World The World of Trinity

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World The World of Trinity


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Table of Contents:
  1. Characters
    1. NPCs
  2. Lore
    1. Races
      1. The Damned
      2. The Cursed
      3. The Kindred
    2. Setting
      1. The Mansion
      2. The Pandemic
  3. Chapters:
    1. Armageddon
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1.1. Main Cast


Age: 22
Sexual position:Bottom
Family:Anne Axelsdatter Kruckow, (mother); Margrethe Aagesdatter, Charlotte, Angelica, Claudia, Debora, Katrine, Lisbet, Stella, Marie, Freya Kruckow, (sisters);
Appearance:Frey shares many of the same characteristics as his mother and sisters: prominent, greenish-brown eyes and dark eyebrows and full eyebrows. There is a natural paleness in his skin so archetypical of his Scandinavian roots and a natural pinkness to his lips and cheeks. His build is short and elegant, standing only 5'6''. Though he is too short to pursue a career as a ballerino, he still carries himself with the grace of his earlier classes. The most dangerous thing about him is his disarming smile.
Background:Frey is what is known amongst witches as shadowborne, conceived without a father. He is the youngest out of all his sisters, barely having passed his Trial by Flame. In the world of mortals, he is taking a master's degree in history and biochem at Columbia University.

In his younger years, Anne would frequently disappear off on her own adventures; thusly, Frey has been raised by his various sisters, depending on who was in New York at the time. As he grew into his teens, he mostly raised himself.

As a male witch, he is often looked down upon as inferior by the witch community. This has formed his personality as an overachiever, favoring academic and magickal prowess over personal relations. His natural stance is that of elegant coolness, rarely letting anyone see beneath the surface.
Witchcraft:Having taken his Trial by Flame a few years ago, Frey is a full-fledged sorcerer. Rather than sticking to one category, he uses all his knowledge of the arcane and otherwise to further his understanding of the universe. Using blood from different nocturnals, he's looking into how science might be able to advance in the nocturnal communities, though his mortal colleagues know nothing of this. He is especially powerful in the arts of alchemy and telekinesis, which, paired with his knowledge of the body, becomes a kind of biokinesis.
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1.2. NPCs


Name: Dr. Alysson Rosenberg, MD.
Born: September 21st​, 1980
Age: 41
Family:Alan Rosenberg (father, deceased); Amelia Rosenberg (mother, deceased);
Appearance:With red hair and green eyes, Alysson invokes the image of the ideal Scottish witch, as beautiful as she is brilliant. Her skin is a blemish-free pale shade. She stands at 5'6" feet and medium weight. Her work within the field of nemorensis has taught her how to use pheromones to alter the feelings of those around her; as such, she has a very calming effect on people.
Background:The daughter of high-ranking Magister Alan Rosenberg and his wife, Alysson, was born in 1980. Four years later, Alysson's mother was killed by a vampire when she was still a toddler. According to her own words, Alysson grew up with computers as babysitters and had a lonely childhood as Rosenberg didn't permit his daughter to bond with "ordinary" children.

After achieving brilliant studies in her adolescence, Alysson consequently decided to follow in her father's footsteps and joined the Magistry and the Irving Center Nykterinology Department.

In 2006, while in Columbia, Alysson met Alara Zahir and was so impressed by her that Alysson recruited her into The Irving Center's Young Innovators program. Promising her a place on the Nykterinology Department, the two became close acquaintances but cut ties from each other some years later.

By 2014, Alysson was put in charge of The Irving Center Nykterinology Center in New York City, where she studied viruses and tried to find a cure for vampirism through science.

In February 2014, Alysson sent the cure schematics to Alara, asking for advice on improving the new strand. During the following two years, Alara kept sending emails to Alysson asking her to join her team in New York and work on the new cure, but the latter didn't answer back. On August 31, 2016, Alysson Rosenberg finally sent an email to Alara, asking her former protegee to stop trying to contact her. Alysson told Alara that even if she was brilliant, her Magistry record showed that she was too unpredictable and transgressive to join the Anti-Vampirism project because she couldn't be trusted to follow the rules.

Name: Cesare Valenciano
A.k.a:Cesare Borgia, Cèsar Borja
Born:September 13th, 1475
Died:March 12th, 1507
Age:31 (546)
Race: Vampire
Family: Roderic Llançol i de Borja (father, deceased); Vannozza dei Cattanei (mother, deceased); Juan, Jofré Borgia (brothers, deceased); Lucrezia Valenciano (sister, vampirized); Francis Borgia (nephew, deceased); Giovanni Borgia, Rodrigo Borgia de Aragon, Ercole II d'Este, Ippolito II d'Este, Alessandro d'Este, Francesco d'Este (nephews, deceased); Leonora d'Este, Isabella d'Este (nieces, deceased);
Dark Gift:Telepathy: He can read the thoughts of those around him, including memories.
Appearance:Standing at 6'2", Cesare cuts an intimidating presence. Not by his build, but by the mere look in his eyes, as dark as his very soul – the kind that looks into one's very soul. His dark hair is kept short these days. He wars casual but expensive clothing, favoring pieces that allow him to move freely, constantly on the lookout for attackers. Though only the suicidal tries to battle this powerhouse of a vampire.
Born to Rodrigo Borgia's mistress, Vanozza, Cesare studied law then became a cardinal when he was only eighteen. Meanwhile, his older brother, Juan, Rodrigo's favorite, became the Captain-General of the Papal forces. Cesare realized that his life as a cardinal would lead to a dead-end; his brother was going to get everything. He knew exactly what he had to do. Juan had to go.

By 1499, Juan was dead, and Cesare had become Captain-General. He married a French royal bride, securing her title and an alliance with King Louis. With the aid of the King's forces, Cesare marched on Romagna.

