World The Night's Sepulcher

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World The Night's Sepulcher


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overview. members. history.

contact: @Gobenku
The Night's Sepulcher is an organized syndicate of enigmatic assassins headed by an entity known as, "Crow", who sits in the Court of Bones, surrounded by his 19 fellow practitioners, all of whom have adopted animalistic monikers and masks. Crow dedicates the work to his chosen deity, of which he is the champion of, chosen to defend the name of, and settle divine disputes for—Nokhebt, the Ancient of Malice and Bloodlust. Unbeknownst to those who know and fear the Sepulchral sect, the mountain island that they reside upon is host to a wealth of artifacts, peoples and unique creatures created by or in service of Nokhebt. Hidden within the mountain, and what the sect's true purpose is to protect, is a Sanctuary- a place of beauty where some of Nokhebt's most passive and gorgeous creations are free to thrive, free of man's corruption and greed.


Crow | Founder and leader of the Night's Sepulcher; Night's Sepulchral First.
Sitting in the Throne of Bones, fashioned from old bird corpses, is Crow—the terrifying monarch of murder himself, known throughout the world by a number of monikers, each one highly resented and feared. There is no member of the sect, including his son, Ulysses, who truly knows Crow's origin—not his true name, how he came to be what he is, nor where his power is derived from. Any contract personally taken by Crow himself ends swiftly, and surprisingly without bloodshed—the victim is simply never heard from again, and not even the members of the sect are aware of what happens to them.

— Ulysses | Crow's son and heir apparent.
Currently a runaway, and a member of the coveted pirate title, 'Sin of the Sea'. He is known both as the Sin of Sloth, and the Night Sepulcher's Sloth. He works with Captain Vox of the Bloodlust in his quest to free those of Kin (opportunistically human, as well) lives from slavery. He is a master of weaponry, feared among the members of the sect as second only to his father, and was once seated in the second throne—this throne has been taken over, but his father believes that Ulysses will one day abandon his fantastical ideals, and return to the sect.
— Members
Numbers two through twenty of the Night's Sepulcher, in order of overall lethality, but not necessarily power. Referred to as Night's Sepulchral Second, Night's Sepulchral Third, Night's Sepulchral Fourth, and so on.

Crow's companions are ranked by their killing prowess, and by which their abilities should be feared—number one, being Crow himself, down to number twenty. Every member has been trained by Crow and is given a Crowblade of their choosing—Crowblades being forged by Crow himself. These blades are a slick, black color with a crimson hue, derived from the blood that they're infused with—Crow's own—and the ebony metal with which they are based.


Ebony Isle
Goes by many names: Ebony Mountain, Ebonmount, Black Mountain, etc. Most monikers can be easily recognized as pertaining to this particular mountain. Deep within the ocean's embrace, far below Ineru and the Afherian Empire rests the large island with its massive mountain. There is one harbor lacking treacherous rocks, from which a path and staircase flanked by pillars lead up the mountain, to the sect's main base. The doors to enter are enormously heavy; deceivingly so, not appearing nearly large enough to warrant as much strength to open as they do. Visitors are escorted through the mountain's labyrinthine passages by the native residents of the mountain. Atop the mountain sits Crow's Forge, from whence ebony and Crow's blood meld into the ever feared Crowblades.

Looking Glass — friendly business rival.
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overview. members. history.


ranked by their killing prowess, and by which their abilities should be feared.


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overview. members. history.


the night's sepulcher story.
organization's founding. 123 a.f.

Information goes here.

another important event. 123 a.f.

Information goes here.

another important event. 123 a.f.

Information goes here.
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origin of nokhebt's birth; home to the night's sepulcher.
the island.

Known by many names, including: Ebony Isle, Ebonmount, Crowskeep, so on. The large island was once home to and the origin of Nokhebt, the Ancient of Malice and Bloodlust.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.

the mountain.

General description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu diam quis urna congue gravida quis vel erat. Nunc lacinia, nibh at sollicitudin auctor, orci nibh imperdiet velit, vel euismod arcu quam rutrum ex. Curabitur dignissim tempor mi fermentum dignissim. Pellentesque ultrices tellus eu risus dictum pulvinar. Aenean posuere, metus in elementum imperdiet, elit ipsum eleifend tellus, gravida laoreet lorem turpis quis arcu. In aliquam urna quis sapien euismod condimentum.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.

the inhabitants.

