The Awakening (GreyQueen & Darklaz)

  • Thread starter GreyQueen
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The Awakening (GreyQueen & Darklaz)

Sara smiled gratefully as she allowed Jeremiah to lead her up the wide, grand steps of the entrance way. The journalist couldn't help the ping of envy for the members that were allowed to walk these steps often. She would almost felt like a princess if not for the fact she was clad in her work clothes. Appropriate and lovely on her, sure she guessed. Stylish? Maybe though she was never the fashionista Tabby was. Perfect for a formal gala? Not in this lifetime. Sara secretly hoped that whatever dress they had, it would be one they spent a little extra on...even if that would make her scared something might happen to it in her care. Oh well.

Jeremiah led her inside where her jaw dropped. If she thought the outside looked amazing, seeing the grandeur of the entrance way showed even more glorious. She fought to keep from ogling anymore than she could, especially when a maid was summoned to show her to the dressing room. Inside, Sara found a gorgeous cobalt blue gown hanging up, ready for her to change into.

"Master Caine wishes to also impart onto you that we will attend to your hair and makeup, " the woman bowed and left Sara to timidly change.

After several minutes, the young artist finally emerged to where Caine awaited for her, her hands nervously clutching her notepad and pen. "Sorry, I didn't realize that your company was willing to go so far. I must admit, I feel rather special. Do you do this for all your journalists?" she wasn't sure how the joke would go over, but she was nervous and thought to try it out anyway.

He smiled at how well it fit and suited her.
"Very nice. Now, let's go meet your supporters shall we? The gentleman who offered his home for this and is the main backer is eager to meet you."

He escorted her to the main library (approximately 150 sq ft with a 50 ft ceiling) where a small group had gathered and was quietly commenting among themselves about certain pieces.
Sara continued to be impressed by the grandeur of the estate, doing her best to not gawk at the shelf upon shelf of books in the library. She reminisced how this reminded her of the Beast's library in the Beauty and the Beast. What caught her attention most, however were all the pieces of art work lined on either side of the room. Each were spaced fairly well apart to give the illusion that there were more than present, yet this still outnumbered what the journalist had estimated to be here. These pieces, in fact, were so beautiful, Sara wondered if they were actually his or not.

Most of these pieces were of one thing: winged creatures. Terrible and haunting in appearance, yet they all seemed unique and powerful in stance. Acheron came to mind as she observed what she could while Jeremiah lead her along at a somewhat brisk pace. "These pieces...My grandfather made all of these? They..." she slightly bit her lip to prevent herself from saying that didn't feel like him. Acheron had amazed her upon finding him, but she almost...sensed Gramps' handy work. These...they unnerved her if only slightly.
"Some of these are rather ... unsettling. The guest list was extremely selective.
These few gentlemen are elite of the art collector's world.
A few of these are a bit unusual in overall appearance, while others are- shall we say more memorable.
We have acquired a good number of impressive figures.
6 to 7 feet tall or more. Prime physical specimens."

Just then an older gentleman walked up.
"That will be all, Jeremiah.
Greetings, young lady. We all miss your grandfather. He was a great and talented man.
My name is Aaron Stahl. I am the Elder of an elite group of craftsman collectors.
Welcome to my home."
Sara nervously held out her hand with a forced smile, "It's a pleasure meeting you Mr. Stahl, and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to cover this story. It means quite a bit to me. My grandfather was a good man and to see his work is..." The woman paused, her eyes trailing over a particularly memorable statue, "... enlightening. I just have a hard time picturing him... Making these. They don't fee- they do not look like something he would make. Not to question your collection, of course. You must have paid a lot of money to acquire these pieces."
"Unfortunately my dear, most of these were in an empty building under old tarps. I can understand how a few can be...unsettling.
What good is a collection if not all the pieces are together? I believe the show will be starting soon. Welcome to my home,
my collection, and your grandfather's memory. Although we are few, most of us are rather eccentric in our tastes."
He escorted her to the main library, where some chairs were in place and the more unusual pieces were displayed.
As was evident, there seemed to be quite a few of similar appearance here and Stahl guided her to a reserved chair with her name on it.
Sara forced a smile despite her unease, looking around the room as she fidgeted with her notepad and pen. A hard gut feeling that had been growing in her stomach from the start turned icy at the sight of these....extra pieces on display. They legitimately sent chills down her spine and made her nervous just...looking at them.