His ruthless drive for power was unprecedented. When Cesare conquered Faenza, he invited the much-beloved Lord of the city, the gallant seventeen-year-old Astorre III Manfredi, into his army. Astorre and Cesar hit it off, but Astorre posed a threat to Cesare: he was Lord of Faenza due to his bloodline. So, when Cesare got back to Rome, he had both Astorre and his younger brother drowned by tying rocks to their feet and throwing them into the Tiber.

Cesare also proved to be a brilliant general. He seized the city of Urbino without a fight, through the help of the Pope. The plan was simple: the Pope requested a loan of artillery from the Duke, his supposed ally. Once the Duke had sent the artillery, Urbino was defenseless, and Cesare invaded.

A cipher to all around him, Cesare's motivations were unreadable by his enemies and his actions notoriously brutal.

By 1500, Cesare had Rome under his iron fist as the commander of the Papal army, though he and his father occasionally disagreed on his choices. He used Borgia towers and their captains to keep control over the five districts of Rome, as he was often away for extended periods to oversee the advancement of his army in a bid to unite all of Italy under his rule.

Although he was an immensely capable general and statesman, Cesare had trouble maintaining his domain without continued Papal patronage. Niccolò Machiavelli cites Cesare's dependence on the goodwill of the Papacy, under the control of his father, as being the principal disadvantage of his rule. Machiavelli argued that, had Cesare been able to win the favor of the new Pope, he would have been a very successful ruler. The news of his father's death in 1503 arrived when Cesare was planning the conquest of Tuscany. While he was convalescing in Castel Sant'Angelo, his troops controlled the conclave.

The new Pope, Pope Pius III, supported Cesare Borgia and reconfirmed him as Gonfaloniere, but after a brief pontificate of twenty-six days, he died. Borgia's deadly enemy, Giuliano Della Rovere, then succeeded by dexterous diplomacy in tricking the weakened Cesare Borgia into supporting him by offering him money and continued papal backing for Borgia policies in the Romagna; promises which he disregarded upon his election as Pope Julius II by the near-unanimous vote of the cardinals. Realizing his mistake by then, Cesare tried to correct the situation in his favor, but Pope Julius II made sure of its failure at every turn. Julius, for example, forced Cesare to give up San Marino after occupying the republic for six months.

Cesare, who was facing the hostility of Ferdinand II of Aragon, was betrayed while in Naples by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, a man he had considered his ally and imprisoned there. At the same time, his lands were retaken by the Papacy. In 1504 he was transferred to Spain and imprisoned first in the Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagón in La Mancha. Still, after an attempted escape, he was moved north to the Castle of La Mota, Medina del Campo, near Segovia. He did manage to escape from the Castle of La Mota with assistance. After running across Santander, Durango, and Gipuzkoa, he arrived in Pamplona on December 3rd, 1506. He was much welcomed by King John III of Navarre, who was missing an experienced military commander ahead of the feared Castilian invasion.

Borgia recaptured Viana, Navarre, then in the hands of forces loyal to Louis de Beaumont, the count of Lerín and Ferdinand II of Aragon's conspiratorial ally in Navarre, but not the castle, which he then besieged. In the early morning of March 11th, 1507, an enemy party of knights fled from the castle during a heavy storm. Outraged at the ineffectiveness of the siege, Borgia chased them, only to find himself on his own. The party of knights, discovering that he was alone, trapped him in an ambush, where he received a fatal injury from a spear. He was then stripped of all his luxurious garments and valuables.

Only then did his sister, Lucrezia, appear before him and shared with him the Embrace.

Eventually, every member of the House was made into vampires, save the children as they needed to grow up first. Francisco de Borgia (later Saint Francis) denied the gift and hunted most of the members down, forcing Lucrezia and Cesare into hiding and taking up their new identities as the Valencianos.

He is now a high-ranking member of the Vampire Queen's court.
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2.1.1 The Damned
The Damned, also known as Vampires, are humans who have been infected with a virus, from before the first pharaoh built the first pyramid, that grants eternal youth and life, among other supernatural characteristics, at the cost of requiring a diet of fresh human blood. The virus is spread by the drinking or transfusion of blood from a host who is already infected and then dying, allowing the virus to take over the animation of the body.

Blood (especially human blood) does not only satisfy a vampire's thirst, but it also heightens their supernatural abilities, making them stronger, faster, and able to heal much more quickly than they would after not eating for a significant period of time. The longer a vampire abstains from blood, the more likely the vampire will become feral until they are eventually unable to resist feeding on whomever they come upon. In many cases, a vampire who has been starved for an extended period and is risking desiccation will eventually become so overwhelmed with a hunger that they lose all sense of their humanity and rationality altogether and finally give in to their bloodlust. Human blood is preferred as it is the most delicious and nutritious, but animal blood can also suffice. Whenever a vampire feeds on someone, their heartbeats will begin to beat in harmonic rhythm, effectively joining them as one shared pulse. Because of this, the bite of a vampire and subsequent feeding is an intimate and pleasurable experience for both participants. However, a vampire must take care never to drain a person entirely to the point of death, as this would mean death for them as well; because vampires need the blood of the living to survive, by drinking "dead blood," they would effectively take their victims' death into themselves.

The need to feed gradually decreases as they age, as most newborn vampires must drink heavily every night, while ancient vampires are known to survive years without blood. However, they still experience the same cravings as any vampire.