  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.
  • Information goes here. In sodales tempor neque. Nullam tincidunt vehicula pellentesque. Sed eu hendrerit neque. Quisque justo lectus, hendrerit non ultrices in, vehicula a elit. Cras sem tortor, vehicula non turpis in, euismod sollicitudin odio. Nulla vel eros vel orci porttitor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vitae diam nisl. Morbi nec tortor enim. In sem dolor, iaculis sed velit facilisis, pellentesque sodales libero.

the lore.

General description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eu diam quis urna congue gravida quis vel erat. Nunc lacinia, nibh at sollicitudin auctor, orci nibh imperdiet velit, vel euismod arcu quam rutrum ex. Curabitur dignissim tempor mi fermentum dignissim. Pellentesque ultrices tellus eu risus dictum pulvinar. Aenean posuere, metus in elementum imperdiet, elit ipsum eleifend tellus, gravida laoreet lorem turpis quis arcu. In aliquam urna quis sapien euismod condimentum.
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the night's sepulchral first.

monarch of murder, king crow
(originally and typically) male

he / she / they / it
proficient with every known weapon

The infamous figure of Konistran myth, Crow- the Night's Sepulchral First- is a shapeshifter of unparalleled power, capable of controlling his body, form and bodily functions to an otherwise unheard of degree. He serves as champion to Nokhebt, the Ancient of Malice and Bloodlust, and has dedicated much of his unnaturally long life to the mastery of each and every skill that could come in handy for rogue, warrior and mage, forging himself into the world's most frightful assassin, and carving a place in history for not only himself, but his organization, the Night's Sepulcher.

For reasons unknown to the world, he has isolated his empire of murder on a dark mountain found on the eerie and enigmatic Ebony Isle, where he trains his sepulchral assassins, arming them with the highly coveted 'Crowblades', forged and found only on Ebony Isle. These weapons, varied in size and make, are jet black with a light crimson sheen, and the secret to their creation is held by Crow alone. Their natural resistance to magic and incomparable stability has solidified them among the most feared of legendary weapons, each of the frightful members of his sect armed with at least one of the fearsome tools of war.

  • corvids
  • wild berries
  • infamy
  • starlight
  • society
  • animal abuse
  • disrespect
  • vainglory
  • trait
  • trait
  • trait
  • trait
  • Phasellus cursus rutrum mauris. Morbi non tellus molestie, semper mauris non, molestie leo. Integer quis consequat mauris. Nullam tellus turpis, facilisis eu molestie eu, cursus ac lacus. Donec suscipit ante quis tellus tempus, aliquam finibus nulla dictum. Nam mattis ut dolor id viverra. Mauris lobortis nisl ac sem ultricies suscipit.

    Quisque dapibus scelerisque bibendum. Aenean ut justo sollicitudin, sollicitudin libero sit amet, euismod justo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas vel mauris vel erat iaculis dapibus. Sed scelerisque eros vel nibh suscipit, quis porttitor turpis cursus. Ut sed condimentum dolor, ut bibendum magna. Sed id urna a nisi lobortis mollis non at tortor. Mauris eu varius felis. Curabitur sit amet condimentum lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum nec elit nibh.

    Vivamus in eros nunc. Curabitur cursus ut magna vitae fermentum. Nunc id quam sed enim euismod luctus eget nec felis. In accumsan magna vel felis vestibulum, quis blandit mi feugiat. Praesent tempus ante rhoncus neque sollicitudin, a aliquam nisl pulvinar. Sed hendrerit aliquam purus, sed volutpat lacus porttitor non. Nunc vitae mattis enim, at ullamcorper odio.

skin: few words for description
hair: few words for description
eyes: few words for description
height: x' xx" { xxxcm }
build: few words for description
voice: few words for description
ability name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi id lacus diam. Aenean tristique hendrerit faucibus. Ut sit amet diam vel turpis finibus pretium. Maecenas quis nunc sed nunc rutrum placerat at in felis. Etiam egestas nulla eu viverra vehicula. Quisque ultricies lacinia tortor non posuere. Sed diam sapien, vehicula vel nibh et, suscipit tristique dolor.

ability name
Maecenas nisi purus, malesuada ac feugiat nec, egestas non metus. Suspendisse vel dolor pretium, dignissim ex sed, venenatis arcu. Donec ligula lectus, hendrerit non dui vel, fringilla aliquet risus. Aenean placerat dapibus auctor. Quisque pretium mollis tincidunt. Donec eget ex sit amet nunc cursus luctus.

