Angel of Mercy
Inner Sanctum Nobility

Interest Check: Mysterious Kirkwood (A Parryatis Setting Group RP, Medieval Fantasy FreeForm Adventure)
---I have posted a set of rules at the bottom of the post, please read before replying.
--- The community of Kirkwood is only some 40 years old and nestled at the far western edge of the Kingdom of Kalidor, but already it has grown into a small town. While difficult to reach via land, many still make the dangerous trek through Icerock Pass to come, looking for new opportunities. The town sits nestled in a fertile valley with a deep natural harbour. Already verdant fields produce large crops and provide perfect grazing lands for cattle and the forests provide plenty of wood. A large quarry has been established a day's ride to the North and stone has been pouring in for use as foundation stones in new construction. Dwarves from Hammerfell, using a secret pass of their own have begun to come to trade with the town, bringing various metals in exchange for whatever the town that offer.
The valley was discovered following a vision by an old man who had petitioned the King to assist him with an expedition through the mountains. It took some convincing but the then King of Kalidor finally agreed. After discovering the perfect spot for a settlement construction began. Rumours of this land so rich in resources quickly spread and more people braved the Icerock Pass to reach the area. Ancient ruins have been discovered throughout the Kirkwood Valley but very little exploration has yet to take place. The old man who had led the people to this place disappeared mysteriously two years after the settlement was established.
But now, after the only threat to the people came in the shape of the weather or the wild creatures that called the area home, power groups and beings have their eyes set on Kirkwood. The valley itself is suddenly coming to life… Woodsmen have disappeared, lonely travelers speak of mysterious lights and sounds near some of the ruins. Then came the storm of the century. Thunder and lightning like none had ever seen lit up the land. Waves crashed against the docks, sending ships to the bottom of the harbour. No one had ever seen a storm of it's like. The ground itself shook, sending some older wooden structures crashing to the ground in ruins as the tremors seemed to go on for hours.
The next morning the people came out of their holds to survey the damage under clear blue skies and a warm breeze coming in from the seaside. While everything around them seemed normal enough, there was an energy in the air, something no one could explain, or dare speak of… But for a handful of residents there was something else… There was an awakening within. Something unimaginable and inexplicable and at the same time frightening… And in the center of the town square near the great fountain with the statue dedicated to the town's founder, the old man Alexander Kirk was a covered wagon… A tired looking donkey remained hitched to it and a mangy mutt lay on the rearmost part of the wagon which was uncovered, curled up and resting and from within the wagon came a loud rumbling snoring sound…
Looking for between 3-5 players to make characters to participate in this story/RP. The characters, while living seemingly normal lives, inexplicably wake up the morning after the storm of the century with awakened powers. Of course with magic being outlawed in the Four Kingdoms that creates a problem in itself. Will the character be able to band together and solve the mystery of the Kirkwood Valley?
A link to the World of Parryatis:
Character Options:
Kirkwood is a medieval town set in the Kingdom of Kalidor in the world of Parryatis. Looking for players to populate the village, and potentially be the heroes. These characters can come from all walks of life, be they sons and daughters of the original settlers or others who have come seeking a new start. The following are all options:
Member/Members of the Ruling Family, or of one of the other Noble Houses that have settled in Kirkwood (Human only)
Priest, Guard or Seeker serving the Church of the AllFather (Human only)
Blacksmith or other Craftsman
Shipbuilder or Fisherman
Member of the local Militia or Constabulary
Healer, Alchemist or Herbalist/Botanist
Innkeeper/Tavern Owner or Tavern Worker
Stable Hand/Horse Master
Any other appropriate Profession appropriate for a Medieval Fantasy setting
Characters can be Human, Elf, half-Elf or Halfling. As Magic barely exists in this world, there are no mages or other magic using types of characters (until the awakening).
Each PC (unless the player is set against it, will awaken with an awakened power. It could be minor, or it could be major. Could be as simple as a human gaining night vision, or telepathy, or it could be the ability to cast spells, either like a wizard or sorcerer or other mage like class. A character could also have the hidden genes of an 'extinct' magical creature within, either slowly transforming them or granting powers similar to the creature in question. Feel free to PM me or suggest YC's power here in the thread. I will veto any power I feel doesn't fit or is deemed too powerful.
Please Note: If there is interest, eventually I will provide a fuller character sheet. I know players are eager to work on characters, so if you're interested and want to submit a character right away, use this very simplified sheet for the time being:
Gender/Sexual Orientation: (example, Female: straight) All genders and orientations are welcome!
