Closed Small Group Superhero RP (Full for now)

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Closed Small Group Superhero RP (Full for now)


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Today 6:16 PM

Wanna join the official RP?
IC - OOC - Characters

Hey all! I'm looking for around three or four players to join a small group RP revolving around a group of superheroes in one city. They aren't a team, but they know of each other, might be friends, might have teamed up in the past, might have grudges, ect. Ultimately, they are brought together as a nefarious plot slowly begins to unfold within their city.

Some of these heroes might be well known and beloved by the public, some may be small time vigilantes. Maybe Hero A idolizes Hero B. Maybe Hero B despises Hero C. Maybe Hero C had a fling with Hero A and now it's complicated. The possibilities are endless!
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Im in!

perhaps my hero has trust issues due to a betrayal by someone close to him

Perhaps another hero was tangled up in the plot somehow and your hero now avoids that hero because of it

My guy would probably get dragged into something like that
I know anything is possible, but what sort of superhero setting/genre/power level are you envisioning?

Gotham/Marvel New York/Avengers/XMen/City of Heroes?
I know anything is possible, but what sort of superhero setting/genre/power level are you envisioning?

Gotham/Marvel New York/Avengers/XMen/City of Heroes?
Setting will probably be closer to Marvel NYC. Powers can range from Hyperion to Hawkeye. With the plot I have in mind, it shouldn't be too OP. Within reason of course.
It looks like we got enough interest anyways. I'll try to get the official sign up thread up tonight or tomorrow.
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