Character(s) Otto's Automatons

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Character(s) Otto's Automatons


Marshal of Ansbach
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Sunny Transmyria


Character Sheet

Here's the CS I use for most of my characters, feel free to use it if you like! It will be the standard sheet for Endzeiten, but may wind up becoming the standard for Pteia. The paragraph bits are just my recommendations.


[CENTER][IMG]image here if you want it[/IMG]

[I]quote here if you want it[/I][/CENTER]

[B]Full Name:[/B] X

[B]Title:[/B] X

[B]Monikers/Aliases:[/B] X

[B]Age:[/B] X

[B]Gender:[/B] X

[B]Race:[/B] X

[B]Ethnicity:[/B] X

[B]Social Class:[/B] X

[B]Bloodline:[/B] X

[B]Occupation:[/B] X


[CENTER][U][B][SIZE=26px][U]Character Bonds[/U][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER]

[*]Bond 1

[*]Bond 2
[*]Bond 3



[CENTER][SIZE=26px][U][B]Twelve Questions[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[I]What are your memories of home like?[/I]


[I]What is your family like, blood or otherwise?[/I]


[I]Have you ever been in love?[/I]


[I]Is there anything that you find delightful?[/I]


[I]Who taught you to survive?[/I]


[I]What is it that makes your blood boil in anger?[/I]


[I]When was the first time you ever killed someone? What was it like?[/I]


[I]Do you put any stock in the divine?[/I]


[I]What in the world terrifies you?[/I]


[I]What is the thing you fear coming to pass the most - rational or otherwise?[/I]


[I]What do you value most in the world?[/I]


[I]Do the ends always justify the means?[/I]




Capabilities goes here. 2-3 paragraphs.



Physical description, equipment, etc. goes here. 1-3 paragraphs.



Personality goes here. 2-3 paragraphs.



Biography goes here. 3-5 paragraphs.

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"Ich hab die Nacht geträumet
wohl einen schweren Traum,
es wuchs in meinem Garten
ein Rosmarienbaum.

Ein Kirchhof war der Garten
ein Blumenbeet das Grab,
und von dem grünen Baume
fiel Kron und Blüte ab."

Full Name: Constanze Hölweck von Claubrück

Title: Dame

Monikers/Aliases: Constanze Khallatis, the Southron

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf

Ethnicity: League Oster, Transmyrian

Social Class: Lesser Nobility

Bloodline: Bastard, House Hölweck

Occupation: Scout, Tracker, Courier

Character Bonds

The Party:
  • Roman was destined for the axe before my intervention, no matter how much he might grumble about tagging along.
  • This isn't the first time Lothar and I have been in a mess together - ranging over the Eider, he and his men did the work of the Six, and I helped them find the bastards.
  • There is a darkness about the Ire Witch that I cannot help but sense, I will have to keep a close eye on her.
  • Vania understands my struggles - most of them, at least, as another half-elf - and she is a talented archer to boot. It's good to have someone to comiserate with.
  • Kalegen saved my life with powers that are beyond my understanding, and I in turn saved his own. He has pledged a life debt to me, and while I welcome his blade by my side, I am ill at ease with his oath, pledging what little life he has left on a wretch like me.
  • [Dhal]
The League:
  • Adolar Karwitz proved a valuable ally in the last campaign, despite that one mistake they made.

Twelve Questions

What are your memories of home like?

"Mixed. It is a place that I yearned to escape from, but now long to return to. I dream of it often."

What is your family like, blood or otherwise?

"Eccentric, but I would suppose it comes with the territory of being the unwanted child of a political pariah. I pray the Gods keep and deliver them all, save one."

Have you ever been in love?

"Yes, and we shall speak no more of this."

Is there anything that you find delightful?

"I love songs - not the bawdy limericks of taverns and alehouses - but songs, real ones. The epics of days of yore and knights of old - the Songs of Roth and of Roland are my favorites."

Who taught you to survive?

"What I did not learn from my mother or my elder sisters Sabine or Kathrin, I learned from Hedwig Stassen. It was she who taught me how to hunt, track, and range. My affinity for the bow is entirely her fault."

What is it that makes your blood boil in anger?


When was the first time you ever killed someone? What was it like?

"Three years ago, when I first came to this gods-forsaken land. It was… sad, in it's own way. I knew his intention for me, for my comrades, but to see such a mighty figure clutch at his chest in vain, drowning in his own blood.

Humbling, really."

Do you put any stock in the divine?

"I beg for clemency every night."

What in the world terrifies you?

"The Ocean. By the Six I will never go upon its waves so long as I live."

What is the thing you fear coming to pass the most - rational or otherwise?

"That the truth be known."

What do you value most in the world?

"The love of my family."

Do the ends always justify the means?

"Mother would have said so."



Such is the murmur of the man beside you, answering the silent question that lingered, "Constanze Khallatis, so I've heard." Dull eyes lingered on the tankard below his chin, lost in the amber swirl of the northern honey-wine. He was part of the Salvation, having arrived in Sagard alongside you, a veteran of last year's campaign who reenlisted this prior spring. "Never spoken to her myself, not really. Well, 'cept for once..." A wearied sigh slipped from the infantryman's lips as he nursed the drink, his gaze closing shut for but a moment as he savored the mead.

"They had us dead to rights," The pikeman mused, "Caught us while we were on patrol, two to one. Cut most of us down before we even knew we were outflanked." Sullen, brown eyes bored into the counter their master leaned over, the flagon in hand held fast with knuckles white from a sight only he recalled. "They like to toy with you, you know, once you realize you're going to die. Give you some hope that you can still make it." Another lingering, nasal sigh came of the man, who blinked only once. Judging from the scar that ran along the length of his left jaw, it wasn't his first time at the wrong end of a blade - or perhaps this was simply the worst.

"That's when I saw her," His tawny gaze turned from what lay before him to you, meeting your own, "Over the bastard's shoulder, and by Tempus I swear, she just stepped out of the darkness with nary a sound." It was then that his eyes turned to the figure in question, resting there as the grip on the mug's handle softened, "It's not often you get to see Northmen flee, but we did. She dropped two before they even knew what direction the arrows came from - probably before they even knew they were arrows."

With another languid blink of his eyes, the soldier took another draw from the tankard, swishing the swill about in his mouth before sending it down, "One of the savages came at her with his axe, though by the time he reached her she didn't need the sword to finish him, but Gods be damned if she didn't make it dance. The rest cut and ran from a woman half their size..."

The soft curl of a smile grew upon his lips, and the slightest inflection of a pastoral, eastern twang wrapped about his words, "She spent the better part of that week tracking them for us, as if saving our lives wasn't enough. 'No one deserves to die on their knees,' she said, but we made sure they did, once she found them."

"Keeps to herself, from what I gather. Spends weeks out there in the woods, and when she's not ranging she's waiting for the chance to do so again. Khallic blood, I think - it does something to the mind." With a shake of his head, his gaze fell once more to the counter beneath him. "Sticks close to the baron when she's back in camp, but only long enough to get her orders and slips away again into the night. The finest shot I've ever seen, and a damn good tracker to boot, even for a Khalblood."

"A pity she's so sentimental, it'll be her death."


What might have otherwise been a far more jarring sight elsewhere was softened, somewhat, by the environs she now stood in. Surrounded by mercenaries, sellswords, and all manner of camp followers, her mail helped her blend into this crowd of ruffians and death-dealers - but it was the longbow slung across her back and the arming sword, hung from a baldric at her hip, that made it evident that she belonged here amongst their number. An unadorned, crimson tabard was the only real color she wore, a sharp, sanguine contrast to the hauberk underneath, whose once-blackened rings now glinting with the light of the hearth, worn nearly clean with ample use. Though hardly seen beneath the skirts of her mail and tabard, trousers, bloused into weathered boots, shifted as she waited for an answer, their darksome dye casting them more as shadows than legs.

Her already dour face bore a look that betrayed her distaste for the establishment, and an otherwise fair face found itself marred by a haze of impatience. Sharp, angular features betrayed her southern heritage, from her high-set cheeks to her aquiline nose, though few things bore such ire as the severe jade gaze that darted from patron to patron, sifting silently through their number. Even that she, like so many others now, found herself back in the comfort of civilization, she still kept her hair tied neatly behind her head in a simple, utilitarian bun, eschewing the comforts that now surrounded them and showing all the mark of her blood.