ability name
Quisque placerat rutrum porta. Sed mi ipsum, pellentesque id lacinia sed, pharetra et urna. Nulla suscipit, nibh eget ornare accumsan, quam massa lacinia purus, quis efficitur felis ex non felis. Nulla sem diam, aliquet eget tempor aliquet, dictum in sem. Phasellus cursus elementum metus, eget consectetur mauris pulvinar quis.

ability name
Ut euismod hendrerit auctor. Ut eleifend lorem quis mollis ultrices. Vestibulum fringilla orci leo, eu scelerisque magna blandit eu. Sed commodo ipsum purus, ut convallis sem tincidunt vel. Duis sagittis pretium libero, quis tincidunt massa laoreet ac. Nunc ut faucibus lacus, vulputate dapibus tortor. Quisque massa ex, rhoncus a nisl vitae, laoreet cursus velit.


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the night's sepulchral eighth.
art by @Lethendralis1

nix, birdie
fire spirit

[ locked ]
she / her

Taking on sort of a maternal role for the members of the Night's Sepulcher, Phoenix is incredibly kind, inviting, and patient. She is happy to offer assistance and advice when it is asked for, and is otherwise content to provide unconditional support, love, and reminders to take care of oneself. However, while she is typically wholesome and bright, this does not mean she is entirely amicable; while it is incredibly rare to see and even harder to evoke, Phoenix has quite the explosive anger—literally.

While on assignments, Phoenix's execution technique is unnervingly similar to how she is at home. She has the tendency to lure in her assigned victims with her natural warmth and compassion, tenderly caring for her targets and easily earning their trust in very little time. It is only moments after earning said trust, that Phoenix silences her prey, leaving them to be found in the form of a statue of extrusive igneous rock.

  • fashion
  • espresso
  • butterscotch
  • violin
  • clutter
  • outdoors
  • seafood
  • rudeness
  • sanguine
  • protective
  • compassionate
  • patient
  • Phoenix very commonly wears luxurious, flashy attire in shades of black, white, and red. She favors tight, short dresses, revealing, mesh material, high heels and very expensive, extravagant accessories. She is a woman of glamor, and will always dress to follow such standards. Even her pajamas are made of silk, often accompanied by a crimson red, mesh, flowy robe with black feathers.

    Phoenix's vibrant red hair is often held within various styles of long braids, though it is not uncommon to see her with her naturally curly hair in between switching up styles. She takes very good care of her hair and skin, always retiring to her private chambers early in the evening to complete her lengthy beauty regime every night. With this in mind, the woman is also very into taking her time to enjoy putting on makeup—which usually consists of crimson lips, very dark eyeshadow, and dramatic eyeliner.​
made with picrew

skin: ebony brown, unblemished
hair: ruby red, 4b curls or braids
eyes: gold irises, crimson pupils
height: 5' 10" { 178cm }
build: lean, hourglass, busty
voice: low, soothing, french accent

Phoenix has the ability to conjure and control fire at will, no matter the location or conditions. She has the range from small flickers for lighting simple lanterns to inciting wildfires of her own volition, as well as creating jets of fire and fireballs powerful enough to incinerate almost anything. The only time this magic becomes unstable or uncontrollable is on the rare occasion she finally loses her patience and snaps with anger.

Accompanying her flames, Phoenix can also control and generate lava. This ability is often put to use when given a target, as she will summon lava quick enough to encapsulate her victim, searing them into a statue of igneous rock after it cools within moments. In addition to this, Phoenix's body can turn itself into igneous rock as a means of defense. Her tears consist of lava as well, so it's not recommended to try kindly wiping them away.

heat resistance
As a being of pure fire and lava beneath the flesh, any sort of heat does not affect Phoenix. This includes the sweltering days of summer, touching the hot stove, or walking through a building while on fire. Naturally, she is also immune to her own and naturally occurring lava.

Phoenix's kind was originally created by a deity in order to spite Atlas' view of mortality. Disregarding the process of life and death, her rare species cyclically regenerates, breaking down into ash only under dire circumstances, and returning unscathed to continue their life. The assassin has not disclosed her true age to any within or outside of the Night's Sepulcher; though, telling by the events she's briefly mentioned being present for, it could very well be that Phoenix has been around since the beginning of the Platinum Era.

alternate form
{ locked. }

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the night's sepulchral ninth.


early twenties
they / them

Not typically seen by those within or outside the Sect, Panther is usually hiding elsewhere or silently lingering in the background. Easy to please and unbothered by most things, they get along with majority of the other members. They have an accidental habit of spooking a few of the other members by seemingly just 'apparating' behind them, when in reality it is just their unnatural stealth and silence. Doesn't let go of grudges very easily. Communicates with sign language and various facial expressions.