Vampires are very attractive and even beautiful. The transformation from human to vampire perfects and refines their physical features; this makes vampires more efficient predators, as it allows them to attract and seduce humans. The attractiveness of a vampire is determined by how desirable they were before they died. If an already attractive human were to be sired, their physical beauty would be "breathtaking." If they were of average interest, their attractiveness would be lower but still beautiful. However, if an utterly unattractive human were to be sired, they would only become moderately good-looking, but this is a relatively rare occurrence, as most vampires only select exceptional humans to sire.

The process of converting a human to a vampire is often referred to as "the Embrace". It is regarded as a profoundly intimate act for both participants, akin to giving birth and nursing. The feeding act is highly sensual and described as deeper than sex. Because of this unique form of intimacy and the fact that vampires are instinctively drawn to aesthetic beauty, vampires are not uncommon to sire those they find physically alluring or humans for whom they hold great affection, such as friends, lovers, or relatives.

The process begins with a prolonged feeding period, sometimes for a few days, as the vampire drains the victim's arteries almost dry. It is usual for the victim to experience severe symptoms of fatigue after such a prolonged feeding as their bodies grow sick from the significant blood loss. Once the heart begins to atrophy from lack of blood flow, the vampire replaces this deficit with some of its own by allowing the human to feed on them in return. The victim then experiences excruciating pain as their body expires while their mind and spirit remain intact.

Upon their resurrection, newborn vampires are typically overwhelmed by their heightened abilities and perceptions. Because of their aversion to the sun, coffins or cemeteries - places hidden from any daylight - are a common resting place for young undead, a habit they carry with them into later years. Vampires may also burrow underground to find rest within the earth, especially to hibernate.

The first vampire in existence is generally believed to be The Dark Queen, Akasha. Originally from Uruk, now known as Iraq, she was born over 6,000 years ago. At a young age, she married Enkil, the King of Kemet (which would later become Egypt). Akasha and her husband Enkil wanted their subjects to turn away from cannibalism and encouraged them to eat grains by farming. One night, a group of nobles snuck into the palace and stabbed Enkil and Akasha multiple times, leaving them both mortally wounded. As Akasha's soul left her body, Maloker, the last of the Old Ones, snatched it and intertwined it with his own and thrust their combined spirits into her body, making Akasha the world's first vampire.

Akasha saved a dying Enkil by draining him of his remaining blood before allowing him to drink nearly all of hers, making Enkil the world's second vampire and Akasha's first childe. Together, they tracked and killed all the nobles that participated in their assassination attempt.

Though they tried to retain their rule of Kemet, their weaknesses to the sun eventually led them to be overthrown. However, for many millennia, Akasha ruled the vampire race as the Dark Queen.

The Great Reckoning
In 1985, Akasha awakened for the last time. She drained Enkil of all of his blood to make herself the single progenitor of the vampire race and to be rid of Enkil, who she had grown tired of.

She embarks on a mass killing of vampires, finding them by listening to their thoughts. Four hundred vampires managed to survive Akasha's onslaught. The surviving vampires were confronted by Akasha in the ancient Kemet ruins compound. She explained her plans for her to be the new god of the world and offered the vampires a chance to be her followers as angels in her New World Order. Akasha planned to kill 90 percent of the world's human men and establish a new Eden where women would worship her as a goddess. They all refuse to partake in Akasha's plan despite her vow to destroy all of them if they did not comply. Their refusal made Akasha furious, but before she could destroy the surviving vampires, Mekare, whom no one has seen for 6,000 years, appeared in the room. She charged at Akasha, shoving her into a glass wall, causing a large shard to decapitate her. Just as doom is spelled out for all vampires, Mekare devours both the brain and heart of Akasha, taking into herself the Sacred Core, which contains the spirit of Maloker. Successfully bonding with the Sacred Core, Mekare becomes the new queen of all vampires, while Akasha's body becomes a transparent shell.

Society and Culture
Many vampires are nomads of sorts who periodically move around from place to place to ensure their immortality and lack of aging does not lead to their exposure as vampires to the general public. Some of them appear to attempt to take on identities within the human world and exist alongside. In contrast, others instead seem to enjoy living among humans mostly anonymously without making human attachments and then choosing to travel to new places to change scenery whenever the urge strikes them.

While there does not appear to be an official rule-based vampire government (neither at an international level nor a national level), at least one place, the American city of New Orleans, Louisiana, has had a thriving permanent community of vampires throughout most of the 20th century and into the early 21st century.

Age is a powerful status symbol in the global vampire community. One such reason for this is that the amount of history the vampire has experienced gives them a great deal of knowledge, which translates to certain bragging rights in the community, primarily when the older vampires interact with the younger vampires, werewolves, witches, and in-the-know humans they encounter. There are many examples of ancient vampires whose age and history have gained them respect and status. However, the main reason why age is a status symbol in the vampire community is that a vampire's age directly correlates to how physically powerful they are. As a vampire ages, their supernatural physical and mental abilities become even stronger and more advanced. While attitude, training, and catching an older vampire off-guard can occasionally compensate for another vampire's young age in a fight, an older vampire will nearly always win against a younger vampire.

Powers and Abilities
Vampires have a range of powers accosted to them by the virus in their blood. Additionally to their primary powers, each vampire attains a unique psionic ability upon their Embrace known as "The Dark Gift." Depending on how old the vampire is and how much they've fed on human blood, these abilities' strength varies.

