World The Changing ~ World & NPC's

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World The Changing ~ World & NPC's


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~ The Universe In Which Omisha Resides ~

Omisha is in a universe known as Hava, it is a very special universe that is the parallel version of the universe in which Earth resides. In this universe, there are many great celestial beasts who roam freely hunting for their other half. Some of these creatures are known as the Heart, while the others are called the Soul. When two destined creatures meet, they form together and bring to life another beautiful world just as unique as the creatures who came together to form that world. Most of the time, the Heart and Soul never make their presence known to the life they created. But ever so often the Heart and Soul will set foot in the world they made in their more mortal form. Making it to where they could possibly be harmed..or even worse, killed.

The Heart brings forth the life of the world. While the Soul of the world brings about the emotions of the world. It is the combination of two fated celestials that have given life to the world known as Omisha.

Theia was a very kind celestial being, her light would warm the very ends of Omisha and the Omishin's never knew what freezing weather was as she always wanted the seasons to be as warm as her heart felt about those Jiban and she had created. But that has all changed after her death.

Jiban was a bit wearier of visiting those in the world they had made than Theia, but even so, he was still kind and gentle to their 'children'. However, there were some movements that he had seen that made him stop his visits and plead with his love not to visit in her mortal form. And one day his fear come to fruition as his love never returned and his heart froze in anger.


~ The Curse ~

There was an evil that had been sealed away a long time ago, so long ago that the stories about the evil faded into nothing. Only the eldest of Omishins seemed to remember the stories told of this evil and how it's sole purpose was to bring out the end of Omisha. But through all the stories no one has ever heard of how or why this evil came to be. Only that It began with targeting children and once all the children were gone it left only those of old and they would indeed die out at some point. However, the evil has since grown in power and is slowly starting to affect those who are adults. Only those with strong magics are able to protect themselves from this new advanced curse and they are doing their best to hide from its ever-growing shadow.

The stages of the illness

Stage 1 - One week - Starts out as a normal cold.

Stage 2 - Two to four weeks - They start having convulsions, temps reach 200's and up.

Stage 3 - Five to six weeks - They begin to no longer respond to those around them. Their minds are rather messed up and their bodies have no will to fight.

Stage 4 - Death...

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The Rulers(NPC's)

Age: 125

Territory: Salvin

History: Rinfer was the son of a well-known warrior, who had fought in many previous battles. When war broke out between the Salvin Territory and the Tovino Territory, his father also devoted himself to try and bring the balance back once more. The war had broken out over the huge lake that had sat on the edges of both their territories. They were hit with their first major winter and the normal rivers and streams had frozen up completely. They were struggling with finding a water supply and there weren't enough water magic users to give water to everyone without someone dying from overusing their magic. It didn't help that the old ruler of Salvin had left Cresent Isle to fend for themselves and the poor souls that had been living there had either died or joined the Tovino side due to lack of care from their ruler.

As the fights between the two settled down, it was decided that they would share if needed with everyone. Rin's father was one of the ones who had been the head of the peace talks and he held high respect for his father. However, the old ruler had wanted bloodshed, he had wanted the Tovino Territory to fall to ruin. So the old ruler sent an assassin to kill Rinfer's father and while his father was strong, his father had taken a major injury in the last fight. He hadn't been in top shape and was unable to defend himself, Rin came across his father laying in a cold pool of blood with the assassin who had slain his father also dead.

After burying his father's body, Rinfer traveled straight for the old ruler demanding to know why. But the ruler who had once been kind to his people and respectful to the other territories was no longer in sight. Instead, he found a man who had lost his sanity due to the spread of the curse that had swept through their world along with the changes that had been happening within their world. He swore to take over and rule the Salvin Territory as it had once been ruled before. Keeping his father's kindness and honor in mind even as he killed the old ruler and stepped forth as the new ruler. There were those who opposed him due to his younger age while other who remembered his father gave him their full support. It had been 3 years now since he had taken over and while relations with the Tovino Territory aren't as they had once been there is once again peace.