Panther's victims are typically found with a deep wound in the back of the neck, piercing—sometimes severing—the cervical spinal cord. On the rare chance that the target is not killed immediately, their throat is additionally sliced open by what appears to be claws. Aside from the bloody mess, Panther has a habit of ensuring the bodies are discovered in a somewhat respective manner—whether that be making sure they're not in an embarassing pose, they're fully clothed/covered, or their eyes are properly closed.

  • chicken
  • iced drinks
  • puzzles
  • incense
  • attention
  • snobs
  • bright colors
  • surprises
  • phlegmatic
  • distant
  • patient
  • nihilistic
  • Panther doesn't typically care about their appearance. It's not like they're seen most of the time anyway, so they think it's a bit pointless. On the off-chance that they are seen or choose to make themselves known, they are typically wearing comfortable black or grey attire. This usually consists of loose joggers, cargo pants, whatever trousers are clean, and a variety of dark, baggy t-shirts or men's tunics.

    Panther's mask is painted entirely black, save for the sharp, pearly white teeth. Their mask only serves as a cover over their nose and mouth, appearing as the ferocious, snarling maw of a feral big cat. While on missions, they often wear soft-padded, black boots as an extra precaution ensuring their presence is silent.​

skin: warm brown, freckled

hair: black, purple sheen, shaggy & messy

eyes: dark purple

height: 5' 7" { 170cm }

build: slender, agile, lean

voice: entirely mute
For just a human, Panther has an unnatural stealth and freakish silence about them—as if sound itself was nullified within their personal space. While they are not entirely undetectable by beings with honed senses like Crow, Lamb, or Stag, they are able to sneak up on just about anyone. They enjoy consistently making the joke that their presence is 'too unremarkable' to be noticed by the others.

Akin to their animalistic moniker, Panther is incredibly adept and quick at scaling buildings, trees, mountains, and parkour. Due to how often they climb for assignments, hiding, or general training, they've actually come to quite enjoy heights. It is not uncommon for them to enjoy time outside, lounging about on the branches of tall trees somewhere on Ebony Isle.

While they are specially trained with and prefer to use their kunai, Panther also has a pair of tekko-kagi. While they keep the melee weapons on their person at nearly all times, they are rarely used. Under the uncommon circumstances that victims are not killed with their kunai, their throats will be sliced open with the iron claws.

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the night's sepulchral twentieth.

zuri, spots
[ locked ]

appears to be early thirties
she / they
war hammer

While Hyena isn't necessarily an evil being, she isn't nice either. She doesn't go out of her way to be kind or inviting, and she is completely comfortable throwing glares, snarls, and rude words at strangers. Won't hesitate to insult or fight someone if they start to get on her nerves. On the rare chance she takes a liking to you, she is fiercely protective, teasing, and will do small favors unbidden.

Hyena's victims are often found completely brutalized, sometimes to the point where they are unrecognizable. More often than not, their limbs or heads are smashed in with her war hammer, but on the rare occasion, they can also be found with scorch marks or in a burning building. She doesn't ever explain or justify why she is always so brutal to her targets, but most members suspect it's just an outlet for her anger.

  • eating
  • smoking
  • mechanics
  • fighting
  • socializing
  • popcorn
  • perfumes
  • alcohol
  • choleric
  • grumpy
  • impulsive
  • passionate
  • Hyena typically wears attire that resembles those worn in southern Zaira. This usually consists of neutral and dark colors, a lot of sleeveless shirts, and baggy pants that tie around the calves. Chosen footwear is always combat boots. Doesn't wear much in terms of jewelry, save for the multiple golden piercings in her ears. Will sometimes allow Phoenix to put eyeliner on her.

    Her body is heavily littered with patches of pale skin due to her vilitigo, as well as multiple scars. Has a long, deep scar across her back. Her fingers and throat are blacked out with tattoos. Has three lines vertically tattooed on her chin from her upbringing.

    Hyena's mask is rather plain in color, retaining the natural hue of the original wood. Its shape is long and exaggerated, following a very tribal design that is reminscent of her homeland. It has semi-round ears, a pointed nose, and narrow eyes. While the mask is able to be functionally worn on jobs, Hyena prefers to have it hang off her hip rather than donning it. She argues that the target will be killed anyway, so there is no point hiding her face.​

skin: warm brown, vitiligo, scarred

hair: dark brown, long and messy, shaved undercut

eyes: crimson red, dark scleras

height: 6' 3" { 190cm }

build: toned stomach, athletic, buff arms and thighs, broad shoulders

voice: low, rough, scratchy
Hyena's strength, speed, and reflexes are honed to an unnatural degree. She can lift items that would otherwise be inhumanly possible, predict actions and attacks with her reflexes alone, and can beat most of the members in the sect in any race. She says it's only possible because she's better than the rest, while the truth resides in the conditions of her previous revival.