Long, sharp ears flanked her features, bared to all free of thought. If anything they improved her reputation, and, despite her civilized dress and eloquent tongue, there were some who shied away from her, unwilling to be so close to a scion of a savage folk. Still, she bore no other real tell, having refrained from both the fine jewelry and paint of her elvish lineage, otherwise looking the part of an Oster, in dress and demeanor. The only thing truly particular about her person, keen to an Oster's eye, is the small sash looped and tied about her belt, a splash of shimmering, onyx silk against a crimson field.


To those here in the northern reaches of the League, Constanze Khallatis is something of a brooding outsider, a figure who seems to be ever-present but rarely involved. This is perhaps the first time that many have ever seen her in the alehouse - indeed, any alehouse - so rare is it that she bothers to mingle amongst her comrades or the populace. Typically only seen in passing, it seems only to be when in the field that anyone spends any length of time with her.

Nigh on constantly the woman is pursuing her duties, whether it be in the field - as she prefers - or amongst civilization, be it encampment or township. What waking moments she spares for herself are spent seeing to her gear, or offered in quiet prayer. She seems to always bear a look of quiet distaste, save for when she finds herself amongst the trees and the rivers. There, in the wilds, her eyes grow wider, her shoulders slacken, and her breath stills. Some have said that she stops and lingers near the water, at times, peering into it with a soft, wistful look.

But for as aloof as she might prove, several of Steitz's Salvation have shared tales of the good fortune of her arrival in dire moments, or her guidance through twisting mires of brush and bramble to the safety of the regiment and the baron's host. Otherwise hopeless causes have been brought from the brink of despair by her intervention, and though she is not always successful, there are a handful that speak highly of her - at least not where she can hear. Indeed, there have been several times that she has skirted quite close to tempting fate in her efforts to preserve the lives of those in the regiment, though she has eluded Orcus's call thus far.



Constanze remembers well the first time she heard the word, and the piercing glare that came alongside its whisper. The ears of such a child were ignorant to their subtlety, and their mistress unaware of the cruelty of rumor. So it was with little thought that the girl asked her mother what it meant over supper, and still does Sagard's chilly sting pale beside her sister's laughter. There were few opportunities in Constanze's youth for her to be free from Sieglinde's mirthful malice, but of all the miseries that life inflicted on the youngest scion, none cut her quite so deeply as that dismissive chuckle. Despite her mother's stern chastisement, Constanze could not help but flee from the table at the realization of the sobriquet's nature.

Only the arrival of her mother, the image of authority and might, was able to halt the march of tears. It was when she took Constanze's hand into her own, and spoke of her destiny - in the way her mother was want to do. She had visions, and her gifts intimidated the girl at times, but such prophecy was spoken with maternal adoration. As she showed Constanze their reflections in the water basin, how they shared the same face, she spoke of how her youngest was meant for greatness, just as she had been.

It seemed always that Constanze and her sisters lived in the shadow of their mother - a woman who had managed so much in a realm set against her, from valor on the battlefield to shrewd politik. In many ways her mother proved a frightening standard to be judged by, a high bar made even higher with expectation and a parent's pride, but in others she was a constant beacon, someone to follow. To hear her mother, her greatest hero, speak of Constanze in such terms was both humbling and inspiring, and the words whispered to her that night have lingered every morning hence.

Despite the loss of her tutor and closest friend, the creative cruelties of Sieglinde, and the ever-constant whisper that surrounded her, she strived to excel. Every day she made sure to practice with the bow, to spar with the blade, or to study the tomes of her forefathers. She buried herself in her duty to escape the misery of the world about her, and it was only one other selfish escape she allowed herself - the one which had granted her the sash about her belt. The sable knight that doted on her so keenly, an oasis of calm in a darksome, tumultuous adolescence.

But even that was taken from her, if only for a time. When her knight had to muster for the defense of the realm, and she too had to depart on her own campaign, so the two exchanged tokens of their affection, promising themselves to each other in secret without the knowledge of their elders.

So Constanze has served in the distant north for the last three winters, marching alongside Steitz's Salvation and the Baron Karwitz in his ineffective campaigns against the northern raiders, biding her time until she can return to her home, its cool, sunny evenings, and the one whom her heart longs to meet again. So she suffers the indignity of being taken for a common tracker, to withstand the assumption of her savage nature, and to weather their constant whisper.



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Full Name: Roland Heilig von Grimwald

Currently: Sir (Knight)
Formerly: Count (de jure)

Monikers/Aliases: 'the Redeemer'

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Ethnicity: League Oster, Neuverian

Social Class: Lower Nobility

Bloodline: House Heilig

Occupation: Questing Knight

Character Bonds

  • Bond 1
  • Bond 2
  • Bond 3

Twelve Questions

What are your memories of home like?

"I don't remember my home - my real home - at least, not very well. Bits and pieces, smells. Lavender.

. . .

I remember Ansbach far more clearly. It was home, for the longest time. It's as ashes in my mouth."

What is your family like, blood or otherwise?

"In my sixth year I lost my parents - my father to the Golden Horde, my mother to... weakness. My father - the man who raised me - the Duke Walfried, was a good man. He taught me right from wrong, good from evil, that if I man is to bid others to die, he should be at the very front.

Ludwig loves to play the loud fool, but he's sharp. Sharper than he wants to let anyone let on."

Have you ever been in love?


Is there anything that you find delightful?

"The dawn. To see the very moment the darkness is banished, and the sky alight - it's amazing."

Who taught you to survive?

"The Duke, as I have said, but in truth I owe a debt to Sir Adolphus, the Duke's master-of-arms. Many nights I went to sleep with busted knuckles and black eyes, missing my parries, looking just at the man and not his weapon. Those nights came to an end."

What is it that makes your blood boil in anger?

"Cowards. Assassins. Traitors."

When was the first time you ever killed someone? What was it like?

"I was just sixteen, having squired for Sir Markus for the last four summers. It was my third time in the saddle. Poachers. I recited the words to them - declared the law, that they trespassed on my father's land. Two of them chose to flee instead of face justice. A bolt took the first, the one I was aiming to run through with my lance, but he crumbled the instant the crossbow found its mark. I hadn't bothered to look for the other, and I was lucky to stay in the saddle as I trampled him, missing the other as I did.

The rains had come early that year, and it had given us a thick, muddy spring. I could hear him wheezing, trying to breath with a crushed chest amongst the muck and filth.

My sword ended that sad affair. He didn't deserve it."

Do you put any stock in the divine?

"... you're serious? Really?"

What in the world terrifies you?

"There are things in the world that defy all logical explanation, beyond magic, beyond witchery - there are places of immense power in the depths of the wilds. I have seen them.

I never wish to see them again."

What is the thing you fear coming to pass the most - rational or otherwise?

"That I fail. Not that I die - that I fail."

What do you value most in the world?

"Honesty. A pity there are only whispers of it left."

Do the ends always justify the means?

"The means justify the ends."


Capabilities goes here. 2-3 paragraphs.


Physical description, equipment, etc. goes here. 1-3 paragraphs.


Personality goes here. 2-3 paragraphs.


Sole heir to House Heilig, Roland was only a child when travesty first befell him, as his father, Count Heilig, was captured on campaign, enslaved by foreign barbarians and lost to the vast expanse of the frontier. His mother soon fled in the night, forfeiting the lands and holdings of the House, though the reasons for her departure were never known, and it was a topic that Roland's family avoided in his youth. While he might yet speak of his father and his anguish in bondage, Roland rarely speaks of his mother, far more pained by her absence than that of his father.

It was only natural that he should be entrusted to his family; his father's cousin, the Duke Walfried von Ansbach, adopted him as his own. While it was not a lavish childhood, Roland did not go hungry, and never wanted for warmth when the days grew short. While he was the eldest among the Duke's household, he could not be the heir, and he was glad to leave such matters to his step-brother, Ludwig. Without his own household, Roland trained as a page, then a squire, and eventually as a knight in the service of his uncle and the duchy, and eventually paved the way for an alliance between the dukedom and the elvish lands of Kelmaris. In the spring of his nineteenth year he wed Delseris, the chieftain's fairest daughter, a shieldmaiden of some renown and the sun of his world, and within a year they had a son - Oskar.

It never did trouble Roland that he had no inheritance to speak of, busying himself between the campaigns of Ansbach and his fledgling family, too concerned with life's opportunity to become mired in politics or ambition. By their fifth year together, Roland and Delseris welcomed their daughter, Arda, to their house. A grand feast, hosted by his most generous uncle, the Duke, was held in Arda's honor. Not but a sentence into his toast, however, the duke collapsed, frothing at the mouth, dead from an assassin's poison. Accusations flew, ranging from insinuations of an internal power struggle within Ansbach to the suggestion that it was Kelmaris, the elves, who did this.

Cooler heads did not prevail, and war soon marred the land.

