Character(s) Skyrim- Civil War

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Character(s) Skyrim- Civil War


Teller of Tales
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Alrighty pals and gals this is the thread for all your Civil War creation needs. Let's see 'em.


14 point for specialities/skills

2- Apprentice
3- Adept
4- Expert
5- Master (locked for starting characters)

Min 4 skills, Max 7


One handed- expert (4)
Heavy Armour- expert- (4)
Block- adept (3)
Archery- apprentice (2)
Alchemy- novice (1)

Characters will obviously increase established skills and learn new ones as the story progresses.

Race: Any allowed/ vampirism and werewolves are also ok

Background: Doesn't have to be full disclosure. The story will start in Windhelm with the characters joining, or already part of, a mercenary unit enlisted to aid the Stormcloaks in the civil war questline. In this version of the story, Dragons have not yet appeared.

I'll post up my PC shortly. Feel free to go ahead with yours. NPC's within the mercenary unit are also welcome.

Any questions? Want to join? Post in: Elder Scrolls: Skyrim pass along recruitment thread


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Name: Leo Landau

Appearance: Tall, lean, long blonde hair, annoyingly handsome

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Imperial

Illusion- expert (4)
One handed- adept (3)
Sneak- adept (3)
Conjuration- apprentice (2)
Restoration- apprentice (2)

Illusion- Fury, Calm, Courage, Fear, Muffle, Frenzy, Pacify, Invisibility
Conjuration- Bound sword, Raise Zombie, Reanimate Corpse, Soul Trap
Restoration- Healing, Fast Healing, Healing Hands

Weapons: Steel dagger

Armor: Leather boots, Leather bracers, Adept Robes and Hood

Background: Born in Cyrodiil to a successful merchant family. Leo grew up in comfortable circumstances in the Imperial Capital. His fascination with magic came at an early age from reading the spell books his father so often collected for trading with the various mage guilds around the country. He joined the organisation when he came of age. His enthusiasm for magic as an apprentice skyrocketed. His restless mind was captivated by the endless, mind bending intrigues of illusion magic in particular. However, as the years passed, his restless need to expand his knowledge, coupled with the Mage's guild sour outlook on certain 'aspects' of conjuration magic, i.e. necromancy, became an itch which the young merchant's son found irresistible to scratch. Leo utilised his father's connections to acquire tomes on raising the dead which were outright banned by the guild, and in his hubris it wasn't long before he was caught and summarily expelled from the organisation. When word got back to his father that his son had squandered such a valuable opportunity he soon turned his back on him as well.

Bereft of home and guild, Leo soon fell into a mercenary company 'Ring of Blades' who had need of his talents. Captain Rosh, who leads the company, imparted his martial knowledge to the young mage reasoning that 'just because you don't know how to use a sword doesn't mean you won't get stabbed by one'. Leo was taught how to wield a blade by Rosh and the other senior officers in the organisation, and, just as importantly, how to avoid drawing attention to himself by the more stealth proficient warriors they employed. After being toughened up from one campaign to another Leo finally began to take pride in himself once more.

His loyalty to Ring of Blades stood firm as the band came to Skyrim, answering a call from Ulfric Stormcloak. The Jarl who would be High King...

Personality; impulsive, occasionally juvenile, given to jokes and gallows humour, sometimes a control freak, loyal to the Ring of Blades, vain about his looks.
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Name: Corellius Tharn

Appearance: Typical Imperial, average height, regular build, short black hair, not unpleasant to look at but by no means beautiful.

Age: 28

Race: Imperial

Destruction- expert (4)
Enchanting- adept (3)
Conjuration- adept (3)
One handed- apprentice (2)
Speech- apprentice (2)

Destruction- Flames, Frostbite, Sparks, Ignite, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Flame Cloak, Thunderbolt, Wall of Storms
Conjuration- Summon unbound Dremora, Soul Trap, Conjure Flame Atronach, Banish Daedra, Revenant

Weapons: Staff of Incineration, Steel Sword

Armor: Adept Robes of Destruction, Circlet of Eminent Destruction, Regular Boots and Gloves, Tharn family ring

