Both Needed The Fantasma Famiglia - Mafia Group Roleplay

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Both Needed The Fantasma Famiglia - Mafia Group Roleplay

Euphora Almerreese.

Age: Twenty-four.
Birthdate: May 11th.
Sex: Female.
Sexuality: Asexual.
Race: Human.
Height/Weight: 5"9' 123 lbs.
Theme Song: Waves.
Allegiance, Allegiance Position:
Weapons/Equipment; Preferred Weapon:
Powers/Magical Abilities:
Beliefs: Agnostic
Profession: Chief Broker from Eclectic



Sebastion Boudet

Age: Twenty-six.
Birthdate: June 24th.
Sex: Male.

Sexuality: Pansexual.
Race: Human.
Height/Weight: 5"8', 132 lbs.
Theme Song: White Forest.
Beliefs: Christian.
Profession: Ricci Chief of Disguise.
Birthplace: Lyon, France.

Thoman Ricci: Before his untimely death, he was the sole influencer that led Sebastion into the family due to his ability of disguise.

Love the idea of the Eclectic, is it an opposing family or gang? Just so I can add it in when I make the character list. Also I love Euphora and Sebastian!!
Here are my babies. I hope you like them.


"Navy all the way."

The Basics

Name: Ricardo "Ricky" Torrez
Model: Ricky Whittle
DOB: March 26, 1980
Ethnicity: Caucasian-Hispanic
Spouse: Lucinda Torrez née Chiu
Occupation: Hitman

Special Skills

Hand-to-hand combat
Krav Maga
Muay Thai
US Navy Training
Water and wilderness survival
Parkour (learned from Lucy)


Before Ricky joined the navy, he was a thug, nothing but a thug, descended from thugs, and if he was ever unlucky enough to have kids, he would've sired some more thugs. But then at 19 he got a break, met some good guy from the Ricci family—a distant relative, but still loaded. Loaded enough to give Ricky the chance to get through the NROTC and into the navy. Eleven years later, Lieutenant Ricardo Torrez was sent to fight in Operation Resolve, and came back with PTSD and no pinky and only half a ring finger on his left hand. Still got his middle one, though. That's the one that gets the most use.

Ricky is loyal to the Riccis for their one act of kindness, almost to a fault, but now that the family is splintering off, is unsure where his loyalties are best placed.

Personality Traits

Stoic, loyal, intelligent, quiet-but-flippant, non-demonstrative, conscientious, kind, adaptable, alert, restrained, quiet, paranoid, cautious, submissive, determined, willful, resilient

"Yes. I do know kung fu."

The Basics

Name: Lucinda "Lucy" Torrez née Chiu
Model: Yeha Leung
DOB: October 30, 1990
Ethnicity: Chinese-American
Spouse: Ricardo Torrez
Occupation: Hitman

Special Skills

Weapons specialist
Kung fu
Water and wilderness survival (learned from Ricky)


Lucy was born into the business of organized crime. Both her parents worked for the Ricci family even before she was born; her mother was a sniper, and she followed in her footsteps. Lucy has known nothing but the

Personality Traits

Hot-tempered, intelligent, passionate, reactive, quirky, quick, spontaneous, witty, dry sense of humor, well-read, impatient, arrogant, vain, loving, aggressive, ruthless, dominant, stubborn
Ricky and Lucy are true Fantasma Famiglia allies! I will add them to the character list which will be posted later.
I like the idea of making a tough weapons specialist chick, the one who demonstrates and showcases the various weapons and weapon systems to potential buyers. *puts on character creation hat*
Yes!! Can't wait to meet her.
Love the idea of the Eclectic, is it an opposing family or gang? Just so I can add it in when I make the character list. Also I love Euphora and Sebastian!!
Hmmm. Let's say it's an organization associated with the CIA? It is your roleplay so I don't really care how you bend and morph the idea. You should make a group chat for us, by the way! It'll be the best way to communicate once the roleplay starts!
OKAY, so, to all those interested, there is an opposing family working against the Ricci's through emotional manipulation, or let's just say, friendlier methods. We already have some plans for 'em, but I think it'd be cool to have other people join the not-so-well-intended family. This would be great for characters who are a bit on the sly side, I could really use someone to be a close adviser, assistant, spy or even another sibling. Just something to tie them together. I'll provide more detail once I've decided on the names, but for now, we have two successors working on one mission: To defeat the Ricci's.

Just putting it out there~

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OKAY, so, to all those interested, there is an opposing family working against the Ricci's through emotional manipulation, or let's just say, friendlier methods. We already have some plans for 'em, but I think it'd be cool to have other people join the not-so-well-intended family. This would be great for characters who are a bit on the sly side, I could really use someone to be a close adviser, assistant or even another sibling. Just something to tie them together. I'll provide more detail once I've decided on the names, but for now, we have two successors working on one mission: To defeat the Ricci's.

