Looking for long term partner for Fallout RP

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Looking for long term partner for Fallout RP


The Emissary
Local time
Today 3:19 AM
USA, Michigan
So here is the skinny

I started an Fallout RP a year or so back and my partner up and had to quit so the story sort of died. I wanted to resurrect this story, however instead of adoption I have decided to write that story on my own and take my original group of characters and start a whole new story with a new partner. Ideally I am looking for someone who has general knowledge of Fallout, it doesn't need to be obsessive but just so you understand the lore. Male or Female, makes no difference. If your interested in discussing a possible story I got some ideas we could expand on or if you have an idea please PM it to me and lets make something happen.


My characters I will be portraying
I wouldn't mind trying this out. I havent payed fallout for a bit but I know the logistics of it. And the story line.

Would we be going off a collection of all the fall outs?
Yes. Locations, lore, creatures, factions, it will be based off of the entire series as a whole, a stepping stone in other words. My desire for this story is to take the entirety of the wastelands and make it our playground. It will take place perhaps fifty or so years after the events in Fallout 4. Ideally we wouldn't be basing it off the back of any of the games but carving our own legendary story. Custom lore, new creatures to fight, new factions, just a few of the things I want to do with this story.
Okay. Just thought I'd go ahead and check so I can make sure I can get my thoughts together for it lol. But I wouldn't mind rping eith you.
Same weapon loadout as in the game, a mix between current year weapons and weapons used in the past. Plus weapons we come up with are also on the table. One of my main carries a pair of modified six shooters which use plasma as an ammo source instead of actual bullets.

So long as the weapons we create are within the realm of possibility and not so overpowered that we could own the entire wasteland, its a fairly open affair.
okay. I think that was my only question right now. do you jus want to describe characters during rp or do you have a format you want for it?
My rule of the thumb for characters has always depended on how much is actually know about them at the start of the story. The short bios I made are basic information that anyone will know, so it depends a lot on how much is known about the character your portraying. If nothing is known, just a name, a picture with description would do fine, anything that can be gleamed for the outside. Of course you are more than free to make a bio as big as you want with as much info as you like, its up to you. Iv always preferred to hash out my characters past through the story.
working the characters past through the story works for me. I just gotta figure out which character i will be using lol. and gotta remember what they looked like.

New down below-

Genevive- She has tanish skin with white long hair and her eyes are a golden color, She is a supreme sniper but she sucks at hand to hand combat.


Let me kn ow if you would like to know aything else beside her past. I still need to come up with one lol.
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Nothing I can think of off the bat question wise that can't be expanded on in the RP. What kind of story you looking for?

Freeform, Loose, or Set?

I was leaning towards a loose story line personally so there is plenty of room for other content.
Sure. Did you have an opening in mind or would just like to play their meeting by ear?
I have something written up here, its a bit lengthy but sets the start of the story pretty well and kind of gives you insight into my characters.
Okay i am ready to start this RP. My first time RPing something that is in the future that is not about zombies haha.
Also interested in a fallout RP. I understand if you're all full up, but if not, I'd like to give it a shot.
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