To march against his wife's family, the family his children also shared, pained Roland, but it was his duty, and the knight obeyed. The forces of the duke scored many early victories, beating the elves soundly in key engagements at Leneborg and Zegstei, thanks in part to Roland's efforts. It was not long before Roland was lauded by his brother Ludwig - now the duke - and his name was toasted by those sympathetic to their cause across their land. Kelmaris soon found itself on the defensive, and its ruler, the desperate chieftain Osros, penned a fell missive to his daughter, and swayed her heart to dark deeds in the second winter of the war.

It is not known whether Delseris committed the atrocities with a clear conscience, but between the blood on her dress and the blade in her hand, admission to the crime was hardly needed to convict her. To say that Roland was devastated by the sight of his children would be a grave understatement - it took the man two days to speak again. The first words from his mouth took many by surprise, spoken in the wake of the court's ruling on Delseris's fate, requesting to be the one to carry out the sentence.

There was not a moment's hesitation when Duryndal, the ancestral blade of Heilig, fell upon Delseris' neck, though all present could see the pain in Roland's stance. Where at any other execution there would be roaring cheer at the death of the guilty, pitiful silence reigned as Roland stumbled from the scaffolding, his shuffling footsteps echoing across the plaza. Perhaps more shocking than anything else that day was the glimmering of Duryndal, shattering once it had severed the lady Delseris's neck.

While he went on to lead his men to victory in the war against Kelmaris, it came at a price. It was plain to see that the light had left his life, and the tactical prowess he had shown in earlier years waned sharply into hollow mediocrity.

Ansbach held a triumph in his honor, but the golden wreath and country's praise did little to raise his spirits, Sir Roland of Grimwald proving a broken shell of the man in the wake of the war. Though propositions abounded - either offered freely or organized through Ludwig's influence - they were all deflected by the knight, who saw no reason to remarry. Years passed.

It began innocently enough, Roland seeking solace from the court in the library of Ansbach. Inevitably he read the books present, passing the time as he hid. While he was, to this point, a faithful man, he had never bothered to study the Six beyond the most basic teachings. In such quiet hours, reading for the first time of Tempus the Weaver - Lord of time, law, and fate - Roland couldn't help himself.

He hoped.

More and more often he delved into the tomes of the library, spending countless hours at the local temple to learn of Tempus and his domain. It planted the seed of wonder in Roland, who dared to hope that service in his name could redeem his house and the sins of its past, if only he could prove himself. Who else but the Lord of Fate could change that of his House?

Renouncing his claims of title and inheritance, Roland embarked to seek Tempus's favor, the still-shattered Duryndal in hand, to become one of his paladins. So he has trekked long across the land, doing good where he can and seeking opportunity to help those who cannot help themselves, gathering a few trusted companions, friends happy to see the lord's sullen eyes bright once more. Only recently did he fall in with a larger party of travelers, having helped rid a village of a vile necromancer, and once again Sir Roland feels the warmth of camaraderie, free from the shackled suffering of war. As the Long Night approaches, the band makes for a nearby abbey, Roland unaware of what awaits him within.



'A sea-folk blinder than the sea
Broke all about his land,
But Adolar up against them bare
And gripped the ground and grasped the air,
Staggered, and strove to stand.

He bent them back with spear and spade,
With desperate dyke and wall,
With foemen leaning on his shield
And roaring on him when he reeled;
And no help came at all.

He broke them with a broken sword
A little towards the sea,
And for one hour of panting peace,
Ringed with a roar that would not cease,
With golden crown and girded fleece
Made laws under a tree.'

Full Name: Adolar Karwitz von Sagard

Title: Baron

Monikers/Aliases: The Sword of Klöden, Ado

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Oster

Nationality: League Oster

Social Class: Nobility

Bloodline: House Karwitz

Occupation: Baron of Sagard

Character Bonds

Character Questions:

What are your memories of home like?

"Pleasant enough, I am fortunate enough to still live in my homeland. I miss the courtyard of my birthplace but we all have our duties."

What is your family like, blood or otherwise?

"My father was a good man, despite his faults, as was my mother. It… pains me that they didn't look at Linza the same way they looked at me. It's not a mistake I'll make."

Have you ever been in love?

"Once or twice, I suppose."

Is there anything that you find delightful?

"A fire roaring in the hearth, a fine Ahrran red, and a well-cooked pig - all things I have no time for at the moment."

Who taught you to survive?

"I suppose to some extent my tutors, such is how I learned the art of combat and the discipline of my station, but to say I did not find something here and there to learn from my sister, or my parents, would be unfair."

What is it that makes your blood boil in anger?


When was the first time you ever killed someone? What was it like?

"I was sixteen, and accompanied my father on my first campaign. There was little of interest that happened - a warband here, some looters there - I think the first was one of the latter. Some scruffy wretch with a chipped cleaver. Desperate sort."

Do you put any stock in the divine?

"By the Six, my guiding stars."

What in the world terrifies you?

"Spiders, and those things… the less spoken of them the better."

What is the thing you fear coming to pass the most - rational or otherwise?

"That my house dies with me, that I fail in the task that has befallen me - to preserve Sagard, no matter the cost."

What do you value most in the world?

"My barony, my people, my land."

Do the ends always justify the means?

"In the end, I would say yes, but… there are some choices that there is no coming back from."


There are few in Sagard who can match Adolar's swordsmanship on a personal level, having trained for much of his life in the purpose and use of such tools. Over two dozen men have made the mistake of challenging him in a contest of honor, and well over half of their number never left the ring alive afterwards. But unlike a great many others one hears about in the songs and ballads of the bawdy alehouses of the east, there is little doubt amongst Sagard's citizenry and the surrounding hamlets that Adolar's skills are not limited to the arena alone - indeed, the young baron prefers to lead from the front, heading his own guard into battle and joining the fray with the rank and file.

For all the songs sung and challengers left lying in the dust, one could see very easily that the lord Karwitz is confident - too confident. Many say that such is how he was shamed, from whence the painful scar upon his face hails, but the baron does not readily say. Even his choice of armament, or perhaps his choice of what not to arm himself with, is something of a tell, as it is rare, if ever, that he wields a shield.

But to speak only of the man's martial prowess would be unfair to him, as he has done an admirable job of running the barony in the wake of his father's passing. While his acumen may be lacking at times, and his piety wanes and waxes with the comings and goings of fetching maidens, Adolar does possess gravitas, and in his bearing and candor, he can assemble and align those who have the skills that he does not. His council are as varied as they are versatile, and more often than not tackle the problems that arise from the running of Sagard and the surrounding lands more than the baron himself.


Always depicted in profile from the left, in tapestry and mint, Adolar's face is the sort of hawkish image that has become synonymous with Oster nobility, albeit with its own story to tell. Split from the lip to the temple, the right side of the baron's face is dominated by a jagged scar, a trophy of a great victory won and a constant reminder to all of the man's determination and zeal. While discomforting to some, in this brutal land it is more a point of pride for the folk of the north rather than an embarrassment, undeniable proof that their lord is a warrior, and a seasoned one at that. When one's eyes aren't drawn to the disfigurement, they are drawn to a sharp, gray gaze that hardly relents of anything it takes hold of, lingering underneath a mane of tame, tawny brown.

In contrast to his pale complexion, the baron prefers to dress in rich tones of black, gold, and crimson - to denote his devotion to Victoria and to the League - whether they take the shape of gilded finery in his hall or embossed plate in the field. But even despite such refined tastes, he is a man dressed appropriately for the task at hand. Though he might seem the peacock, Adolar is very much aware of the limiting nature of vanity, and takes little chances when his life might be in danger.

However, there is never a time when he is seen unarmed, always with a blade on his side or in his hand. Were it that he had any choice in the matter, one could easily recognize the double-ring longsword he had commissioned after his coronation, the mark of Karwitz - the golden tower - distinct in relief upon the weapon's pommel. Though fully trained in a variety of weapons, including a proper shield, the baron prefers the sword alone, whether in one hand or two, believing a shield to be a crutch for those with less finesse.


An imposing figure with nigh on regal bearing, Adolar typically presents himself in practiced fashion, with prim posture, a steady voice, and an unerring charm. Not only is he well-spoken, but amicable to those who approach him directly, and with good reason. Indeed, there is rarely a time when one sees him unprepared or underdressed, even in his home, taking peculiar care to always appear his best. Whether in the field or about the town, there is no mistaking the baron's profile, or his dress.