Just putting it out there~

Oh, oh, oh! Can they be associated with the Eclectic?!
Oh, oh, oh! Can they be associated with the Eclectic?!
Hmm, if the Eclectic's are with the justice-seeking CIA type then I actually dunno. Unless they have ties to federal corruption & dirty cops who provide intel at the right prices, y'know that sort of thing, then I'm actually not too sure. In summary, my guys are gonna be pretty antagonistic & cutthroat at first, so anything as good-intentioned as the authorities may be soured or corrupted easily. They could very well take over, if need be.
Hmm, if the Eclectic's are with the justice-seeking CIA type then I actually dunno. Unless they have ties to federal corruption & dirty cops who provide intel at the right prices, y'know that sort of thing, then I'm actually not too sure. In summary, my guys are gonna be pretty antagonistic & cutthroat at first, so anything as good-intentioned as the authorities may be soured or corrupted easily. They could very well take over, if need be.
Who says they aren't corrupt or out for their own interests?
Who says they aren't corrupt or out for their own interests?
Well that changes a lot, I suppose. But I have a few questions I was wondering about:

  • Would the Eclectic be like a family/unit type thing?
  • Would they provide a service of dispatching info and concocting corruption?
  • Are they known for cover-ups and such?

Cause if so, I could see both of our peeps being like, strong allies, ones that go wayyy back even.
Well that changes a lot, I suppose. But I have a few questions I was wondering about:

  • Would the Eclectic be like a family/unit type thing?
  • Would they provide a service of dispatching info and concocting corruption?
  • Are they known for cover-ups and such?

Cause if so, I could see both of our peeps being like, strong allies, ones that go wayyy back even.
Humm. They are linked to the CIA but they are more-so an organization, or perhaps a network of families. Of course they would dispatch info and possibly contribute to corruption for their own interests and of course they've done cover-ups.
Humm. They are linked to the CIA but they are more-so an organization, or perhaps a network of families. Of course they would dispatch info and possibly contribute to corruption for their own interests and of course they've done cover-ups.
Ah, I see. Well, I guess the Arcano's can be associated to the Eclectics. In a sense of "I'll scratch your back, if you'll scratch mine." y'know?
Name: Wolfe De Vile
Model: Kim Uylenbroek
Age: 29
Spouse: none
Occupation: Muscle for hire/Occult Specialist/Oracle. Owns a herbal medicine shop as a cover.
Race: Homo Magi (Witch)
Sexuality: Bisexual

Theme Song:
Allegiance, Allegiance Position:
Tends to work independently, but has commonly sold his services to the Ricci Family, despite not actually having any formal affiliation with them.
Powers/Magical Abilities:
The way magic works for Wolfe is a cycle. Wolfe's magic works by understanding the cycle. It does have a genetic component, but Wolfe sees it as a largely learned form.
The art of magic is just flowing through the Cycle, in a way others cannot.
PRIME is conceived into MIND

MIND focuses into SPIRIT




ENTROPY returns to PRIME
Beliefs: The Cycle of the Universe, referenced in Magic.
Wolfe De Vile was born from a long ling of Magicians. The De Vile Family have been selling their services to crime families since before the Families turned to crime. Wolfe was raised in a rather traditional household when it comes to witches. He spent his childhood learning potions and herbalism until he was twelve. When he was twelve, he did what most who consider themselves Witches undergo at that age. A test. A test to determine his magical aptitude. It was a rough ordeal. Locked in a room for a week, being exposed to the powers of the Arch Mages of each Sphere, to see which one would stick. It showed that Wolfe had an affinity for all nine spheres, but had particular affinities for Forces and Entropy. So his studies focused on that, while occasionally touching on the other spheres. He used his specialities in Forces and Entropy to work as an Oracle for the Crime Families, under the pretence of being an info broker to those that don't believe in magic, and muscle to those that do believe.
View attachment 14912
Name: Wolfe De Vile
Model: Kim Uylenbroek
Age: 29
Spouse: none
Occupation: Muscle for hire/Occult Specialist/Oracle. Owns a herbal medicine shop as a cover.
Race: Homo Magi (Witch)
Sexuality: Bisexual

Theme Song:
Allegiance, Allegiance Position:
Tends to work independently, but has commonly sold his services to the Ricci Family, despite not actually having any formal affiliation with them.
Powers/Magical Abilities:
View attachment 14910
The way magic works for Wolfe is a cycle. Wolfe's magic works by understanding the cycle. It does have a genetic component, but Wolfe sees it as a largely learned form.
The art of magic is just flowing through the Cycle, in a way others cannot.
PRIME is conceived into MIND

