Closed Polyamorous Sci-fi RP - Join the Crew!

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Closed Polyamorous Sci-fi RP - Join the Crew!


Scintillating Scrivener
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 5:12 PM

Greetings! This thread is a discussion about a RP I've been putting together with none other than @Ertas in our private chat. Huzzah! I'm elated to post this thread today and see what we can do about completing the roster of writers. A brief introduction here at the start would be to discuss the relationship aspects and why I am so eager to present this!

We are looking to create a diverse cast of 5 characters that all serve together as a crew on a working-class themed spaceship (I'll pitch the story concepts to you in a moment!). There is a really neat sci-fi story I think you are going to love but that is not the point. The point is to make this a story that examines the different types of relationships within the realm of polyamory. If you've seen the show The Expanse and know who Camina Drummer is and have seen the later seasons, then you have a heads up on what I'm talking about. Living together in close quarters on a ship is going to promote intimacy of many types, including both romantic and platonic forms. I myself am Polyam in real life and I can tell you, there are as many combinations for relationships as there are people involved in the "polytangle" or "polycule".

5 characters involved and 5 different writers to play them feels right. Think of all that is possible! Triads, couples, friendships, emotional partnerships, friends with benefits, besties....if it is a relationship than it is possible. This is my life right now, folks, and I'd love to take my experience and apply it in a group roleplay setting. There is often drama as personalities collide or miscommunication takes place, which will be really fun to write out. Obviously it will also be really fun when things are going well for everyone and relationships are growing 😉😚. Now, factor in a society where BDSM is more widely accepted but not necessary (again, this is my life IRL as well) and we have ourselves an infinite number of combinations when factor in Doms/sub potential and so much more. If this has you even marginally intrigued, read on and prepare to be amazed by the following story concept!

Story Concept


Captain Corran Atrios of the Spectral Hyacinth has put out that word that he is recruiting a crew for an extended salvage operation. These invitations were sent out through back channels and word of mouth only. He wishes for as few people to know he has found something as possible, and only he knows the location of the find itself. He has a sterling reputation as an experienced and successful scrapper with the uncanny ability to locate the rarest of derelict ships even out in the cold black of deep space. His ship is the envy of many a privately operating spacefarer and comes fully equipped with not just the best tools any spaceborne scavenger would want but many comforts and luxuries other working vessels only dream about. Anyone catching wind of this invitation would feel more than idle curiosity at the prospect of joining Captain Atrios on an extended salvage operation to deep space.

What neither the Captain, nor any of his crew know is that this will be the most significant ship salvaging operation in the history of not one, but two humanities! From a distance, Corran knew this to be an oddly configurated human spaceliner of some kind. Up close and personal, he and the crew will find it to be even more bizarre than anyone could have ever expected. It was definitely and apparently made for humans to utilize for space travel, as evidenced by beds, chairs, and all the other creature comforts we need to survive. However, the technology used, the parts, the design, the language, and everything else is completely alien! It isn't until spending a considerable amount of time in research that the crew of the Spectral Hyacinth discover that is indeed a human ship from another time, a different and previous human evolution.

This tremendous discovery is also a dangerous one. Even before this monumental truth is uncovered, the crew face pirates, the dangers of space, the hazards of their job, and other trials. Thus, the debate for how to break this to galactic society will be a long one and might test the relational bonds forged by crew throughout the story to that point. Will the crew form everlasting bonds of friendship, romance, and love or will they devolve into jealousy, anger, and greed?


Roles and Characters

The roster we are looking for is 5 total crewmembers including the Captain. You will notice that these are specific in some ways and ambiguous in others, including things like job title and gender. This was done not to be inclusive or exclusive but to allow for specific and varied relationship dynamics to emerge. While the roles may be gender locked, sexual orientations, appearance, personality, and all the other character essentials are for you to decide! Also, aside from the Captain and Senior Technician, there really isn't a chain of command here. The Captain does not see himself as a King or a military commander, he simply serves a function on the ship. The same for the Senior Technician. Everyone aboard the ship has a say in what is done and every decision is up for conversation and debate right up until the moment a decision has to finally be made. Anyway, here is what we need! If it doesn't say {Role Taken} then it is available!

