my hero academia

Currently reading:
my hero academia

Just the anime for me....but I ah....have been reading the chapters that are talking about Dabi! XD lol
But yeah playing things out like normal is fine by me. ^^
Yeah, I was pretty surprised about his backstory. I mean, I already knew who he was but his actual backstory was not what I had imagined.
Oh I pretty much guessed it....watched enough anime and read enough manga to know where that was going. lol

And yep Dabi is a fave as well.....well I have TONS actualy!
A starter is the start of a roleplay. You need to head to the group rp area and set up the roleplay. It's not too hard, if you want or are still confused I can set it up....or C H A O S if you wanted.....but yeah I would be setting it up in the morning my time...I too need to get some sleep soon, took some sleeping pills to battle the demon known as insomnia.
SO yeah just let me know when you can. ^_~
Goodnight to the both of you! I'll be up for another two hours or so since it's only 8:30 where I am.
Get some rest and we'll start tomorrow.
I am here!
Sorry, just had to!! XD

Finally done for the day and now I can relax for a bit.
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