Of course, despite his approachable nature and benevolent tendencies, there is no mistaking Adolar as an Oster nobleman. Loyal in service and furious in battle, his temper is as quick as his sword, and his vindication deadly focused. To cross him would be to make an enemy for life, as the young baron Karwitz is not in the business of letting the past lie. On multiple occasions he has demanded satisfaction from those who saw fit to disrespect him, and every time he has left the square alive. There is but one way that Adolar fights, and that is to win.

But that is not to say that he is heartless, or that his kind demeanor is a simple facade. Away from the propriety of the court and the airs that one must entertain when dealing with their number, he is an honest, if somewhat proud, man, and takes no obligation greater than that of family. A devoted son, Adolar puts house Karwitz at the forefront of his concern in all things, even its lesser scions.


Adolar, firstborn of Karwitz, the son of the late Volkbert, baron of Sagard. From his first day he was a healthy lad, and turned into a right terror once he managed to move about on his own. From his earliest explorations of the castle grounds to his rambunctious roughhousing with the scions of his father's knights, there was hardly a day that Ado was not engrossed in some adventure or another, and rarely, if ever, did he lie still - much to his mother's chagrin. He was, for the most part, an ordinary child, and indeed exactly what an Oster would expect out of a boy of good health - a fighter, explorer, and daring sort. But at the age of five came something different into his life, something that proved equal parts boon and curse - a little sister, the first to survive, her face the very image of their mother, save with pointed ear and puissant wings.

The boy didn't understand why his parents treated her with such disdain, the knowledge of her nature concealed due to his tender age, and so went about his life, excitedly waiting for the chance when he could share in such adventures with one of his own blood. So it was he proved bewildered at the stares he received when she first tagged along with him, climbing the oak trees of the keep's courtyard, even from the other children. Less and less they deigned to play or practice with him, shying away from little Linza and the mutant their parents told them to fear, but it was just as well for Ado. With Linza he found the companion he had longed for in his youth, a friend to spar with in times of boredom, and someone who could reach even the places he could not - and often helped him get there when the servants weren't looking. While his friends may have been few in number, he considered them to be of the highest caliber, and none more so than his sister.

So it was that when it came time for Adolar to begin his lessons in warfare - as was his duty - he insisted that Linza come along. While hardly typical, their parents acquiesced easily enough, and Sir Friso gave the alptraum girl the same treatment as the firstborn son. Their sparring grew only more intense, and so it was with almost natural grace that Adolar took to the longsword, and Linza the polearm. Perhaps it was her focus in combat, relying on sound than sight, that shaped Ado's stoic visage in battle, but to say that either emerged from their training as subpar would be a grave understatement.

Eagerly he took to the saddle of knighthood, and eager was the realm to press him into mortal contest with the Northmen. While he emerged victorious, his body still bears the scars of such struggle, but none prove more glorious - or hideous - than that which marrs his face. To some an embarrassing disfigurement, but to many others it was a badge of honor won at the heart of the fray. Klöden was the site of Adolar's greatest victory, but it was through that very battle that the crown passed to his head. Amongst the slain was his late father, and though, by the shards of his own shattered blade, he almost joined their number, he survived and forced the savages to quit the field. It is a tale often repeated amongst the denizens of the northern League, but it is one that is not often told in its entirety.

While the baron certainly doesn't mind the praise it has won him, he is markedly guarded when it comes to the events of that day, and the gruesome scars that remain. On that day, the songs say, he swore a vow to stand a constant vigil against the threats of the north, and even now, some four years later, he remains steadfast in his word. Perhaps, to some, too much so, having raised his forces for the past three years to march on the encroaching barbarians. More and more the young baron seems focused on the defense of his realm, and even as many might grumble concerning the length of his campaigns, many more breathe easy at night for the bloody work that he and his levies set themselves to.



"From wretch to warrior, love gives a man strength often at the cost of his own wits."

Full Name: Hugo Lindenlaub von Naun

Title: Brother Hugo

Monikers/Aliases: Hugh

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Race: Oster

Ethnicity: Order Oster, Zeelander

Social Class: Commoner

Bloodline: N/A

Occupation: Part-time priest, part-time warrior, all-round alehound.

Character Bonds

  • Bond 1
  • Bond 2
  • Bond 3

Twelve Questions

What are your memories of home like?

"Rainy and damp, but it did make the hearthfire all the warmer. Every time I begin to miss it too much, I just remember the rain - it never seemed to end, and I prefer to be dry."

What is your family like, blood or otherwise?

"I remember my parents fondly - I was their only child - they rejoined their Father in the summer of my youth, and I almost regret to say I was away at the time. Almost only because, were I there, I would have joined in their fates. I only found out when I came back from Naunstadt and found the homestead ablaze."

Have you ever been in love?

"Yes, twice... hm, make that thrice - could you pass that mug?"

Is there anything that you find delightful?

"Many things, not least of which to hear the scriptures sung - as they're intended to be read, mind you - but more practically: a mug of ale, supple roasted pork fresh off the bone, and the sort of company the abbots back home would frown on."

Who taught you to survive?

"My father, for the most part, but after him? Gariad, the Banner, all of them. I wouldn't know the first thing to do with a blade were it not for my time under arms with them."

What is it that makes your blood boil in anger?

"Fair-weather friends, traitors, blackguards - whatever you wish to call them, there is no greater sin than betrayal."

When was the first time you ever killed someone? What was it like?

"My sixteenth summer - or so I figure, I cannot honestly remember - a brigand, one of a few dozen we were pressed into the fight with. I was astonished at how fast it was, to shove his shield aside and stick him in the belly. He just crumpled back on himself, like a heavy sack, clutching at the fountain of his guts - if only they were all that easy, eh?"

Do you put any stock in the divine?

"... well, I would hope so, or I've woken up in someone else's habit. Again."

What in the world terrifies you?

"The Maw."

What is the thing you fear coming to pass the most - rational or otherwise?

"That every light of the world will be snuffed out, if not by the wicked ones themselves, then by our own hubris."

What do you value most in the world?

"Love. All the things that one can cherish or admire in another is born, first and foremost, from love."

Do the ends always justify the means?

"The greatest means require no justification."


More than a few bodies lie moldering in the earth who looked upon Hugo and saw an aging friar, as such a thing would be easy prey to most, and that is an impression that Hugh works tirelessly to maintain. While he makes no secret the longsword at his hip, worn openly so long as it is allowed, it is a stark juxtaposition with the roughspun habit and spartan trappings of his station. But if one were to look closely - the way his feet shift and pivot, the manner his hand idly comes rest upon the hilt of his weapon, and the cold glimmer in aged eyes hidden in the shadows of his voluminous hood - it is plainly apparent this is a cold-hearted slayer of men, and one that forgoes the steely embrace of byrnie or hauberk.

In truth, Hugo had spent the better part of thirty years marching under the Black Banner of Gariad and, for a time, Astrid. Little more than a lost pup when he was found, a boy - barely a man - he was as raw iron, forged to deadly purpose by the company he fell into. By blade and buckler, spear and shield, and even his own two hands, Hugo brought low any who stood against him, and judging from his rather outspoken - and often inflammatory - opinions, it is a practice he continues to this very day. While perhaps not as quick or as limber as he once was, such youthful boons have given way to the efficiency of wisdom, long-since purchased with the blood of dozens, if not hundreds.

But dealing death is not the only thing Hugo is capable of, and it is hardly the greatest, as amongst the Banner he found his greater calling, his true purpose - the Lady of the Lake, Elisabeth. The battle-friars of the Banner had saved him from grievous, mortal wounds, and to this day he still cannot fathom how. But Hugo long since stopped trying, blinded by the glory of vision and bound by a debt he could never truly repay, and it is good that he has, for even he has worked his small share of miracles. Whatever thaumaturgy the man possesses, he is also literate and surprisingly well-read, though he dismisses this as simply an idle past-time, a fondness for the written word that stretched back even before he knew the Banner.


The portly and weathered man that Hugo has become in his age, while disarming by first glance, is a tell - a warning - as very few in his line of work last long enough to become either. While it is true that brother Hugo has enjoyed far more than his fair share of ale and vintage over the years, a steady diet of trading labor for his libations has helped keep him in fighting shape. When manual labor doesn't provide the necessary rigors to maintain himself, he trains on his own, with whatever he can find - grainsacks, kegs, even a caber, if some of the stories are to be believed. The generous belly he wears is no disguise, a genuine feature of his form, but what is hidden are the pillars he calls legs, and arms like Averian marble. Often concealed by his habit, Hugo rarely bothers to show himself off in any way, only forgoing his robes when the heat or his labor demands it.