'I wish Acheron we're here...'

The thought popped up so fast that, Sara found herself blushing slightly in a relieving distraction. Her Gargoyle would probably be waiting for her by now. Maybe she should have thought to teach him how to answer the phone? Oh well, she'll just have to make it up to him. Hm. Perhaps she could fix him something to eat? Did he need to eat? Question after question popped up into her bed as she tried her very best to remain a picture of calm before her host.

"It is still...difficult to imagine that my grandfather...made these...pieces. By the time I knew him, he had...given up on full-sized works and focused mainly on...well small figures. Nothing nearly as...elaborate as these." The journalist forced out with a small laugh.
In the meantime, Acheron was growing as he winged towards Sara's location. Upon seeing the building and sensing the ancient evil housed within; he roared in through a large window.
"Sara! Come to me. Where are you?" he bellowed.

Hearing the commotion, her host paled a few shades.
"What was that? Are you threatened, my dear? We must get you to safety."
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Startled by her Gargoyle's voice, she quickly jumped to her feet, "Acheron? What is he-?" She started to the door where Stahl first led them through. If she didn't go calm him down and try to fix things with her host, there would be trouble. What was he thinking? Maybe she should have set clearer boundaries. If he acted like this every time she went to work, she would be fired! "Mr. Stahl, please give me a moment, I'll fix-"

A firm hand clasped her wrist and began to drag her opposite of the window. The reaction startled the journalist and she tried to tug free. "Hey, I said I'm fine. It's just a misunderstanding-" Nevertheless, she found herself being forced clumsily along away from where she knew Acheron would be. "Really, I just need a moment!"
Just then, Acheron busted through a door and flung the two nearest "collectors".

"Sara! We must leave. This place is evil. U sense an ancient presence and it is not safe here. They are not friends. "

Turning to Stahl, he growled "Taltos. Memnoch. Aradon. Be gone foul one. She is protected. "
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(Tag, my beauty. Your turn)
Absolutely stunned, Sara's jaw dropped in disbelief as she stood with her arm still in the man's hands. "Acheron! What the hell are you doing?! You can't just- Get out of here!"

What the hell did he think he was doing?! She talked about this. He knew better! When her father visited, he played that role of a statue. Why the hell would he now just.... come charging in like this, throwing people around?!? She never said how late she would be getting back! He shouldn't have come bursting in like he had! This would be impossible to cover up! What could she possibly say? Oh! He's my friend that was dressed up! I'll pay for the damage and anything else!

"I can explain, " she cringed, turning back to Stahl to see his horrified expression. "I....He''s all cosmetics! He... I-I'm terribly sorry!"
Stahl on the other hand was livid with rage. "Catch it, you idiots. That's one of the old man's creations. I've got the girl, if we can have both the ritual should be that much stronger. You're not going anywhere, Ms Grayson. You see, we require your presence at a little event we have planned. It has not been easy finding you. And with both of you here, our chances of success are multiplied. "
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Sara's mouth gaped wide at the words Stahl spouted out. The gut feeling she had all night suddenly grew, chilling her whole person. He... knew about Acheron. That rage he portrayed... it wasn't out of anger that the party was crashed. Somehow this man knew Acheron wasn't some guy in a costume. Not only that, but he started yelling about rituals and not letting her go. What the hell was going on?!

Upon a jerk to her still captured arm, the journalist snapped to her senses. Tossing her note pas at the man's face she began to fight back. "Let go of me. I'm not going to be apart of some ritual!"
Momentarily distracted, Stahl lost his grip on their prize captive. Infuriated by the perceived incompetence of his fellows,
He shouted out orders for the dual capture of Sara and the gargoyle.
"We must have them both. You idiots, with the girl and the monster under our control, the awakening of our army will be accelerated.
They will be stronger, more unstoppable. Get them you morons."

