Character(s) The Changing ~ Characters

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Character(s) The Changing ~ Characters


Dame of the Moon's Darkness
January Challenge Participant February Challenge Participants July Challenge Participant September Challenge Participant
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1. Name: Hunter Myers, Age: 23, Species: Griffon, Power: Heightened Senses

2. Name: Illian Ren, Age: 21, Species: Werewolf, Power: Heightened Senses and Instincts(SunflowerTea)

3. Name: Camari Ruben, Age: 19, Species: Dragon, Power: Hydrokineti/water manipulation(C H A O S)

4. Name: Isa Ivory, Age: 24, Species: Vampire, Power: Blood manipulation, Echolocation(Luathis)

5. Name: Tadao Dason Gamble, Age: 23, Species: Kitsune, Power: Shapeshift/Illusion, Fox "Fire", Vulpes Physiology(Junnabee)

6. Name: Sophia Lovlen, Age: 22, Species: Phoenix, Power: Fire manipulation(DarkBloodMoon)

7. Name: Valerie Knight , Age: 22, Species: High Elf, Power: Crystal Creation/Manipulation(Estylwen)

8. Name: Lyric 'Caspian' Eleanore Nielsen, Age: 21, Species: Siren, Power: Hypnotic Voice, Fish/Merfolk Physiology(Junnabee)


Human Form:
Creature Form:

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Name: Hunter Myers

Age: 25

Species: Griffin

Power: Enhanced senses- all of hearing, sight, smell, and touch is far more sensitive than that of the average human; and advantage passed down in the griffon lineage for generations for advanced hunting, tracking, and ambush from their mountainous terrain. However, this also means they are very sensitive to harsh noises and bright light.

Human form:

Creature form:

History: Hunter had never been very good at living an easy going and peaceful life. Since a young child, the boy was wild, ambitious, bold, and adventurous. From sun rise to set, when not fueling his fascination to learn and observe, he was exploring the vast terrain of his small yet humble country home to which his family resided. Only through the struck bidding of his own mother did he ever return inside. His rather up front and confident exterior did come with a price however, the young male having a tendency to get into fights, be they from his own defense or that of his companions to which he was protective over by nature. Whether he won or lost did little to affect his bright and determined nature however. This came to reflect him in his adulthood, the now aspiring archeologist major fueling his desire to explore, discover, and execute within his day to day life. As such, the male lives a rather nomadic life, his small and humble apartment filled with collectives and memoirs of his explorations as he studies and prepares for his newfound future.

Relatives: With his dear mother now deceased, Hunter still pay visit to his hard working Father, Conner Myers, and younger sister, Jessica Myers, whenever his busy schedule permits it. However, in the eyes of Hunter, family is also what you make; often finding solace in the company of his small circle of friends he had made during his lifelong journey.

Crush: Not yet available

Mate: Not yet available
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Name: Illian Ren
Age: 21
Species: Werewolf
Power: With the power of the wolf comes heightened senses and instincts, specifically hearing and sense of smell. Strong scents, even natural ones, can make him feel disoriented and often affects his focus. With instinct comes an ability to naturally sense danger and threats, which has caused him to seem distant and anxious to his peers. He does boast unnatural endurance for a human, allowing him to sleep less and stay perfectly alert.
Human Form/Creature Form:
History: Illian was fourteen when his mother died. She succumbed to her illness after a long, gruesome fight that lasted years; if asked, Illian would say she had been sick for as long as he could remember. Unfortunately, following her death, Illian was alone. He was sent to a group home (pending an investigation for a relative that could take custody), where he stayed until he turned eighteen. Wanting to make something of himself, anything of himself, he applied to college in his mother's honor and swore to become someone she could be proud of. Because of his nature, Illian tends to spend most of his time alone - making him awkward in social situations and nervous in large crowds.
Relatives: None, that he is aware of
Crush: Not yet available
Mate: Not yet available
Name: Camari Ruben

Age: 19 (almost twenty)

Species: Dragon

Power: Hydrokineti/water manipulation. With the flick of her wrist, she can pull moisture from the air and shape it into anything she desires. But she doesn't have much control. Water pleads for her attention and too many times, it has been a trick. If she has enough power, she could create a massive tidal wave or even control entire oceans. But for now, she is still scared of causing floods.