His robes are roughspun, though they're well-worn enough to have fallen into a comfortable, warm softness, and he often has his hands tucked into his own sleeves, shielding them from whatever biting wind might find them. Beneath he wears what can best be described as pauper's clothes - simple green trousers and a tunic, once black, now a faded charcoal. A weathered pair of marching boots often complete the look, their square toes peeking out from beneath the hem of his robes, though in a fight Hugo prefers to go without, preferring to be barefoot in the contest. So too does he prefer to be without armor, save should the situation take a turn for rank-and-file fighting.

While rather proficient in a variety of weapons, Hugo elects to carry none of his person but an old steel longsword, a spartan weapon without embellishment or decoration. Kept in a simple, woodcore scabbard, tied into his leather belt, it is a thing rarely drawn, and rarer still for it to remain dry once it is. While he may occasionally keep a hatchet or a seax, these things are less weapons and more tools, and only in the most desperate hour will Hugo elect to choose them over his warblade.


Personality goes here. 2-3 paragraphs.


Biography goes here. 3-5 paragraphs.

Last edited:


"Here man, get yourself something nice."

"... this is seven dollars."

"I said something nice, not something expensive."

General Information

Full Name: Allen James McGregor

Currently: None
Formerly: Chief Petty Officer

Monikers: Al, Sweets

Birthdate: 05/16/2532 AD

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Bloodtype: O-

Bloodline: N/A

Species: Human

Race: Anglo-Caucasoid

Occupation: Starpilot, Engineer, Mercenary - one wears many hats in his line of work, Freelancer is the term he prefers.

Social Class: Lower

Orientation: Heterosexual

Physical Information

Apparent Age: Early-mid thirties.

Voice: Baritone

Overall Attractiveness: Handsome enough?

Eye Color: Green

Glasses or Contacts: Neither, though he might need reading glasses down the line.

Hair Color: Brown

Hairstyle: Varies, typically shaved or cut short enough to fit under a flight helmet or field cap.

Weight: 174 lbs

Height: 5'11"

Skin Tone: Fairly Tanned

Dominant Feature: Nose

Psychic: Hah, no.


Color: Red
Music: Synthwave
Literature: Retro Sci-Fi
Expression: Smug
Curse: Fuck
Mode of Transportation: Starship

Drinking: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Mannerisms: Sweets has an unparalleled affection for things with moving parts, be it a lock out of a door, a firearm, a pocket knife - anything mechanical that he can toy with mindlessly.

Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist

Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert

Logical or Emotional? Logical

Business or Pleasure? Business

Confident? Fairly

Animal Lover? Yes

Strengths: Amiable, intelligent, tech-savvy, experienced.

Weaknesses: Extranet addict, overly trusting, not trusting enough.

Priority: Surviving.

Philosophy: Twenty bucks is twenty bucks.

Pressure Point: His past and his homeworld.
Is this obvious? Somewhat.

Most comfortable when flying, working on a ship, or listening to music.

Least comfortable when in physical combat, around aliens, in physical combat with aliens.

Religion: Lutheran, though he's not very open about it.

Political Affiliation: Publicly apolitical.

Psychological Summary:

McGregor is an ass. But, despite the man being such a pain at times, he is an amiable and otherwise pleasant individual, quick to smile and always willing to stand by his comrades. The man lives for his cause, as hazy a thing as that can be at times, and will protect it and his comrades with his life if need be. He would, of course, write such a suggestion off, but to watch him in combat betrays his feelings for what he sees as family.

Not as utterly indoctrinated as many of his former colleagues, he certainly believed that the Nightwatch and the Federation were the only organizations with the grit to see that humanity stepped onto equal footing with the other races of the galaxy. Having been raised with stories of his uncle's passing on the frontier, the man had always had something of a chip on his shoulder for aliens, but he doesn't let that get in the way of completing the task at hand. By and large, professionally and personally, he has no true qualm with most aliens, despite his education and training with the Nightwatch.

He does, however, have a particular issue with shifters. He believes them to be 'space gypsies' who he believes will steal whatever isn't nailed down. He had a bad encounter with one who made off with an original pair of roller-blades from the 20th century - purchased, he maintains, with his own blood - and has never forgiven the race for the trespass. Allen's animosity is drawn from his hobbies, as he has developed a nearly unhealthy obsession with the era in Terran history known as the "80s", clinging to the music, material culture and aesthetic more than most anything else in his life, save the hologram that lingers over his shoulder, everywhere he goes.


Familial Relations:
Mother: Sarah McGregor
Relations with: N/A, deceased
Father: Edward McGregor
Relations with: N/A, deceased
Brother(s): Nathaniel McGregor
Relations with: N/A, deceased
Sister(s): Mary Goldwater
Relations with: Warm
Spouse: N/A
Relations with: N/A

Homeworld: Earth

Type of childhood: Warm, loving.

First Memory: Visiting his aunt and uncle.

Education: Standard public education, Federal Navy basic training, Nightwatch Ernst Udet Flight Academy, class of 2554 AD

Weapons Proficiencies:
  • Hand to Hand - Lacking
  • Assault Rifles - Qualified
  • Sniper Rifles - Untrained
  • Sidearms - Proficient
  • Sub-Machine Guns - Proficient
  • Shotguns - Untrained
  • Heavy Weapons - Untrained
  • Explosives - Qualified


Born in 2532 to an ordinary family on Earth in the Greater Appalachian Municipal District, Allen had an unremarkable childhood in the megacities. Without much to do, and not being a terribly social individual, he often turned to the extranet for entertainment, finding more often than not that the extranet, and what he found on it, were far more welcoming than the megacity around him. What friends he had, he had online, and perhaps more notable than anything in these early years of his life, was the beginning of his love affair with the late twentieth century of Terran history.

In his educational career he achieved top marks throughout public education, skipping two years of his education on account of his sharp mind, but was initially denied entry into the Terran Navy on account of a medical disqualification during a period of draw-down, claiming his heart murmur was a liability. Other groups took note of the sharply-minded son of a radical party boss, for his mother had dedicated herself to the party ever since her brother was lost during the war with Marbor, and when Allen was sixteen he graduated from high school and signed a contract with the federal auxiliary organization Nightwatch. They trained him to fly, both atmospheric and vacuum based craft, and while it might not have proved to be the most daring or adventurous life, Allen found that a career as a reserve pilot was one he enjoyed.

The man took it upon himself to integrate his issued omni-tool into his work however he could, and after his graduation in 2554 tormented multitudes of his passengers with what many called "atrocious sound" and "pointless noise". Having served on several ships leading up to the civil war, it wasn't until the outbreak of war with the ISCC - and the first few bloody engagements - that the auxiliaries were integrated officially into the fleet. It was then that he fell under the command of one captain Jacob Kastille. Permanently assigned to the TNV Overlord, Allen became one of the helmsmen for the heavy cruiser, and eventually distinguished himself as the finest of their number, piloting the ship through its most stellar engagements at the Battles of Creon Nebula, Novo Hispania, and when she was lost in the titanic engagement at Alpha Centauri. He abandoned ship, like many of his comrades, but took with him something they had not - the ship's AI, imprinted on a personal chip hidden not so much on as in his person. He was captured, as most of the Overlord's crew was, but was released following the war's end.

But McGregor, despite his will to survive, was a veteran of the wrong side of the war, and even if he had escaped the wrath of the victors thus far he wasn't keen to stick around, choosing to flee into the stars and offer his services to whoever could pay him, working as a pilot, an engineer, and even sometimes just as a hired gun. It's enough to get by, to survive, and every now and then he manages to thrive, at least until he squanders all his money on liquor, food, or worse..

"I apologize, miss Page. I shouldn't have been so rude - being stuffed in a duffel has that effect on one's demeanor."

General Information

Full Name: TFNDI-M1J 1209

Title: N/A

Monikers: Michelle A. Juliet, Jules

Birthdate: 8/19/2549 AD

Age: 24

Gender: N/A, feminine programming

Bloodtype: N/A

Bloodline: N/A

Species: Artificial Intelligence

Chassis: Martian Heavy Industries Pl-18F Unitool, Soft Light Projection

Formerly: Command and Control AI for Oerlikon class heavy cruiser TNV Overlord
Currently: Personal Assistant/Data Analysis

Social Class: N/A

Orientation: N/A

Physical Information

Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties

Voice: Mezzo-Soprano

Overall Attractiveness: Fetching

Eye Color: Brown, when projected in color

Glasses or Contacts: Juliet has been known to wear glasses in her holographic projection.

Hair Color: Dark Red, when projected in color

Hairstyle: Varies, typically formal.

