Uh, greetings I guess

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Uh, greetings I guess

Jackson Murray

Just your everyday average Jack
Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 2:43 AM
Hello, I have no freaking idea what I'm doing. I've never roleplayed before but always have wanted to, and I would appreciate it if anyone is willing to introduce me to anything really. I do a little bit of writing but never first person, usually just like background lore for drawings I create. Also I don't think I can be online very much because I don't have a ton of free time but I'll do my best. Thanks to anyone who introduces stuff to me, I appreciate it. :)
First off, roleplaying takes commitment. It's okay if you can't get on all the time, but the frequency at which you are available needs to be part of your introduction, or about me. This is a community of people who write together, who rely on one another to be consistent and tell stories with. Tell us who you are, how long you've been writing for, what kind of writing you have experience with. What are you looking for on here? Are you looking to write with one primary individual to start out, or are you wanting to jump into something with multiple people (as a newbie to this I recommend finding one partner to start out and experimenting with them first). What kind of stories do you want to write about. Are you seeking women or men or both or it doesn't matter. Fantasy, sci-fi, romance, slice of life... so on. What is your writing style? Give us a taste of what we should expect if we were to choose to write with you.

That should all be a part of an introduction and/or about me on your profile, but also click here and read through other people's requests for partners and what they're looking for and see if anything catches your eye. Reply and chat and feel it out. It is a lot to take in when you're new to this but as you get familiar and you start writing you'll get the hand of it quickly I'm sure. Anyways, good luck to you and I hope you find joy from rp like most of us do.
First off, roleplaying takes commitment. It's okay if you can't get on all the time, but the frequency at which you are available needs to be part of your introduction, or about me. This is a community of people who write together, who rely on one another to be consistent and tell stories with. Tell us who you are, how long you've been writing for, what kind of writing you have experience with. What are you looking for on here? Are you looking to write with one primary individual to start out, or are you wanting to jump into something with multiple people (as a newbie to this I recommend finding one partner to start out and experimenting with them first). What kind of stories do you want to write about. Are you seeking women or men or both or it doesn't matter. Fantasy, sci-fi, romance, slice of life... so on. What is your writing style? Give us a taste of what we should expect if we were to choose to write with you.

That should all be a part of an introduction and/or about me on your profile, but also click here and read through other people's requests for partners and what they're looking for and see if anything catches your eye. Reply and chat and feel it out. It is a lot to take in when you're new to this but as you get familiar and you start writing you'll get the hand of it quickly I'm sure. Anyways, good luck to you and I hope you find joy from rp like most of us do.
okay, thanks. I appreciate the help
I don't know what I'm doing either, lol. Welcome!
Welcome fellow newcomer! As someone who is also new to this site, I'd recommend starting out slow. Take a look around and read a few threads that look interesting to you and take a look at the Roleplay Request Threads forum to see what kinds of stories and characters people are looking for.

Everyone here has been really friendly and helpful so if you have questions, feel free to ask.

When I was starting out in RP it was helpful to know that writing RP is quite a bit different than writing a book or short story. It's kind of like taking on the role of an actor and playing out that actor's role. You only control what your character does and how they react to things that happen within the story. Controlling NPCs is usually fine but you don't control what other player characters do and how they react to things. Your character should never go into Godmode and shouldn't act like a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Godmode is when your character starts acting with knowledge they couldn't possibly have. You probably know how a Mary Sue/Gary Stu character acts. Yeah, don't do that.

I hope this helps at least a little!

And, if I've missed something or gotten something wrong about the general rules of RPing, feel free to correct things.
Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy your time with us here.
Welcome! Take your time to get a feel for the place and the format. I'm still quite an inexperienced roleplayer compared to lots of people here, but we all started somewhere <3
Hello there and welcome to the Inner Sanctum, as with all new members we encourage you to read the rules linked below.
If you have any questions feel free to ask
Welcome to the site! we have a ton of wonderful writers of many levels, I'm sure you'll find someone to partner with soon.

There are always some friendlies hanging out in chat if you need any help while you poke around the site.

Welcome fellow newcomer! As someone who is also new to this site, I'd recommend starting out slow. Take a look around and read a few threads that look interesting to you and take a look at the Roleplay Request Threads forum to see what kinds of stories and characters people are looking for.

Everyone here has been really friendly and helpful so if you have questions, feel free to ask.

When I was starting out in RP it was helpful to know that writing RP is quite a bit different than writing a book or short story. It's kind of like taking on the role of an actor and playing out that actor's role. You only control what your character does and how they react to things that happen within the story. Controlling NPCs is usually fine but you don't control what other player characters do and how they react to things. Your character should never go into Godmode and shouldn't act like a Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Godmode is when your character starts acting with knowledge they couldn't possibly have. You probably know how a Mary Sue/Gary Stu character acts. Yeah, don't do that.

I hope this helps at least a little!

And, if I've missed something or gotten something wrong about the general rules of RPing, feel free to correct things.
Ok, thanks for the advice!
Ok, thanks for the advice!
I know unsolicited advice is generally unwanted but I had another thought about what also helped me a lot when I was new at RPing:

Be flexible and cooperative. RPing is not just about you and your character, so share the stage with your partner(s) and their character(s). RPing is an interactive team sport. You're creating a unique story with others from the ground up, piece by piece.

RPing can sometimes feel daunting or intimidating. Try to always keep these two things in mind:

1) How would your character react to the situation?

2) How can you leave room to allow other characters to react to the situation?

There's a lot of deep-diving you can do to learn more about RPing, but for a basic starting point, I think those two things are probably the most important to keep in mind.

And, of course, remember to have fun!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
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