FxF Let's go on an Adventure!

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FxF Let's go on an Adventure!

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Angel of Mercy

Angel of Mercy
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 8:40 AM
665 Neighbor of the Beast
Hello, and welcome to my Request Thread. Secure your sparkly helmet, fasten your seatbelt, pour yourself a whiskey in a sippy-cup and get ready for a bumpy ride…

  • I'm a switch who is comfortable as sub or Dom in the right circumstances. I can be picky at times about who I RP with so please don't be offended if I pass on a given story. Also, I tend to prefer playing out FxF RPs with female players. I also don't enjoy playing Dom vs a male player, so please don't ask.

  • I'm a single mom, so my evenings and weekends are usually pretty busy. If I disappear for more than 3 days or so, check my Departure Thread or Profile Wall, though I will most likely send you a PM to let you know my schedule beforehand.

  • I like to stick to the 2-3 minimum paragraph rule, often more, but rarely less.

  • I like realistic faceclaims for modern stories, but I also very much enjoy AI generated images for character faceclaims in all genres. So long as it is quazi-realistic, I'm good.

  • Smut is always encouraged, anywhere from 20/80% to 50/50% to 80/20% ratio works for me, but I prefer a slow build over jumping to the smut in the first post. It needs to progress naturally. I am also Futa friendly, either playing such a character or opposite one (I know the term has many definitions, but for me it's simply a female with male genitals).

  • I also enjoy scenes with action and descriptive combat.

If we start moving an RP along, and you want to change things up or add a major NPC or make some kind of modification, PLEASE talk to me first! Nothing kills my interest more than to suddenly have to deal with something I care very little for. Not all surprises are a good surprise! The only exception to this rule is if my Partner is playing the role of GM/DM.

Give me 2 paragraphs minimum please, 3rd person and 2-3 posts/week (more or less). If you're going to be away long term, please let me know. If you find yourself struggling with posting, also please let me know. If you feel like dropping out, send me a courtesy message, I'm a big girl, I can take it. And please, if I decide to show you the same consideration by telling you, please be understanding. Sometimes it just doesn't work, best to accept it and move on.

Most importantly, be patient, be kind, be understanding and be respectful of me, my time and my privacy.
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Updated 08.01.2024

The Order's ReBirth
The kingdom's great order of knights has been defeated, the king has been killed and the rest of the royal family has gone into hiding. The usurper has passed laws enslaving many, the kingdom has turned to chaos and anarchy. With the majority of the kingdom's fighting men dead, imprisoned or on the run, is there anyone who could rise up to challenge the new order? One young woman, newly widowed wife of one of the great knights, has decided to fight back. At first, it is acts of sabotage against the local governor, then assassinations all while trying to recruit other capable women to join her.
Additional Notes: Would be willing to take on 2 or even 3 female characters to join MC on her quest to save the kingdom.
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(update 24.01.2024)

Bound For Hell
(Medieval Fantasy)
A theocratic Kingdom is in decline, as many of the subjects are secretly abandoning the old gods preferred by the rulers for a newer, less restrictive religion. These rulers fear the loss of power that would no doubt come, and they try to impose stricter religious guidelines, sending its military forces to stop any uprising or rebellion. Small groups are sent to rout out the worshipers of these new gods to try them as heathens and end such a rebellion before its roots grow deep. One knight has been deeply exposed to this new religion and some believe he may have been corrupted. While she/he claims this is not the case, the powers that be decide to send an agent to assist her/him in her/his work of further discovering these heathens and bringing them to justice. Has the knight been corrupted and has she secretly joined the heathens? Can she also convert the agent to their cause?
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The Plane Crash
Another uninhabited island story, featuring a plane crash in the water next to this small Pacific Island. Perhaps someone forced the plane down because there was a secret cargo aboard and it's a matter of time before armed pirates arrive at the wreck sight to retrieve it. Perhaps the two survivors as they search he remains of the plane they find a secret stash of diamonds, and they take them for themselves, making their eventual return to civilization an interesting one indeed... Or perhaps the crash takes place next to a dimensional nexus point and the survivors wash up on the shores of a medieval kingdom.