Looking to Sara, he grinned. "Come now, my dear. We do know where your family lives. Your abomination can only protect either you or them.
The choice is yours to make. Do as we say and have that creature listen to you, or your family suffers.
He cannot stop all of us. And if he tries, we have you as insurance. We were meant to rule over mere mortals.
The mewling masses lost in their dreary lives. Bah! Greatness is our true destiny, and you will help us achieve it."
Cold fear bit into Sara's stomach as she found her movements sluggish moments before stopping altogether. Her mother and father... They knew where they lived. Turning her emerald eyes towards where she could see her Gargoyle lashing out against the attackers. There seemed no end as more and more men rushed into the room, aiming to bring the supposed beast into captivity. He fought with an unearthly strength... but would it be enough? Even if he somehow got them out of this, her family would be in danger. She couldn't put their safety over hers.

"Stop!" she called as she saw the guards drawing guns from their holsters. Sara didn't know if bullets would actually hurt him or not, but she wasn't going to wait to find out. "Acheron! Wait, please! Stop fighting them! Just...just stop...please." There had to be a way to stop these men and keep her family safe. She just needed to bide her time until then. Hesitantly, the crimson-haired artist turned back towards Stahl, "Please, leave my family out of this. I...will go with you if you swear you won't hurt them or Acheron."
Acheron froze and looked at her uncertainly. "Sara, they will use you to control me and try to make their own come to life. You can not give into them. They are the new regime of an ancient evil. No one will be safe if they succeed. Please do not do this thing. These men cannot be trusted. I beg of you. Their evil will spread and take over, consuming or corrupting everything in its path. There has to be another way."

Stahl just grinned confidently. "Yes indeed, my dear. Listen to your abomination here. with you under our control, we can awaken our own army of loyal gargoyles. We already have many members in key positions of authority around the world. This has been in the works for centuries. We will finally have what we need to take over completely."
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Sara bowed her head, feeling tears stinging her eyes. "I can't...I can't put my family or you in danger." Taking a deep breath, she looked back up at the gargoyle, forcing her whole body to relax despite the situation. Holding out her hand, she stepped closer towards Acheron with a strained smile, "Trust me. Please. I can't see you hurt, alright?"

In truth, Sara didn't know what to do. These men... they wanted to take over the world. If she wasn't well enough aware, this would simply be too comical to believe. Yet she couldn't just run away with Acheron. Her family was in danger if they did that, not to mention the fact that they would have to keep on the run. How the hell did this night turn from flattering business to gut-clenching horror? Sara knew she needed to think of something, and fast, but she had to make sure Acheron was safe first.

"You trust me right?" the Greyson woman coxed again, her hand reaching even farther to him. "Just take my hand. I promise everything will be okay."
Trusting hr, but fighting an uneasy feeling in his gut, Acheron accepted her hand.
Looking deep in her eyes, he held it tight, "Now and for as long as you will have me by your side."

Stahl sneered at the pair of them. "Well, if this isn't a turn of events. The abomination has feelings for his human.
Maybe the two of you are suited for each other after all. I may allow you some time together, after everything is said and done.
My power will be absolute by then and I will be unstoppable."

Some of the other men looked at him as if he had lost it.
Grumbling among themselves, they decided that one man controlling all that was too dangerous.
One of them, a 6' red head, stepped up. "Stahl, No! We will not stand for this. You have gone too far."
Turning to the to captives, he nodded. "Go. Make sure your family is safe. We will take care of this. It is after all our mess"
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Acheron's word sent a flutter of emotions through the Journalist's heart just as they had back on her balcony. His touch stilled the storm of fear within and ignited a spark of hope in its place. Sara had been about to move closer when Stahl's words cut through her. She didn't want to give this man power. The only reason she even complied was because she couldn't stand the thought of her family and Acheron in danger. Sara didn't give a damn about his quest.

Just as she was about to turn to make a snapping remark, the most unusual occurrence took place. His men...they were actually turning against their boss. The way that they had carried on just moments ago, the Journalist would have sworn they allied with Stahl's thinking. Perhaps the power really had gone to that bastard's head. Her Gramps had once been apart of the cult after all. Stahl might have been the reason he left. Gramps always did have a strong sense of justice.

Still, this wasn't the place to ponder the past. Sara gave a sharp nod to the redhead, "Alright...thank you…" Turning back towards her stone guardian, she finally bridged to gape between them, "Let's go, Acheron. I need to get to my family."
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