You may place an image here in the form of a spoiler. Also if you have a specific story idea or angle for YC please add it here in the form of a spoiler. If you want to keep it secret for now and would rather talk in PM, hit me up!
RULES Please Read. If following this small list of rules would be a problem for you, might be best to pass.
1-This is a paragraph game, aiming for a 2 paragraph minimum though in certain circumstances (combat, intense dialog) 1 would be acceptable (No 1 or 2 liners). On the other end of the scale I would prefer not to see any posts larger than 3 paragraphs except for introductory posts or posts describing something important. (GM posts will also follow these guidelines though they get more leeway, also 2 sentences do not make a paragraph.)
2- Posting Order. There will be a strict posting order. If a player is delayed permission can be given to skip that player, but it must be approved by a GM. Separate rules will be in place for players who simply stop posting and how players should proceed.
3-Posting Frequency… Many players have busy lives, myself included. I would like to see a post every other day at the least during the week. If you can't post at all during the weekends that's fine as well. If everyone can post daily that would be great, but every other day or even third day would certainly be fine with me. If you're going to be unable to post for more than a couple days, please just let us know in the OOC or PM the GM.
4- No Godmodding or physical manipulation of another character, also do not assume to know how another character will react to something your character does or says. Even if a player agrees, it must be approved by a GM. No violence between characters unless approved by a GM. Be respectful.
5- Time Jumps. This game will have occasional time jumps. Usually a heads up will be given a few days to a week in advance to let everyone know when the time jump will take place. Once the time jump has taken place, players will have a few days to finish up scenes and get caught up.
6- NPCs. There will be several important NPCs, only a GM can play these. There will be lesser named NPCs that players can use to help their character move forward from time to time. These NPCs can be shared. The story will also have unnamed NPCs that characters can post and move within reasons. If a player had a storyline idea that requires an NPC, please discuss the idea with a GM.
7- Please try to use proper grammar and vocabulary. The occasionally typo or grammatical error is fine and expected, but if your posts read like a jigsaw puzzle that leaves the reader requiring a translator, please move on.
8- Third person only please
9- If any disagreement comes up, the GM will have final word. Be respectful.
10- Be respectful.
11- Smut is allowed, even encouraged.
12- GM reserve the right to add/modify/change rules at any time.
Persons of Interest:
Myriam (Halfling/Female)
Mélanie Auger (Human/Female)
Ustan (Human/Male)
Xin Zai (Human/Male)
The Old Man in the Wagon
---I have posted a set of rules at the bottom of the post, please read before replying.
--- The community of Kirkwood is only some 40 years old and nestled at the far western edge of the Kingdom of Kalidor, but already it has grown into a small town. While difficult to reach via land, many still make the dangerous trek through Icerock Pass to come, looking for new opportunities. The town sits nestled in a fertile valley with a deep natural harbour. Already verdant fields produce large crops and provide perfect grazing lands for cattle and the forests provide plenty of wood. A large quarry has been established a day's ride to the North and stone has been pouring in for use as foundation stones in new construction. Dwarves from Hammerfell, using a secret pass of their own have begun to come to trade with the town, bringing various metals in exchange for whatever the town that offer.
The valley was discovered following a vision by an old man who had petitioned the King to assist him with an expedition through the mountains. It took some convincing but the then King of Kalidor finally agreed. After discovering the perfect spot for a settlement construction began. Rumours of this land so rich in resources quickly spread and more people braved the Icerock Pass to reach the area. Ancient ruins have been discovered throughout the Kirkwood Valley but very little exploration has yet to take place. The old man who had led the people to this place disappeared mysteriously two years after the settlement was established.
But now, after the only threat to the people came in the shape of the weather or the wild creatures that called the area home, power groups and beings have their eyes set on Kirkwood. The valley itself is suddenly coming to life… Woodsmen have disappeared, lonely travelers speak of mysterious lights and sounds near some of the ruins. Then came the storm of the century. Thunder and lightning like none had ever seen lit up the land. Waves crashed against the docks, sending ships to the bottom of the harbour. No one had ever seen a storm of it's like. The ground itself shook, sending some older wooden structures crashing to the ground in ruins as the tremors seemed to go on for hours.
The next morning the people came out of their holds to survey the damage under clear blue skies and a warm breeze coming in from the seaside. While everything around them seemed normal enough, there was an energy in the air, something no one could explain, or dare speak of… But for a handful of residents there was something else… There was an awakening within. Something unimaginable and inexplicable and at the same time frightening… And in the center of the town square near the great fountain with the statue dedicated to the town's founder, the old man Alexander Kirk was a covered wagon… A tired looking donkey remained hitched to it and a mangy mutt lay on the rearmost part of the wagon which was uncovered, curled up and resting and from within the wagon came a loud rumbling snoring sound…
Looking for between 3-5 players to make characters to participate in this story/RP. The characters, while living seemingly normal lives, inexplicably wake up the morning after the storm of the century with awakened powers. Of course with magic being outlawed in the Four Kingdoms that creates a problem in itself. Will the character be able to band together and solve the mystery of the Kirkwood Valley?