Corellius has been born into a side branch of the Tharn family as a single child. Since neither of his parents possessed any of the typical magical potential that the family is so proud of he himself was considered worthless by the main family long before he was born. Corellius spend his childhood within the safe walls of the imperial city itself until it's sacking during the great war. His father decided for his family to stay and help defend the city despite the dire chances of survival, yet alone victory. When the city fell and the elves started cutting down anybody in sight his potential first showed itself. In an act of fear, anger and desperation, Corellius managed to take down several attacking Dominion soldiers until becoming overwhelmed by a Thalmor mage. Corellius then spent the better part of the following year in custody of the Dominion until his family managed to negotiate his release. Recognizing his potential the main branch of the family decided to start his training as a battlemage. Unknown to them, a deep hatred for the empire started to grow in his young heart. He never forgave them for bowing down to the people that killed his parents and so many others. Once his training was finished he began to travel for a bit before finding himself in the company of some mercenaries called the "Ring of Blades". He figured that hurting the empire by joining a rebellion in Skyrim was better than doing nothing. And from what he knew of Nordic warfare, those brutes were in dire need of magical assistance.

His training not just as a member of the Tharn family but also under another Tharn made him a dangerous battlemage. His own studies in the fields of Enchantment and Conjuration were specifically chosen to further improve his effectiveness in battle. As a member of a prominent family he also had to learn how to kiss someones behind when necessary making him at least a decent negotiator. While his skills mainly lie with the magical nature of things, he has also been taught how to swing a sword without stabbing his eye out. The reasoning was something along the lines of "Don't run out of magicka, but if you do stab them with something pointy.".

Personality: Arrogant towards those without magical talent, calm, thinks before he acts, good with children, little patience for anything with golden skin
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Name: Drathyn Hlaalu

Appearance: Standing above most of his comrades by at least a head, his soot-colored skin has not paled at all in the frigid atmosphere of Skyrim, and his voice still has the distinct gravelly timbre of a Morrowind born Dunmer, despite only having seen the homeland a few times in his life. His body--including his face--is toned and rugged, and his hair hangs in long black locks down to his shoulders. His eyes are piercing red.

Age: 93

Gender: Male

Race: Dunmer

Heavy Armor -
Adept (3)
One-Handed - Adept (3)
Destruction - Expert (4)
Alteration - Apprentice (2)
Speech - Apprentice (2)

Flames, Sparks, Ignite, Freeze, Fireball, Flame Cloak, Incinerate, Wall of Storms
Alteration: Candlelight, Equlibirium, Magelight, Stoneflesh

Weapons: Chitin Shortsword

Armor: Steel Armor, Ritual Mask of Boethiah

Drathyn Hlaalu was born in the city of Windhelm in Skyrim, to two Dunmer Nobles in exile. After the events of the 'Red Year' in 4E 5, The Great House of Hlaalu was scapegoated for the destruction razed across Morrowind. Portrayed as soulless profiteers who prostrated themselves before outlanders up to the very moment they poured across their borders and burnt Mournhold to the ground, they were dismissed from the Grand Council. Not able to ensure their own safety in the Morrowind, his parents--Sarvil and Rilasi--Fled to the Isle of Solstheim off the coast of Skyrim. However; due to the preeminence of House Redoran on the Island, not even Solstheim was safe. They fled to the city of Windhelm, taking the young Drathyn with them.

Drathyn Hlaalu was brought up with two mutually exclusive ideals. That he was a member of a line of nobility that had both the birthright and the authority to sit on Morrowind's Grand Council, and that they were refugees in exile that needed to be gracious to their Nordic hosts. For what it was worth, the Hlaalu were always much more tolerant than the other Great Houses, being proponents of fair and open trade with the Empire and faithful adherents to the Ebonheart Pact. As a result; Drathyn felt no racial antipathy towards the Nords. This did not extend both ways however; and the squalid conditions of his family in Windhelm attested to this. Drathyn's father; Sarvil, tried to instill within Drathyn the mindset of the classical Hlaalu Warrior-Merchant. It didn't stick, at least not in the way Sarvil would have preferred.

