Both Needed The Fantasma Famiglia - Mafia Group Roleplay

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Both Needed The Fantasma Famiglia - Mafia Group Roleplay

N A M E:

Lorenzo Arcano

N I CK N A M E {S}:

Lori, Enzo

D. O. B:


A G E:


Z O D I A C:


H E I G H T:

6"0 ft.

W E I G H T:

175 lbs.

A P P E A R A N C E:



S E X U A L I T Y:

Whatever gets the job done.

B R A N D:


S T Y L E:



P E R S O N A L I T Y:

Quiet and reserved, Lori is very much the opposite of his older sister. With his head on his shoulders, he's quite certain of what he wants out of his life and his time here on earth. And those who get in the way of that, may face the consequences. You see, unlike his sister, Lori lacks empathy for people and actually enjoys his seclusion more than anything else. He doesn't need to fill his time, nor constantly distract himself, no, this is enough. Some may call him stubborn, afraid of change even- but he prefers the term realistic. Yes it wasn't easy growing up in a life like this, but sometimes you just gotta let that reality sink in. And as such, Lori is a torturous cynic and pessimist, unable to tap into vulnerability even in his darkest hours and unable to detach himself from his work. All work and no play makes Lori a dull boy.

B I O:

Youngest to Rocky Arcano, Lori hadn't played a very big part in the family business up until now- when his sister had practically begged for some guidance, while his Pa laid flat on his ass, watching. He hates to say it, he really does, but he feels as though his father's death won't impact him on the same level as his mother's had. Besides, all the old man had really done was create more conflict than resolution, and as such, it was time for his reign to end. His mother, on the other hand, is whom- though deceased, he idolizes most. She had taught him that simplicity is the key to happiness, that in the end, all that really mattered were those who have your back. But now that tensions were rising with the Ricci's, he's not too sure.

Q U O T E {S}:


"Don't be so dramatic."

"Was that supposed to be funny?"


I N S P I R A T I O N:




Elara Ghost

Age: 26

Sexuality: straight.

Career: hitman


Appearance: long light brown hair and Amber eyes. She often has her hair in a ponytail or side braid. Has a scar just below her lip and another above her right eye. More scars on her arms and body, but she keeps them covered. Always wears long sleeves and plain clothes. Not someone your eyes would be drawn to, a real plain Jane. Normally has a blank cold expression that keeps many from approaching.

Personality: Cold and distant to the world. She seems to be lost in thought or zoning out, but this is just a ploy. She is always carefully monitoring everything around her. She rarely speaks, being use to her twin brother taking charge. With his disappearance she has been more vocal, but still weary of others. Despite being a remorseless killer for hire, she is relatively passive and hard to anger. To the few people she trust, she shows herself to be fiercely loyal. Her only soft spot is for animals and they seem to be the one thing she doesn't hate about the world. Mess with one of the countless strays she cares for and she will make you pay in blood.

History: Elara and her twin brother, Donavon, were born to a druggie mom and a gambler dad. Life was never easy for them, and they became reliant on one another as their parents did very little to keep them alive. Despite being the same age, Donavon soon took the leading role and Elara is always quick to follow. They ended up in a kind foster home when they were 4 years old till they were 6 and they actually loved the place. That ended when their dad kidnapped them back. They had no hope of a future till Zackery, a Hitman for the Fantasma Famiglia came knocking. He was after their parents for stealing drugs from the gang and then trying to sell them back. The twins were 10 at this point, and didn't even bat an eye when there parents were killed.
Zackery was far from a kind man, but even he was repulsed by the state the twins had been living in. Knowing with such a life they would never be normal he decided to take them in. He trained them to be harden killers, something both twins proved to be naturals at. When they were old enough they stepped out of the shadow of their mentor and became full time Hitman for the Fantasma Famiglia. Donavon relished the job, soon taking up drugs on the side and enjoying life. Elara on the other hand finds no joy in life or work, and only seems to find joy in the countless strays she cares for.
Zackery eventually passed away from cancer, and the twins carried on as Hitman, knowing no other life. Despite being long time members of Fantasma Famiglia, their past has left them jaded and odd. They rely on one another heavily, and don't trust others.
Elara had always followed her brother without fail, even as his actions became more erratic as he spiraled down into drug addiction. Life took a sudden turn for her when he suddenly disappeared without a word or trace. With no where else to go and no clue where her bother went Elara keeps up her life as a Hitman. Yet with the gang now at odd and misfortune around every bend, her life and future seems uncertain.
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Elara Ghost

Age: 26

Sexuality: straight.

Career: hitman


Appearance: long light brown hair and Amber eyes. She often has her hair in a ponytail or side braid. Has a scar just below her lip and another above her right eye. More scars on her arms and body, but she keeps them covered. Always wears long sleeves and plain clothes. Not someone your eyes would be drawn to, a real plain Jane. Normally has a blank cold expression that keeps many from approaching.

Personality: Cold and distant to the world. She seems to be lost in thought or zoning out, but this is just a ploy. She is always carefully monitoring everything around her. She rarely speaks, being use to her twin brother taking charge. With his disappearance she has been more vocal, but still weary of others. Despite being a remorseless killer for hire, she is relatively passive and hard to anger. To the few people she trust, she shows herself to be fiercely loyal. Her only soft spot is for animals and they seem to be the one thing she doesn't hate about the world. Mess with one of the countless strays she cares for and she will make you pay in blood.

History: Elara and her twin brother, Donavon, were born to a druggie mom and a gambler dad. Life was never easy for them, and they became reliant on one another as their parents did very little to keep them alive. Despite being the same age, Donavon soon took the leading role and Elara is always quick to follow. They ended up in a kind foster home when they were 4 years old till they were 6 and they actually loved the place. That ended when their dad kidnapped them back. They had no hope of a future till Zackery, a Hitman for the Fantasma Famiglia came knocking. He was after their parents for stealing drugs from the gang and then trying to sell them back. The twins were 10 at this point, and didn't even bat an eye when there parents were killed.
Zackery was far from a kind man, but even he was repulsed by the state the twins had been living in. Knowing with such a life they would never be normal he decided to take them in. He trained them to be harden killers, something both twins proved to be naturals at. When they were old enough they stepped out of the shadow of their mentor and became full time Hitman for the Fantasma Famiglia. Donavon relished the job, soon taking up drugs on the side and enjoying life. Elara on the other hand finds no joy in life or work, and only seems to find joy in the countless strays she cares for.
Zackery eventually passed away from cancer, and the twins carried on as Hitman, knowing no other life. Despite being long time members of Fantasma Famiglia, their past has left them jaded and odd. They rely on one another heavily, and don't trust others.
Elara had always followed her brother without fail, even as his actions became more erratic as he spiraled down into drug addiction. Life took a sudden turn for her when he suddenly disappeared without a word or trace. With no where else to go and no clue where her bother went Elara keeps up her life as a Hitman. Yet with the gang now at odd and misfortune around every bend, her life and future seems uncertain.

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