The Basic Powers⠀⠀

Superhuman Endurance:
Vampires can take a tremendous amount of physical damage without being slowed down. Even vampires who have been shot with wooden bullets, which have a weakening effect on vampires, have been seen to continue fighting so long as they were not shot in the heart or the head. Vampires still humanly react to physical force, particularly young vampires, who will occasionally be affected even by human-strength-level force. Vampires can also still be stunned and dazed by strikes and trauma, though their tolerance for it will increase as they get older.
Superhuman Health:They exhibit exceptional weight, height, and fitness.
Superhuman Intelligence:
The power to learn new information quickly and efficiently and remember with absolute clarity.
Superhuman Reflexes:
The power to react much faster and with more precision than what is considered normal.
Superhuman Strength:
Vampires possess the strength of an average human who engages in intensive regular exercise and can press lift at least their own body weight.
Accelerated Healing:
Arguably their most prominent advantage, their wounds are shown to be completely gone within hours, depending on the severity of the injury. A vampire who is drinking human blood can heal even faster than a vampire who is drinking animal blood. Vampires cannot heal from werewolf venom. Depending on the werewolf that bites them, a vampire will hallucinate and die anywhere from a day to multiple days. They can heal from any non-fatal injury. Vampires cannot recover from decapitation, heart extraction, being set on fire (unless the fire is put out), and being staked in the heart.
A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires become immune to all conventional illnesses, diseases, viruses, and infections. While vampires who were cancer-free as humans will be immune to cancer after they are turned, those humans who were turned while they had cancer will not only still have it as a vampire, but their newly-enhanced healing factor will accelerate the progression of the cancer cells over two-fold, nearly always causing the cancer-stricken vampire to kill themselves to end their suffering.
The Dark Gift⠀⠀

Only one of these powers can be gifted upon a vampire; however, this power may evolve as they age. Depending on the vampire's age, these powers may or may not work on other vampires. These gifts make them especially good at combatting witches by disrupting their magick.

Astral Projection:
The power to separate one's spirit from one's body.
Aura Reading:
The power to perceive and read auras.
The power to fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others.
Psychic Intelligence:
The power to heighten the user's intelligence using psionic energy/focusing.
The power to gain skills via psychic means.
The power to receive and/or transmit information mentally or through other non-sensory means.
Mental Hallucination:
The power to create high-level mental hallucinations.
The power to speak, understand and decipher any languages.
Memory Erasure:
The power to erase memories.
Dream Walking:
The power to manipulate dreams.
Mind Compulsion:
The ability to influence thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
If vampires are killed by a wooden object stabbed through their heart, the virus is killed, and the body returns to whichever state it would've been in now after they've died. That means a freshly sired vampire will become a corpse, but a much older vampire would become dust.