Age: 2,040

Territory: Tovino

History: Salira was given the leadership of Tovino by Galith, a water dragon, who was on his death bed. Galith was the old ruler of Tovino and Sal had done all that she could when he was dying. However, her healing elemental power could do nothing to stop his passing. Galith had found her in the woods, beaten, bruised, and hungry. He offered her help and a place to live and she had served him ever since. But on the day of his death, that was also when the old ruler of Salvin declared the war over the water source. Her tears of sadness turned to flames of anger. She herself marched out into the first battle that took place and she fought with a man by the name of Fraron. He was a griffin who seemed to not have the heart in the battle but also seemed to do his damnest to protect the others he fought alongside with.

The first battle came out to a tie, both sides having about the same losses and injured. Sal remembered seeing the look in Fraron's eyes as if he was fighting with himself and not just in this pointless war. After the two territories had clashed for several more battles, each one ending the same, there was a small silence. Until the Salvin sent another army at the border between the two. However, when she heard that one of the people on Salvin's side had held up a white flag instead of attacking, she went to see who. Not to any surprise, she found Fraron holding the flag with a look of determination. The brave griffin warrior had finally come to peace with his inner war of loyalty or righteousness.

So the peace talks began and treaties were written up to open their borders, during these colder seasons that they now faced. She and Fraron had grown rather close to each other and Salira was glad they no longer were fighting. But the small form of happiness she had felt when talking with Fraron was taken away when Fraron's son had shown up asking for her to back him to take over the Salvin territory. That he wanted her support since his father had been close and it had been the old ruler who had killed the person they both cherished. Anger once again settled within Sal and as much as she wanted to kill the old ruler herself she knew it would start a war. So she offered her help, supporting him with her magics and making sure that the old ruler paid for all the pain he had caused.

There was a small bit of pride in her as she watched Rinfer take over the Salvin land, and even though she wanted for the relations between the two territories to once again be how they had. She knew that it would take time and that there had been many people who had lost their loved ones thanks to the old foolish ruler of Salvin.
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Age: 27

Territory: Luscen

History: Even though Elijah and Kane are the youngest rulers they are well respected due to how they were able to take over and rule with ease. Not to mention the fact that Kane takes the risk to his own life each time he travels across the land to inform the others about the increase or decrease of the curse in all the areas around them. The reason these two were placed as the rulers was that they showed up one day from the shadows. People were amazed to even see someone of their young age, wondering how they had survived. How they hadn't been taken by the curse, all the two of them had to say was thanks to their parent's sacrifice. Elijah and Kane's mother and father had used their powers together forming their two sons and a small safe haven where they could live. The two boys would have stayed there forever if they could have but the place had vanished one day. Leaving the young boys to the eyes of the people in Luscen. The ruler of Luscen at the time was mystified at the two of them, but she too had issues to attend to such as the fact she was pregnant. She knew she couldn't protect herself or her child from the curse and she wanted to leave to seek shelter in Salria's care. So she placed the Luscen Territory in the hands of the two boys.

The twins didn't stop for a second to think about it, they simply agreed, knowing how much their parents had done to protect them. They each began to study and learn all there was to know about Luscen and the other territories. It was tough for both of them but they were rather smart and fast learners, Elijah had a great sense for ruling, and while Kane had the brains and strength to match he simply let his brother rule fully. Kane prefered being 'on the run' as his twin liked to call it. And just like that the two of them built up strong relations with all the other rulers even though they were only two years into their rule.

Elijah doesn't mind the fact that his twin rushes out and takes the risks that he does. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't worry a great deal, and that worry sometimes takes him away from the duty of ruling. But it is okay as the Luscen Territory has never been one to have a war or even fights break out for that matter. Most of those in Luscen are pretty peaceful, even with the unfortunate events that have been increasing. Elijah is one to look at all possible routes and select the best one with the least loss. Even with the hotter seasons and the unbelievably cold seasons he has still managed to keep the territory somewhat peaceful.
Kane knows with each time he leaves Luscen there is a chance he may never see his home again. Though that thought always keeps a small fear in the back of his mind. It doesn't stop him from wanting to keep an eye out for all of the territories. With each day though he has noticed the change in the cruse...and knows that the small bit of peace remaining in Omisha is about to be turned upside down. There have only been a few cases of older Omishin's getting the illness so far but...those few cases are going to throw the balance off.