The Colony
The Colony ship has emerged from a decade long journey to the system where the new colony is to be established. The crew and colonists have now emerged from cryo and are gazing down at the beautiful planet below them. Preparations have begun for the initial lander to make its way to the surface to survey the location the probe had selected for the settlement to be built. But now, as the initial lander descends through the atmosphere something goes horribly wrong... As the craft descends it loses all power and ends up crashing on the surface. Only two survivors emerge from the wreckage. They need to determine what happened and try to signal the orbiter to indicate they have indeed survived the crash. How hospitable will the planet actually prove to be?
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A few Star Wars Ideas...

Star Wars: Rogue Pilots
(Star Wars, following the Fall of the Empire)
Around the time just after the destruction of the second Death Star, forces of the Imperial Remnant, which remains strong in certain sectors of the far mid-rim to outer-rim, go on the offensive. A secret base set up during the rebelion to intercepting Imperial communications was guarded by a single squadron of older model X-wings. Imperials discover the location of this base and shortly after the Battle of Endor they attack it, hoping to secure several sectors in the region. Somehow, after being attacked by overwhelming odds two pilots manage to escape, but not before being spotted by the forces at their backs.

Star Wars: Undercover
(Star Wars, Early Rebellion Era)
During the very early days of the Rebellion, in the mid rim a reluctant rebel operative is tasked with meeting an Imperial/Republic defector wanted by the Empire for treason. This defector carries not only information but has access to a large sum of credits/resources that could be used to further fund/aid the fledgling rebellion.
Additional Notes: I foresee firefights and chases as these two try and make their way to the safety of the outer rim, where they hope to disappear from the Imperial radar.

The Rebel Insurrection
(Star Wars, Rebellion Era)
On a planet in the outer-rim, occupied by Imperial forces for having aided suspected rebel activity, a movement of insurrection/rebellion has begun, but the Imperial Governor is determined to stop it before it gets too far out of control.

Star Wars: Diplomatic Immunity
(Star Wars: Rebellion Era)
With the rise of empire in full swing, the life of a diplomat from a strong democratic world has become more and more challenging and plenty dangerous. Always in the background are the ongoing machinations as senators try to limit the emperor's powers despite knowing it's a losing battle. But in hushed whispers can be heard the growing discontent of the many and there is talk of rebellion... A very dangerous path to thread indeed.
Additional Notes: I'm looking to play a senator or other diplomat on Coruscant working behind the scenes. A spy, very intelligent and cunning. I'd be looking for someone to play a bodyguard type, a silent killer, that some benefactor who send to assist and protect my diplomat type.
The Holy Knight and the Heretic
(Medieval/Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers)
There used to be many pantheons in the world, and most of their worshippers lived peacefully together on the continent, until the rise of the Allfather, the one true god. It is difficult to recall where this theological experiment began or by whom, but over many centuries it grew from a cult to a world reaching religion that before long had oppressed all others. As the religion grew so did the church's hierarchy until the head patriarchy was so powerful, he ruled over kings and queens. Worshipers of the other pantheons were forced to convert or worship in secret cults, always hiding from the agents of the Allfather, for the penalty for heresy was grave indeed. Even the elves and dwarves were forced to fall in line. But now, a spark of hope has risen, as there are signs of a return of the old gods. One holy knight has been sent to investigate these rumours, though how will she deal with the truth that she will no doubt discover…

(Medieval/Fantasy, Middle-East/Arabian Nights kind of setting/World-Building)
Nations have been at war for decades and one port city has changed hands numerous times at the expense of its citizens. Now, Kingdom A is preparing for one more large attack in hopes of not only retaking the city, but of pushing the occupiers from Kingdom B back into the desert wastes.
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