Currently reading:
Either Needed Rotting From Within Character Creation and Lore

I'm glad I could clear that up and thank you for letting me add the church in. It will help with some of the world building for the opening thread post once I create the rp thread. Just want to get Sage and Sanity's characters before I post it up just in case there is anything else I'll need to add to make it even more cohesive.
Long shoulder length unkept dirty tarnished blond hair, slightly unshaven and electric violet coloured eyes, a nose that tells the story of being broken numerous times and lips and scars that tell of many bust ups, cuts and lessons. At his side, sheathed and guarded at all times is a strange silvery blade with no leather wrap around the handle, the entire weapon is as if cast from polished silver etched with three runes that glow ominously. To the magical creatures the blade resonates at an audible tone but at no detriment, in some areas of wandering souls its rumoured that all souls resonate the item that houses them.

Thick heavy robes adorn Uldrans body, a mixture of red, yellow, black and browns with various signs of repair, fading from time and weathering from sweat. Under that is a singlet, trousers that are cynched at the waist by a belt, the trousers in areas are almost worn through from time. Holes from embers, wear on the road and dirt. Lastly his boots, which probably are the most well kept due to his rather long journeys. Within the robes are a number of pockets, each housing either coin, items, notes and much more.

For those who may get to know him deeply, along his back are deep tissue scars - surgical scars and the most notable of all, three deep scars at the base of his neck. These he hides under his clothes, he keeps his hair bound back. Each hand has tattoos marking up like sleeves along both arms. Standing at a modest height of 6.1ft, well built and toned he breaks the mould of what people expect of a warmage. For those of keen eyes, the robes hide a layer of padded mail which help prevent him from being inflicted with fatal wounds from swords.

Name: Uldran Markincil
Age: 33
Species: Human
Class/Job: Warmage / Arbitrator
Owner: None
Being a warmage makes many question if there is any humanity under such a eerily calm, centered individual and while calm in first impressions hides a explosive nature one hair trigger short from unleashing itself. The anger is deep set and smoulders like embers in his eyes, though in such a continuous state of strife, Uldran has found ways to ensure to take out his agression most on those who he has been charged to pursue. Rumours say it was the training that burned away the traces of what childhood he had left, marked by the stony silence when questions around his origins of stories. In most cases he's a man who stalks the underworld for criminals in both the highest and lowest of society - an often thankless role.

This anger he's found is better used with his actual art - warmagic, though in most circumstances even using the first gate has caused problems and hence caused him to take on assignments investigating corruption, illegal slavery and just one war mage has their share of enemies who would rather see him dead and buried twelve feet under. From having been betrayed by someone he would never have expected, its made him much more closed off to others. However - under all that fire and embers - his vulnerable side is towards animals and hence owns a number of stray cats and dogs which through some careful asking has granted him a chance to learn to commune with animals to a degree.

Special Abilities/Powers:
War magic: Where most wizards resort to grand gestures and spells, this magic is guarded and taught to a select few who show promise to ensuring to adhere to the laws of such a profession. The war mage undergoes an embodiment which some humans deem immoral, stating that those who have such power in their veins are damned to a life much longer than humans and the price for the burden is their human soul. In truth, their souls are fused to an object given to them containing significant value not in wealth but emotional or spiritual connection. For some its natural - a tree that they bond their soul with or a necklace or weapon. In doing so bestows them with power but is also their greatest weakness. Should another say kill the tree their soul is bound to, they die, if the weapon is touched by anothers hands they die and if the necklace is worn by another or kept they too are bound or limited.

Warmagic is magic combined with the arts of close to medium range fighting, fast casting of somatic gestures from hands, verbal or mental triggers of concentration to unleash the spells against their target. Though while powerful, strong and destructive these come at the cost of other things, War mages are in a constant dance with the physical limits of their bodies and minds, exhaustion and self management while doing so they are fast burning mages. Preferring to keep a fight short, brief and tactical. War magic has also two gates a war-caster has to unlock before being able to handler tier spells. Each comes with a price for doing so and most prefer to never even dare unlock them even in the most dire of circumstances.