A link to the World of Parryatis:
Character Options:
Kirkwood is a medieval town set in the Kingdom of Kalidor in the world of Parryatis. Looking for players to populate the village, and potentially be the heroes. These characters can come from all walks of life, be they sons and daughters of the original settlers or others who have come seeking a new start. The following are all options:
Member/Members of the Ruling Family, or of one of the other Noble Houses that have settled in Kirkwood (Human only)
Priest, Guard or Seeker serving the Church of the AllFather (Human only)
Blacksmith or other Craftsman
Shipbuilder or Fisherman
Member of the local Militia or Constabulary
Healer, Alchemist or Herbalist/Botanist
Innkeeper/Tavern Owner or Tavern Worker
Stable Hand/Horse Master
Any other appropriate Profession appropriate for a Medieval Fantasy setting
Characters can be Human, Elf, half-Elf or Halfling. As Magic barely exists in this world, there are no mages or other magic using types of characters (until the awakening).
Each PC (unless the player is set against it, will awaken with an awakened power. It could be minor, or it could be major. Could be as simple as a human gaining night vision, or telepathy, or it could be the ability to cast spells, either like a wizard or sorcerer or other mage like class. A character could also have the hidden genes of an 'extinct' magical creature within, either slowly transforming them or granting powers similar to the creature in question. Feel free to PM me or suggest YC's power here in the thread. I will veto any power I feel doesn't fit or is deemed too powerful.
Please Note: If there is interest, eventually I will provide a fuller character sheet. I know players are eager to work on characters, so if you're interested and want to submit a character right away, use this very simplified sheet for the time being:
Gender/Sexual Orientation: (example, Female: straight) All genders and orientations are welcome!
You may place an image here in the form of a spoiler. Also if you have a specific story idea or angle for YC please add it here in the form of a spoiler. If you want to keep it secret for now and would rather talk in PM, hit me up!
RULES Please Read. If following this small list of rules would be a problem for you, might be best to pass.
1-This is a paragraph game, aiming for a 2 paragraph minimum though in certain circumstances (combat, intense dialog) 1 would be acceptable (No 1 or 2 liners). On the other end of the scale I would prefer not to see any posts larger than 3 paragraphs except for introductory posts or posts describing something important. (GM posts will also follow these guidelines though they get more leeway, also 2 sentences do not make a paragraph.)
2- Posting Order. There will be a strict posting order. If a player is delayed permission can be given to skip that player, but it must be approved by a GM. Separate rules will be in place for players who simply stop posting and how players should proceed.
3-Posting Frequency… Many players have busy lives, myself included. I would like to see a post every other day at the least during the week. If you can't post at all during the weekends that's fine as well. If everyone can post daily that would be great, but every other day or even third day would certainly be fine with me. If you're going to be unable to post for more than a couple days, please just let us know in the OOC or PM the GM.
4- No Godmodding or physical manipulation of another character, also do not assume to know how another character will react to something your character does or says. Even if a player agrees, it must be approved by a GM. No violence between characters unless approved by a GM. Be respectful.
5- Time Jumps. This game will have occasional time jumps. Usually a heads up will be given a few days to a week in advance to let everyone know when the time jump will take place. Once the time jump has taken place, players will have a few days to finish up scenes and get caught up.
6- NPCs. There will be several important NPCs, only a GM can play these. There will be lesser named NPCs that players can use to help their character move forward from time to time. These NPCs can be shared. The story will also have unnamed NPCs that characters can post and move within reasons. If a player had a storyline idea that requires an NPC, please discuss the idea with a GM.
7- Please try to use proper grammar and vocabulary. The occasionally typo or grammatical error is fine and expected, but if your posts read like a jigsaw puzzle that leaves the reader requiring a translator, please move on.
8- Third person only please
9- If any disagreement comes up, the GM will have final word. Be respectful.
10- Be respectful.
11- Smut is allowed, even encouraged.
12- GM reserve the right to add/modify/change rules at any time.
Persons of Interest:
Myriam (Halfling/Female)
Mélanie Auger (Human/Female)
Ustan (Human/Male)
Xin Zai (Human/Male)
The Old Man in the Wagon
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