Captain Atrios/Male - I'll fill this role as it seems the most natural fit for me. I'm a Dom in real life, a HUGE science fiction buff, and will drive the story as well. The first thread post will take place on a space station where the good Captain will be waiting in a bar to see who has answered the call. His main place to work and to be responsible for is the 5 seater cockpit at the front of the ship and to keep tabs on the state of the Spectral Hyacinth and all of its parts and maintenance needs. {Role Taken - Penfighter}

Senior Salvage Technician/Female - Every good salvager crew needs an onsite supervisor. The Captain found the derelict and is no whelp when it comes to salvage, but his priority has to be the Spectral Hyacinth and its crew. Therefore, this job needs an on-site supervisor to ensure everyone is working safely, has functioning equipment, and to assign specific tasks to the crew when there is a need to delegate duties aboard the wreckage. This person will need to be a jack of all trades in order to support the crew. The list includes knowledge of fabrication, basic first aid, extra-vehicular activities and space suits, ship design, and engineering. Perhaps the most pertinent responsible for this character is to identify what to salvage, what to leave behind, what can be used by the crew during the mission, and what takes priority. {Role Taken - @BonnieBee }

Ship Doctor and Cook/Female - Every ship needs a good doctor! As with all the crewmembers along for the ride, this person must also be skilled and rated for salvage operations, in addition to their other areas of expertise. This person must be a doctor who has completed medical school but also has time aboard salvager ships. Everyone, including the Captain, will be getting their hands dirty inside the wreckage. There is a fully kitted Med Bay on board that the Doctor can use to monitor vitals of the crew (even members offship will have sensors in their suits that feed back to the med bay for analysis) and treat injuries as well as research any new contagions, bacteria, or life found on the wreckage. Lastly, it is common for Ship Doctors to also be the Cook aboard a vessel, as they are the only crewmember aside from the Captain with private medical knowledge on everyone aboard. {Role Taken - @Mikaela Corvid }

Chief Physicist and Ship Pilot/Female - No salvage operation can go on without a scientist at the ready and every good ship needs an ace pilot. In this future, the days of hot shot alpha male airplane pilots are a thing of the past. Ships are flown via knowledge of orbital mechanics and quantum mechanics. A pilot must be able to do quick calculations on the fly while also managing the advanced computer systems that serve as the means to control spaceships. Being the physicist aboard a scrapper ship will also mean being charge of understanding the computer systems, drives, and power generation of the ship being salvaged. How does it work, in theory? This character can tell you. {Role Taken - @Ertas }

Chief Fabricator and Repair Technician/Male
- This crewmate is responsible primarily for the massive Advanced Starship Fabrication Unit (ASFU) installed in the cargo bay of the Spectral Hyacinth. This unit is capable of three dimensionally printing anything from replacement hull plating to the Captain's tin mug. It requires an input of equal mass and material (ergo, you cannot fabricate the Captain's mug without a spare bit of tin to use) and a skilled operator. This machine makes replacement parts one at a time. Small parts take seconds while larger parts can take days. In either case, this person must be skilled at assembling these parts together once fabricated and has to able to repair whatever the parts belong to. This individual will be responsible for monitoring ship feeds for damage and making swift repairs but also will be indispensable to the salvage operation in identifying parts and metals aboard the derelict and figuring out the logistics of how to retrieve it and get it onboard the ship.

