Both Needed The Posthuman League NEEDS YOU - Deconstructed Superhero Goodness!

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Both Needed The Posthuman League NEEDS YOU - Deconstructed Superhero Goodness!

Ok! I figured it was an autocorrect or something, so I thought I'd mention it.
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I almost said, "As far as I know, we are accepting new players." Then I realized I was the person to decide such things, which means we are accepting new players. :)

Blue haired PC.jpg
Name: Kari Lattersfield
Codename: The Steel Coral
The Six Traits:

  1. Aquakinesis: The ability to manipulate water or create volumes of water with the barest of liquids and redirect.
  2. UNDERWATER BREATHING: Kari can breath both oxygen and water.
  3. Enhanced Strength: Most efficient for her underwater. She is at her most strongest when in the sea but can just about lift a car on land. Under the sea, she can lift submarines, rip sides out of machines.
  4. Enhanced Durablity: To cope with the constant pressures of the ocean, her body adapted and enhanced it's durablity. She can survive pressures that would reduce the best submarine to the size of a penny. It also means that she can shrug off small and medium firearms, poor quality knives and swords. But it does not mean she is invincible. She can be injured if the threshold is surpassed.
  5. Agile: As a result of her ocean faring adventures, she has developed an increase sense of agility, along with being one of the best swimmers in the world.
  6. The ability to speak to ocean life and summon EVERYTHING within a 20 mile radius in the sea.
Little is known about the Steel Coral and it is not a name that she would have picked. Only Kari Lattersfield knows what happened and it involved a sinking ship. During her 21st birthday, her parents gave her tickets to a cruise. They weren't good parents and constantly focused on their careers as stockbrokers. They had no idea that Kari was a superhuman and she didn't either. She loved swimming and the feel of water. She did not figure out that her long deep breaths were a sign of her powers starting to manifest. The cruise ship was struck by a class five hurricane and it destroyed the ship. Out of two thousand people, she was the only survivor. It disturbed her to feel peaceful as the ship capsized and the flooded. To be subjected to the rush of water whilst people paniced. It was an odd feeling, as if she had been sleepwalking through her life. She didn't even let out so much as a cough as the ship sank and it felt right. Kari Lattersfield was dead in the eyes of the public. Over the course of two years, Kari began to develop her powers in full. She regarded herself as Aquawoman, from the DC comics but to her disappointment, Altanis was a myth. Instead, she discovered a sunken roman city and made a home for herself. The fish were her friends, the sharks assisted in testing her abilities. It took 3 years for her to become The Steel Coral and it wasn't even a name she intended on. Her first appearance was during a burst damn and she prevented it from flooding a nearby town via holding the raging water back. She was recently contacted by the league regarding employment. That and she doesn't really care about paying for items. She hates that the humans gave her the name of Steel Coral.


Here she is!

I will admit, I watched the Aquaman film recently and this is why i'm doing an Aquaman(ish) expy. Hope she's ok! She's 29 by the way.
This is a character I've been carrying around in my head for a long while, I'm new to this forum, but I'm no Stranger to roleplay.

Name: Jonathan Taylor Nash

(Origin: image search "James Stewart")

Code Name: The Stranger

(Origin: image search "shady fedora trenchcoat")

Six traits:
Manifested Alter Ego- Jonathan appears to be a normal human, but at any time The Stranger can take over.
2. Illicit Skillset - The Stranger possesses skills fit for burglary, surveillance, vigilantism, and sabotage.
3. Uncrackable Identity - While The Stranger is in control, Jonathan's appearance becomes unrecognizable, even on recordings. However, The Stranger cannot take/lose control while being observed or recorded.
4. Unreadable - While active, The Stranger cannot have it's mind read of any information it holds, and Jonathan's mind reveals no knowledge of it.
5. Psychic Weakness - ESP can detect The Strangers presence, and powerful psychic attacks can instantly incapacitate him.
6. Physical Weakness - The Stranger is physically weaker and less durable than most posthumans, relying on guile, strategy, and quick wit to best his foes.

