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Either Needed Rotting From Within Character Creation and Lore


Just trying to find reason to get out of bed
Local time
Today 12:10 AM
Salem Oregon
"There once was a man born long ago who loved a woman so much that he would go to the ends of the earth for her. Unbeknownst to him she too loved him as well but knew it couldn't be for her father wouldn't allow someone of his low class marry his daughter. The man was a poor blacksmith that worked for her father, the Duke, creating weapons and armor for his men. The Duke despised the blacksmith for his love of his daughter but kept him around for his skill, believing his love would fade once he married his daughter off to the young Duke from a neighboring domain.
Before he could even announce the marriage, a war broke out in the center kingdom and word was sent to the Dukes to send aid. Her father took this as the perfect opportunity to be rid of the blacksmith and marry his daughter off without a fuss. The blacksmith tried to talk his way out of going, believing he would never return and the Duke's daughter tried to convince her father as well but this furthered his hatred and the blacksmith was sent away without a chance to say goodbye to his love.

The blacksmith, fearing he would never return if he did not learn to protect himself, learned how to fight alongside the knights he was traveling with. He trained as hard as he could, day and night, keeping his love in his heart, praying she would wait for him to return. Being a smith helped with his training and he soon became very skilled with a sword, soon receiving knighthood from his Commander who believed he was ready but also feared they would all fall. Their march took months and the Commander believed that the King's army could not hold out, so this was just a suicide mission, but he could not defy his Duke.

Back at home the Duke finally decided to announce his daughter's marriage, taking her by surprise. She couldn't believe her ears, her father was giving her away right after he sent her love off to his death without even giving her a chance to tell him how she truly felt. The marriage was set for two weeks from the announcement and the girl was silent for a whole week. She hardly ate or left her room, thinking of her love and what she could do to get out of the marriage.
A week prior to the marriage she tried to reason with her father, telling him that she didn't love the other Duke and would not go through with it. He wouldn't listen and she resorted to threats. She promised him that if he made her go through with it she would kill herself the night before the wedding and nothing he could do would stop her. He scoffed and grabbed her by the arm so tightly that she screamed out in pain, he dared her to even try, she was going to marry the young Duke if she wanted to or not. He then dragged her to her room and threw her inside, telling the maids to keep her in their sights at all times or else they will suffer a fate worse than death.

The blacksmith and the knights where fast approaching the battlefield and could hardly ignore the smell of death in the air. They had no idea what they would be facing and the Commander ordered them to set up camp so they would at least have their strength for whatever was to come. Fear tugged at the back of the blacksmiths mind, what if his training wasn't enough? Would he ever see his love again? What was there after death? His fellow knights tried to help him sleep but by the time he finally did there was only a sliver of night left.
Today was the day he would find out if this was truly the end. They all got ready, everyone around him looked either scared like he was or determined to fight to the end. His Commander called out, beginning their march into the unknown that awaited just beyond the hill. He could see the castle first, then the battlefield. To everyone's surprise the gates were still closed and the King's army still stood, although barely. This gave the men hope and they marched on with fire in their hearts. The blacksmith's heart pounded with a fire he only ever felt when he was around his love, as if she were there watching over him, and he knew that no matter what he would return to her.

