Both Needed The Fantasma Famiglia - Mafia Group Roleplay

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Both Needed The Fantasma Famiglia - Mafia Group Roleplay


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sussurri di un fantasma, siamo la famiglia ricci.
( whispers of a ghost , we are the ricci family. )

The Fantasma Famiglia, a notorious arms dealing gang who hold the monopoly on almost all importing and exporting companies in the country, known for their merciless members who can be found on any city street... but only if they want to be found. They are led by the Ricci family, and have been for generations, however just recently Thoman Ricci and his wife Elise have been gunned down by an unknown competitor, leaving their eldest son Nio to lead the Fantasma Famiglia at just age twenty ; some of the members think it ridiculous to appoint such a young leader and call for reform, others remain loyal to the Ricci family and all that they've done for the Fantasma ... and what's this? There's a whisper on the wind that the eldest Ricci, Harlow Ricci, may not be dead after all and wants to reclaim her position as head of the family. Not only that, but it seems Dante Ricci, Thoman's younger brother, is recruiting some shady members behind Nio's back.

Whose side are you on?


Welcome to the Fantasma Famiglia! I am looking for people who are interested in a linear narrative free form roleplay, the overarching plot being the treachery that's beginning to brew within this normally tight knit gang. Though I will be playing the immediate Ricci family members (list below) everyone else from cousins, to aunts and uncles, to rivaling gang members and so forth are free game! I'm hoping to turn this roleplay into a mini community of people who can freely come up with side plots with one another that are just plain fun to explore! Do keep in mind this is not a light roleplay request, as I expect there to be a lot of triggering content. These people are mafia members and i'd like to keep them true to their characters.

We currently have three sects you can have your character be apart of.
- The Ricci's
-The Eclectics
-The Arcano's

You can follow this link to the compiled list of taken and open spots in each group, and decide on your character from there. Please provide an ample template below with basic information on your character, and why, how and when they joined their group. After this I will accept your character and you will be added to the Fantasma Famiglia group chat. This is a FREE FORM roleplay group where members can choose to interact with each other freely and follow their own story lines; but please keep the overarching plot in mind, which is the attempt to destroy the Ricci family and gain power or aid them in their battle to remain on top.

I will be playing the immediate Ricci family members, my list is below. Please don't take this as a block to NOT create Ricci characters because I'd love to throw some Ricci cousins, aunts and uncles into the mix! But as for the immediate (mother, father, brother, sister etc..) family member, those are already created by me.

My Famiglia Characters.

Just a few base rules:
1. Three characters per person is the max.
2. Make sure everyone is included and having fun!
3. Keep in mind that these people are mafia members, and dark content will occur.
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Is it an RP where you can be a supernatural as long as they are humanoid or no??
Is it an RP where you can be a supernatural as long as they are humanoid or no??

I don't see a problem with supernatural characters as long as it makes sense for the plot line, and so long as they appear to be human!
Ok would a dark elf be to much??

If you want i can send you his bio
Ohhh. I'm interested!
Alright ill send it when im able to maybe a few hours
Here are my ideas:
Sebastian: A disguise artist who looks exceptionally feminine and is able to pass as both genders. He was infatuated with the life of crime presented by Ricci Cousins so he joined.
Euphora: An extinguished woman who is also rich and comes from a rich family. She is apart of the Eclectic, who uses their own interest for capitalism and government involvement. They oppose the Ricci Cousins.
Here are my ideas:
Sebastian: A disguise artist who looks exceptionally feminine and is able to pass as both genders. He was infatuated with the life of crime presented by Ricci Cousins so he joined.
Euphora: An extinguished woman who is also rich and comes from a rich family. She is apart of the Eclectic, who uses their own interest for capitalism and government involvement. They oppose the Ricci Cousins.

Awesome! I just need their last names and i'll add them to the list, Sebastian as the Fantasma's disguise artist and Euphora as the Ricci's direct competition!
Sebastian Boudet, Euphora Almerreese,
Here are my babies. I hope you like them.


"Navy all the way."

The Basics

Name: Ricardo "Ricky" Torrez
Model: Ricky Whittle
DOB: March 26, 1980
Ethnicity: Caucasian-Hispanic
Spouse: Lucinda Torrez née Chiu
Occupation: Hitman

Special Skills

Hand-to-hand combat
Krav Maga
Muay Thai
US Navy Training
Water and wilderness survival
Parkour (learned from Lucy)


Before Ricky joined the navy, he was a thug, nothing but a thug, descended from thugs, and if he was ever unlucky enough to have kids, he would've sired some more thugs. But then at 19 he got a break, met some good guy from the Ricci family—a distant relative, but still loaded. Loaded enough to give Ricky the chance to get through the NROTC and into the navy. Eleven years later, Lieutenant Ricardo Torrez was sent to fight in Operation Resolve, and came back with PTSD and no pinky and only half a ring finger on his left hand. Still got his middle one, though. That's the one that gets the most use.

Ricky is loyal to the Riccis for their one act of kindness, almost to a fault, but now that the family is splintering off, is unsure where his loyalties are best placed.

Personality Traits

Stoic, loyal, intelligent, quiet-but-flippant, non-demonstrative, conscientious, kind, adaptable, alert, restrained, quiet, paranoid, cautious, submissive, determined, willful, resilient

"Yes. I do know kung fu."