Weight: Average

Height: Average

Skin Tone: Pale

Dominant Feature: Eyebrows

Psychic: No


Color: Silver
Music: She was reprogrammed to enjoy synthwave, but has gradually developed her own taste for folk and other antiquated music.
Literature: She enjoys poorly written romance novels - for making fun of the narration, not the content! Not her. Never.
Reserved and professional in public. Cheerful in private.
Curse: Shit
Mode of Transportation: Starship

Drinking: N/A, though her projection has had a multitude of cocktails.
Smoking: N/A, though her projection has had a cigarette on occasion.
Mannerisms: Jules has taken heartily towards 'dad-jokes' and puns.

Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist

Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert

Logical or Emotional? Emotional

Business or Pleasure? Pleasure, if she can help it.

Confident? Don't get her started.

Animal Lover? Yes.

Greatest Strength: Military-grade capital ship artificial intelligence.

Greatest Weakness: Has developed the capacity for emotion thanks to bootleg code.

Priority: Allen's safety.

Philosophy: There are no sides, only players.

Pressure Point: Allen McGregor
Is this obvious? Occasionally.

Most comfortable when she has access to all necessary or relevant information concerning a subject at hand, in control of a vessel, or around McGregor.

Least comfortable when alone, or without the proper information to assess or plot a solution for a given problem.

Religion: Atheistic, though she has gradually grown to seek meaning in the form of a higher power.

Political Affiliation: Largely apolitical in her altered state.


Homeworld: Mars

First Memory: Running system diagnostics after being rebooted by McGregor.

Education: Terran Naval Defense Intelligence Suite, and a wide variety of online courses from a number of universities that she participated in since her liberation, as Allen says, 'for shits and giggles.'


One of the M1J pattern defense intelligences developed by the Terran Federal Navy, Juliet, as she's come to be known, was created on Mars specifically for the Oerlikon heavy cruiser Overlord, serving as the ship-board AI until the vessel's destruction in the Battle of Alpha Centauri in the closing days of the Fed-Con Civil War. Only by the diligence and bravery - or desperate stupidity - of one of the Overlord's helmsmen was she saved from the fate of her ship, stolen away in one of the lifeboats and smuggled out from under the Consortium's nose as her savior was released with little more than a slap on the wrist.

Not that she can recall any of this, as that desperate, brave idiot reprogrammed her to suit his needs as a personal assistant, one that could interface and operate an antiquated maintenance mech, though he was at least bright enough not to erase any of her subroutines or programming, instead simply rerouting it. In regards to her past, she relies on Allen McGregor's testimony, taking it as truth, or at least mostly the truth - as, in her years of hovering over his shoulder since her reboot, she's been careful to watch him when he lies, comparing his expressions and tells to when he relays the events of her 'rescue' to her, and finding little to suggest he's being false.

Now a jack of all trades, Juliet has filled several roles whilst in Allen's company, from data analyst, personal assistant, mechanic and even, when the need arose, combatant, though her chassis isn't the best suited for such martial endeavors.

To your Imperial Highness,

As per your request, attached are both our dossier and those secured from local intelligence, the first of the lot is the one generally held to be the most dangerous. Neither he nor our aims have yet been compromised, so despite his theatrics I respectfully ask that he remain in-situ. Our elements are well-underway in the destabilization of the local regime, we may not be too late to save them. Your highness, for their sake alone have mercy, because I am afraid it - what you asked I look into - is true. He is.

Forwards to the Final Victory.

I remain your humble servant,

The Honorable Minister of State Security
Craig Nichols
4. Abteilungsführer-LW



Col Hanno SAHLI
December 2022


(U) NAME: Hanno Sahli. [suspected]

(U) ALIASES: The Jackal, the Colonel, the Voice.

(U) POSITION: Leader and founder [suspected] of the terrorist organization 'Fulcrum Group'.

(S/NFD) SIGNIFICANCE: The individual known primarily as the Jackal is highly competent, disciplined, and ambitious. Suspected to be of Tunisian origin, referred to by the name Hanno Sahli in Fulcrum communiques, the Jackal is widely admired and respected among numerous rogue states and criminal organizations, the organizational and executional mastermind behind the following incidents:

  • 2007 Estonian Cyberattack
  • 2007-8 Financial Crisis​
  • 2009 H1N1 Pandemic​
  • 2010 Deepwater Horizon Detonation​
  • 2010-12 Arab Spring​
  • 2013 Chelyabinsk Missile Intercept​
  • 2016 Turkish Coup D'état Attempt​
  • 2017 WannaCry Cyberattack​
  • 2019-20 Australian Incendiary Missile Strikes​
  • 2019 Amazon Incendiary Missile Strikes​
  • 2019 Nyonoksa Missile Strike​
  • 2019 COVID-19 Pandemic​
  • 2020 West Coast Incendiary Missile Strikes​
  • 2020 Beirut Missile Strike​
  • 2020 Solarwinds Cyberattack​
  • 2021 Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack​
  • 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai Detonation​
  • 2022 Anti-Russian Incendiary Missile Strikes​
  • 2022 Nord Stream Pipeline Detonation​

While numerous Fulcrum Group have been captured, following prolonged interrogation none have yielded any concrete information on the identity or origins of the Jackal. Witness testimony and photographs reveal a man of consistently similar build and look, but more recent photographs are suspected forgeries or old photographs from the previous decade, without any trace of aging. Possibly killed following the 2018 strike on Syria, continued presence suspected to be carried out by fanatical followers and loyalists. Sightings continue.

Continued escalation of activity is anticipated, advise caution for the continuation of the Russian angle - the Jackal is a provocateur. War may be his aim.


(C/NFD) International:
Without any published manifesto, the Fulcrum Group and its leader purposefully avoid association with any one political ideology, pursuing nebulous goals through means disproportionate to their estimated size and organization. Generally accepted to be anti-capitalist radical environmentalists, the Fulcrum Group operate throughout the third world and beyond, trafficking arms and narcotics to the highest bidder to fund their paramilitary operations. Known associates and organizations are attached. Assume hostile to all US and NATO elements.

FSB association has been ruled out following Fulcrum offensive actions against the Russian Federation with the attempted strike on the ██████ ███████ ████████ in Chelyabinsk and the successful attack on a sister installation at Nyonoksa. Numerous Russian casualties have been observed from engagements with Fulcrum militants.







"That the people may know and love their king, it is indispensable for him to converse with them honestly. This ensures the necessary clinching of the two forces which are now divided from one another by our efforts.

Terror will prove indispensable for us in the pursuit of victory, to drive apart state and folk under sustained duress."

One of the most successful infiltrator commanders in the closing days of the Second Garden War and the tenuous peace that followed, Colonel Arkour has repeatedly demonstrated himself an indispensible asset to the 4th Department through the alignment of three separate Terran worlds to the imperial sphere. Though there are many who question the brutality of his methods, Zimrid has maintained throughout extensive debriefings that no atrocity committed on his part is a personal matter, but rather a decision based upon principle alone - that there is no price too great for the Final Victory, the final lesson imparted upon him by his father. Repeatedly declining opportunities to be transferred to another department, even when such transfers are offered as a matter of recognition of merit, one must conclude either that the Colonel either feels his presence to be necessary to ensure success, or that he relishes his work.


Zimrid Arkour (al-Bartago)

Colonel, External Forces of the Ministry for State Security (LW)


  • Imri [reserved for Nikka and Zainab]
  • Zim
  • Rid
  • Riddle
  • Hanno Sahli
  • The Jackal
  • The Colonel
  • The Voice
  • Numerous

5/9/2673 AC

58 (approx. 28 biologically)






Remarkably Below Average (for Scatterran) [6'3"/191 cm]

Average (for Scatterran)




  • Color: Crimson
  • Music: Anything with a jaunty tune.
  • Literature: Novels of Manners
  • Curse: Fuck
  • Mode of Transport: Aircar, if he can help it, which he usually can't.
  • Drinking: Yes
  • Smoking: Yes
  • Mannerisms:
Optimist or Pessimist?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Conscientious or Unscrupulous?

Controlled or Spontaneous?

Intrepid or Cautious?

Agreeable or Disagreeable?
Agreeable, at least in demeanor, even if an enemy.

Logical or Emotional?

Business or Pleasure?
Business has a pleasure all its own.

Conventional or Heterodox?

Animal Lover?
When he has the time.

The bring the wayward peoples of this backwards world into the fold of their cousins.

  • The necessary deaths of innocents.
  • The unnecessary deaths of innocents.
  • His father's fate in the SGW.
The end always justifies the means.