Animal Blood:
Animal blood, while somewhat satisfying a vampire's hunger and sustaining their undead life, will make the vampire considerably weaker than they would be if they had drunk human blood, causing their physical abilities to be inferior to a human-blood-consuming vampire, making them heal much more slowly, and making their compulsion less effective.
Broken Neck:
Breaking a vampire's neck will not kill them, but it will render them in a death-like state for varying amounts of time, depending on the diet and age of the person in question.
Dismembering or manually removing the head of a vampire will result in an instant and permanent death
Vampires who abstain from blood for extended amounts of time will eventually desiccate and mummify.
Vampires are highly flammable and sensitive to fire and will quickly burn and die from it if the flames are not extinguished in time.
Heart Extraction:
Removing the heart of a vampire will result in permanent death.
Vampires cannot enter a home without an invitation by the owner.
Physical Trauma:
Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds, and broken bones will cause pain and slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely in a few hours so long as they haven't been weakened by other means such as werewolf bites.
UV rays burn vampires on contact, and prolonged exposure will cause them to burst into flames and die. There is no cure to this; however, windows can be enhanced to omit the UV rays of the sun, allowing the vampire to remain above ground during the day.
Werewolf Venom:
The bite of a werewolf, which involves injecting toxic venom into the wound, is highly lethal to vampires. It will cause them to hallucinate, grow severely weak, and go rabid until it kills them. The venom is also present in the werewolf's blood, even in its human form.
Wounding a vampire with a wooden weapon such as wooden bullets will hinder them, and it will take longer for them to heal their injuries than if any other substance caused the wounds. Stabbing a vampire through the heart with a wooden stake will result in instantaneous and permanent death.
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2.1.2 The Cursed
The Cursed, also known as Werewolves or Lycanthropes, is a supernatural shapeshifting species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome, and extremely hostile wolves on the night of the full moon. Even in their human form, werewolves possess superhuman physical prowess, though not to the same level as a vampire. Their abilities are not as powerful compared to those they possess on the full moon while transformed. These creatures are the most dangerous enemies of vampires due to their venomous bite, which is lethal to them. Werewolves are also hardwired to kill vampires on sight in their wolf form, though they still hunt human prey whenever there are no vampires to kill.
Lycanthropy is an inherited genetic condition due to a curse, and a person can only be a werewolf if they are born to at least one werewolf parent; a bite or scratch cannot turn them. Furthermore, the werewolf gene must be "triggered" by taking the life of a human, either intentionally or by accident, to gain access to their enhanced physical abilities. However, this comes at the cost of transforming into a wolf during every full moon.
Lycanthropy is caused by a single genetic mutation, which can be inherited from one's parents.
Because difficult-to-control anger and aggression are common personality traits in even those werewolves who have not activated their lycanthropy, the likelihood of them losing control of their rage and inadvertently triggering their werewolf gene by accidentally killing someone is relatively high; it is even speculated that the anger and aggression inherent in werewolves is intended to increase the likelihood that a werewolf will activate their lycanthropy. However, an untriggered werewolf can go their entire life without killing; in fact, this happens frequently enough that in some cases, a family's lycanthrope heritage will be kept a secret that will ultimately die with an ancestor, causing the knowledge of their heritage to be lost and remain unknown for generations that follow until a member takes a life and unintentionally triggers their curse.
After the gene is triggered, the werewolf's eyes will turn amber, and their latent powers will activate instantly; from then on, they will be cursed to painfully transform into a wolf on the night of every full moon. This is especially hard for pregnant women, as the transformation will, in most cases, kill either the infant or her. A werewolf who has yet to trigger his or her curse only exhibits one characteristic of lycanthropy: increased aggression and anger on a general basis, which can become overwhelming fits of violent rage leading up to and during the nights of the full moon.
Like normal humans, werewolves can eat human food if they wish. However, because they turn into ferocious beasts during the full moon, they are carnivores.
Werewolves in their wolf form are pretty similar to natural wolves. However, unlike wild wolves, werewolves have glowing yellow or orange eyes, wicked fangs, and a much more feral and predatory appearance. They can also be distinguished from regular wolves by their displays of supernatural strength, blurred speed, and size, comparable to fully grown humans. The fur color of wolf forms differs from one to the other. Werewolves appear the same as any other human the rest of the month, aside from their enhanced abilities.
A werewolf will only transform into a wolf under a full moon. The first transformation is relatively slow, and the person is subjected to at least five or six hours of intense, bone-breaking pain before the actual change. After the first transformation, the experience does not last nearly as long, but it is still painful and something many werewolves come to dread.
During the transformation, the person's body is twisted unnaturally as bones reshape and shift to form a wolf's skeleton, causing the person immense physical and psychological pain. Later, the werewolf grows excessive body hair and becomes feral. Their irises turn golden-yellow, their sclera turns black, and their teeth elongate into canines before they finally transform into their wolf shape. A werewolf returns to its human form after a few hours, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. After the first transformation, the werewolf will experience muscle aches.
Older werewolves can control themselves to some extent on the night of the full moon. Still, many find it necessary to dose themselves with wolfsbane to weaken them before they lock themselves up in chains to prevent hurting anyone while they're transformed. Werewolves also feel everything more sharply in their animal form, especially familial or romantic ties.
The closer it gets to the full moon, the more a werewolf in human form will start to act more on his instincts than his rationale. He becomes hyper-focused on taking care of his primal needs, basically sleeping, eating, and fucking. This does not mean that the werewolf loses all sense of sense, even when in wolf form; the tie they make to their romantic partner is instilled in them, even when they're transformed.
There has yet to be a case of a person inheriting both the werewolf gene and the witch chromosome.
Little is known about the genesis of the Werewolf species. However, folklore has claimed that the first werewolf was Lycaon of Arcadia from Greek mythology and his fifty sons. According to the legend, Lycaon, who was among the Greeks who worshiped the Titans rather than the Gods of Olympus, invited Zeus to a feast at his home, where he attempted to trick him into eating human flesh. Zeus was so enraged by this prank that he cursed Lycaon and his sons by turning them into wolves. From there, Lycaon and his sons sought out the Celtic Druids, as they were rumored to have a gift for shapeshifting, and Lycaon hoped that they could help them undo the curse.
A more common, and generally most accepted, origin says that witches created werewolves to guard them against vampires.
In the mid-18th century, the most famous and monstrous werewolf in history, La Bête du Gévaudan, began to ravage France, reportedly killing anywhere from 100 to 500 people before a human Slayer finally slew it.
Society and Culture
Today, like real wolves, most werewolves live in packs. Packs differ as some only meet during the full moon, and some stay together in small communities, even in their human form. Each pack has an alpha; the pack leader, a beta; the second-in-command, and usually the alpha's lover, and the rest are known as omegas. Rarely are there lone wolves, but they do exist. The alpha position is not just formal, as there is a psychic bond from the rest of the pack that empowers the alpha's abilities so he can protect the rest of the pack.
There is no governing office for werewolves, and they are much more obscure than vampires.
Powers and Abilities
The might of the werewolf lies very much in its physical abilities. While they are weaker in their human form, they are still far stronger than any regular human. This enhanced physicality occurs when the werewolf changes back to human after his first transformation, his body reforming with increased muscle mass and agility.
Powers in human form:

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Enhanced Strength:
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Werewolves possess supernatural strength that makes them far stronger than humans and other nocturnal races. Several occasions suggest that untriggered werewolves have more strength than any average humans, which would indicate some form of enhanced strength even before the activation of their curse. A werewolf is generally stronger than a vampire, depending on the vampire's age.

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Enhanced Speed:
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Werewolves are much faster than humans and some other supernatural beings. They possess this ability both in and out of transformation, with a feral quickness.

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Enhanced Agility:
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Werewolves possess superhuman agility. They have demonstrated that they can move, jump very high, climb, flip, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion in both human and wolf form. They can also jump down from incredible heights with almost gravity-defying grace.

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Enhanced Durability:
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Werewolves can take far more trauma than humans without nearly as much discomfort or injury. They can also exert themselves for more extended periods without tiring.

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Enhanced Healing:
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Werewolves possess superhuman regenerative abilities, meaning that if they are physically injured, their bodies will heal in a matter of hours. That being said, they will not recover from anything fatal. Once a werewolf is dead, they cannot be brought back to life.

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Enhanced Senses:
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Werewolves have extremely keen and heightened senses of smell, sight, taste, hearing, and touch that exceed their wolf counterparts and that of regular canines. With this, experienced werewolves can sniff out vampires.

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Animal Instincts:
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Werewolves are apex predators, and, as such, they can assert dominance over other animals such as dogs, cats, and deer. They can use this ability to force them to be quiet or leave the area or stand down if they act aggressively. As a result, these animals can often be frightened by the presence of Werewolves. They also have natural animal instincts that allow them to think as true animals do, though some Werewolves are more in tune with these instincts than others.

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Werewolf Blood:
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The blood of a werewolf, even in human form, is lethal to vampires due to the toxin in it.
Wolf form:

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Full Moon Enhancement:
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A werewolf's strength, speed, agility, and all their powers are enhanced to their peak during a full moon.

