Name: Lucas Heights
Codename: None (but has a dozen well established aliases.)
Age: 28
Six Traits:
Languages – this guy has had a passion for languages his entire life and currently speaks five fluently.
Creative Killer – Lucas realised early on that killing a Super meant being smart about it. Some have unbreakable skin, can blast lasers or even regenerate. But there is always a solution, most of them despite all their bravado still need to breathe. Some solutions need to be somewhat more…unique.
Persona – Lucas is an actor in many ways. He can change his entire outward persona at a drop of a hat to suit whatever environment he is in. It was one of the things that got him recruited into MI6.
Basic Training – He was a member of Her Royal Majesties Secret Services for Seven years, he knows the ropes. He's no James Bond but he knows to live, even thrive, off the radar.
Skinny – Lucas is tall and skinny. In a straight up hand to hand fisticuffs fight, he's going to lose. Even if his opponent is not a super.
Friends In Low Places – Lucas used to talk to lots of people around the world. His job was to talk to them, bribe them and even make friends and do business with them. From drug traffickers to arms dealers to hacktivists, Lucas has a long list of contacts.
History: Lucas was born to ordinary parents in an unassuming suburb to the rather grey and boring city of Birmingham, England. He was average at school and did alright at university. Was this because he was stupid? No, he just didn't really care. But he did well enough to be accepted into a computer science program that was run by British Secret Services. They were impressed by Lucas, not really by his academic skills or even his computing skills, but by his ability to blend in. He was a true social chameleon and this intrigued his superiors. He was put through a fairly intensive training program and to everyone's surprise (including his,) did rather well. When he was twenty three he began his career in intelligence, it appeared he had found his calling. He never did anything truly magnificent or breath taking, mostly intelligence gathering operations. Meeting with various questionable characters from around the world, from African Warlords, to arms dealers to double agents. His job was essentially to turn up, have chat and then deliver that intelligence home. He never even pulled a gun, didn't have one to pull most of the time.
A few years later whilst on assignment in Japan, things changed. Whilst he and a partner were interviewing a local mobster regarding arms sales - an American Super intervened. Lord Chill, how this idiot got a hold of this information is unknown but he proceeded to crash through the interview killing the asset and his partner, literally screaming 'Freedom and Justice!' like some damned caricature. Lucas managed to surrender before being frozen to death but was absolutely furious when he found out that the Super was not only not being prosecuted for his blunder – but praised as a hero. The headlines literally read American Super foils Japanese Arms Dealer, it was a joke.
Despite his protests Lucas at first did nothing. It wasn't his place, despite how he might feel. Then he went to his partners funeral, watched her parents grieve and went back to his office. Out of a morbid curiosity he used his clearance to review what he could about Supers getting in the way of operations and was horrified to discover there was indeed a very nasty dark side to superhero culture. Supers were involved with everything, from human trafficking to straight up simple murder. The intelligence communities had been monitoring them but seemingly nothing had been done. Whether that was down to fear or corruption was anybody's guess but for the first time in his life Lucas felt a wave of purpose fall over him. Real, tangible purpose. His normal job became bland. His enthusiasm for it burnt out. He needed a change. He needed the challenge. A challenge so difficult no-one seemed to be willing to even try it. And so, Lucas resigned and before anyone could protest his resignation he disappeared into the seedy underbelly of the world. He knew people, thanks to his job, and easily found his way to New York in the belly of a cargo ship. Then he dressed as a hotel bell boy, lifted a cardkey, put on a balaclava, walked straight into Lord Chills hotel room and shoved a cannister of riot foam into his mouth whilst he slept. Despite how bullet proof he was, he still needed to breath. He was still thrashing around in his bed when Lucas calmly left the room, careful to keep his face hidden from the many cameras. He was surprised by how easy it had been and how much the act itself didn't seem to bother him. He felt nothing for the man…no...for the 'creature.'
The next day it was in the newspapers 'Lord Chill Killed By Rival Super With Foam Powers,' damn bastards were to arrogant to even entertain the idea that he had been killed by a skinny Brit on a vendetta. And so, Lucas reviewed his stolen case files, what other challenges await?
<<bit of a long backstory I know, but felt he needed a bit more to him if he was gunna make it against a team of supers!
