Currently reading:
Either Needed Rotting From Within Character Creation and Lore

@sage. I believe their interactions would be interesting, we could possibly make it so they are acquaintances since he passes by all the time. I hope you sleep well and I can't wait to rp with you all!
Its only late arvo for me. Rest well all and stay safe wherever you are.
It's pretty late for me but I honestly don't want to sleep at the moment.
I don't think I need to explain this but I've had some people not get it so here we go. I like to color code my dialog, like some others, and I will always have a color for a main character, anyone that I put a white or grey on are just random people! Sorry if that's a bit confusing.
@Hodrick Hey I cant read your coloured text, <white and the other lighter colours, if able could you please set them to a primary colour as I am colour blind and white, throws out my eyes.>
Hope that's better! please let me know if your still having trouble. And I'm glad to hear your doing good but..... STUDIES ARE IMPORTANT do them.

---I'm a student teacher btw.
It's alright, I should have made it easier to find. Please don't feel rushed
You could? Sorry I am a bit confused by what you mean? @Hodrick
Yep you can start anywhere, we are pretty much at a point where we are seeing the styles and characters of everyone like a, "Hello here I am" sort of thing. If you would like to interact with another character you can or if you would rather start somewhere else in the city that's fine too. There is no pressure to fit into a mold.
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