Chief Engineer and Electrical Systems/Male - Every ship needs a miracle worker, and that what this role will be expected to do. Slow fusion drives (engines that require a slow enough fusion process so as to be fuel efficient enough with its hydrogen fuel to be realistic for use) require a lot of maintenance and control. The microsun at the core of the Spectral Hyacinth is the most essential component of the ship. Any catastrophic failures will result in a mini supernova that will kill everyone and destroy everything for thousands of miles. Thus, this crew member has the primary responsible of maintaining the right mixture of fuel as well as all of the power and electrical systems of the vessel. Additionally, as a scavenger, it will be their job to repair or salvage the engine components of the wrecked ship as well. {Role Taken - @Torg_wildbreed }


There you have it! I'm eager to see what ya'll think and to see which roles ya'll want! These will be first come, first serve! I have a few more notes for you so hang on for a second. We, of course, need to cover ground rules and such.

1. Posting Order: This is a group RP and as such, will require at least a loose posting order. It doesn't have to be perfect and we will have an OOC thread so we can stay in contact concerning who should post if we get hung up.

2. Real Life Breaks: If you are active and eager to post but something comes up (hey, it happens, no worries) then we have some pretty cool things we can use to buy you some time for your character. First, we can use a "medical break" if it is going to be your turn to post but you need a few days for family vacation, a mental break, or other personal reasons. The way this will work is, your character simply becomes injured and needs to be put into stasis or sedated in the medbay! This is useful if you can make a post before your inactive period starts. If you need a LONG time (a week or up to 10 days of inactivity) than this can be a very serious injury and you'll be in extended stasis. When you are ready to return we'll just add you back into the posting order and wake you up! Second, maybe if you need a few days to a week before you can post again, why not have your character head back to the station at the other end of the system using the Daughter of Hyacinth, a fully kitted FTL capable shuttle designed for supply runs back at the station? Return to the crew when you are ready!

3. No Longer Can Continue: Don't be dissuaded from joining if you are worried you may be forced to stop because either this may not be your thing or you may want to move on. That's perfectly okay! No pressure. You can simply write yourself out by having your character leave the mission for their own reasons. Then, you take the shuttle back to the station where it will wait for the next Doctor or Fabricator who can fill your character's role. So please do not worry and burn yourself out for the sake of trying to keep the RP alive. If you need to exit, we support you! I'm sure someone will be able to pop in and join the crew! Basically, the point of the last two notes here is to ensure no one feels pressured to post when they can't or have lost the desire to. And it protects the RP as a whole from bouts of inactivity.

4. Romance: This topic doesn't have to be stressful either. No one will force you into anything, I promise. This will be placed in the appropriate place that allows for things like BDSM play but I'm stating right now that for the sake of comfortability to this group, we won't have any non-con moments or violent sexual acts. Any fighting or violence in regards to combat will be against NPCs, not each other. The point of this RP is to explore polyamorous friendships and romance in a fun, detailed science fiction setting. This is a safe roleplay for anyone open to writing out sex scenes and is comfortable with the potential of group sex or threesomes and the like. Most polyamorous relationships I'm a part of or know about are usually one on one pairings, but triads and other awesome situations are definitely common as well. We'll look to explore all of that but only on a case by case and consensual basis. That said, sex isn't the main goal of this, its just a natural part of relationships like this and is meant to be part of the complete package. We will discuss this sooo much more in the OOC later.

5. Spirit of Cooperation: This is the most exciting ground rule for me! Because of the nature of the setting, we all need to approach this a little bit differently than other RPs. Try to prioritize what's good for the group in the moment than your own personal relationship goals. To protect the integrity of the story and the characters, try to "live your role" a little bit here. If you are the Doctor, try to be where the doctor would and prioritize filling that role on the ship over other considerations. This applies to all of the roles! Usually, roles in modern roleplay tend to be loose unless you are talking about being on a tabletop. Part of the fun of this one is we get to live as a salvager crew on a badass spaceship! Embrace it! This applies to relationships as well. So long as you are comfortable, try to accommodate the desires of your fellow crewmates even if they may not align with your tastes IRL (again, if you are comfortable! Consent is rule number 1 here!)


There, finally done. Lots to cover because, for me, this is the most important roleplay I've done in my life. Lets get to it, spacers!
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It's too bad you don't have an actual ship's engineer. I'd go for that role. :/
Awesome! That would be great @Irakma

Also, for anyone who sees a role snatched up before they get a chance to even think about joining in, I have some notes for you!