Can conjure, manipulate, and move flames at will. While using this ability, Hyena's eyes will glow a fiery orange as if lit with lava. She never explains how or why she has this particular power—the only people that may be aware of such is Crow and Phoenix.

As a revived being, Hyena is incapable of naturally dying. If she is ever lethally injured or brutalized to the point of demise, it is possible her soul may even still stubbornly linger in the 'dead' body unless properly revived agian.


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the night's sepulchral fourteenth.

dear, ribbons
cursed being

[ locked ]
he / they / it

The towering, cursed creature of the Sect is generally polite and kind, albeit rather withdrawn because he finds it difficult to relate to others. When guests visit the dark mountain, he seems to don a 'gentleman-like' character to avoid offending anyone since he doesn't know how to interact well with people. Gets along with Panther, Tiger, and Chameleon, and has formed an odd bond with Lamb as her hunting buddy. Never seems to lose his temper or sense of self unless it's been too long since he's partaken in flesh.

Stag typically lures his victims outside or into dark rooms by using voice mimicry, viciously attacking and devouring his prey before they can even turn to flee. His victims are never left to be found, save for maybe a finger or ear accidentally left behind. In the wake of their demise is a gory mess of blood, and the victim's corpse is usually going through Stag's digestive track by the time anyone discovers the scene of the murder.

  • early mornings
  • hot tea
  • jazz music
  • nature
  • cooked food
  • crowds
  • hypocrites
  • sports
  • phlegmatic
  • reclusive
  • well-mannered
  • ravenous
  • The bipedal creature stands far too tall and has eerily long limbs, the entirety of his body always hidden under very refined, black long-sleeved button-ups, suit jackets or vests, and tailored trousers. He always wears gloves and black oxford shoes when he isn't out hunting. In place of a head, resides an ivory deer skull with a set of massive antlers. The tips of his antlers are black, and they are moderately decorated with shining clasps, hanging baubles, and thin ribbons of varying colors tied at the base.

    Stag is one of the rare few of the Sepulcher that doesn't actually wear their mask during assignments. While he still had one made as a part of the Sepulcher's initiation, it usually just sits in his room, unused. Unlike most of the other masks in the Sepulcher, its design does not match his given moniker; instead, he carved it to take on a human appearance, perhaps as a testament to who he used to be.​

skin: entirely inky black

hair: n/a, his head is a stag skull

eyes: empty eyesockets, black voids

height: 7' 3" { 221 cm }

build: intimidatingly tall, broad shoulders, slightly too long limbs

voice: voice claim link
Stag has an excellent, enhanced sense of smell and hearing, and has the ability to hunt in complete darkness. It's also very easy for him to track down targets if given their scent, as well.

Stag is in possession of superhuman strength, reflexes, and speed, though they are not often put to use outside of hunting for flesh. He has the ability to easily tear a humanoid limb from limb and chase them down with terrifying speed if they attempt to flee, especially when he gets down on all fours.

voice mimicry
To lure in his prey, the cursed creature is able to closely mimic humanoid voices and animal sounds. While within the Sect, he sometimes uses this ability as a means of harmlessly pranking some of the other assassins.


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the night's sepulchral twelfth.

hachirō kuroki, hachi-san, stripes

early forties
he / him

Tiger is not often found on Ebony Isle, as he is one of the very few members that does not actually live on the mountain with the rest of the sect. Instead, he resides in western Esterios with his wife and two children who are unaware of his dark profession. At home, he is exceedingly patient, kind, and fiercely protective of his family. He spends as much time with them as he can before traveling elsewhere for assignments. On the onyx mountain, he treats the other sect members with respect and well-manners, albeit there is a strict and dignified air about him.

Semi-honorably following a samurai's code of sorts, Tiger does not ever attack his victims first or from behind. Instead, he will egg them on with comments, threats, and scare tactics until he is attacked first. The samurai's victims are typically found headless as a demonstration of his swift brutality and the sharpness of his weapons.