The day of the marriage had arrived, the girl had tried to do as she had promised but was quickly stopped by the fearful maids. They prepared her for her wedding and she cried the entire time. Her father came and got her only once it was time to walk down the aisle, beaming with happiness knowing how much this marriage would benefit him. He didn't give a care to his daughter's tears, his only thoughts now where of getting rid of her and her problems.
The wedding went without so much as a hiccup, she couldn't say a single word for her throat hurt too much from crying. By the time night had fallen her voice had already sort of returned but she felt so defeated that nothing came to mind. She was lead away by a maid to a special suit that had been prepared for her and her new "husband" but it didn't click in her mind what was about to happen until the young Duke walked in. He was by no means ugly or had been rude to her in any way but she did not love him and wanted to get out as soon as possible.
She tried to walk towards the door but he stopped her with a grin asking her where she was off to. She told him the truth, she did not love him and wanted to sleep in her own room. He laughed and pulled her into a hug, he wasn't going to let her go so easily, he had given her father a lot of money for her and he was going to take from her whatever he wanted. She tried to fight him but he was too strong for her and he threw her onto the bed and had his way with her. she tried to fight the whole time but to no avail, she was powerless. The following days she was silent, she couldn't find the words, all she felt was cold. Her love was gone, her father sold her off, and her new "husband" only cared for her looks.
Weeks went on in this horrible cycle, her mind and heart slowly growing colder and colder. Soon she started falling sick and her father called for the physician. The next words she heard made the world around her seem like a blur, she was pregnant with that mans child. She couldn't believe her ears, she had always wanted to be a mother but not like this. Everyone else in the room was overjoyed that there would be an heir so soon and they kept guessing as to what the gender would be. She didn't want to hear any of it, it made her sick, so she asked as politely as she could for them to leave so she could rest and to her surprise they did.

The battle was long and hard but eventually the enemy hoards were pushed into a retreat. The blacksmith had survived the fight, luckily he had been in the right place at the right time and saved the King himself from certain death. After the battle the King awarded him the title of Grand Master and since his Commander had died in battle he was now in command of his Duke's army. He was so proud, he had survived and now held such a honorable title, he was sure that now when he returned he and his love could live happily together. But that was not meant to be.

At the same time as her love began his journey home unbeknownst to her, she was feeling more hopeless than ever. Her father and new husband were parading her around like a show pony day after day and she was feeling sicker by the day. She was hardly eating and looked like walking death but this didn't matter to them, they only cared about what she could do for them. One night she decided she couldn't take it anymore, she felt like all the love in the world was gone and there would never be joy again for her. She stood in the window of her wedding chamber, high above her father's domain. She could see her father's army on the horizon, the rising sun casting their shadows across the fields, but it only brought pain to her chest. How could he have survived? She didn't want the pain anymore, all she wanted was to be reunited with her dead love and escape this prison. With her final glimpse of the rising sun, she took her last step and fell to her death.

The new Grand Master couldn't wait to see his love again, he could see his home in the distance as the sun rose behind him. Excitement overflowed through him and he quickened his pace. by the time he reached the Duke's home it was already mid-day. All of the servants were running around and looked more worried than usual which made him nervous. He stopped one of the maids he knew waited on his love and asked her what was going on but before she could get a single word out she burst into tears. He tried his best to calm her down but to no avail so he entered the Duke's home, hoping he would have answers for him. When the Duke saw him he was both surprised he had survived and angry that he thought he could just walk into his home like he was worth something. The Duke began to yell at him scolding him for his behavior, saying a dirty blacksmith should know his place and that the Commander should have his head. The Grand Master waited as patiently as he could for the Duke to stop but once he mentioned the Commander he snapped. He informed the Duke of the Commanders passing and of the state of the kingdom, he ended by telling the Duke of his new status as the Grand Master and how he would be returning to the castle once there was a new Commander to take his place here. He then proceeded to ask why everyone was so on edge and where the Duke's daughter was but as soon as he did the Duke's face twisted in anger. He told him that she wasn't his concern and that his wretch of a daughter had killed herself that morning leaving him with no heir and in possible war with the neighboring Duke, her husband.
This all came as a shock to the poor man, he didn't know how to take the news so he ran out to his old work station and screamed in complete agony. He had endured so much to come home, see so much death, and now that he finally had a chance to be with his love, she kills herself for nothing. The following days he wanders the town drowning himself in drink, hoping to forget her but instead he is haunted by her memory every time he closes his eyes. Her beautiful face, covered in blood, pleading with him to join her.