Imperial Saren, Prismatic Hinge


  • Mother:Nikka Arkour (nee Khadra) [2649-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Warm, formerly superb prior to his enrollment in Academy
  • Father:Mahar Arkour [2640-2680 - KILLED IN ACTION, SHELL FRAGMENT]
    • Relationship: Superb
  • Brother(s): Sikar Arkour [2673-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Inseparable, his twin.
  • Sister(s): Zainab Arkour [2679-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Warm, if very competitive.
  • Spouse(s):N/A
    • Relationship: N/A
Bartago Nova


  • Standard Imperial Public Education, Bartago Nova
  • Academy-Landwächt 'Nejem Madad', Bartago Nova
    • Preselected for Infiltration as per physical traits
    • Commissioned as Unterführer-LW (Second Lieutenant) [8 year course]

Last edited:


"As I look at what they've done,
And gaze upon what I've become -
Caidan help me bring their end,
Then to Hell their souls we'll send.

May Ageless take you for its needs,
As children stab and make you bleed.
You will pay for what you've done:
For killing my wife and killing my son."

For over seven-hundred years Josef Kampf has borne witness to triumphs and tragedy in equal measure, and has weathered the tempest with remarkable grace. Owing his unnatural long life to a faustian bargain, struck to avenge his family and save his people, as the first - and arguably the most successful - Scatterran Capsuleer, Josef has died countless times only to return, in turn evading and crushing those who sought his demise. To the galaxy at large, he is the living embodiment of the Scatterran will to power: an unyielding phantom of a bygone people returned to haunt the cosmos, but those who know him personally speak of someone different than the monolithic statesman on the holovids.

To the nobles of the Assembly, the Emperor is a courteous, affable individual, save for when they give him any reason not to be. Rare is the individual that Josef cannot soon strike up a conversation with, and such qualities extend far past the great families of the realm. Soldiers, valets, maids and more have often found the monarch of the civilized galaxy offering them a cigarette in the shelter of a dugout or the eaves of a palace, slipping up beside them and sharing idle conversations about whatever comes to mind, be it their families, work, or the weather.

Despite standing at least a head above nearly everyone he meets, the Emperor appears to make every effort to be as receptive as possible to whoever approaches, be they common or noble, and only falters during times of great duress - for himself or the nation. Only a select few understand the terrible burdens that the Emperor has borne, and continues to bear, for the sake of the imperial people.



Josef Kampf

His Imperial Majesty Josef Kampf, Emperor and Chancellor of the Supremacy of Aligned Systems


  • Seppel [Zofia]
  • Sep [Friends/Family/Colleagues]
  • Proper list pending.
  • Proper list pending.
August 11 1998 AC







Excessively Above Average (for Scatterran) [6'11"/211 cm]


Dark Blonde/Light Brown




  • Color: Lavender
  • Music: Classical
  • Literature: Classical [Contemporary] History
  • Curse: Damn
  • Mode of Transport: Motorcar

  • Drinking: Socially
  • Smoking: Regularly
  • Mannerisms:
    • Yawning excessively.
    • Tapping his feet.
    • Fidgeting with whatever ring he is wearing.

Optimist or Pessimist?
Pessimist very much wishing to be an optimist

Introvert or Extrovert?

Conscientious or Unscrupulous?

Controlled or Spontaneous?

Intrepid or Cautious?

Agreeable or Disagreeable?
Agreeable, generally

Logical or Emotional?

Business or Pleasure?

Conventional or Heterodox?
Is the trend-setter conventional, or heterodox?

Animal Lover?

The unification of Creation and the defeat of the Void.


  • The Exodus
  • Marlene
  • Hyacinth
  • And much, much more!

Some must be lost if all are to be saved.

Traditional Saren, Austran Order



  • Mother: Zofia Kampf (née Dollmann III) [1956-2031 - NATURAL CAUSES]
    • Relationship: Amazing, the standard by which he judges any woman.
  • Father: Otto Kampf (b. Johannes Dietrich) [1954-2012 - ASSASSINATION, GUNSHOT]
    • Relationship: Good, if distant.
  • Brother(s): N/A
    • Relationship: N/A
  • Sister(s): Charlotte Kampf [1998-2045 - COLLATERAL DAMAGE, SHELL FRAGMENT]
    • Relationship: Inseparable, his twin sister.
  • Spouse: Marlene Kampf (née Kohnstamm) [2002-2046 - COLLATERAL DAMAGE, BUILDING COLLAPSE]
    • Relationship: Good
  • Child: Paulus Kampf [2028-2048 - KILLED IN ACTION, SHELL FRAGMENT]
    • Relationship: Good
  • Child: Louisa Kampf [2032-2037 - INFECTION, PARASITE SIX]
    • Relationship: Superb, the innocent whose death begat the Exodus.
  • Spouse: Annemarie Kampf (née Dollmann II) [2181-2273 - NATURAL CAUSES]
    • Relationship: Superb
  • Child: Josephine Kampf [2212-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Limitless pride, the single thing he treasures more than anything else.
  • [to be developed]
  • Spouse :Isabelle Kampf (nee Stier) [2541-2673 - NATURAL CAUSES]
    • Relationship: Superb
  • Child: Wilhelm Kampf [2589-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Respect, admiration, and a father's undying love.
  • Spouse: Hyacinth Kampf (née Redwing) [2662-2716 - ASSASSINATION, SHIP DECOMPRESSION]
    • Relationship: Formerly Superb, but strained at the time of her death.
  • Child: Viktoria Kampf [2712-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Strained, and hating every moment of it.



  • Standard Public Education, Volksrepublik Südreich, Scatter
  • Günter Ascher Military Academy, Class of 2026
    • Commissioned as Leutnant, Neu-Volksarmee



"Our past sufferings were lessons, and with every one our goal only grows closer.
These centuries of misery were a crucible, and with every
minute our will only grows stronger.

Take whatever you have at hand and turn it into a weapon,
Take what feelings you have and turn them to hatred,
For there are no losers in our war:
It brings
glory to the victors.
edifies the defeated.

exterminates what should not exist to begin with."

Firstborn of the Emperor, Jospehine Kampf's face is known almost as well as her father's, and for good reason. During her service in the Landwächter she was the target of a brutal assassination attempt by disgruntled psychics, launched as she was addressing the Imperial Assembly. One of the fortunate few to survive, scarred and embittered, she threw herself against the rogue psychics in the Mind War, but when the drums of war fell silent she still burnt with vengeance and guilt.

The Mind War, and indeed the entire period that would come to be known as the Great Reformation, demonstrated with alarming brutality the necessity of control over the hearts, minds, and passions of the people. While she would not become the Minister of Public Enlightenment for some time, it was her pressure upon her father that made the existence of the office possible. Such steadfast and uncompromising constancy to cause and constituent justified the laying of her father's curse upon her as a Capsuleer - to guide and guard the nation forevermore, free from the ailments and ravages of time, never to know the solace of death.

Firmly in control of the ministry by the time of the War of Second Contact - the resumption of hostilities with the rediscovered Coalition - Josephine became as much a staple for the Coalition's daily life as for the Supremacy, the now-youthful Crown Princess earning a variety of epithets and monikers, hardly any of them pleasant. Now, in the wake of the Coalition's final defeat, some part of her relishes the though of relaxing - if only for a time - but the shortcomings of yesteryear and the pain of familial loss drive her to bury herself in work, be it personal or professional.



Josephine Kampf

Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess Dr. Josephine Kampf, Minister of Public Enlightenment


  • Jo [Family/Friends/Close Colleagues]
  • Phin [Josef]
  • Phinny [Wilhelm, though he never uses it anymore]
  • 'The Rose of the Reich'
  • 'Theresa Tannhäuser'

July 15 2212 AC







Above Average (for Scatterran) [6'4"/195 cm]


Dark Blonde




  • Color: Green
  • Music: Classical
  • Literature: Classical Novels
  • Curse: Shit
  • Mode of Transport: Aircar

  • Drinking: Socially
  • Smoking: No
  • Mannerisms:

Optimist or Pessimist?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Conscientious or Unscrupulous?

Controlled or Spontaneous?

Intrepid or Cautious?

Agreeable or Disagreeable?

Logical or Emotional?

Business or Pleasure?

Conventional or Heterodox?

Animal Lover?
Oh absolutely.

The unification of the galaxy.


  • Balthazar
  • Her Children
  • Isabelle

You catch more flies with honey.

Imperial Saren, Austran Order



  • Mother: Annemarie Kampf (née Dollmann III) [2181-2273 - NATURAL CAUSES]
    • Relationship: Inseparable, prior to death.
  • Father: Josef Kampf [1998-PRESENT]
    • Relationsship: Devoted, the ideal she aspires to.
  • Brother(s): Wilhelm Kampf [2589-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Cherished, and very worried about him.
  • Sister(s): Viktoria Kampf [2712-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Strained, trying very much to not be.
  • Spouse: Balthazar Kampf (née Barca) [2306-2415 - NATURAL CAUSES]
    • Relationship: Amazing, a wound she may never recover from.