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Werewolf Bite:
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A werewolf's venom is highly lethal to vampires. The venom acts as a poison of sorts that will enter the bloodstream and deliver the toxin throughout the body, producing discomfort and weakness, developing uncontrollable hunger that progresses to delusions, hallucinations, rabid rage, and dementia, culminating in death.
Though werewolves are the stronger of the three nocturnals, they are also more likely to die of old age. Any fatality caused to a werewolf will make them dead. They have no means to prolong their life like witches and vampires do. They also cannot be turned into vampires. Their immune system is built to kill the blood virus if they ingest or transfuse any vampire blood.

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Full Moon Mentality:
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As the werewolf descends into their wolf form, they lose their human thinking. As such, they are much more driven by their instincts. That being said, werewolves seem to have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to protect their own and feel responsible for helping them whenever they can. "Their own" used to refer to other werewolves, but recent events have shown that it means anyone they feel a familial or romantic bond towards.

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When ingested, wolfsbane causes a werewolf to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a werewolf's skin is exposed to wolfsbane, it will burn them.

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In most situations, minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds, and broken bones will cause a werewolf pain and slow them down until they heal. However, they still share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings. They can perish from extreme trauma (e.g., suffocation, excessive blood loss, a broken neck, decapitation, fire, heart extraction, etc.). They can also die from old age.

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Cursed genetics:
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Due to already being cursed, werewolves possess a particular vulnerability to magick beyond normal human beings.

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Lunar Eclipse:
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During the phase of a lunar eclipse where the Earth's umbral shadow completely covers the moon, werewolves will be cut off from the source of their powers. They will be subsequently reverted to the state of an average human for the duration. Though this phase typically only lasts ten to twenty minutes, it is still a very vulnerable period for werewolves.
2.1.3 The Kindred

The Kindred, also known as witches, are humans gifted with the genetic heredity to affect change by supernatural or paranormal means, an innate connection to the elements and forces of nature that allows them to practice witchcraft. Because of their unnatural abilities and supposed connections with dark forces, witches have historically been feared, persecuted, and hunted.

Contrary to popular belief, a witch is not merely a mortal practicing magick. To practice the Craft, one must first be a witch. Witches are genetically different from humans, as they possess double sets of chromosomes, which makes them able to perform witchcraft.

Witchcraft, in itself, is neutral. Some covens refer to some magick as being black or white. These are philosophies; there is no actual difference between them. magick can be considered dark if used in a harmful way, and light if used positively.

NOTE: It is far from all covens that use this terminology; most covens view magick as magick.

The term 'Witch' applies to both genders. In many covens, the male children born to the witches are killed to preserve female elitism. The society of witches is very matriarchal. About 20% of all witches are male.

The genetic makeup of a witch is different from humans as they suffer from polyploidy, having a total of 92 chromosomes. These chromosomes are what give them their magickal abilities.

That being said, witches are the ones that look and act most like regular humans. Because of this, the vampire virus is unable to mutate the witch into a vampire, so even if they die with vampire blood in their veins, they simply die.

Even if a witch can (supposedly) trace her bloodline back to the 13 witches, it does not mean she has an advantage in the field of the said witch. Talent for various kinds of witchcraft is as random as a human's talent for sports; Some humans are good at football, others at hockey; likewise, some witches are great at alchemy while others excel at enchantment.

Male witches are considered inferior to female witches, as the testosterone present within men is believed to be a known inhibitor of magickal ability, impeding access to the ethereal realm.

There are two ways of becoming a witch:
  • You can be born a witch. In this case, you are a pureblood witch, which is most witches. It does not matter if one parent is human. Two humans cannot conceive a witch. Contrary to many beliefs, a pureblood is not more potent than an initiated witch. The only advantage the pureblood has over the initiated witch is growing up with a witch parent.
  • You can be initiated to become a witch. This rarely happens. Few witches find it amusing to take on an apprentice and teach them the very basics of magick. If a witch takes the initiative, she is responsible for her until she gains the title of sorceress. The Initiation is extremely painful to the practitioner, as the change in them is cellular.
No one knows how witches came to be, but the society of witches is one of the oldest in the world, dating back to 9,600 B.C., when the first witch queen fled her sinking city, establishing the first coven on the mountain of Blocksberg in what is today known as Germany. Here she initiated 13 women into her coven, each woman mastering one of the 13 crafts. Then they went out into the world and initiated witches into their tribe. The current magistery works out of Blocksberg for this very reason.

The history of witchcraft is much more intertwined with human history than any of the other species. Many a witch and innocent have been killed in the name of religious hysteria, such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials. That being said, witch history goes as far back as any human era, whether it was as a knowledgeable midwife or wise magi.

Society and Culture
Though initially the base of euro-centric witchcraft, the magistery now encompasses various witchcraft arts worldwide, including voodoo, shamanism, seidr, druidism, wuism, kemiya, etc. Blood work has indicated that practitioners of magickal arts worldwide share the common trait of having polyploidy. Today, witches and covens worldwide look to the magistery as the administrative government of the witches.

Thirteen witches govern the laws and problems of witches.

There are few things illegal to witches, mainly keeping themselves secret to humans. Most problems are solved within the coven itself though the council tries to keep all witches registered within their books, not all witches like the idea of being supervised and keep themselves away.

Most witches practice their Craft in covens. Covens are groups of witches, at least three, bound together in magick. However, there are also solitary witches. Magick is more potent in numbers.

A title system has evolved within the witch community through the centuries, much to the confusion of mortals.