Gate 1 - The very air around the caster ripples like heatwaves upon a road during a hot summer, clothes and flammable objects even small insects combust in proximity and the very air itself becomes charged with sporadic crackles of energy. For those who never knew the arts of war magic, this display is not subtle nor quiet either and in all cases intimidating. Gate 1, amplifies their cantrips, quick casts, gesture and somatic non vocal magic. Ranging from bolts of energy that crack armour, cause wounds or are more for utility and defence. In most cases this is used in combination with an actual weapon relying upon the skill of the war mage. Other spells are mostly minor and utility based to augment the caster in defence or offence.

Gate 2 - Rarely if ever used and most war mages refrain from daring to use the second gate of magic, this ranges from using elemental magics, kinetic forces as well as attempts at dispelling other magics used in an area along with the most arsenal a war mage can muster. The cost being that this can tax the war mage if even used one to complete exhaustion which can span weeks, more potent spells can leave war mages spent for months or bedridden requiring healing and if mistakes are made where most meet their end. Most if not all require components, some can break gates and sunder the strongest of arms.

Gate 3. If the world was ending, no war mage in present history has dared to open such a gate. Most are theorised and written essays, articles though the desire to even open the third gate none would dare for the cost would be too great and the repercussions or horrors enough to reduce most war mages to husks. The laws around war magic is only at most dire, would the third be granted permission and even then it would have to be world ending. Even in controlled environments, no war mage has been permitted to open gate three and while there serves only as a warning as no war mages have survived long enough to even cast a Gate 3 spell.

As a warmage, you are trained in a mixture of physical hand to hand fighting, brawling and use of simple weapons as in most cases the most simple of weapons are the more versatile from start to graduation all are trained, graded and its rare to find a warmage out of employment.

Relationships: (If you want to discuss any before hand with other people)
Uldran - his story is short. Found alone one long cruel winter at the gates of a war mage academy far from home with nothing but the clothes on his back and bare feet. Raised in such a place meant few and rare attachments, his education started the moment when he was being bullied he unleashed his first latent talents of magic. Beaten within an inch of his life for wounding of another, he was then pressed into the training and horrors of the warmage paths. Here he endured the deaths of his classmates, his sorrow didn't stop there when on a routine lesson he watched as a classmate he was close with was forced into slavery and abducted.

His hatred was tempered when he discovered that one of the instructors had been behind the action, again, beaten within a inch of his life for daring to disrespect a teacher it took Uldan longer to complete his training and even after doing so. Dared to challenge the same instructor only to ruthlessly behead the man in battle reaching climax. The aftermath left him bedridden for months at the cost of such a spell, after graduating he left and found work in pursuing criminals and his own version of justice. Now employed as someone who hunted criminals, the corrupt and the treacherous - eight years in the game has been fun for him. Its only lately has his sights turned to the rumoured blood from the Church of Florence. Already enduring a plethora of old wounds, he sought to pursue if this was a lie or an answer for a miracle.

Theme Song:
Extra: 3 kittens, an older dog named Boots.

Weapon Focus - imbued with his soul.
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Welcome to the group, I like your character, very interesting and sounds like he will be fun to interact with once we start.
@Princess Royal - Would you be ok if my character was tasked to investigate regarding this miraculous blood and the church itself
I wouldn't mind. Although my plan for the first post/arc Adelaide faces is for her to bitterly wish for freedom from her captives while her blood is being drained from her, leading to her blood becoming like a form of lethal poison. Maybe that could be the first event that Uldran notices while on his investigation.
Just a heads up, I am going to head to sleep but I should be back on in about 6 or 7 hours. Please continue with your discussions and I will read them when I get back.
I wouldn't mind. Although my plan for the first post/arc Adelaide faces is for her to bitterly wish for freedom from her captives while her blood is being drained from her, leading to her blood becoming like a form of lethal poison. Maybe that could be the first event that Uldran notices while on his investigation.
Could be something - main reason he is going there is also to see if a current injury of his could be treated. However its a ruse to figure out the source - he doesn't know vampires exist its perhaps where there paths cross and unknowingly <either your character convinces him or - from him trying to figure something out and failing 'breaks' the extraction device.> Im up to discuss this via PM.
Name: Aphrodite Lenen
Age: 21
Species: Human x Elf Hybrid
Class/Job: Sells Fruits and Vegetables
Owner: None
Personality: Aphrodite is a very level-headed woman with pressure on her shoulders. She does her best to appease peoples needs before her own, determined to keep people happy. Though, as selfless as she may be - if her kindness is taken advantage of. There is no telling how Aphrodite will react. She is a competent woman, capable of defending herself, and will hold her own if needed.
Special Abilities/Powers: (If any) Minor Earth Magic, and Telekinesis.
Relationships: No relationships.
Backstory: Aphrodite's story starts after the death of her mother. Her mother died giving birth to her, and left her with a confused father. He struggled at first taking care of his first child, requesting the help of slaves on their farm. When Aphrodite was old enough to walk, he had her helping him picking up apples or peaches off the trees. As she got even older, she began to help sell the fruit and vegetables in the sales market.
Extra: She carries a small dagger on her hip at all times. It'll help her defend herself if she ever needs to.

