Both Needed The Aftermath

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Both Needed The Aftermath


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World War 3, 2025-2031

A six year war which wiped 93% of the world population off the planet.
Nuclear and biological warfare together turned the once thriving planet into little more than a wasteland.
It is currently 2045, and the world has begun it's slow recovery. Where there was once ruin, there is now forests climbing from the ashes and bringing beauty back. However, the creatures that now reside in these places have mutated after being in exposed to radiation. Most animals have developed a very aggressive behavior.
The people who survived the war were those lucky enough to be outside of radiation zones, and those who were immune to the disease. A modified form of the Bubonic Plague.
These survivors formed communities, clans who stood against each other.
The largest of these communities is called Aurora, where our characters will begin.
The generation which was raised in these harsh times are now coming of age to make their own decisions, and a group of friends has a deep desire to venture out into the world. They want to explore the world they've been shut off from, though the world around has many dangers. Rabid animals and opposing clans. The danger likely won't stop the young adults.

Character Sheets

Name: Nathan Danzer
Nickname: Nate
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Birthday: April 19
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5'11
Personality: Bold, adventurous, Brave
Background: Nathan is the son of the man who founded Aroura, Elias Danzer. He has always been the rebellious type, leading his friends to sneak out of the community and go explore. He is a disappointment to his father in many ways, risking his safety constantly and that of his friends. He is very convincing and able to get his friends, even the most reluctant, to go on adventures outside.

Appearance: 139b328f3f48d06854eae490f8a692bd.jpg
Nice to meet you! I would love to participate in your thread, should you be willing.

Name: Colt McCloud
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unclear
Birthday: February 9th
Zodiac: Capricorn
Religion: none currently
Height: 6,0
Weight: 155
Personality: Kind, Mischievous, Energetic, and Stubborn
Background: Colt was born into the modest life of the commonfolk within Aroura. His father, Hunter McCloud, was a soldier of war who taught him the fundamentals of combat and the harsh environment of the damaged world around him. His mother, Alexandra McCloud, devoted her life to the medical field and worked tirelessly within the night to ensure Colt's ideals were never without education. Bound by the indecisive pulls of two opposing paths, the commoner left his familial home at a young age to seek out his own passions; often found performing many odd jobs and unique tasks throughout the bustling town in search of a name for himself. Despite the honest and hard work, Colt's stubborn and protective personality has resulted in a tendency for him to get into fights, trouble often finding him in this reborn and unforgiving world.
So this is basically fallout, huh-I'm in!

Name:Ersken Westover
Birthday:May 27th
Zodiac:He doesn't know, and he doesn't care. Zodiacs are stupid.
Religion-Apocalyptic Floating Head or The Tunnel Snakes
Personality:Unethical, Sly, Jovial, Optimistic, and Contentious
Background:Ersken's father, George Westover, was less than an affluent man. His mother was hussy, a hussy that didn't take responsibility for her own kid and ended up leaving. George scrounged for pennies wherever he could; he often got one-off jobs in shady places that Ersken couldn't see. However, he was a great father-he loved Ersken a lot. He gave dubious amounts of affection towards his bastard son whenever he could, and worked his ass off to make sure food got onto the table. Ersken started picking up jobs at the age of 10, a youthful age for the sort of thing, but they simply need to amass lager savings. His childhood went smoothly despite his poverty, and his humble style of living brought him to have good work ethic and life skills. On the oppugnant, however, he lost ethical and moral teachings on this lifestyle. Not to mention etiquette. Now, at the ripe age of 18, he's ready to set off into his own world.
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(My apologies, my computer has been out of commission and I'm only able to return now. If we get a few more characters I wouldn't mind starting this up)
Ha ha its all good, just give a shout if more people start to show up
Name: Yew Willow
Age: 21
Gender: Male [Since everyone is male :D]
Sexuality: Asexual
Birthday: January 31st
Zodiac: Aquarius
Religion: Teachings of Taxus
Height: 5ft 5in
Weight: 130lbs
Personality: The type of person who laughs at you first before helping. Questionable definition of helping but still helping. Mischievous. 'Why not?' Attitude. Optimistic. Morbid
Background: Growing up in the outskirts of Aurora, they were the first line of defence. He was trained to scout the area and make sure that the army was ready for incoming attacks. Growing tired of the military life he knew, he asked permission to explore the world. Surprisingly, the higher ups agreed on one condition. Yew was to send intel on what the outside world was.

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May I join if this has not started yet?

Name: Roseline Valtteri (Rose)
Age: 20
Gender: Female (oh boy)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: October 31
Zodiac: Scorpio
Religion: Atheistic
Height: 5'7
Weight: 165 lbs
Personality: Courageous and loyal, protective, assertive, ill- mannered at times, optimistic to a fault.
Background: Rose was born of one of the more well to do families of Aurora, as well off as one could be in an apocalyptic society. Her father was a commander in the war, her mother the perfect trophy wife who kept the house run king while he was away at war. Rose was made to be the perfect societal girl by her mother who never seemed to realize the fact that society had crumbled around her years ago. Rose took every chance that she could to escape the daily etiquette lessons and run with the men and women who lived in the lower section of Aurora. She wanted so badly to do something with her life and escape Aurora and her mothers heel.
Alright, I think we have plenty to go ahead and start this. I might let a few more join later if there's anymore interest. I'll be posting a starter so stay tuned it won't be long! We'll start by posting in order, first come first serve style so whoever replies first.
By the signals in your writing, does our group of people already know each other and are meeting in that hideout? Or is that something different?
I suppose I will make a post off of that assumption.
Yes all characters at this point know each other and will be departing together as part of a friend group!
since theres only a few of us I think its fine if we just respond at our own pace, as long as we dont leave anyone too far behind if yknow what I mean.
I'd love to join if you have room for another! I'll work on my character sheet now
Yes we can make room, it'll have to be a deal of your character following ours out or meeting them on the outside.
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