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MxM Quality Writing, looking for 1x1?


call me Rats
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Today 6:52 PM
please private message me if you are interested in any plots or characters that i have listed at the bottom! in this thread i'm very honest and direct about what i desire out of a writing partner but don't be intimidated, at the end of the day i am just a silly rat looking to rp ¯\(ツ)

MxM only, will play as top, bottom, or interchangeable. smut is cool, but so is good old fashioned romance - i can do either.
I AM AN ADULT LOOKING TO PARTICIPATE IN ADULT ROLEPLAY WITH OTHER ADULTS. if you are a minor i have NO INTEREST in talking to you whatsoever.
(skip to the very bottom to read general info about me!)

looking for consistent partners. i have a day job and wont always be available 10% of the time to chat, but i'm not interested in messaging people who might only respond once a week.
multiple times a day would be awesome at best, but im ok with just once per every other day responses at the very least. if you are not currently in a position where you can respond atleast every other day, then please just wait to chat with me because it will bother me.
also! if we are ever in the middle of a story and you either feel like stopping or have to stop for any reason, please try to let me know! i too am very busy, poor, and mentally ill, my life is falling apart as we speak; but i am going to try and make it my goal to not ghost people if i can help it. (sometimes i succeed, sometimes i fail, but i try not to and i would appreciate it if you could try to communicate with me)

IM A THIRD PERSON ROLEPLAYER ONLY! past/present tense doesn't matter to me, but i do not participate in first person roleplay.

you must have good grammar and spelling, this is not negotiable. i'm not saying you have to be an 'advanced' writer by any means, i certainly don't care about that - but you must be comprehensible. i dont really care about capitalization errors, and i make spelling errors often; but if if you cant spell words bigger than 5 letters, we are not going to work out as partners. and also, if you cant translate it when words get messed up, like "amszing" or "oblibious", then we will not work well. i am prone to making small typing errors, and although i also do my best to catch them, i would appreciate a writing partner who wont rake me over the coals for my tiny errors that could easily be overlooked.

as far as grammar goes, im not a stickler but you have got to be comprehensible.
if English is not your first language, that's fine! if you sometimes get past and present tense mixed up, i get it! but if you dont completely understand English grammar, and you cannot write a skill level beyond that of a 13 yr old on Wattpad, its simply just not gonna work out between us.
im not trying to be a dick i just only desire writing with people who share my same basic capabilities.
oh by the way, i tend to cuss like a sailor, so if you don't like that then you won't like me.

also, im not picky about short/long paragraphs! sometimes the storyline calls for multiple, very long and very descriptive entries. sometimes the storyline only calls for a few short sentences. i try to be receptive to what the story calls for at any given moment - but what i cant deal with, is if every single response from you is one or two sentences, all the time no matter what. if you dont put in the same amount of effort that i do into the entries in the long run, then im just gonna stop responding. no one likes a dry texter, but a dry roleplayer is like torture.
TLDR: please reciprocate my writing energy, because i am going to try to reciprocate yours.

lastly, i am very particular when it comes to OOC chats.
personally i generally prefer to keep all OOC chats confined to our private messages, i think it's easiest to differentiate story from chat that way, and it keeps things nice and organized.
however comma, if you prefer to keep all story-related OOC chat confined to the thread we have created, i completely understand and i can work with that!
but once we start the story, if you need to chat with me outside the story and we aren't private messaging, PLEASE use brackets of some kind, every single time without fail.
it helps me keep track of where our story is to know with certainty when you're talking to me like a normal person, outside the RP.
if you're constantly breaking the flow of information with OOC chats in the story thread, and you're not even using brackets, its gonna get on my nerves pretty quickly. i really don/t like being an asshole in the middle of a story, so thats why im laying everything out as bluntly as i can here.
you know my expectations clearly, yeah?


OC's are totally fine with me! i'm always happy to start completely original stories and worlds. i am always happy to come up with a bunch of lore and context for a new story, and it gets me hyped when we're both passing paragraphs to each other consistently.
im cool with fictional non-fiction stories, and also old-magic fantasy stories, supernatural stuff, etc.
im ok with real-world magic stories and period pieces too (depending on the time period aha.) im cool with mostly anything as long as it isnt sci-fi, that's really not my schtick.

TO VIEW MY CHARACTERS click here! ------> Choose Your Man!


