Either Needed The Original Seven

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Either Needed The Original Seven


Local time
Today 7:31 PM
Hello there brothers and sisters! It is I, your favorite sibling, Pride! In case you all have forgotten, we have won the human world and you all need to get your asses into those thrones because I am tired of all of these left over humans begging to join my army to gain powers. Do you have any idea how many of these idiots have frozen to death in my kingdom of Ice? They just cant win my approval fast enough and the body count is getting high. Of course I know that we are not really siblings but please do your favorite brother a favor!
Hope to hear from you soon!~

Sins still needed:
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Dearest sibling,

It has been a while since I heard of you. [You son of a wench, why freeze me here in Inferno?] I would gladly take up your invitation and take up camp in the waters. [Freeze my part of that world and we are going to fight.]

I was meaning to ask, dearest, are you in some kind of trouble for you to actually send us personal invitation?


Yeah, it's me again.
Dearest Gluttony,

How wonderful it is that you stopped your over indulgence to actually reply! Yes, I am in the worst kind of trouble! I'm BORED!
What form have you decided to take? I decided on something beautiful that has led to some fun times but I digress.
Did you know that we can turn into one of those other creatures that inhabited the human world? Turns out I can change my form into this creature called a fox!
Promise not to freeze anything of yours~

Awaiting your response,

Welcome! So aside from immortality, more strength and speed than humans, we also get a main power and an animal form.
As you can probably tell, I chose ice manipulation and the form of a fox. Animal forms are larger than usual.
Brother Dearest,

I do deeply apologize about the lateness of my reply, but it was rather inconsiderate of you to send something during my nap. Then again, narcissism was always one of your good points. It all sounds like rather a bother to try and lead anything, but on the other hand it sounds like a perfect opportunity to let the humans do all my work. I hear the Tropical climates are comfortable to sleep in year round, so I would be happy to take them off your hands and get a perpetual system put in place. Humans sound like good cogs.

I return now to my nap, do wake me if you need anything. As thanks I may at least be able to put some plans together for you (since you tend to overextend yourself for glory, another favorable trait).


Ah, I do apologize for not actually reading the entire letter. And what game are you planning on? For as long as I have my fill in both physical and mental quantities, I would gladly join.

P.S. Is that fox thing of yours delicious? I have not seen mine for ages and I have forgotten what it looks like. I will write you a letter after actually settling in.

Gluttony would take up the element of shadows and would take up a giant hummingbird [suppose to be a vulture but where's the fun in that?]
To Gluttony and Sloth,

Letters are getting tiresome. We should all gather at the once called Notre Dame. It is elegant and it will be rather amusing to have us all meet in a place meant for praying to the heavens. I will send coordinates when I find it, the human world has warped quite a bit sense heaven lost. Thats right Sloth, you will have to travel!

As always, Pride.
Dear Brother

I agree that letters are no good, using pen and paper too much is simple overexertion. I will take a nap along the way, at least.

Having anticipated your approval, I decided to set foot in your new world, and found the winds were easy enough to control and make an excellent pillow or method to blow off annoyances. I had heard that the human world had an animal akin with my name, but it was far too much trouble to try and find it, so I picked the first thing I saw that seemed to be able to sleep at its leisure. I had originally thought they called it a cat, but when taking this form, I believe the skittish humans used the word 'tiger', but perhaps I misheard. As it causes too much trouble to travel in that form (Though it is wonderful for napping in peace), I will assume a human one and will make my way to this house of prayer once you send word. You always did like trampling on the glory of others. Another of your fine traits.

I take it from the greeting of your letter that the bottomless pit will be there as well. I do not understand why he uses so much energy to intake things he does not need, but his ceaseless desire is definitely a winning feature, so it will be good to see him again... as long as I can get back to sleep shortly thereafter.

Until then,
[Could you check this first before I officially post on the thread]

Character Outline:
Preferred Name: Pitcher Papaver
Preferred Gender to take form as: Female
Aside from speed, strength and immortality, You also get a main power: Shadow manipulation. Because of her sin, she created voids to swallow up everything in that area.
Animal Form/image: Hummingbird in which the tail turns into tendrils and when the beak opens, it's a living nightmare.
Character image:

[ Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird by mysteriouswhitewolf on DeviantArt

All artwork is credited to the artists. This is just to show what I imagined what Pitcher looks like
A Little Bit about the Character:
Gluttony does not only mean eating everything in front of you. It also means over indulgence. Pitcher does not know the term 'Just One More'. When it comes to it, she does everything in excess and enjoys it. If she is tasked to whatever, she does it a hundred times over or until someone orders her to stop. She takes up research and eating to an extent. Usually seen munching on something.
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Looks good. I'm really happy that your not doing a stereotypical Gluttony!
Looks good. I'm really happy that your not doing a stereotypical Gluttony!
Truthfully, it is because of Merlin from the anime Seven Deadly Sins. But I am curios, what do mean by stereotypical Gluttony? The one that eats everything in sight that is usually too skinny for their own good?
Truthfully, it is because of Merlin from the anime Seven Deadly Sins. But I am curios, what do mean by stereotypical Gluttony? The one that eats everything in sight that is usually too skinny for their own good?
Only wants to eat and is fat. Happy you took it in the direction that you did.
For Pride, I'm going to try and be a lovable pompous ass.
Figured I would check fist as well.

Sin: Sloth
Preferred Name: A'mirah Smith (The first two names she came across in the name dictionaries)
Preferred Gender to take form as: Female
Aside from speed, strength and immortality, You also get a main power: Wind manipulation. Because its light and easy to move, but is highly efficient as a tool when needed. Also soft to sleep on.
Animal Form/image:
Character image:
Figured I would check fist as well.

Sin: Sloth
Preferred Name: A'mirah Smith (The first two names she came across in the name dictionaries)
Preferred Gender to take form as: Female
Aside from speed, strength and immortality, You also get a main power: Wind manipulation. Because its light and easy to move, but is highly efficient as a tool when needed. Also soft to sleep on.
Animal Form/image:
Character image:

This looks good as well. I approve :)
What might our goal here be? I was wondering if Gluttony could irritate the hell out of one of the sins and that a few surviving angels and humans come and try to dethrone the demons.
I figured we could have some inner fighting with the demons. Lucifer decided to stay in hell, so there isn't an over all leader of the human world and demons are fickle. Since they cant die, they would create armies with the remaining humans and have them "kill" each other. The ones who die are transported to limbo until the wars are over. Whoever has some still standing would be the overlord for a few centuries. In this new dimension, the dead do not stay dead for long and will be back to do it again.

It is a little half hazard idea. Any and all plot ideas are welcome. I want all participants to enjoy themselves.
Well, When I made Sloth, I kinda built her around more of a support/companion style, so she may not be very good if told to go fight for her own cause, cause she would probably think that's a pain not worth the trouble. Are you thinking of having the characters pitted against each other or other outside forces?
Oh, this will be a challenge. . . We make pawns and get them to kill each other. And if one wants to get an advantage, demons could be summoned or that the sin themselves joins.

Lucifer is not Pride from this roleplay?
Nah, different character. In this, pride was the one to talk Lucifer into rebelling.
That plot is just a brainstorm. Any ideas you guys have, feel free to share them.
Sorry, had work to do the past few nights and didn't get in a response. I'm not really great at plots (sorry), but maybe there's a second wave from hell at some point lead by actual demon lords like Lucifer, Baal etc. trying to take what the seven think is 'rightfully theirs'? Or perhaps some human 'resistance' terrorists that end up being backed by angels that are trying to mess things up? Maybe both?
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