Additionally, Sarvil and Rilasi adopted the faith of the Nords in an attempt to naturalize themselves. Drathyn did not follow this example, and worshipped the traditional Daedric faith of the Dunmer. Specifically; he worshipped Boethiah. Azura's Vanity and Mephala's Scheming had done little for the Hlaalu. His parents did not approve of this, as the Nords didn't distinguish between a Good and Bad Daedra. Drathyn did not care. When he turned of age, he took a prilgimage to the wasted island of Vvardenfell, which had only just began to recover from the Red Year. On an Ancestral Pilgrimage, Drathyn recovered his branch of the House's ceremonial Chitin Sword in their tomb. After a ceremony where he spoke with the spirit of it's wielder--His ancestor Felvos Hlaalu--He claimed the sword.

In return for 10 years of Service, he was taught magic by a Telvanni Wizard, and practiced his martial capabilities with cultists of Boethiah. He would take on the role of the traditional Dunmer warrior. A proud soldier clad in heavy armor who could overwhelm his opponents in Martial Combat, and annihilate them with magical force.

When his service ended, he returned to Skyrim. During this time, his outlook for the world had shifted dramatically. Despite the Hlaalu's history of Imperial Cooperation, Drathyn had no love for the Empire, and saw it as febrile. Impotent to Retain its own provinces. Impotent to fend off the Aldmeri. Impotent to assist Morrowind during the Red Year. The Future of the Hlaalu was not one spent hand-in-hand in the Empire. No, what Drathyn wants is a reformed Ebonheart Pact. A grand federation between Skyrim, Morrowind and Argonia that will cast a grand shadow over the rest of Tamriel. For this plan to see fruit, all three provinces would need to be in determined opposition to the empire before anything else. The Black Marsh was already Independent, and Skyrim was in the throes of rebellion. If Skyrim too exiled it's Imperial Occupants, then Morrowind--surrounded to the North and South by Independent Provinces--would quickly shed what Imperial Influence it had left.

To this end, Drathyn signed up with the 'Ring of Blades'. They supported the Rebel King Ulfric Stormcloak, and their pay wasn't bad either.

Personality: Determined, Quick to Pass Judgement, Callous, Highly Traditional, Opportunistically Gregarious, Surprisingly Tolerant, An Idealist.
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Name: Kalen Medina

Appearance: Tall and athletic build, very typical Redguard physique from a true son of the Alik'r desert. Kalen's has rough and weathered skin from the harsh climate of the often scorching desert. While he doesn't talk much, when he does it is with a deep voice which is often accompanied by a stern and black stare. He mostly wears very traditional Redguard clothes, light and long shirts and pants and often a hood designed to shelter him from the heat. His face is has several small scars and even bitemarks on his arms, shoulders and neck.

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Redguard


One handed - Adept (3)
Light Armor - Apprentice (2)
Archery- Expert (4)
Sneak - Apprentice (2)
Alchemy - Adept (3)

Spells: None

Weapons: Scimitar, Iron Dagger, Hunting Bow, Iron Arrows

Armor: Leather Armor, leather boots, leather braces, Alik'r Hood

Background: Kalen was brought up as a desert child in the harsh conditions of the Alik'r desert. He was taught from a very young age to hunt and fight according to traditional Redguard culture. For most of his youth he endured a meager existence, fighting to survive against the many dangers that roamed Alik'r. While his nomadic tribe didn't have much, they had each other and they had their honor in comparison to many others of their kind. Many had abandoned their the hard lessons of their forebearers for the prospect of easily obtained power hailing from distant lands. Instead, his tribe followed the true old ways of the long lost Yokudan. They despised the prospect of magic for according to them such prospects are born from deceit and its power while significant only leads to corrupt and taint the wielder. In particular they find necromancy and illusion abhorrent. His tribe followed the Yokudan pantheon as many other Redguards, however Kalen himself never found any comfort in the idea of worship.

In their eyes not true Redguard would ever stoop down so far as to turn to magic for any reason whatsoever. Doing so would bring dishonor on yourself, your family and your tribe. Their self imposed isolation provided a safeguard for the eagerness and naivety of their youth to ensure that they did not fall victim to the often enticing lure of power.

Kalen lived a simple life, hardly noteworthy by any historian and just as his father and grandfather, he was expected to die a simple death and his memory would fade away in a few generations. Alas, it seemed that the fates had other plans for him...