I MIGHT be convinced to add one other role to the RP if response to this is fast and furious and someone is really eager but is now disappointed. It would be a different one from the titles listed but along the same lines. Additionally, if you want in on the RP but there is no more room, hangout and watch to see what happens in the future! People may have to come and go but I intend to run this RP for as long as I have at least some kind of group to run it with. A spot may open up in the future!
Awesome! That would be great @Irakma

Also, for anyone who sees a role snatched up before they get a chance to even think about joining in, I have some notes for you!

I MIGHT be convinced to add one other role to the RP if response to this is fast and furious and someone is really eager but is now disappointed. It would be a different one from the titles listed but along the same lines. Additionally, if you want in on the RP but there is no more room, hangout and watch to see what happens in the future! People may have to come and go but I intend to run this RP for as long as I have at least some kind of group to run it with. A spot may open up in the future!
Well, keep me in mind for a ship's engineer (male, straight). This sounds like a blast!
I'm getting the OOC going as we speak. Give me a few minutes to get that going. :)

@PitViper adding the role in now since you are so excited! I was gonna debate doing a 6th role but it seems we can manage it.

As far as Engineer goes, you have a point. We kinda do need someone who is the more practical side of what @Ertas is going to be doing. The Physicist/Pilot is theoretical and science and numbers, we need someone who can make the engine go zoom when it doesn't zoom. I imagine a space engineer is also largely a problem solver and electrician. I'll adapt the role to fit for our crew.
I'm getting the OOC going as we speak. Give me a few minutes to get that going. :)

@PitViper adding the role in now since you are so excited! I was gonna debate doing a 6th role but it seems we can manage it.

As far as Engineer goes, you have a point. We kinda do need someone who is the more practical side of what @Ertas is going to be doing. The Physicist/Pilot is theoretical and science and numbers, we need someone who can make the engine go zoom when it doesn't zoom. I imagine a space engineer is also largely a problem solver and electrician. I'll adapt the role to fit for our crew.
Yeah. My image is of a general wrench turner in addition to the ship's propulsion expert (Think: Kaylee on Serenity, Scott on the Enterprise). I can do that. :)
We have one role remaining for the Crew of the Spectral Hyacinth roleplay! I'll repost that role here in this reply for your consideration and yes, it should remain female or be non-binary/gender fluid so that we can maintain a diverse ratio for the purposes of relationships. Also, I've posted the OOC thread so planning and character work can begin. That is here at this link.

Here is the last role remaining! First come, first serve!

Senior Salvage Technician/Female - Every good salvager crew needs an onsite supervisor. The Captain found the derelict and is no whelp when it comes to salvage, but his priority has to be the Spectral Hyacinth and its crew. Therefore, this job needs an on-site supervisor to ensure everyone is working safely, has functioning equipment, and to assign specific tasks to the crew when there is a need to delegate duties aboard the wreckage. This person will need to be a jack of all trades in order to support the crew. The list includes knowledge of fabrication, basic first aid, extra-vehicular activities and space suits, ship design, and engineering. Perhaps the most pertinent responsibility for this character is to identify what to salvage, what to leave behind, what can be used by the crew during the mission, and what takes priority.
Could I claim an on-call spot for the doctor/cook (to sub in if for some reason the role were to open up in the future)? Alternatively, if you add a botanist in the future, I'd love that opportunity.
I can absolutely do that! But are you sure we can't convince you to take the last spot? You wouldn't be the first Senior Salvage Technician to keep a small greenhouse in your living quarters? 🤩
Actually, I probably can manage that. I've got a little bit of everything rattling around up in my brain.

Did I miss preferred post length somewhere? I'm just stepping back into things on the writing front and I don't know how consistently I'll be able to churn out massive amounts of content. 😅
This reply got washed in a sea of notifications!