The supreme of the supreme, the rank of arcanist is bestowed upon witches of great feats, like being knighted.
Netherwind Witch:
The myth of witches flying on broomsticks is not so far from reality. Though they do not need brooms, witches create invisible wind, called netherwind, in order to carry themselves across great distances.
Weather Witch:
A witch with so much control of nature magick that she can control the weather by mere thought.
A witch who knows the techniques of Frostfire, this arcane art brings the elements together into one cold, yet equally destructive flame. This is a difficult feat and shows a great talent for the Craft.
Phoenix Witch:
Descended from the Witch Trials with a vengeance in their hearts, the Phoenix are a family of assassin witches who are very elite, mighty and who are born with the distinctive birthmark of the Phoenix, symbolizing their rise from Salem's ashes. They have no allegiances other than to their vengeance, and they will seek out and kill any bounty they are hired to hunt down.
Witch Queen:
Now and again, there will be an uprising against the Blocksberg regime. A witch will lay claim to being the descendant of an unknown original witch queen, and gain enough followers that there will be civil war amongst the witches. There are no official documents to support that there was ever a different reign than Blocksberg. The Guardians have always conquered these threats.
Blood Mage:
Blood magick is a very secretive form of magick, and very few books cover even parts of it. Therefore, those that become blood mages are witches so advanced that they understand the laws of magick to a point where they can experiment themselves. Thus a blood mage's spell can be extremely dangerous because no one but the blood mage knows how it works.

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The Witches that work at Blocksberg. These are highly acclaimed positions of power, and if a witch wants a chance to get into the council, this is the only route to take.

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Grand Magister:
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When a new council member takes their spot in the council, they elect their successor. This witch becomes a Grand Magister and leads the magisters for the council.

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When a witch has practiced for a considerable time to show her understanding of the Craft, she will go through the Trial of Flame. A magister monitors this witch exam, and the witch must show her knowledge by performing an example of the Crafts. If one starts the trial but cannot finish it, the consequence is death.

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When a witch drinks the blood of a demon, they become a hybrid of demon and witch. Though it is not illegal, warlocks are highly disregarded among witches and seen as filthy.
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Blocksberg has five guardians, gifted with enchanted items to grant them an extensive array of powers.
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It has happened that witches have become pregnant without there being any conception of a child. These witches are seen as blessed by magick and often grow up to become the most powerful of their generation., but also destined to die before their 23rd birthday.
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Sometimes, when a witch is especially strongly attuned to an element, she will shed her mortal form and ascend to a higher being, becoming one with said element. An ascendant is a nexus-being, living on a faraway plane. Though the process remains a mystery, those witches that do ascend are canonized by Blocksberg.

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The dark side of the Blocksberg regime, the Inquisitors, works to reveal any misdoings be it within the organization itself or among witches. They have the legal power to condemn anyone for questioning and use torture to get out the truth.

Powers and Abilities
Witchcraft is the practice of utilizing specific universal energies and extra-dimensional forces. It can be described as changing reality to your will. It is a manifestation of the witch's will. The golden rule of witchcraft is balance. To stay young, she must steal the youth from someone else; to save a life, she must take one. The consequences of doing magick are often unpredictable.

NOTE: No spell cannot be broken.

Though it may seem so to mortals, magick does not appear out of nothing. Magickal energy is needed for a witch to perform any magick. Magick does not defy the laws of nature.

List of possible energy sources:

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Personal Energies:
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There is natural power in a witch, and this is the power most witches rely upon when they start practicing. However, this power source is closely related to the user's life. Spending it means less lifetime. Of course, it is possible to steal years from others.

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Natural Elements:
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The most natural form of ritualistic powering is using the elements or invoking the four corners of the earth. This is the safest way of powering a spell, as it draws on nature's magick.

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Astrological Occurrences:
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Binding a spell with astrology is complicated but also highly practical. Not only does the universe hold on to vast amounts of energy once you bind a spell to an astrological occurrence, but it also cannot be broken until said occurrence happens again.

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Nexus Beings:
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There are many deities, demons, spirits, etc., out there that can be used to channel a witch's spells. Of course, this can be unreliable, as the being might not want to lend the witch its power; however, many witches have familiars that will gladly help them in their endeavors.

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Things such as talismans and voodoo dolls can be used to empower spells as well. This is a tricky subject, as the items rarely have any magickal energy by themselves but are invoked with magickal power for later use. They can be compared to magick batteries.

The 13 Crafts:
Witches still use the ancient categories for their Craft, though there have been several advances in each field since the conception of the 13 Crafts. The Greek names are still used to this day in most communities.

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Cheirokmeta /Alchemy:
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The Craft of Potion-making. Anyone can mix ingredients, but to make it a potion, it needs to be blessed by a witch through her blood.

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While it is often used to either divine or call for power, the arts of the stars have much more disastrous implications to the craft.

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Also referred to as the Dark Arts or Black Magick is a powerful form of witchcraft that draws on malevolent powers that asks the practitioner to tap into dark places of temptation. Such magick has typically been used for dark purposes that deliberately cause harm in some way, e.g. to injure or kill, cause destruction or misfortune, or personal gain without regard to consequences.

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Pseudḗs /Disguises:
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The ability to cast illusions as well as shapeshifting ranging from the simple to the complex. Alternatively, otherwise ordinary objects can be enchanted to replicate this effect.

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Manganeuo/Talisman magick:
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Imbuing items or beings with magickal power. Talismans and voodoo dolls are examples of these. Should not be confused with the natural magickal probabilities of specific stones and herbs.

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The Arcane arts are difficult to define. It consists of the active disciplines connected to the mind, such as telekinesis, invisibility, telepathy, etc.

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Nature magick. The witch taps into the forces of nature. Controlling the natural elements and communion with nature is at the very heart of witchcraft.