Name: Luminous Vern
Age: 24
Species: Human
Class/Job: Blacksmith
Owner: None
Personality: At first glance, Lum can be very unwelcoming. He doesn't mind attention, or small talk, but he just in't much of a people's person. He spends most of his time alone, content with the boring life style he lives. He never really puts himself out there, so there is little known about him amongst the other people. He's just known for being good at his job, and giving out fair prices for his quality work. He's never seen smiling, and tends to his customers like a robot.
Special Abilities/Powers: Fire manipulation
Relationships: None
Backstory: We will keep it short and sweet. His mother escaped slavery, fell in love with some rich man and had him. When he was born, his father killed his mother, and raised Lumonious to be a fighter. He had the build for it, being tall and broad. However, Lumonious didn't want to fight to entertain people and ran away from home one night. It was a difficult task leaving his fathers manor, but he did it and has sense settled down.
Extra: Luminous is very capable of fighting with swords, ax's, and his fists.

(Sorry for more simpler character sheets. I promise my characters bring a lot to the table. I'm just really used to doing vague character sheets and growing them in the RP)
Could be something - main reason he is going there is also to see if a current injury of his could be treated. However its a ruse to figure out the source - he doesn't know vampires exist its perhaps where there paths cross and unknowingly <either your character convinces him or - from him trying to figure something out and failing 'breaks' the extraction device.> Im up to discuss this via PM.
Ohhhhh! That's what you meant! I think it would be okay with me! Although Adelaide herself does not know that she is a half-vampire - She only knows what her blood can do. She would probably find out later on that her powers are those of a vampire.

Would be something fun that we could work through with our characters, although Adelaide probably would not be open to the idea of giving out her blood to someone else until she is much closer to the other person.
I like the ideas brewing and Sage I like your characters, simple isn't always a bad thing. I honestly thought I might have wrote too much for my character and story and thought it was scaring people away haha
I have the opening and introductory post for my character half-written already! Will try to get it ready before the RP thread goes up!

@Keillen do feel free to PM me if you want to discuss how Uldran and Adelaide are going to meet up (whether immediately after the introductory plot or during).

I could also show you the half of the post that I've written and we can see how we can work things out!
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Awesome @Princess Royal, I have the opening rp thread written, I just need to make it. I was planning to wait until @Sanity43217 made their character but I am sure it will be okay if we start soon. I'll go make the thread now.
If either of your characters goes around the black market slave trade my character would.