Human form: E04C710C-6521-4BA2-A4CF-A472A105AA58.jpeg

Creature form: 92543E1B-457C-40B0-890D-BFF87A0513E4.jpeg (but smaller)

History: Camari grew up in a fairly good house. She lived with her older brother and grandmother, living peacefully despite looking nothing like them. The only thing she knew about her real parents was that they loved her. Camari's mother even gave her a beautiful obsidian necklace and a matching hair pin, both decorated with blue jewels. She was loved and accepted. During her early years, she lived in Japan, making lots of friends durning school. Sadly, she moved away to attend collage in a different country.

Crush: Not yet available

Mate: Not yet available
Name: Sophia Lovlen

Age: 22

Species: Phoenix

Power: Fire manipulation

Human Form: 8d7aca9e641bf5c5ba24847eb910bdcf.jpg

Creature Form: 0_UwJPynmx876D3BY-.jpg

History: Sophia has always stood out among others even as a child. Her looks were something that would catch anyone's eyes, but on top of that, her father was the owner of Lovlen Corp. A corporation that reigned supreme in technology and has helped many with their improved devices. But when are major car accident took her father away it left her mother and her to defend their rights to the company as many swooped in ready to try and take over. As much as her mother tried to shield Sophia from the darker side of the business she still ended up in the middle of it. Having even been kidnapped before, due to this Sophia has locked her emotions away, earning the name Ice Princess due to her cold personality when meeting new people. Not that she is actually like that if your a friend of hers she is a very kind and soft-hearted girl. Now in the midst of taking over her fathers company she has come up with an idea to expand the companies technology for the betterment of the world. Trying her best she decided to take an ecology class among other world bound studies. Trying to better understand the Earth and what the Lovlen Corporations technology could do to improve the worlds health.

Relatives: Benjamin Lovlen: Father - Deceased, Sueann Lovlen: Mother

Crush: Open

Mate: To Be Determined

(Im just posting this so i have it out of the way, if i need to change my character from female to male i can do so in a heartbeat! :) mainly for @Junnabee or @Luathis

Name: Isa Ivory
Age: 24
Species: Vampire
Power: Blood Manipulation, Echolocation
Human Form:

Creature Form:
White Hair, Angular Facial Features, Pale Skin. Crystal Fangs

History: Adopted by a wealthy couple who lost their biological daughter in a tragic accident and found themselves unable to conceive, Isa grew up well-cared for and presented with every opportunity her heart desired. The only downside was the emotional neglect and her struggle with imposter syndrome. Chased by the need to prove herself, Isa succeeded at every mark, until she abruptly stopped senior year of high school with no explanation. No one could reason with her or bring out the reason for her change in attitude. Instead, she became a free-spirit, independent, and almost careless with herself.
Relatives: To Be Negotiated
Crush: Unknown
Mate: Unknown
Tadao Dason Gamble



Fox "Fire"
Vulpes Physiology

Human Form:

Half Form:

Creature Form:
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Tad's life was never what someone calls a pack animal. Growing up he didn't fit in among his family, his dark hair and bright eyes causing an intense contrast between his looks and that of his family. He caught on quick but was assured that he wasn't adopted - to this day he calls bullshit. He felt different at home, at school, with friends. He always knew something was off. He didn't make things easy for himself. He was something of a trickster - basking in the chaos a good trick could cause and relish the trouble he got into.

Regardless of his misbehavior, he was ultimately a good boy. Loyal, bright, passionate. If only, others in his life would often laminate, he took things more seriously. Little did they know he could take things a little more seriously... they just haven't given him anything to be serious about. Which was fine and dandy with him (if not a little boring from time to time).

