MxF Looking for Adventure(And maybe a little love)

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MxF Looking for Adventure(And maybe a little love)


The Abyss
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 9:15 PM
Hello there, thought I should drop one of these here.
Names Azathoth, call me whatever your wild minds want, makes no difference to me. XD
I've been rping for about three years now(don't qoute me on that). I'm looking for some people to rp with, as the last site I was on fell through and left me with no one. ;-;
What I'm looking for in a partner

  • Typically I prefer to play male characters, though if persuaded, can play a female(even if I'm not the best at it.) And I generally prefer to do MxF pairing.
  • I'm a huge romance buff, I love all that sappy shit. XD I love to watch two characters grow and develop feelings and eventually a romantic relationship.
  • I'm active 80-85% of the time and can usually get replies up right away, I do understand others can't do that, which is fine. As long as I get a repyr in a reasonable manner I am happy.
  • I don't exactly have a post length I prefer, I can work with most people in that, though, please, no one liners. X.x
  • I love discussing things, be it about the rp, or even just how the day is going. XD I'm here to make rp partners and friends.
  • I am open to almost anything, but please ask me about something if you aren't sure, hell I may be willing to try new things.
  • Fantasy- I love fantasy rps, modern or medieval, doesn't matter, the more magical and fantastical, the better.
  • Sci-fi- Id like to start trying my hand at scifi, I haven't had much practice with it, so if we do try it, be gentle(or don't)
  • Superpowers!- I like doing super powered rps, the range of what you can do is amazing, and I love to see what my partners come up with. ^•^
Well, that's it for now, I'll probably add more as time goes on, and if there is something you don't see here, don't be afraid to ask. ^^
Thanks for your time, and hope this grabs some attention.

Edit: Here are some of the characters I have created in the past. More will follow as I think of them ^•^

C1 grew up in a small town in the country, and all their life, they had always been victim to odds goings on, unexplainable accidents they'd come out of without a scratch. People described them as feeling odd or that they felt uneasy around them. C1 is now in their twenties and has inherited their families business (this is up to whoever plays c1). One night at a bar they frequent for whatevet reason, c2 comes in bleeding from multiple wounds, no one but C1 and the bartender sees c2. C2 tells C1 to run, but before anyone can do anything the doors behind c2 explodes and demons rain in. A battle between the demons, the bartender, and c2 happen. Afterwards, c2 tells C1 that they have been watching over them for years, protecting them from harm and demons that were after them (why they are after C1 is up to whoever plays them). After that c2 promptly faints from injuries. What happens after is open for discussion. Only requirement is that c2 is a demon.
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I almost wanna RP with alexander if that's okay! I have a character that might fit well with him, hit me up if you're interested
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