Age: 2302

Territory: Felhira

History: Julia has always been a strong-willed kind of gal, so when Salem stepped down from the lead and asked her to take his place, she accepted it. She knew he was having a hard time dealing with everyone who came to him, pleading he find a solution. But she thought he would have been stronger about it, instead, the pressure was too much. So she stepped in, taking charge without much effort as she had been his right-hand woman when leading. When she had heard of the random attacks from a large black and white tiger with ice blue eyes, she knew who he was. At the time though she hadn't heard of her old friend losing his mate and child as she had been busy taking care of those in her charge. But when Luka came to her and explained things she stepped up to help right away.

They had tried talking to him, but nothing was getting through to Tyzer so they used force. In the midst of their battle, Tyzer got in a major hit on Julia, his large claws finding home in her throat. She would have died instantly if it hadn't been for her ability to control blood. She used her blood as a weapon while also using it to clot the gapping claw marks in her throat. After, what felt like forever Tyzer was caged, and Luka and Julia collapsed exhausted. People rushed forward to help the two of them, as they no longer had to fear Tyzer's raging teeth and claws. It took Luka and her almost a month to fully recover because they never had a decent rest, desperate to bring back their friend.

After the long struggle, Julia vanished for almost a month, returning to a very worried Luka and Tyzer. She hadn't expected Tyzer to be sitting in her castle when she had returned to she hadn't had to cover the scars he had left on her. When Tyzer saw them something in his eyes seemed to dim and shortly after he stopped talking to Julia and even started hunting for a replacement ruler. This saddened her a great deal, but she could understand, all she wanted though was for her friend to once again talk to her. But to this day he still ignores her...​
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Age: 68

Territory: Valsernt

History: Tyzer has seen a lot of bloodshed and death in his life. Whether it was from him battling or from the illness that swept through Omisha like wildfire. He did whatever he could to try and help those within his territory along with the others. But when his mate gave birth to their child his focus was still on the others until he got news of a sudden change in his child's health. No sooner did he finally get back to his mate, did he end up losing them both.

He watched as his cub died thanks to the terrible curse, soon after that, the death of his mate followed. Lossing both of them had driven him over the edge, into an insane state for while and even when he slipped back into his sanity he would sometimes lose himself once again. His targets were always those in the Felhira Territory and the Calsa Territory and both the rulers were getting rather tired of it. Finally, Luka and Julia banded together and forced Tyzer into a locked space slowly working with their magic to bring the man back to a balanced state of mind and keep him there. After they got through to him, he spent his time making up to any of the people he had hurt during his bloodlusted state of mind. He would even visit the graves of those he had killed by accidnet on a weekly basis.

The only reason he is still alive to this day is because Julia and Luka went out of their ways to help a friend they still believed in. Ever since he hasn't been in any battles, and he has also started training someone new to take over his place to rule over Valsernt. He is very ashamed of the times that he lost himself in sorrow and now simply wishes to go live somewhere peacefully. But first, he has to make sure that Valsernt is in good hands and that his replacement works well with the other leaders.


Age: 243

Territory: Calsa

History: Luka has seen many things in his lifetime and he has heard about such things as natural disasters and plagues. However, in all of his 243 years of living, he has never seen a plague that had targeted children alone. After, it came to surface so many things about their lives changed along with it, and whether most would admit it or not they were all fearful. But still, even in his smaller territory he will always stand his ground and do his best to protect the people under his care.

He is about the only one who is still trying to figure out what has gone so wrong with their world. The others gave up after the last children died, and those who had been sent through the portal were never talked about. The parents who had sent their children through to the strange world went into hiding. They had either been shunned for abandoning their children or hated for the fact that they did so in secret and their children were the only children to survive. He has yet to find any of the parents or older siblings of those who had been sent to the place known as Earth. He also had very little information about this place other than it was parallel to their world and there was no way to know if those children survived, changed, or would ever find their way home once again. Still, he holds hope that they will return, or that he could possibly find out how to get rid of the plague that was upon them once again.

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