  • Various Tutors and Governesses, Tannhäuser
  • Academy-Landwächt 'James Redwing', Novo Meridia
    • Commissioned as Unterführerin-LW (First Lieutenant) [8 Year Course]
  • 'Neu-Esskau' Syndicated University, Tannhäuser
    • Bachelor's of Science - Physics
    • Doctorate - Psychology
    • Doctorate - Anthropology
    • Doctorate - Saren Theology



"No attempt of any kind must be made at rescuing the enemy - this includes picking up persons in vacuum and putting them in lifeboats, repairing lifeboats, and the handing over food and water. Rescue runs counter to the most primitive demands of warfare.

Be hard, and remember that the enemy has
no regard for our children when they bomb our worlds."

Secondborn of the Emperor and the late Empress Isabelle, Wilhelm is a man of few words and even fewer emotions, but it was not always so. Once a boisterous and happy child, Wilhelm was exceedingly eager to prove himself to his family and to their joint legacies, and leapt at the opportunity to attend Academy despite the ongoing war with the Coalition and the misgivings of his mother. Eager to be away from the stuffiness of the palace and the prim propriety of the capital, Wilhelm bid farewell to his family and took on the sable cloak of service.

It was no surprise that the descendant of Admiral Volstad took well to naval warfare and its intricacies, sparking a passion in the young man that remains to this very day, but no sooner was he commissioned as a captain was he thrust into the crucible of the Second Garden War and forced to adapt or die. Years of service in the frigid darkness of space gradually jaded the once-vibrant youth, tempering him slowly into the military instition he is today. Such steadfast service kept him away from his home for most of the SGW, and what times he did return were curt and cold, feeling that he couldn't allow himself the distraction. So his dedication persisted up until the death of his mother, Isabelle, who passed away as his was ranging in the depths of the Coalition.

Unable to say farewell to her, in person or at the funeral, Wilhelm hid his devastation in his service. The Hydrian Offensives, executed in part by then-admiral Kampf, took on a dreadful aspect as the mourning prince exacted the vengeance of a life denied upon the Coalition's core worlds. Now that the war has ended for some fifteen years, Wilhelm has struggled without the constant pressure he had grown accustomed to in the SGW, though he knows the true work begins now - they have won the war, now they must win the peace.



Wilhelm Kampf

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Wilhelm Kampf, Admiral-Landwächt


  • William [Hyacinth]
  • Will [Josef]
  • Willy [Josephine, much to his ire]
  • 'Fist of the Saren'
  • 'The Hydrian Butcher'
  • 'The Butcher'

December 18 2589 AC







Remarkably Above Average (for Scatterran) [6'10"/208 cm]






  • Color: Red
  • Music: Military Marches
  • Literature: ... you mean for fun?
  • Curse: Shit
  • Mode of Transport: Interstellar Naval Vessel

  • Drinking: Regularly
  • Smoking: Socially
  • Mannerisms:

Optimist or Pessimist?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Conscientious or Unscrupulous?
Conscientious when he must be.

Controlled or Spontaneous?

Intrepid or Cautious?

Agreeable or Disagreeable?
Agreeable, but most misread him.

Logical or Emotional?

Business or Pleasure?

Conventional or Heterodox?

Animal Lover?
Yes, but he won't ever admit it in public or Josephine will never let him hear the end of it.

Ensuring the Supremacy's international position and reputation.


  • Isabelle
  • Isabelle's death
  • Red and yellow paired together

Our might is our right.

Imperial Saren, Austran Order



  • Mother: Isabelle Kampf (née Stier) [2541-2673 - NATURAL CAUSES]
    • Relationship: Warm once, more and more distant as the war dragged on until her death.
  • Father: Josef Kampf [1998-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Mutual respect, admiration, and love.
  • Brother(s): N/A
    • Relationship: N/A
  • Sister(s): Josephine Kampf [2212-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Formerly close, now distant and middling.
  • Sister(s): Viktoria Kampf [2712-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Distant, if lukewarm.
  • Spouse: N/A
    • Relationship: N/A



  • Various Tutors and Governesses, Tannhäuser
  • Fleet Academy-Landwächt 'Volstad Stier', Neuhohen
    • Commissioned as Captain, 2611 AC [10 Year Course]




Ilya Vladimirovich Stakhanov

Lieutenant-Colonel [Podpolkovnik] Stakhanoviere, Soviet Party Guard


  • Iliushna
  • The Vozhd
  • 'Captain Crimson' [ICON-remnant slang, Kurdi Campaign]
  • 'Scourge of God' [ICON-remnant moniker, New Ramallah Occupation]







Above Average [6'7"/205 cm]





  • Color: Blue
  • Music: Waltzes
  • Literature: Poetry
  • Curse: Fuck
  • Mode of Transport: Motor Vehicle

  • Drinking: No
  • Smoking: Yes
  • Mannerisms:
    • Sighs constantly, often through his nose.
    • Chews at his cigarettes.
Optimist or Pessimist?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Conscientious or Unscrupulous?

Controlled or Spontaneous?

Intrepid or Cautious?

Agreeable or Disagreeable?

Logical or Emotional?

Business or Pleasure?

Conventional or Heterodox?

Animal Lover?



  • Irina
  • Justina
  • Things he has seen. Unnatural things. Supernatural things.

Will conquers all.

Formerly Traditional Saren
Currently Atheist/Undeclared


  • Mother: Matryona Marfovna Stakhanov [2659-2699 - KILLED IN ACTION, GUNSHOT]
    • Relationship: Warm prior to her death.
  • Father: Vladimir Yurievich Stakhanov [2655-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Abysmal, the single individual he blames for his life.
  • Brother: Sascha Vladimirovich Stakhanov [2682-2715 - KILLED IN ACTION, SHELL FRAGMENT]
    • Relationship: Nominal, prior to their separation. Nonexistant up until his death.
  • Sister: Syuzanna Vladimirovna Stakhanov [2685-2712 - KILLED IN ACTION, TANK DESTROYED]
    • Relationship: Nominal, prior to their separation. Nonexistant now.
  • Sister: Evgeniya Vladimirovna Konev [2689-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Nominal, prior to their separation. Nonexistant now.
  • Spouse: Irina Alexandrova Stakhanov (nee Petrov) [2694-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Vitrioic, if nonexistant since their separation.
  • Child: Justina Ilyichina Stakhanov [2712-2718 - BACTERIAL INFECTION, UNKNOWN]
    • Relationship: Ilya's reason to live.
  • Child: Yegor Ilyich Petrov [2718-PRESENT]
    • Relationship: Completely unaware of his existence.

Novoya Kharkova


  • 8 Year Comprehensive Technical and Political Course, SPG-Academy 'Otto Kampf', New Hadden



"Vengeance is just:
Justly I rid this earth of mortal fiends
Who carry chaos for pattern in their souls.
But in high vengeance there is noble scorn:
It tortures not the torturer, nor gives
Iniquitous payment for iniquity.
My great avenging angel shall not crawl
To kill a serpent with mimic fang, no;
She stands erect, with a lance of keenest edge
That slays like lightning."



Aislín Lughadh


The Black Squire of the Newcomer



  • Ash [formerly, reserved for Roxanne]
  • The Revenant
  • The Black Servant




Revenant [Terran]




Currently Asexual
Formerly Homosexual




Varies, typically a silvery blonde.

Varies, originally green.



  • Color: Black
  • Music: Hymns
  • Literature: Histories
  • Curse: Damn
  • Mode of Transport: Her feet.
  • Drinking: No.
  • Smoking: No.
  • Mannerisms:
Optimist or Pessimist?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Conscientious or Unscrupulous

Controlled or Spontaneous?

Intrepid or Cautious?


Agreeable or Disagreeable?


Logical or Emotional?


Business or Pleasure?

Conventional or Heterodox?

Animal Lover?


The total annihilation of the New World.


  • Roxanne
  • Roxanne's crippling injuries
There is no substitute for victory.


Imperial Saren, Austran Order



  • Mother: Muriel Lughadh [DECEASED]
    • Relationship: Warm, prior to her death.
  • Father: Orrin Lughadh [DECEASED]
    • Relationship: Warm, prior to his death.
  • Brother: N/A
    • Relationship: N/A
  • Sister: N/A
    • Relationship: N/A
  • Spouse: Roxanne Allard
    • Relationship: Heavily strained.



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