Plotlines, Pairings, and Tropes I Like
words in green text are current cravings! subject to frequent change.
  • vampires
  • slice of life/drama
  • royalty
  • high fantasy
  • modern fantasy
  • simple college/coffee shop plot-types
  • sloooooooow burn
  • mutual pining (but they don't realize the other is pining)
  • neko's
  • soft boy x edgelord / good boy x bad boy
  • childhood friends (and childhood friends that drifted apart then come back together)
  • aggressive/hate sex
  • drug addict x drug dealer
  • roommates
  • meeting at a party
  • bully x victim
  • small town
  • master x apprentice
  • meeting at a ski lodge/on vacation
  • Norse gods
  • 70's and 90's period themes
  • obsessive artist x muse
  • college teacher x student
  • jealousy
  • exes re-uniting
  • hero x villain
  • meeting in a psychiatric facility/rehab center
  • demon x angel
  • himbos, in general
  • one character is already in a relationship, but falls in love the other character (taken x homewrecker works too)
  • private music tutor x student
  • fearless x easily scared
  • shorter or younger dom x taller or older sub
  • size differences
  • rockstar x assistant
  • supernatural
  • fighting for dominance
  • plot what plot (mostly smut)
  • HEAVY plot with little smut
  • bar/clubbing
  • angst
  • bastard x equally as much of a bastard
  • teasing
  • toys
  • stalking
  • demon/succubus x exorcist/priest
  • reincarnated lovers
  • soulmates
  • idol x idol
  • friends to lovers
  • enemies to lovers
  • omegaverse
  • sugar daddy x sugar baby
  • pirates
  • victorian era

Fandoms I Like
here are canon universes im comfortable writing in, with original characters:

(i will only play within these universes as ADULT CHARACTERS! particularly when mentioning My Hero Academia, i only feel comfortable playing as hero characters who are already out of school, or as ADULT SENIORS in school at the very least.)

× Naruto

× My Hero Academia

× Avatar The Last Airbender

× Soul Eater

× Gravity Falls

× Dungeons and Dragons

for non-OC roleplay, here are all the pre-established character pairings i am willing to play! all of these are interchangeable for me, i can play either character.


(i only play aged up characters!! a lot of the pairings mentioned below come from stories where the mentioned characters are canonically minors, and i'm not about that! anything you read below with a canonically minor character will ONLY be used in roleplay as if they were an ADULT!)

Gaara x Rock Lee (Naruto)

Gaara x Naruto (Naruto)

Soul x Kid (Soul Eater)

Stein x Spirit (Soul Eater)

Shinso x Kaminari (My Hero Academia)

Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball (Adventure Time)

Zuko x Jet (Avatar)

Zuko x Sokka (Avatar)

Light x L (Death Note)

Noctis x Prompto (FFXV)

Noctis x Ignis (FFXV)

Ignis x Prompto (FFXV)

Sal x Larry (Sally Face)

Robin x Aqualad (Teen Titans)

Thor x Loki (Marvel)

these are things i am not ever interested in, and these are not negotiable. if you want to write anything listed below, DO NOT MESSAGE ME

× first person perspective

× sci-fi

× mpreg

× inflation

× furry

× bara

× lolicon


× ageplay

× egg laying

× rape/non-con

× vore

× humiliation and degredation

× blood related incest

× ugly bastard/monster

× selfcest

× trans sex

× watersports, feces, diapers, etc

× force feeding

× feet stuff

× male breastmilk

× mecha

× slave/gimp suit

× oedipus complexes

× necrophilia

× beastiality

About Me
you can call me Rats, im 8,246 years old (which is roughly 22 in human years), and ive been roleplaying for a very long time. i started roleplaying on Quotev, then on IMVU, then on Kik and over email - and eventually i found myself bouncing around on different roleplay sites like this one, looking for fun partners.

i am a white male, so you will never catch me roleplaying as a colored individual, i don't think it's really my place to be doing that. it will NEVER be an issue for me to roleplay with someone who has a non-white character.

you may have noticed while reading my yeah's and no's that i am ok with 'trans romance' but not with 'trans sex', and that's because i personally am not sexually attracted to trans folks. i don't have any issues at all with romance and cute domestic fluff, but i have no interest in writing smut with trans characters.

i will be upfront and honest with ya, i have bipolar depression and ADHD. i will always try my best to be honest and up front with you as my writing partner about stuff going on in my life, when im working and cant respond, etc etc.

sometimes though, it just gets away from me. hope ya understand, and if not, its all good.

we're just a couple of dudes writing smut together, amiright?

anyway hmu if we seem like a good match! :D

These are paragraphs that I have written for stories in the past. They are not full, just small examples from different genres to give you an understanding of how i work.
[this section is unfinished atm, check back later for updates!]

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