their father, the patriarch of the proud Ndiya Clan. Lastly, Tiberius was born. He was much leaner than his siblings and while he showed proficiency in combat, his lack of interest caught his father's eye.

Throughout his early years, TB's father pushed him hard. He was determined to make his youngest son a great warrior like his other children. TB went through grueling daily training, mostly that of hand-to-hand combat, but he also became pretty familiar with a war hammer. Not only did Tiberius have to face off against his older brother during training, who held no restraint as he was constantly trying to impress their father, TB had to prove he could handle someone of his father's stature as well. Sometimes he would train so long that by the end of the day every muscle in hi body would be sore and stiff.

This went on for years, TB's father never satisfied with his youngest's progress. His mother, however, saw the pain behind her boy's eyes. When she could she would steal him away to the kitchen with her, sing him the songs of their people and tend to his wounds. It was these moments with her that he cherished the most. One morning, while his mother was gingerly washing a cut on TB's forehead, she whispered to him something that would change his life forever. There was a ship departing from the port that night, sailing over to a different land away from his domineering father. Tiberius knew it was his only chance to get away but it pained him greatly to leave his mother. She looked at him with sad, loving eyes and kissed him gingerly on the forehead before handing him a knapsack she had stashed that was already packed with fresh rolls and a half roast, "For you journey," she whispered, planting another kiss on his forehead, "Now go, collect your things." TB's heart ached as his mother smiled wistfully at him, but he knew it was his only opportunity.

So that night, after having gone through his daily routine, giving no indication to his father or siblings of the plan his mother had concocted for him, Tiberius fled his home and the only family he's ever known. Armed with his war hammer, the knapsack his mother packed, and a few other essentials, Tiberius stole away in the middle of the night and boarded the ship that would take him to a new life.

Experience (are ye a well-salted sailor or are ye a greenie?): TB is about as green as they come. The only time he's spent aboard a ship was on his departure from his home in the Southern Isles to Kaazar, a voyage in which he was only a passenger.

Requested Position aboard the Dawn Breaker: Cook

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Face Claim: douzocosplay

|| N A M E ||

Jory McNare

|| C O D E_ N A M E ||


|| A G E ||

27 years old
DOB: May 17th, 1992

||H E I G H T ||


|| B U I L D ||

Toned, Sporty

|| A P P E A R A N C E ||




|| P E R S O N A L I T Y ||

Bull headed and a bit temperamental. Puts up a hard front to protect herself. Can be very abrasive and is incredibly nosy. Jory has very strong opinions and isn't one to easily give up a fight either, if proven wrong she can also be stubborn to admit fault.

|| B A C K G R O U N D ||

Jory had wonderful parents who loved her. She wanted for nothing when she was young, up until the age of five, that is. Her parents were on their way to pick Jory up from school when they were struck by an oncoming vehicle. Jo's mother, who was driving, was killed on impact. Her father suffered near fatal injuries landing him in the hospital for over a month while Jory was left to their long time baby sitter.

Once Jory's father was out of the hospital, things didn't really start getting better. Her father suffered chronic pain from the injuries her acquired from the crash, so he was prescribed medication. Slowly, he became addicted and more zombie like. He was always fast asleep in his recliner chair every day when Jory would get home from school. He was neglectful and didn't seem to care. Jory knew he was hurting from the loss of her mother and from his injuries, but she couldn't help but feel angry that he seemed to forget about her completely.

The last time Jory saw her father alive was the day she left home for her first day of 6th grade. When she returned home that day her father was in his chair, like always, but something as off. Jory could hear the tv's faint chatter but there wasn't the sound of her father's snoring drowning it out. Jory shook him, attempting to wake him up, but it was too late. She called for help, feeling numb but scared.

The next few days were a blur for Jory. After her father was whisked away to the hospital she was put into the care of a social worker who promptly fitted her with a foster family that already had 3 children. From the outside they looked lovely and picturesque. On the inside, however, there were dark secrets. Secrets which Jory was now victim to. Her foster dad abused her and her siblings regularly. Jory had to grow a tough skin, and fast, to cope with the trauma he was inflicting. She started acting out, rebelling against her new 'parents', so much so that they felt forced to re-home her, they felt she was a 'risk to their own children' while their own father was laying his hands on them.

This started the cycle of Jory going in and out of the orphanage and foster homes. She never let anyone else get close to her after she left that first house. When she turned 16, after years in the system, Jory ran away. She started stealing, picking her way through trash, grabbing women's purses, taking whatever valuables they had then ditching the bags, whatever she could do to survive. Living on the streets taught her to fight and keep her head down when she needed to blend in.