They came in the night like a sudden storm, unleashing chaos and destruction to everything. While his tribe fought hard and with determination, it did not matter for as the sun would rise nothing but their scorched remains of his fellow brothers and sisters would remain. The entire legacy of his tribe spanning hundreds of years turned into nothing overnight. When the dust settled, he alone had survived the onslaught. He did not know who had attacked or why. Looking down on the bodies of his wife and child, he found himself lost for words. In that moment, just as his old life has been snatched from his hands. He had been given a new purpose.

For hours his rage burned within him until it became nothing but a quiet smolder, providing him with a focus and a singular goal. If needed, he would taint and soak his soul with the blood of those who stood between him and his new ambition. He took one final look back at the fate of his tribe, a bleak reminder of the price of honor.

It did not take long for him to track down one of the assailants, for none knows the desert as those who were born in it. For several hours he would question the man, but it was only with the final thrust and twist of his knife that the man answered with a single statement before departing this world.

"Fear the Thalmor."

It was about one year later that he joined up with the mercenary company 'Ring of Blades' after learning of their contract with the Stormcloaks in Skyrim.

He would finally have the opportunity to repay the Thalmor with blood in kind.

Personality: Stoic, hates magic, reserved, vengeful, judgmental, calculating
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Appearance:Small and thin build,stands at 5'4 ft. Her fur is a deep brown color with splashes of honey brown mixed in.She has a soft facial structure,making her look rather young(around 21 or 23)Her fur is has usually a soft yet coarse feel to it,and she has many scars littering her body.Her eyes are a stark yellowish orange in color.Her voice is like most Khajiits' there is nothing special about it.Zimbakka has longer hair than most Khajiit,but it is usually put into a bun or braid of some sort.Her normal attire would be a simple tunic and trousers.


Gender: Female


Archery- 4 Expert
Restoration- 2 Apprentice
Light Armor- 1 novice
One Handed- 2 apprentice
Alchemy- 1 novice
Sneak- 3 Adept

Restoration- Healing, Healing Hands, fast healing, and necromantic healing

Hunter Bow
An Iron dagger
Two Dwarven swords

Fur armor
Hide boots
Hide Braces

Zimbakka was raised in Skyrim.Her mother was part of a merchant's caravan and her father was one of the guards.She also has a sister.

Growing up Zimbakka was treated as an adult,none of the Khajiit in the caravan knew how to care for kittens,or how to treat them. So as a result Zimbakka and her sister,Sosrin had to learn to care for themselves.

In her early teenage years the trading caravan went back to Elswery,where Zimbakka and Sosrin got the first glimpse of their Homeland.

While in Elswery Zimbakka met a imperial woman named Lyra.The imperial and Zimbakka grew to be like sisters,Lyra taught the Khajiit a few healing spells and even how to use a bow.

Many years later,Zimbakka and Sosrin return to Skyrim,along with their caravan.Along the roads near Markarth,the caravan was attacked and the two sisters were all that remained.So they made it their mission to offer protection to other traveling merchants.

Now in their early twenties Zimbakka and Sosrin traveled the roads,protecting people.Along one of their solo ventures the two got captured by bandits,and endured months of suffering,one night though Sosrin escaped her bonds,freed her sister and told her to run,and Zimbakka did.

Zimbakka then traveled alone for many years after her sister was gone,until she eventually fell in with the Ring of Blades.

Personality: sarcastic, cold,reserved, vengeful, judgemental, determined
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14 point limit on skills fae. Your character is at 18. Please edit.
Ah sorry,I did the math wrong! 😅
Name: Kajiri The Bloodsoaked
Appearance: Kajiri.jpg
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Nord

One handed 4
Two handed 3
Archery 3
Block 1
Heavy Armour 3

Spells: None

Two steel broadswords with a ruby embedded on the hilt
An Ebon Greatsword
A Steel bow that is rather worn down
3 Steel daggers
Her fists
Her head
Her body
The body of others

Armor: Good ol' fashioned, Steel Plate armour.
Kajiri was born in the great city of Whiterun and spent her first five years there. Her father served in the Imperial Legion as a Centurion of the 3rd Cohort, 2nd Legion whilst her mother was a Companion. As soon as she was old enough to walk and train, her mother took her all over the land. Sadly, in Kajiri's 11th year, her father was killed in a skirmish with some bandits. Her mother was later assassinated a few years afterwards, leaving her an orphan in a cold, unforgiving land. She had barely enough training and a basic iron sword to defend herself. She enrolled with the Legion after a few horrible years of living on the streets of Windhelm but didn't last long on account of her sheer stubbornness, her refusal to stay in formation and temper.