The Basics

Name: Lucinda "Lucy" Torrez née Chiu
Model: Yeha Leung
DOB: October 30, 1990
Ethnicity: Chinese-American
Spouse: Ricardo Torrez
Occupation: Hitman

Special Skills

Weapons specialist
Kung fu
Water and wilderness survival (learned from Ricky)


Lucy was born into the business of organized crime. Both her parents worked for the Ricci family even before she was born; her mother was a sniper, and she followed in her footsteps. Lucy has known nothing but the

Personality Traits

Hot-tempered, intelligent, passionate, reactive, quirky, quick, spontaneous, witty, dry sense of humor, well-read, impatient, arrogant, vain, loving, aggressive, ruthless, dominant, stubborn
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Oh... do we have to use real people images? I prefer using digital art.
I like the idea of making a tough weapons specialist chick, the one who demonstrates and showcases the various weapons and weapon systems to potential buyers. *puts on character creation hat*
Kaine wood shade 'Kain'
Age: 125
Ethnicity: Japanese
Spouse: none
Occupation: Assassin
Race: dark elf
Sexuality: bi sexual

Special Skills

Knife thrower
Stealth specialist
Poison/potion maker
Shadow specialist(able to hide in the shadows due to dark elf nature)


Kain was born into a family of skilled assassins and poison makers. Both hid parents worked for the Ricci family even before he was born his mother was a poison/potion maker, and his father was a master assassin and he followed in both of their footsteps. Kain knew little else aside from what his parents had taught him and what he had learned over the years.

Personality Traits

Intelligent, passionate, reactive to sudden movement, quick-witted, well-read, patient, loving, aggressive, ruthless, slightly submissive to those of higher authority in the business. stubborn will stand up for himself if needed or his looks are made fun of.
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Okie. So! An idea for a group who opposes the family: The Eclectic. Whaddya' think of the name? That's who Euphora is gonna work for.
Euphora Almerreese.

Age: Twenty-four.
Birthdate: May 11th.
Sex: Female.
Sexuality: Asexual.
Race: Human.
Height/Weight: 5"9' 123 lbs.
Theme Song: Give It To Me (Instrumental)
Allegiance, Allegiance Position:
Weapons/Equipment; Preferred Weapon:
Powers/Magical Abilities:
Beliefs: Agnostic
Profession: Chief Broker from Eclectic

The Fantasma Famiglia: Growing up, Euphora was taught ballet and entered into a ballet school. Taught exquisite mannerisms she became an elegant and eloquent teenager much ahead of her generation. Suffice to say she didn't hang around any of what her parents dubbed the "bad crowd." She looked down upon those with less riches than her until on one fateful day she would require their assistance.
She and her friends (as well as one cousin) left a club drunk during her teenage years. They were all captured and in the state of their drunken selves, they could not defend themselves. They were to be sold in the black market much against their will and were kept prisoner for four months. Euphora was the sole survivor of this as she made way to escape after being taken advantage of and faking her weak self amidst the chaos she was forced to endure. Too terrified to go back for her friends, she found her way back into civilization and was rescued by police forces much to the assistance of kind and generous homeless folk of whom she was forced to blend in with for weeks on end.
To this day she will never forget how all of her friends were found murdered after the location where Euphora was kept was exposed. This nearly drove her to suicide as she was depressed for the longest time. Yet she was also furious that whoever captured her escaped. This drove her to a new passion of joining the police force and making exceptional progress. Her rage became her power and before she knew it, she was a chief broker in an organization named the Eclectic. Pitted against a family known as the Ricci family via assignment, Euphora now finds herself in charge for bringing them down.



Sebastion Boudet

Age: Twenty-six.
Birthdate: June 24th.
Sex: Male.

Sexuality: Pansexual.
Race: Human.
Height/Weight: 5"8', 132 lbs.
Theme Song: White Forest.
Beliefs: Christian.
Profession: Ricci Chief of Disguise.
Birthplace: Lyon, France.

The Fantasma Famigilia: Sebastion was born under an insane mothers' guidance. High on schizophrenia and wanting a daughter, not a son; she forced Sebastion to take hormonal replacements as a young child and forced him to live as a girl much to his dislike. Eventually, he ran away at the age of 14. With the appearance of a young girl and while he enjoyed the androgynous appearance, he did not identify with being a woman but rather preferred to be an effeminate man.
He was a master of disguise because of this. Good at changing his appearance on the fly; wearing disguises under disguises and getting exactly what he wants: money and comfortable life.
He eventually robbed a CIA Agent under a mission. Blindly, at that; and this earned the respect of the CIA as an entity. Though they thought of jailing Sebastion, they instead found his knowledge of disguise to be powerful.
This led him down a fabulous and luxurious life as a CIA Agent. Sebastion, due to his feminine appearance, is able to master many disguises both female and male. He has previous training in the CIA as a Chief of Disguise and has been known to manipulate many to extract information.
He even relocated away from his homeland to escape his mother and became proficient in a variety of languages, even pursuing Linguistics on his own time.
This was until a certain family caught his keen interest. The offer they gave Sebastion was priceless and how they executed their tasks were, in Sebastion's opinion, nearly flawless. He highly respected Thoman Ricci in addition and found his many children talented. Perhaps Thoman's art of disguise impressed Sebastion? It is presently a mystery what caused Sebastion to leave the CIA. Nevertheless, he finds himself now working for the Ricci family as their Chief of Disgusie. Same position, same perks. More money, though.

Thoman Ricci: Before his untimely death, he was the sole influencer that led Sebastion into the family due to his ability of disguise.

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