One night during his now ritualistic drinking he meets a stranger, who is drawn to him like bees to honey. The strangers voice was deep and smooth, captivating him, as if he was the only other human in the world. The stranger eventually lead his staggering self outside to the edge of town were he had a small camp made. He asked the Grand Master what his sorrows were and what he wished for most. The poor Grand Master, not knowing how to react to this stranger and his soothing voice burst into tears, bellowing for the man to just take his heart away, not wanting to feel love ever again.
The stranger smiles a gleeful smile, asking if that is what he truly wished and if he was willing to pay the price for such a wish. With tears running down his face he nodded, not knowing that he had just made a deal with a demon. The next thing he knew he was forced onto his back, hitting his head hard against the ground and then an immense pain in his chest. He looked down to see the mans hand in his chest ripping his still beating heart out, the grin from earlier growing menacingly across his face. Blood poured out of the large wound in his chest and his body began to burn like never before. Eventually he lost consciousness.
When he awoke the stranger, his camp, and his heart were gone. All he could feel was pain burning throughout his entire body. He looked at his hands that were now large and black as charcoal. He didn't know what was going on but rage consumed him, the last thing he remembered was the stranger telling him that his loves death was caused by her father and the young Duke, and that no one came to help her in her time of need. This fueled the mans rage and everything went black. When he was finally in control of his senses everything was on fire, his home, everything was gone, and the two Duke's decapitated heads were in his hands. But this didn't satisfy him, his rage still burned, and so he continued his onslaught across the land, killing everything in his path."

Today all that is left of this story is the rampage of the demon known as Anirab who covered the world in flames. He was only stopped when a group of heroes sealed him away thousands of years ago. Nowadays most people believe that the story was never true and just made up to scare children but little do they know that Anirab does exist, and the chains sealing him away are getting weaker by the day.


This is supposed to be an open world rp where there isn't really a set path but there is a looming threat unknown to most of the world. This will be fantasy based although Humans are the main species since anything different than themselves was either wiped out or put to work for them (so lower class in society unless there is a special reason behind them rising in the ranks). Just because most people don't believe in Anirab or demons (demons have done a very good job keeping themselves secret) it doesn't mean that the world is fine and dandy. There are still wars between humans, illegal slave trades, hunger and poverty, and so on.

  1. All species are welcome but no godmodding/god playing. No one is unkillable and you can't control someone else's character without their permission. We want to make this rp as fair as possible.
  2. Please keep all characters over 18.
  3. Sexual content is allowed but please don't take it too far, this is not a porn, so don't treat it like one.
  4. Keep any powers you have to a maximum of four, again I don't want any OP characters walking around as that would be unfair and make the rp less enjoyable for everyone.
  5. Treat people outside of the rp with respect. Tensions may rise in the rp but that doesn't give anyone the right to bring it up outside of the rp. It is between your characters, not you.
  6. Please stick to about three characters, we don't want the thread getting too confusing.
  7. Please use spoilers for images and music so if anyone is using data it isn't drained.
  8. Please give people time to respond to posts, I know that people have lives off site so please respect that and try to be patient. Even during the quarantine people still have families to take care of and jobs to do so this should be a place to relax and take their minds off things, not add another thing to stress about.
I will not be starting the rp right away since I would like to give people a chance to create their characters and decide where they would like to take the story so for the first couple days this thread will be for character creation and story ideas (since this is my first rp, I know it is not super fleshed out and I would like some feedback). I will create a second thread for the rp once we get a few people ready.
Also, Anirab is a playable character, I personally don't want to play him and will give more freedom with his character creation to anyone who wants to play him but his backstory should stay relatively the same since it is kind of the backbone for the story right now.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask either here or PM me.

Character Creation
Owner: (If a slave, or can be for sale on the black market)
Special Abilities/Powers: (If any)
Relationships: (If you want to discuss any before hand with other people)
Theme Song: (Optional)
Extra: (Any weapons, pets, likes, or dislikes. Anything extra really)
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Sayah Aveen




Slave Traders/Unpurchased

Sayah is very soft spoken but cold person. She is very obedient because that is what she has had to do to survive. She is a dreamer in secret but when it comes down to it she is willing to do anything for her survival.