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Katabasis/Astral magick :
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Magick of the Soul. Most commonly used to have the spirit leave the body to search realms beyond the reach of the physical world.

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Daimonoloyía/ Demonology:
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Witches who depend on the invocation of spirits must usually offer them their services for the spirits to cooperate. What these services are differ from spirit to spirit, as different spirits have different demands. While many of the Vodou spirits accept food and alcoholic beverages as offerings, other spirits, especially demons, are known to have more sinister desires.

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Usually, it is seen as a good deed, but the witch must remember the rule of balance when doing so. Unnatural healing can have catastrophic results, and thus, most witches simply speed up the natural healing process of the body.

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Divination is the ability to obtain direct (intuition) or indirect (using a tool) knowledge about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than the user's physical senses. Depending on the purpose, Divination is distinguished in specific branches such as the Sight, Scrying, Detection of Danger in all its possible forms, and sensing particular disruptions in the environment such as the presence of evil, the life force, the use of magic, etc.

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Psykhagoyein/ Necromancy:
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Everything related to the Dead, whether it be the resurrection of someone, communion with spirits, or controlling dead bodies. It is considered dangerous, as necromancers often find untimely deaths, that not even witchcraft can explain.

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Elemental Magic is a magical practice that involves the utilization of the four alchemical elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. A witch with enough magical power can interconnect Elemental Magic within their rituals and spells to draw on their unique properties.

Though witches can prolong their lives by stealing youth from unsuspecting victims, this does not mean they are all-powerful. In a physical fight, a witch is hardly a match for the physically stronger vampire or werewolf. Only if they can focus enough to use their abilities can they keep the beasts at bay.

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The act of denying or disbelieving in one's potential could cause a witch to inadvertently suppress their magical power.

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Denying a witch from concentrating or giving full attention to their spells may render them ineffective. Since most spells are spoken verbally and take time to take effect, witches are vulnerable to attack before their completion. Additionally, certain spells require items, tools, and or special events during casting; therefore, they can't be invoked on a mere whim. This is why vampires' dark gift is so valuable for defeating them.

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Emotional instability:
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A witch's magic is subject to the influence of their emotional state and may fluctuate according to them, especially when untrained. Strong emotions such as worry and anger can fuel a witch's power, while emotions such as fear may prevent a witch from correctly accessing them.

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Despite their mystical attributes, witches are still human and share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart failure, suffocation, snapped neck, etc.).

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The excessive use of magic can lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and death if taken to the extreme.

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Rule of Balance:
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Witchcraft is the balancing of different natural energies. As such, they are prone to the same laws that the rest of nature abides by. Nothing can be created out of nothing; everything has a price.
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2.2.1 The Mansion
The Kruckow Mansion is located on Fifth Avenue, with a direct view of the park. The mansion has been in the family's possession in over a century, bough when Anne Kruckow escaped persecution in Denmark. Though it has been updated with modern amenities, such as UV-resistant windows, many of the details are from the original building.




Sitting Room


Dinning Room



Dressing Room





3. Chapters

3.1 Armageddon
The story is set in present-day New York City, as a pandemic (known as the serta-virus, or sevid-19) is holding the world in its grasp. The three men live together in Frey's family estate near Central Park. The windows have been installed with anti-UV glass, enabling Nico to walk about during the day. Thad, the lone wolf, lives with the two of them.
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2.2.2 The Pandemic

The SEVID-19 pandemic, also known as the sertavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic of sertavirus disease 2019 (SEVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome sertavirus 2 (SARS-SeV-2). The virus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern regarding SEVID-19 on 30 January 2020 and later declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of 5 May 2021, more than 154 million cases have been confirmed, with more than 3.22 million deaths attributed to SEVID-19, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history.​

Symptoms of SEVID-19 are highly variable, ranging from none to life-threateningly severe. Transmission of SEVID-19 occurs mainly when an infected person is in close contact with another person. Tiny droplets containing the virus leave an infected person as they breathe, cough, sneeze, or speak and enter another person via their mouth, nose, or eyes. Airborne transmission is also sometimes possible, as smaller infected droplets can linger in the air for minutes to hours within enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation. Less commonly, the virus may spread via contaminated surfaces. People remain contagious for up to 20 days and can spread the virus even if they do not develop any symptoms.​

Recommended preventive measures include social distancing, wearing face masks in public, ventilation and air-filtering, hand washing, covering one's mouth when sneezing or coughing, disinfecting surfaces, and monitoring and self-isolation for people exposed or symptomatic. Several vaccines have been developed and widely distributed since December 2020. Current treatments focus on addressing symptoms, but work is underway to develop therapeutic drugs that inhibit the virus. Authorities worldwide have responded by implementing travel restrictions, lockdowns/quarantines, workplace hazard controls, and business closures. Many places have also worked to increase testing capacity and trace contacts of the infected.​

The pandemic has resulted in significant global social and economic disruption, including the most extensive global recession since the Great Depression. It has led to widespread supply shortages exacerbated by panic buying, agricultural disruption, and food shortages, and decreased emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. Numerous educational institutions and public areas have been partially or fully closed, and many events have been canceled or postponed. Misinformation has circulated through social media and mass media. The pandemic has raised issues of racial and geographic discrimination, health equity, and the balance between public health imperatives and individual rights.​

Nocturnals are all susceptible to the virus, which is surprising considering werewolves and vampires' natural immunity to common diseases. Witches and werewolves react to it the same way any mortal would. Vampires, however, seem to die in a manner of hours after contracting the virus.​

Both Thaddeus Braddock and Nico Canali are immune to the virus, Thad due to his uncanny healing ability. It is unclear why Nico is, though it seems his blood virus eats the sertavirus before it has a chance to attack him.​
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