History: It started when he read that headline: Who is in Control? Jonathan damn well knew the answer, the gangs controlled everything. There was nothing he could do, and no reason to do it. The gangs gave empty praises of their worth, everyone knew they were rotten, and the supers were in on it. The next day, the gang was in shambles, their leader dead. Jonathan looked in the mirror, bags under his eyes, and knew who did it. It was The Stranger who knew Jonathan then he knew himself. The books he didn't remember buying, the languages he knew but never studied, the dirty gun in the drawer that he never shot. It wasn't safe here anymore, either, so he told his family the good news. "Daddy got a promotion, but he has to work far away. I'll visit as much as I can." He didn't know where he was going, but it didn't matter. It could be The League one day and the Resistance the next, as long as he was doing what was right, and with faith that where he went he would not be going alone.

Jonathan has been working as a janitor for The League, the perfect undercover position for The Stranger.
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This is a character I've been carrying around in my head for a long while, I'm new to this forum, but I'm no Stranger to roleplay.

Name: Jonathan Taylor Nash

(Origin: image search "James Stewart")

Code Name: The Stranger

(Origin: image search "shady fedora trenchcoat")

Six traits:
Manifested Alter Ego- Jonathan appears to be a normal human, but at any time The Stranger can take over.
2. Illicit Skillset - The Stranger possesses skills fit for burglary, surveillance, vigilantism, and sabotage.
3. Uncrackable Identity - While The Stranger is in control, Jonathan's appearance becomes unrecognizable, even on recordings. However, The Stranger cannot take/lose control while being observed or recorded.
4. Unreadable - While active, The Stranger cannot have it's mind read of any information it holds, and Jonathan's mind reveals no knowledge of it.
5. Psychic Weakness - ESP can detect The Strangers presence, and powerful psychic attacks can instantly incapacitate him.
6. Physical Weakness - The Stranger is physically weaker and less durable than most posthumans, relying on guile, strategy, and quick wit to best his foes.

History: It started when he read that headline: Who is in Control? Jonathan damn well knew the answer, the gangs controlled everything. There was nothing he could do, and no reason to do it. The gangs gave empty praises of their worth, everyone knew they were rotten, and the supers were in on it. The next day, the gang was in shambles, their leader dead. Jonathan looked in the mirror, bags under his eyes, and knew who did it. It was The Stranger who knew Jonathan then he knew himself. The books he didn't remember buying, the languages he knew but never studied, the dirty gun in the drawer that he never shot. It wasn't safe here anymore, either, so he told his family the good news. "Daddy got a promotion, but he has to work far away. I'll visit as much as I can." He didn't know where he was going, but it didn't matter. It could be The League one day and the Resistance the next, as long as he was doing what was right, and with faith that where he went he would not be going alone.

Jonathan has been working as a janitor for The League, the perfect undercover position for The Stranger.
So it's a little of a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on? How interesting :D
@TheDovah - The character is fine excepting... the game takes place primarily in Las Vegas, which is high on the list of "worst places for a sea-based character." Most of the time she couldn't even summon carp from Lake Mead.

@Strangeland - Is there anything you need from me referee-wise that the thread hasn't provided?

To both Dovah and Strangeland, I guess the same question? Do y'all have questions and/or comments?
Ah, did not realise it but she'll improvise and the sea based life summoning isn't exactly something that is vital to her survival. I have no questions, aside from how to introduce her. I've read a bit of the current scene and I feel that she could be fighting fires via drawingg water from pipes, smothering flames with rubble, helping people etc...
Ah, did not realise it but she'll improvise and the sea based life summoning isn't exactly something that is vital to her survival. I have no questions, aside from how to introduce her. I've read a bit of the current scene and I feel that she could be fighting fires via drawingg water from pipes, smothering flames with rubble, helping people etc...

I fully approve of this course of action. She can get all Mera on those fires! :)
@Wyrd - I guess my character relies a lot on finding out weaknesses through espionage (or just an educated guess, I imagine Lead doesn't do to good in deep water.) Although I'm not planning on getting into scuffles right out of the gate, I might say my character already has some inside info on some supers.
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