Special Abilities/Powers:
  • Flight - Wings, although she hasn't been able to use them in years so she doesn't have much strength at the moment.
  • Conjure Fire - Fire appears from her hands similar to a flamethrower but on a larger scale. She can tone it down to come through her fingers but it takes more concentration since it is quite unpredictable. Powerful but wild, can only be used for short amounts of time because it uses a lot of energy.
  • Shadow Familiar - Can summon her familiar (a snake named Reshma) from the shadows to do her bidding. It can do everything that a snake can do as well as traverse through shadows and let Sayah see through it's eyes for a short period of time.
  • Proficient with the bident and other spear/staff like weapons.
None at the moment

She was born to a human father and a Drakaina. When she was born her mother abandoned her with her father and he raised her to be obedient and quiet while he tried time and time again to find work to support the both of them. Eventually it became too much and he began to despise Sayah and blamed her for all of his problems. If it weren't for her and her mother he would be in a better situation right? So one night he decided to sell her on the black market as a slave thinking that it would fix all of his problems. Sayah was hurt but she was raised to do as her father said and so she went with these new men and said goodbye to her father who only got about 200 dollars for her. Because she was obedient the slave traders treated her nicely, putting a chain around her neck instead of throwing her in a cage like most of their "merchandise". The traders knew they had something interesting when they bought her so they put her price on the high end believing some rich man would snatch her up due to her rarity but that never happened. People came and went and never showed more than a curious glance her way and eventually she gave up any thought of leaving the markets. The slave owners eventually lost hope as well but instead of throwing her out like they would do to any other slave they kept her to help with menial labor because of her obedience. She is not treated kindly, more of like a guard dog at this point but that is better than being stuck in a cage. Thirteen years have passed since she was first sold and she has become almost like a staple of the slave market, always there to help calm down other slaves, take care of customers while her "masters" are away, and make sure no one steps out of line.

Theme Songs:


She has a bident that she uses to "protect the merchandise" and make sure they stay in line. She loves the smell of burning wood (like a campfire smell) and her only friend is her familiar Reshma. She is straight.
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Kayn Daeva


Enhanced Human



Kayn is a hardworking, loyal, and strong willed young man. He believes only what he sees and acts based on how he feels, he is kind towards others and doesn't discriminate but if someone does him wrong he won't forget it and will wait patiently for his revenge.

Kayn in a fight is almost like another person, when he sets his sights on his target he doesn't stop. Regardless of the injuries or attacks he may take he'll only stop when he's unable to move or he's done what he needs to. He's rather stubborn and has left many fights bloodied and bruised but what he leaves in his wake is worse.

Special Abilities/Powers: (If any)
-Abnormal strength and speed: Due to the experiments and enchantments put on him by the demons he is two times stronger and faster than the average human.
-Armor binding: The demons he lived with preformed a ritual that bound enchanted armor pieces to his skin, they appear as bracelets, a neckless, and shin guards. He can make them form into the armor at will.
-Hand to hand combat skills: He's well trained in hand to hand and has mastered a couple of different fighting styles.
-Slightly faster healing: Kayns body heals a bit faster than a normal humans, a cut takes a few days to weeks depending on how bad and a broken bone can heal as quickly as a month.


