Either Needed The Dead Still Walk. (Looking for 0 additional members. We have everyone, thank you.)

Currently reading:
Either Needed The Dead Still Walk. (Looking for 0 additional members. We have everyone, thank you.)

Hello there dear, Is this still available for others to join into the amazing interesting story? If so, I do have some characters that I have that are perfect. But let's say, I've created these characters a long time ago during my teen years. I wouldn't mind showing you if you'd don't mind that.
I am very much interested in this due to looking for more role-playing out there to do.

Please reply back with an amazing reply. I would love to hear back from you!

I'd don't bite.~
Hello! I wish I could say this RP was still up and running but life happened as It always does and it never got off the ground. That doesn't mean im opposed to rebooting the RP for you if you wish. If interested send your character ideas and ill see what I can do!
Hello! I wish I could say this RP was still up and running but life happened as It always does and it never got off the ground. That doesn't mean im opposed to rebooting the RP for you if you wish. If interested send your character ideas and ill see what I can do!

Ah! It's great to read back on your message from you. Yes, I would love to discuss more on the ideas to ideas that you'd have planned before. The whole "life and adulting" happened. I wouldn't mind helping you pull this from the ground in order to re-vamp it. Now, Yes, I wouldn't mind sending you a character sheet or make a post for it.
It would be more than eager to get back into this as well, my friend, should you be inclined.
I have bad news for the both of you. Things are crazy for me right now. I usually don't check my phone every day anymore and am not usually on this site. Perhaps if you found others they would be down to participate
Of course my friend, please take it easy alright?
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