Azodus the Blue​
Human - Wizard Variant​
Azodus is a pretty laid back dude. Having spent most of his childhood in one of the most renowned, premier magic institutes led Azodus to living a pretty comfortable life. However, he was never quite content. Hours sitting in a library everyday grew tiresome. While often new theories are interesting, Azodus often enjoys finding practical uses more fun.​
Special Abilities/Powers:
  • Magic - Azodux, like all Wizards can tap into the ambient magical energies of the world. Able to weave it into spells. Spell casting is not a simple thing, and must be calculated. The spells that Azodux has learned/developed are listed in the Spellbook Sections under "Extra"
  • Magical Knowledge - Azodus has trained under some of the greatest Wizards of this generation at The Spire Of Stroyora. Learning about Magical Theory to help him develop new spells and combat the supernatural. The Wizards, and by extension Azodus are aware of the Existance of Demons, but keep the information more or less to themselves for various reasons.
  • Esoteric Blood - Like all Wizards, to be intucted into the Spire Of Stroyora, and begin his training as a Wizard, under underwent the Communion of the Three Divines. A ritual that Wizards are very secretive about. The ritual replaces their blood with a substance known as "Silver Fire." It is pure magical energy, and it is what allows Wizards greater access to magic than normal people. The ritual is risky, with only one in five surviving.
  • Herbalism/Alchemy - What the rest of the world would also attribute to Magic, is really just a form of science. Herbalism and Alchemy use the physical properties of things to create reactions, instead of delving into the metaphysical of magic. While he may not be as good as other Wizards or herbalists, he can do a few basic reactions using what we would call science.
None yet.​
Azodus was born to a lowly baker. However fate had other plans in mind for the child. Born under the name 'Rargisk Ukego,' Azodus was supposed to live a simple life as Rargisk the Baker. However, a harsh winter struck his village and found the Ukego family poor and needing supplies. Everything would change for Rargisk/Azodus.
He was offered to the Spire Of Stroyora to commence his Wizard training. The Wizards payed the parents for their donation of a child, and continued to pay them so they wouldn't try and reconnect with the child. The child was renamed as Azodus.
Azodus survived the Communion of the Three Divines, and went on to study the secrets of Thaumaturgy. He spent many years learning magic and how to manipulate its secrets in a useful way. He became known as somewhat of a prodigy among magic users.
Azodus decided to leave the Spire of Stroyora to learn other Magics from other schools to futher the development of the most powerful magical faction on the continent. Choosing a life of adventure and study instead of becoming an advisor to a Lord caused a bit of strife amongst the Wizards of the Spire, but Azodus has proved his worth enough that they generally let him do his own stuff. As long as he reports his finding to the Spire of​
Theme Song: (Optional)
Extra: (Any weapons, pets, likes, or dislikes. Anything extra really)
Soulshadow, Codex of Twilight's End is Azodus's primary combat spellbook. HIs everyday go to spells to protect himself and others. It also includes spells that Azodus uses to make his everyday life easier.
  • Bindings of Dhuvies - Chartreuse coloured binding appear, wrapping arouund thw wrists and ankles of the target. Once encircling the limb, the binding contract, leaving a burning brand encricling the limb, exremely limiting the target's ability to use magic.
  • Boon of Dhuvies - By tracing a symbol over his left hand, a Chartreuse brand appears. Should he have someone afflicted by the 'Bindings of Dhuvies,' he can prevent them from furher casting magic, by siphoning off their power to fuel his own.
  • Gloves of Ember - At a snap of his fingers, combined with the appropriate mental command, the caster's hands become wreathed in flame. It is harmsless to the caster, but can allow them to inflict burns on other, or set up for greater fire spells.
  • Mind Arrow - The Spell Attacks the mind. Causing weak minded indivuals to become trapped in their own nightmare, while stronger minded targets may find themsleves afflicted by things like Anxiety. Causing doubt, and creating an opening for allies or a follow up attack.
  • Assault of Elements - The spell creates bolts of elemental energy. Each bolt can inflict damage based on its elemental type. The element types avalible are Earth, Fire, Water, Frost, Lightning and Wind.
  • Sunfire Assault - The spell creates a beam of light that deals damage. The glowing yellow beam deals additional damage to "Creature of the Night."
  • Pyro Tempest - After casting 'Gloves of Ember' the caster may shape the flames and cast them forth to create a raging tempest of flame, to rain destruction down on their enemies.
  • Devastation of Hell - After casting 'Gloves of Ember' the caster may plunge their hands into the Earth. Pulling large molten hands from the ground around their target. These Lava Hands then are controlled by the caster and can be used to crush the target.
  • Spellshield of Ashes - A pretty Basic defencse spell. It summons a shield to proctect the caster. Size and Shape depend on casting method.
  • Cloud Mind - Shrouding the target's mind, it causes confusion, and adds a dispostion to believe the caster.
  • Blessing of Khetar - A fairly simple healing spell.
  • Tranquility - The spell calms what is not. Whether it be a raging storm, or a temper boiling up, threatening conflict. The spell calms all.
Magical Artefacts and Second Spellbook to come...
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