Then one fateful day, Jo was in the right place at the right time. She had been canvasing this neighborhood for a few weeks as there was a wealthy widow she had noticed who frequented the grocery store by her hideout. Jory had followed her back to her house on multiple occasions but still hadn't had the courage to take action. That is until she saw the woman walking to catch the bus home. It had been a few days since Jo had eaten and she was becoming desperate. Seeing as the woman was older, Jo figured she would easily be able to use her normal maneuver of a quick swipe and run. This older woman, however, gave chase as soon as Jo started sprinting away, much to her surprise. In order to avoid being caught, Jo ducked down a nearby alleyway but the woman was still hot on her heels. Emboldened by the adrenaline rush, Jory hopped up onto a dumpster and propelled herself from one side of the alley to the other, as if she was walking on air, to get the leverage she needed to reach the bottom rung of a steel balcony that was a couple stories high. As the woman made her way around the corner, Jory was hoisting herself up onto the balcony and then the rooftop above it, disappearing into the night without a trace.

It was this string of events that made her catch the attention of Kane, the Hoods recruiter. He happened to be on the street the day Jo robbed that woman, and he was one of the few to notice her agility, as he watched her disappear onto the rooftops. Using the resources of the Hood, Kane gained access to some CCTV footage and figured out who Jory was. Now that he had her name and face, it wasn't hard to find her. The male was not only compelled by her abilities to take her into the team, but their similar backgrounds gave them an extra connection. At first, when Kane approached her, Jory was very hesitant but her longing to have a family again was the only push she needed to join their clan.

|| Q U I R K S ||

  • Picks her nails when nervous or agitated.
  • Puts her hair up when really trying to concentrate.
  • Doesn't like when people get too close to her, physically, and will remove herself from those situations promptly.
  • Smokes cigarettes when stressed

|| T H E ME_S O N G ||

|| A E S T H E T I C ||


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Name: Selene

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Requested Role: Medic



Biography: Selene was born into the pack but she comes from mixed blood. Her mother was a traitor and exiled from the pack but because Selene was just a pup they kept her in the fold and raised her to be loyal to them. She doesn't know about her mother's transgressions though so harbors no ill feelings about it.

Personality: Selene is warmhearted and reserved. She cares greatly for her pack and is very compassionate, making her a good medic. Her mothering instinct is very high and she will dote on those that need her attention. She has a quiet, willowy voice that she uses to her advantage to sooth those who are in distress. Her connection to the earth is evident as in human form you will rarely find her with shoes of any kind.

Theme Idea: Since Selene is unaware of her birth parents it's more than likely the packs could cross paths and Selene wouldn't know it until someone in the pack accidentally leaks the information, could cause some distrust within the ranks.

Character Thread
Name: Oracle Napae

Race: Forest Nymph

Age: Appears 28

Face Claim: Ophelia Overdose

Notable features/General appearance/common clothes:


Oracle has fiery red hair that is almost always splayed across her shoulders and piercing emerald green eyes. She is tall, sultry, and seductive. You will almost always find her in Earth tones as she is a forest Nymph. Her usual attire generally is formed from natural elements like vines, leaves, and bark.

Personality/flaws: Oracle can be hot headed under the right (or wrong, I suppose) circumstances. She sometimes doesn't have a filter and it can get her in trouble. On the other hand she is generally pretty docile and keeps to herself and doesn't much care what others think of her. She prefers the company of animals over most anyone else.

Mana: Earth

Talent/skill: At base level, Oracle is a seductress. She has a way with words and knows how to use her body as an advantage to get what she wants. Oracle also has the ability to affect nature around her. She has been known to bring flowers back to life and help vines grow. She generally uses this power of regrowth to heal the plants she takes to make potions with, as it does take a lot of energy for her to regrow larger lifeforms. She can brew potions of healing and poison, but is always working to learn new recipes. She also has a close connection to wild animals, while she cannot exactly control or communicate with them, she has a mental connection when she touches them and can have them do menial tasks for her, such as retrieving herbs from the forest or little trinkets.

A day in the life of:::

Oracle can be found in her forest hut, cooking away potions and healing nature. She tends to keep to herself and take care of the forest. When she does end up going into more inhabited lands to get supplies she uses her charms to distract the shop-keeps so she can nab what she needs without having to pay, as she doesn't have much coin, usually. She's also been known to cause trouble for those who don't respect nature. For something as simple as chopping down a tree or trampling a field of flowers, she uses her potion brewing to cause sickness and sometimes even death.
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