Both Needed The Aftermath

Currently reading:
Both Needed The Aftermath

Name: Ember Anderson
Nick Name: Emmy
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: November 13th
Height: 5'9
Weight: 135lbs

Personality: Although Ember longs to connect with others, a life outside of most of the human population has taken a toll on Ember's social graces. She is very blunt and lacks trust. She is withdrawn, quick to temper, and keeps to herself.

Background: Ember's parents fled to the mountains when war broke out. Her mother died early due to the Plague . Her father, Joseph Anderson taught her how to fend for herself , use a bow and arrow to hunt and to keep herself alive. For years, they worked together to keep each other alive outside of established communities. He was her only true form of human contact. After his death during a hunt, Ember could no longer live in their home utterly alone and since ventured out to find her place in the world.


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Ember looks good. The problem would how to meet up with her. Did she live near the walls of Aurora after her dad died?

Also, is it possible to have a scene similar to this?
Yew frowned. "We are about to enter an all-female camp to rescue our friend [OC or NPC or otherwise]."
"Start shaving."
"What? Why?" the scout asked.
"Obviously, you'll join Ember and Rosa in getting in."
"How about you do it."
"Too tall and masculine enough. You, on the other hand, could pass up as a girl without that horrid beard of yours."
"Grab him."

Or anything that would have someone in the group disguise as a female to enter a particular camp.
I don't really know where this idea came from.
We could totally lead up to that! I figured the group could run into Ember outside of Aurora. She's been traveling alone for a while and she can help give them an insight on how to survive in the 'real world'. I have no issue following the story from the side lines until the group venture out.
Ember looks good. The problem would how to meet up with her. Did she live near the walls of Aurora after her dad died?

Also, is it possible to have a scene similar to this?
Yew frowned. "We are about to enter an all-female camp to rescue our friend [OC or NPC or otherwise]."
"Start shaving."
"What? Why?" the scout asked.
"Obviously, you'll join Ember and Rosa in getting in."
"How about you do it."
"Too tall and masculine enough. You, on the other hand, could pass up as a girl without that horrid beard of yours."
"Grab him."

Or anything that would have someone in the group disguise as a female to enter a particular camp.
I don't really know where this idea came from.
This made me genuinely laugh so much.
Hi there. seems interesting. Whats the main quest tho. (Do you have anyone to hunt or something) Also is there any room? I would like to play as an assasin or machine whos purpose is to kill. I think it fitz well in the world you are boulding. Any ways let me know any news, i'll still work in the character description tho. (Not so good at this yet btw, still gonna make an effort)
55ca0fa72acae78a008bf255.jpeg Name: Zachary Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Birthday: November 8
Zodiac: scorpio
Religion: None
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Personality: Having lived outside the bounds of comfort or safety for years on end, Zachary has become quite unhinged, ready to rob or kill to stay alive, and ever fearful of catching the plague that claimed his brother. He is utterly despondent, without hope, having seen the worst parts of humanity. However, there is a large part of him that craves intimate human contact, a deep sadness and a small spark of humanity just waiting for someone to reignite the flame of hope. Despite the savagery, his time in the urban wilds has also made him fairly capable and quick thinking, although his competency is buffered by a dependency on scavenged liquor to avoid giving up completely and swallowing the end of a gun barrel.

Background: When he was 6 years old, Zachary's mother went away to fight in the war. That was the last that he ever saw her. Shit hit the fan not long after, but he, his father, and his younger brother and sister managed to survive the initial insanity by hiding in a government run fallout shelter. From that bunker eventually sprung a community, of which his father came into a position of leadership. It was he that taught him how to survive, how to forage for food as well as how to defend himself.

Things were not all well, however. Deceit and dissention spread throughout their community over the years, ending in violence. His father was killed and he ended up fleeing with his siblings. His brother was the first to go, dying of the plague. Then, his sister was nabbed by a stranger. He found her in pieces.

That sent him over the edge. With no one left but himself, having failed to protect his family, he became increasingly unhinged. It was 2041 when he was left alone. From then on, he trusted no one and cared only for his own survival. He did try to be optimistic, still, but further betrayal left him murderously jaded. It wasn't long before he was without hope, or ambition, or any drive other than blind determination keeping him alive. He survives by scavenging what he can find and taking from other survivors what he cannot. He has only recently become aware of the thriving community of Aurora. In his observations, the parties sent out are usually well equipped, but he's sure that won't always be the case, and if a group or two went missing with their rations, surely they wouldn't miss them that much...