Anyway, there is an OOC that discusses all of that! Right Here

But essentially, we are not looking for total novels. I know it looks detailed and such from the info I'm posting, and well, we do want to make this a really cool sci fi. BUT, we also don't want to wax poetic about the color of the corridors we've all already walked through multiple times either. Take a peek over there and if you are happy and want in, let me know and I'll claim that last spot for you in this thread.
A vacancy in this group RP has been created. The lovely PeachyKeen had to bow out and now there is a spot available in this Roleplay for a female to fill the role of Senior Salvage Technician! Here is the prompt for the role:

"Every good salvager crew needs an on-site supervisor. The Captain found the derelict and is no whelp when it comes to salvage, but his priority has to be the Spectral Hyacinth and its crew. Therefore, this job needs an on-site supervisor to ensure everyone is working safely, has functioning equipment, and to assign specific tasks to the crew when there is a need to delegate duties aboard the wreckage. This person will need to be a jack of all trades in order to support the crew. The list includes knowledge of fabrication, basic first aid, extra-vehicular activities and space suits, ship design, and engineering. Perhaps the most pertinent responsible for this character is to identify what to salvage, what to leave behind, what can be used by the crew during the mission, and what takes priority."

Make sure you read through the first post of this thread and the first post of the OOC thread here as well. Finally, for world specific information and for current characters involved click here and here too. Lastly, leave a reply here to let everyone know you are interested and then feel free to DM me with any clarifications, questions, and brainstorming you might require!

We are just starting out on the journey and it will be super duper easy to get you in if you pull the trigger and join soon. The crew haven't even gotten to know each other yet. Catch up on all the action by clicking here and reading the thread itself! We'll just add you to the posting order and away we'll go!!!
Sorry I know you've only just posted that you're looking for someone so this looks SUPER stalkery -
But if you have a spot going I'd love to catch up on what's happened so far and submit an application for the female salvage technician!

I'm not always the most tech-savy though so my writing might not always be the most accurate / technically sound, but there will be a lot of heart in it lol
Hopefully if that's not a deal-breaker I'd love to be along for the ride ^-^
It's not stalkery, haha! It's a first come, first serve Group RP so fast action was required, Bonnie! You understood the assignment.

I can definitely help you with the technical stuff if need be in DMs, no worries. This is supposed to be a zen/stress free RP so lean on me and your fellow crewmates for areas you don't feel super comfortable in.

But yeah, read through what I linked (its not as much as it looks like) and then fire off a DM to me if you have questions or wish to discuss your character. It'll be grand to have you aboard!
Okay, call me Bernie because I am once again asking for your support. (Haha!)

We have lost a member of this RP permanently due to private, individual matters and nothing to do with this thread or anyone in the group. Therefore, the Fabricator/Repair Tech job has reopened! For the purposes of this polyamorous group romance RP, we are trying to keep a basic count of genders so this role is for a Male identifying or Non-binary character. Here is the job description:

Chief Fabricator and Repair Technician/Male or Non-Binary - This crewmate is responsible primarily for the massive Advanced Starship Fabrication Unit (ASFU) installed in the cargo bay of the Spectral Hyacinth. This unit is capable of three dimensionally printing anything from replacement hull plating to the Captain's tin mug. It requires an input of equal mass and material (ergo, you cannot fabricate the Captain's mug without a spare bit of tin to use) and a skilled operator. This machine makes replacement parts one at a time. Small parts take seconds while larger parts can take days. In either case, this person must be skilled at assembling these parts together once fabricated and has to able to repair whatever the parts belong to. This individual will be responsible for monitoring ship feeds for damage and making swift repairs but also will be indispensable to the salvage operation in identifying parts and metals aboard the derelict and figuring out the logistics of how to retrieve it and get it onboard the ship.

Please drop a reply here to let us know you are interested and message me directly so we can talk about your character and how best to add you into the posting rotation. This is a really fun RP that is still rolling on nicely even though there have been hiccups! It'll be a pleasure to make your acquaintance!
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