  • the beach
  • martial arts
  • hot tea
  • basket weaving
  • loud people
  • leaving his family
  • his occupation
  • springtime allergies
  • phlegmatic
  • stern
  • passionate
  • faithful
  • Tiger is a conventionally attractive older man with tanned skin and long, well-kept black hair. A few battle scars sporadically litter his body, his dark gaze is analytical but not unkind, and his tresses are well-kept. In the comfort of his home, he typically leaves his hair down but otherwise is kept tied in a topknot or ponytail. Typically wears a kimono/kosode in neutral or dull colors. Rarely wears armor.

    Tiger's mask does not display his animalistic moniker but is instead carved to resemble the traditional oni masks of his homeland. With a wide nose, vicious tusks, sharpened horns, and piercing black eyes, it is painted in shades of red and black. Until it is time for Tiger to don the disguise for assassinations, the mask typically hangs in his family's home, feigning as a simple piece of decoration.​

skin: tan olive skin, scarred

hair: black, a few grey strands, waist-length, usually tied up

eyes: black-ish brown, monolid

height: 5' 11" { 180 cm }

build: lean, defined muscle, mesomorph

voice: cha joo-ik
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martial arts
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threads: none.
the night's sepulchral tenth.

wysteria, bunny, shade
amethyst vinculum

[ locked ]
she / they / it

Rabbit is the well-known menace of Ebony Isle. She is constantly looking for fun and attention, whether that be sweetly nuzzling up to others, playing games and pranks, or annoying everyone to no end. With her boundless energy and mischief, she either irritates or amuses assassins and guardians alike—there is absolutely no in-between. Sloth is her best friend, but she gets along well with Spider, Panther, and sometimes Crow.

At the moment, she is no longer living on Ebony Isle with the rest of the sect. Half of her soul is currently bound to another, disallowing her to venture far and complete her assigned assassinations. Once the pact is complete, Rabbit currently plans on returning to the mountain to resume her position as the tenth seat.

Living up to her moniker, there is a high chance Rabbit will attempt to seduce her victims if she considers them attractive or interesting enough. Additionally, she has a bad habit of toying with her victims by tormenting them with games, creeping them out with whispers from the shadows, or being a hidden nuisance. Though once she gets down to business, she kills them almost immediately after, swiftly and without mercy.

  • games & tricks
  • being spoiled
  • silk attire
  • dancing
  • swimming
  • responsibility
  • disappointing others
  • wintertime
  • sanguine
  • mischevious
  • energetic
  • lustful
  • Being a vinculum, Wysteria has some very strange anatomy and appendages. In her physical form, she walks on two digitigrade legs, her long, lithe tail keeping her balanced. Her limbs are covered with purple, snake-like scales, and her shoulders and back have a defensive, hard plating, similar to a pangolin's. Two horns stick out the top of her head, she has long, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and a forked tongue.

    Rabbit's mask is actually quite plain, only because she'd gotten bored halfway through making the piece. It fits on her face similar to a masquerade mask: a small round rabbit snout covers her nose, her bright gaze glows through the eye holes, and the tall, carved bunny ears rest comfortably against her pointed horns. It is smooth and plain white, decorated with only a singular strand of purple wisteria along the left edge of the mask.​


skin: pale, purple scales & plating
hair: black, short and fluffy
eyes: amethyst purple, glows
height: 5' 2" { 158cm }
build: lean, pear-shaped, small bust
voice: semi-mute ; sweet but raspy
alternate forms
Rabbit has three forms she can take. Her first is natural physical form that she displays most of the time. Second, with the power of her bloodline, the deimon can change herself into nothing but shadow, appearing as a floating wisp of darkness in the air with purple, glowing eyes. She often takes this form when sneaking around or looking to cause trouble. Thirdly, she very rarely transforms into a small dark grey lop-eared rabbit as a natural means of disguise.

Being an amethyst vinculum, Wysteria has control over shadows. With this power, she is able to disappear into one shadow and reappear out of another, effectively teleporting between pools of darkness. Usually, she uses this ability to cause some mischief, sneak into places she's not supposed to, and cheat at racing games. In battle, it typically gives her an advantage to swiftly move around her enemy and take them off guard.

soul bonds
Pacts and soul bonds are a Vinculum's specialty. Wysteria can make a pact with others, sharing half of her amethyst power with another being. While connected through the souls, she'd be able to feel her bond's emotions, know where they are, and after being tethered for quite a while, may possibly have the ability to speak into each other's minds. Due to Wysteria's past trauma, she refused to soul bond with anyone ever again, until the day Ulysses called in a favor.


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