(I was thinking perhaps he could be introduced trying to rob the group only for them to subdue him and decide to drag him along.)
(Love him. Go ahead and catch up reading what we have so far. Whenever our characters leave into the wasteland, you can feel free to enter yours in!)
So I may start posting solo starts on the thread to develop my character and to get updates on posts if that's okay with everyone. I'm curious however what kind of outside world did you have in mind? A wasteland? A lusher forest like setting?
(Everyone I'll be busy through the rest of the night. Feel free to continue replying and just assume Nathan went home! Love to you all~ And I will post some pictures of creatures and environment tomorrow before they set out.)
Aurora: The largest community of survivors known by the surrounding clans. The city is bordered on all sides by a fifteen foot wall, broken only by watch towers and the massive front gate which rarely to never opens. It is surrounded on all sides by a wasteland, desert-like terrain.
The Wasteland: Desert-terrain stretching for miles in all directions. There are three civilizations in this area. Aurora, Drudon, and The Sanctuary The animals native to this harsh climate include very large boar creatures, roughly the size of a rhinoceros, and Hyenas.

Drudon: Home to a very territorial people. Kills to them are trophies, and they're about as bad as running into a pack of hyenas. Meeting them means death. Luckily, they are easily told apart from any random stranger. They wear animals skulls on their heads, as trophies of past kills. If caught, you will likely be tortured to death in the most gruesome way imaginable. Drudonians are often seen in jeeps, speeding across the Wasteland looking for targets.

The Sanctuary: Named simply to be deceiving. This is a civilization of only females who have very unorthodox beliefs. They are known as eaters of men, cannibals with a taste for human flesh. Any men they catch, they will happily cook up as their next meal. They are known to kidnap women and drag them into their lifestyle, brainwashing them and trying to convert them. If they are unsuccessful, the woman is then used as a public sacrifice.

Boar: Extremely territorial and quick to attack. They will only chase as far as the borders of their territories.

Hyena: Pack animals, willing to attack and eat anything that crosses their path. They are relentless killers, but cowards if the competition proves to be too much.

The Ruins: Far to the south, a massive and gorgeous city with a long-forgotten name is left in ruins. Therefore the once mighty structures are named simply. The city has become overgrown as the forest lays claim to the land once more. And people found here are a toss-up whether they are aggressive or not. Most people in this area are loners or move in small groups. Whether they choose to travel or are looking for sanctuary. There aren't many dangers here other than a severe lack of food sources.

Utopia: To the West is this safe haven. Utopia was built in a place where the bombs hit the least, therefore crops easily grow and flourish. The city is rising from the ground up, a beautiful success for humans after the apocalypse. However, it also a target for its neighbors. An unnamed group of murderers, with their eyes set on the gorgeous cities. Attacks are common, but the great walls surrounding Utopia keep it protected. As do Utopian soldiers. The only down-side is that it is very hard to be allowed in. Security is very high here. Because of the thriving world around it, monsters are much more common as well. Much bigger, mutated monsters. This includes massive leopards, rabid dogs, enormous snakes, and other highly mutated and deadly creatures.

Yose: Moving east will eventually lead to another decrepit city. The most notable feature here is the massive dam, completely dried up, where refugees have made home. The place is filled with tents and other make-shift little homes. It is a small community of floaters, and a place you can stay before leaving again. Being in the bottom of the empty dam dissuades monsters from attacking since there is no clear way out. The animals here are also much smaller, most of average size. Small attacks can break out, but most here are able to defend themselves well enough. Again, it isn't possible to stay long since there is no natural food source.

Traveling north is endless miles of the Wasteland. You would likely die before finding anything notable, which would eventually be an empty ocean.

Lunatic hasn't been able to reply yet. There is no longer a posting order so anyone feel free to make your next reply. She can jump back in when she returns.
I'm about to write my first post! Mine will be mildly similar to De Sade's post as in giving an idea of where my character is at and leading towards travel near Aurora
@De Sade, i was wondering how the group will also interact with you after your OC's capture. Do we drag him like a dog for the first few days?

Sorry, I am not very keen to the rules of RP. . . Are we allowed to discuss what is to happen or do we just watch what happens?
You can discuss it if you want or leave it to what feels right! Tbh it sounds like Nate and Yew to drag the sucker around by his feet, face down in the sand XD
That seems appropriate lol. An alternative would be to provide some incentive for him to play along, but the ol smash and drag works just as well.
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