Either Needed The Original Seven

Currently reading:
Either Needed The Original Seven

The resistance would be a viable plot. There are the Seven Cardinal Virtues and others. When the Sins are trying to play their game, an outside force and ruins it.

I was thinking that Notre Dame was a replica on which Gluttony [and other Sins] was imprisoned a few eras ago when the Holy War was still raging on.
Any chance I could snag Lust actually? Unless that one is already taken?
Preferred Name: Maeve Harvey
Preferred Gender to take form as: Female
Aside from speed, strength and immortality, You also get a main power: Electricity manipulation. It's powerful and extremely deadly. It embraces her angry side.
Animal Form/image:

Character image:
So sorry! This wasnt sending me any alerts! coymogi, you are good for Wrath. I will make my first post tomorrow. Anyone who is character approved, feel free to post. Again I am very sorry!
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With how many people will be playing, for now it might be use your better judgment. It will be easier to have a solid posting sequence once all of the characters are in. Right now we can probably figure out a decent pattern.
No need to wait for me, If you were. I think I might be a bit inexperienced compared to all you folks. Wouldn't want to muck up the flow or anything. I hope you all have a good time though :)
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