It kept him from accidentally running headfirst into negative emotions - which was important because of how deeply he felt things. Often becoming overwhelmed or consumed by his own (and sometimes even others) emotions. These overwhelming feelings sometimes even lead him to get sick. The extremeness of some of his reactions plus his behavior landed him medicated (with things such as mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, beta-blockers, sedatives, etc) and forced into regular therapy appointments (which he avoided as often as possible).

Despite all this, as he grew up he became progressively more independent. He rarely got attached to places or people, happy enough to keep untethered to the present. He shaped up to be something of a free spirit, which served him well. He was quick to put distance between himself and his family as he reached maturity. All in favor of drifting around and experiencing as much of life as he can. Even with being a wild child of sorts, he's considered a nice young man - having gotten a better handle on how to blend in when he needs to.

Father - Russ Gamble
Mother - Dawn Gamble
Older Brother - Vance Gamble
Younger Sister - Tenna Gamble


Name: Valerie Knight

Age: 22

Species: High Elf

Power: Crystal Creation/Manipulation -- The ability to manifest semi-transparent white crystals from spiritual energy. These have a strong connection with the Earth element.

Human Form:
brown hair.jpg

Creature Form:
ash blonde.jpg

History: Her entire life, Valerie felt something was missing. She grew up in a loving household, but could never get used to constantly packing her teddy in a box. She'd enroll in a new school, shake some hands, and a few months later, the market would change and her father would move the family to a new location. The first time it happened, Valerie went into a depressive stupor, writing letters to friends hours away, lashing out at her parents, and hating the world. But as time wore on, her tantrums became less and less, until she stopped making meaningful connections so the moves would be easier. Becoming drawn in, doing independent activities, behaving in a detached manner. She became quite good at keeping everything 'on-topic' and when she transferred halfway through the year at a new college, she didn't bat an eye when she was told the next month involved a field trip and exams. Exams that she'd have to study twice as much for as she was unfamiliar with the change-up in the curriculum.

But it was fine. She did her best work on her own, anyway. And there would be new classmates to get to know and go over the material with. Everything would be fine, she was sure of it. And telling herself this over and over again helped her forget the pang in her chest she'd get sometimes… when she could feel something missing.

Relatives: Sophia Knight (Mother), Walter Knight (Father)
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Lyric "Caspian" Eleanore Nielsen



Hypnotic Voice
Fish/Merfolk Physiology

Human Form:

Creature Form:
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His biggest grievance in life is just how hard his parents insist he's their "little girl" when he is anything but. Circumstances of his supposed birth are damned. No doctor or a cruel twist of fate is going to tell him who he is - Caspian Nielsen. They made it impossible for him to get his hands on the transition tools he needed. But, even with how distressing that was for him it certainly didn't stop him from living the way he was supposed too. Wanna argue? Get ready to lose a tooth.

He was big into music - which was something he almost turned away from since his parents named him for that very path in life. Probably because they met at their fancy rich people opera. Oh, oh, oh. One said in a probably awfully stuck up anime laugh. My dear would it not be a brilliant testament to our love? Ahaha, anything for you my dear. He was sure the other replied. Sometimes it was... gross to watch them flirt, and they did it a lot so he was pretty sure he knew how the interaction went.

On top of everything else, he's a little... sickly. Or maybe that's not the right word. He rarely get's a goods night's rest and dehydrates at the drop of a hat. IV's, much to everyone's dismay, quickly became some of his closes friends. Luckily, his family can afford to keep up on it. Even if the doctors can't quite pin down why he's constantly dehydrated. It's something he learned to deal with pretty quickly, however, and doesn't cause too much of a problem in his day to day life.


Mother - Amanda Nielsen
Father - Kenneth Nielsen



I'm going to add more to his history.
I just feel like I'm taking absolutely forever to get him up.
So, here is proof of concept.
I guess.
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