Kayn was born and raised in a small and poor village that was on the brink of ruin. His mother and father were both terrible towards him and worked him to the bone only to take the money he had worked so hard for. At the age of 11 he looked thin and weak his body was at its limit, once he refused to work his parents became furious and threated to sell him to some slave traders that came to the village every few months. Once the caravans arrived to the run down village his parents ginned evilly and dragged the boy to the strange men, they offer up Kayn in exchange for a hefty amount of money. One of the men wearing a cloak smiled and gladly accepted the offer, Kayn was angry and hurt he had spent all those years for his parents and this is how it ended. He looked at his new owner with a fierce look, his body may have been broken but his spirit wasn't, however little did Kayn know that these were no ordinary slave traders. After the deal for Kayn was made the group quickly left the town and brought him to a cave lit with purple flames, the men laughed as they twisted back into their true forms and showed their demonic colors. Kayn was terrified and tried to escape but he had no power and they simply drug him back and began their wicked experiments. Life with the demons wasn't as bad as he originally thought, they would only do experiments on him once every few months and trained him the rest of the time, Kayn didn't know what they had in mind but they would always tell him that he was apart of them now and that he was no longer human. Now the demons said he was ready to go back into the wicked world that had abandoned him once before, they told him to seek revenge on those who wronged him and reek havoc on the humans that were truly evil.

Theme Song:

Kayns armor is appart of his body so if it is damaged or broken it will affect him aswell, the armor can also be repaired over time and even grow stronger with training. He likes warm food and watching the night sky, he hates evil people and those that would sell out their loved ones.

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Yes it is, please feel free to post your character here and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
Awesome, I can't wait to see your character ^-^
Here's my character:


Adelaide Florence




The Church of Florence

Adelaide displays a largely cool and emotionless demeanour, an act that she has kept up in order to protect herself. Anyone who interacts with Adelaide would comment about her icy (or lack of) personality. This happened as a result of all of the experiences that she has been through. Adelaide had learned, painfully, to keep her hopes, desires and fears to herself. This would prevent anyone from manipulating them to control her.

In reality, Adelaide is full of vulnerabilities and emotional pain. In particular, the time spent in the Church of Florence is a source of huge emotional trauma to Adelaide. Any mention of the Church or of those past experiences lead only to a paralysing fear.

As a captive slave to the Church, Adelaide has grown bitter and tired of humanity and selfish desires. Her emotions are dominated by an almost murderous hatred which she tries to keep hidden. These emotions sometimes show though, through a hardening of her facial expressions, and a sharp fierceness which can be seen in her eyes.

Another deeply-rooted fear Adelaide possesses is the fear of captivity and a loss of freedom and control. She fears situations in which all of the circumstances are outside of her control. This usually motivates her to act proactively to ensure she maintains control over the situation. When in a situation she has no control over, Adelaide feels a strong fear, and is reminded of the despair she had experienced in the past.

Special Abilities/Powers

Rapid Regenerative Abilities
As part of the vampire race, Adelaide possesses rapid regenerative abilities. Non-fatal cuts and wounds can be fully healed in just 24 hours. Fatal wounds that would normally kill other humans would merely incapacitate her and be healed up in just a few days.

However, each time that Adelaide's wounds are healed through her regenerative abilities, she would feel a huge wave of weakness and bloodthirstiness. While Adelaide can usually recover from these symptoms, she is usually vulnerable while she is recovering from having healed from particularly heavy wounds.

Blood Manipulation (Self)
Adelaide's blood can be manipulated to develop different properties. Her blood can be imbued with healing properties, or become poisonous and toxic to those who make contact with it. Adelaide can also control her blood and use it as a weapon, moulding it into different shapes, or using it as ranged projectiles.

This ability comes at a huge cost and weakness though, as it makes Adelaide reliant upon drinking the blood of humans or those around her. Her abilities weaken if she does not drink any blood, to the point where the most she can do is just to change the properties of her own blood.

Take note that Adelaide is unable to manipulate or control anyone else's blood.

Enhanced Physical Abilities
As a vampire, Adelaide has slightly enhanced physical abilities. She is not as strong as many other races and species out there, but her physical abilities can match up to that of bodybuilders and seasoned athletes.