So, after 2 years of service, she was discharged at the age of 20. She did what most failed legionaries would do and sold their sword. She started off as a mundane bodyguard and honed her skills in her spare time. Soon, her work started to get more and more thrilling. From exterminating pests to taking on small groups of bandits. She loved her life as a merc. She occasionally fought in arenas and sometimes, got arrested for the odd drunken brawl.

She gained the name of Bloodsoaked around the age of 28 after being betrayed by a rich imperial family in Bruma, Cyrodiil. They thought they could use her to wipe out a rival, turn her in and not pay her. Before she went to collect payment, the family's estate had 30 people living and working on it. After she was done, none.She turned up at the nearest Tavern covered head to toe in ash, blood and sweat. All because they tried to rip her off.

She was in Windhelm for a job and was hired to join the Ring of Blades. She agreed but only because of the pay. She made it no secret, that if Ulfric failed to pay her, she would be out.

She is very blunt and rather sweary.
She has quite the temper but isn't easily triggered.
Very proud to be a nord.
A bit snarky at times.
Doesn't like mages after a rather embarrassing one night stand with one in Hammerfell.
She loves a good fight and has little to no qualms about murdering someone if she is paid to do so. But do not call her an assassin. It's a quick way to get headbutted.

Here she is! Hope it's ok!
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Nice pic. I'm adding that to my growing folder of pictures.
Name: Kzrag gro-Vildsvin

Appearance: Kzrag is a hulking orc, his appearance reminiscent of a wild boar. His skin is a deep shade of earthy brown, and he sports a prominent set of tusks protruding from his lower jaw. His dark, unruly hair is streaked with gray, and a multitude of scars and tattoos crisscross his body, giving him an intimidating presence.

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Orc

1. Two-Handed - Master (5)
2. Heavy Armor - Expert (4)
3. Block - Adept (3)
4. Smithing - Novice (1)
5. Destruction - Apprentice (1)

Weapons: Kzrag wields a massive two-handed iron greatsword, which he swings with devastating force. His secondary weapon is a reinforced orcish shield, providing some semblance of defense amid his berserker assault.

Armor: He wears a set of crudely crafted orcish plate mail adorned with tusks and bones, embodying his wild boar-themed persona. It provides protection while allowing for his unrestrained, aggressive fighting style.

Background: Kzrag gro-Morag grew up in the remote strongholds of the Orsimer, where his bloodline boasted a strong connection to the spirit of the wild boar. From a young age, Kzrag exhibited an innate ferocity and an almost primal connection to his animal spirit.

As a member of a traditional stronghold clan, Kzrag was groomed for the role of a fierce warrior. He honed his skills with two-handed weapons, embracing a berserker's approach to battle. His exceptional physical prowess and unwavering endurance in combat made him a respected figure in his clan.

Seeking to test his might and explore the wilds of Skyrim, Kzrag gro-Morag left his stronghold to join the Stormcloaks in their fight for independence. His untamed and relentless fighting style has earned him a fearsome reputation on the battlefield.

Personality: Kzrag is unapologetically fierce and untamed, often described as a force of nature in battle. He's a man of few words, preferring action over conversation. His berserker nature takes over in combat, and his loyalty to his comrades is unwavering. While not the most intelligent orc, his instincts and physical prowess make him a formidable warrior.


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Is the current story still going on? 🙂 Would love to get in on this
Hey, yes it's ongoing. There will be a post shortly that gives you an opportunity to join in. But please keep in mind that your character sheet cannot have a skill at master level yet.
Welcome @watershipdown45 ! Yes, you are welcome to join. The only tweaks I'd say is no master level starting skill. The Circle of Blades are a mercenary group working for Ulfric Stormcloak with dozens of members who haven't been named, so Kzrag can have been part of them from the beginning.

I'm getting over a cold right now but I'll fight through it to get a post up for the main body of the mercenaries in a little while. They're currently marching towards whiterun so expect some epic siege warfare in the near future!
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Oh I will adjust, sorry for misunderstanding. I'm really a team player. Let's say it's a 4 then and the extra point can go into block to make it 4.

My apologies!
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