MIND focuses into SPIRIT




ENTROPY returns to PRIME
Beliefs: The Cycle of the Universe, referenced in Magic.
Wolfe De Vile was born from a long ling of Magicians. The De Vile Family have been selling their services to crime families since before the Families turned to crime. Wolfe was raised in a rather traditional household when it comes to witches. He spent his childhood learning potions and herbalism until he was twelve. When he was twelve, he did what most who consider themselves Witches undergo at that age. A test. A test to determine his magical aptitude. It was a rough ordeal. Locked in a room for a week, being exposed to the powers of the Arch Mages of each Sphere, to see which one would stick. It showed that Wolfe had an affinity for all nine spheres, but had particular affinities for Forces and Entropy. So his studies focused on that, while occasionally touching on the other spheres. He used his specialities in Forces and Entropy to work as an Oracle for the Crime Families, under the pretence of being an info broker to those that don't believe in magic, and muscle to those that do believe.
Welcome to the Fantasma Famiglia ! I'll add you to the character list. Would you prefer Wolfe to be listed as an info broker or hit man?
I'll admit, I cringed a bit at the mention of elves and the supernatural, as I was thinking this was to be a simple modern RP, however I'm still willing to give it a shot anyway and see what happens.

Chloe Slatery
: 26

Chloe is an attractive young woman with thick, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She stands at 5'8" with a very firm and athletic build.

Chloe's father was a friend of the Ricci family and the operator of a security consultation firm (mercenaries) operating in the Middle East. The firm obviously purchased the bulk of their arms from the Ricci family. As a result at a young age Chloe became a skilled marksman. Even at a young age she followed her father around the world at by the time she was 16 she had joined the firm on her own.

By the time she was 23 she was an expert with many types of weapons and weapon systems. In that year her father and his group (which included her) were ambushed. A serious firefight ensued and Chloe performed very well, as she had in previous engagements, but her father was killed. Shortly thereafter she returned to the US and held an audition with the Ricci Family to work as a saleswomen/middle-woman.
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I wanna make a Romeo. I dunno where to put him, though. Like a guy who uses sexuality to his advantage to rouse information from his subjects but I don't want to put all of my characters in the Eclectic.. hmm. Any suggestions? Below will be his image.

I'll admit, I cringed a bit at the mention of elves and the supernatural, as I was thinking this was to be a simple modern RP, however I'm still willing to give it a shot anyway and see what happens.

Chloe Slatery
: 26

Chloe is an attractive young woman with thick, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She stands at 5'8" with a very firm and athletic build.

Chloe's father was a friend of the Ricci family and the operator of a security consultation firm (mercenaries) operating in the Middle East. The firm obviously purchased the bulk of their arms from the Ricci family. As a result at a young age Chloe became a skilled marksman. Even at a young age she followed her father around the world at by the time she was 16 she had joined the firm on her own.

By the time she was 23 she was an expert with many types of weapons and weapon systems. In that year her father and his group (which included her) were ambushed. A serious firefight ensued and Chloe performed very well, as she had in previous engagements, but her father was killed. Shortly thereafter she returned to the US and held an audition with the Ricci Family to work as a saleswomen/middle-woman.

This roleplay group is predominately modern, but with a touch of everything so everyone can enjoy! Don't worry at all, there will be plenty of opportunity for basic modern interactions most especially with my characters :)

But I welcome Chloe as the Ricci Weapons specialist!!
N A M E:

Rosalía Arcano

N I CK N A M E {S}:

Lia. Rosa

D. O. B:


A G E:


Z O D I A C:


H E I G H T:


W E I G H T:

110 lbs

A P P E A R A N C E:



S E X U A L I T Y:

Depends, are they cute?

B R A N D:

S T Y L E:


P E R S O N A L I T Y:

As a bit of a wildcard, it's hard to keep Lia tamed. For, when she has her heart set on something, she will take the initiative to get it. She doesn't do any of that daddy's girl nonsense. Craving independence, her consistency is lacking, for if she stays in routine for far too long, for more than she's initially thought, the woman will most likely become restless, or break the subject off entirely. This little issue has taken a toll on several past relationships, even going as far as to break them. Therefore, though lively, Lia is often seen alone. But she doesn't mind, for she finds that playing with people is much better than interacting with them.

B I O:

Eldest to Rocky Arcano, Lia is the ultimate heiress to the family ''business." But due to her unpredictable {and slightly unstable} nature, coinciding with her deep love for her brother, she does not mind sharing the spotlight. Hell, she even encourages others' insights. making her, despite her faults, a good & respectable leader. Her father on the other hand, not so much. Having come straight from Sicily, Rocky Arcano is known to be a foxy man, acquiring a golden tongue and promising eyes, he is able to get what he wants, no violence necessary. Well, was. For now, after ages of hard work gone into constructing an empire, gone into raising his two beloved children, fate had finally fallen down on him- rendering him ill and unable to better. And what's worse is that the Ricci's, the goddamn Ricci's were thriving while he laid, completely helpless in his ticking deathbed... There's only so much time left, and goddamn if he were to go, he wouldn't go without a fight.

Q U O T E {S}:

"She'll take you for a ride."

"Look at you, needing me."

"Give me the lines and I'll play the part."

P L A Y L I S T:

I N S P I R A T I O N:

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