Group RP Way of the Wicked Characters

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Group RP Way of the Wicked Characters

Sorry, I'm editing everything else into it, but it's fine. It means he's a flawed little monster and not the hottest bs out there XD
I don't see your Criminal Background Proficiencies/Skills. Other than that, it looks fine.
Criminal background is Hired hitman and my skills/ Prof is under skills
In 5E you get a background in addition to your class and race. Backgrounds

Also, Max hitpoints at 1st level, then 1/2 rounded up per level from there. So your murderball has 11 hit points.
Have we got enough players yet or do we need more?
I am amused at how bad he is at all his skills except Athletics. I dearly hope his confidence far outstrips his reach.

What do we think folks? Find another set of cells downstairs with more forsaken, or *waves hand* Burg's really been here all the while, just off screen?
I wouldn't mind one more, but we can get started again with 4.
Maybe he's been there the whole time but the screen didn't go as low as his height? What's been going on?
Haha he could have been unconscious in one of the cells. And Garth is still the shortest lol.
This isn't the thread where we actually play is it? Can have the link to the actually play thread?
A barbarian... with 9 in con?! Maybe switch around the int and con... barbarians shouldn't have that low of con...
It was the order I rolled XD But I'll do some tinkering with the stats seeing as I rolled so very horribly.
Oh yeah. Okay, I think that's it. XD Pretty sure..... Like 90 per cent.
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