Adelaide's father was a vampire. Adelaide's mother was a seamstress. They had a short and happy relationship, and Adelaide's mother had become pregnant after one of their happy nights together. This was to Adelaide's father's horror, as, for vampires, having children with those outside their race was forbidden. Adelaide's father abandoned both mother and child. Spurned, but still hopeful, Adelaide's mother was determined to give birth and look after her child and legacy. However, Adelaide's mother was human, and her constitution was not enough to bear a non-human child. Adelaide's mother grew ever weaker throughout her pregnancy. Adelaide's mother used all of the strength she had left in order to give birth to Adelaide. She died after giving birth, her body just a sack of bones surrounded by wrinkled skin.

Thus, Adelaide was adopted by one of the mother's close friends. However, on a particularly cold winter, her foster mother had made the decision to sell her to a slave trader in exchange for the money she needed to tide her own family through the winter. Adelaide was only five years old when she found herself traded as a slave.

Adelaide travelled with the slave traders, constantly abused and whipped. While the slave traders were travelling, she was made to perform all of their daily chores - cleaning, cooking, "entertaining", etc.. It was not long before the slave traders realised that Adelaide possessed regenerative abilities beyond that of a human's. This became Adelaide's main selling point at the slave market.

Her regenerative abilities caught the attention of the members of the Church of Florence, who were looking for a solution to the problem of mortality. They purchased Adelaide from the slave traders and did various experiments on her, eventually realising that Adelaide's blood had regenerative properties, and could keep whoever drank it free from diseases.

Thus began Adelaide's tormented life at the Church of Florence. Her daily life would involve being slit at her wrists for vials of blood, which the Church would distribute between its members and worshippers. Worshippers who donated more money to the church would receive greater portions of Adelaide's blood. Her wound would then be bandaged, and Adelaide be left to recover in her room, ready for the next batch of blood to be collected from her the next day.

The demands for this miracle blood grew year after year, and greater and greater amounts of Adelaide's blood were extracted. This led to Adelaide feeling much weaker after each extraction, and to her wounds recovering slower and slower.​

I have nothing under "Extras" because she currently does not have anything extra to take note of. Would probably update if she picks up anything new in the future.
Once Sage creates a character I will probably go make the rp thread and have us start. I am hoping we can get some more people to hopefully even out the sexes but that isn't a requirement and we will be fine.
No problem, I can't wait to see them. I am sorry if I am making you or anyone else feel rushed by the way, it is not my intent. By the way if anyone has any suggestions for where they would like the rp to go I am all ears, I want us all to enjoy this as much as possible.
Of course, that is perfectly okay. I would also make a male character to even things out but I am horrible at rping male characters haha
Oh welcome and that's awesome! I can't wait to see your character ^-^
If anyone has any questions don't be afraid to ask and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.
I could make a male character also, actually. It's just that the character I initially had in mind shaped itself to be a female.
No problem, I can't wait to see them. I am sorry if I am making you or anyone else feel rushed by the way, it is not my intent. By the way if anyone has any suggestions for where they would like the rp to go I am all ears, I want us all to enjoy this as much as possible.

Actually, I wanted to ask if something will be happening early on in the RP to link the plot back to Anirab? Or will our characters be doing their own things for a while?

Will we have to think about how to get our characters to interact when the RP starts?
I was thinking of having the characters all do their own thing and meet each other before bringing Anirab into the story since no one has said they would like to play him yet. If someone would then we would base it around how they would want Anirab to be introduced to the story if that makes sense.
By the way Princess Royal, would it be okay to place the church in the main city that we will be in? I was planning on including it so your character wouldn't be too far away from the rest. If it is not then that is perfectly fine.
I was thinking of having the characters all do their own thing and meet each other before bringing Anirab into the story since no one has said they would like to play him yet. If someone would then we would base it around how they would want Anirab to be introduced to the story if that makes sense.
Ahhhhh! I see!
By the way Princess Royal, would it be okay to place the church in the main city that we will be in? I was planning on including it so your character wouldn't be too far away from the rest. If it is not then that is perfectly fine.
That would be okay with me! Meant to leave it open so that the church could technically be anywhere.
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