
  1. ShowMeYouLoveMe

    MxF ShowMe’s Request Thread - Story Driven, Novella, Original and Fandom Plots

    My name is ShowMe and I have been writing for a long time. The roles that I typically enjoy are based off of movies and TV shows with original characters. I like plot over smut. And when it comes to smut, I like the lead up more than the actually act of writing sex. That means heavy petting...
  2. Durandal

    Closed Come And Sit Next To The Bonfire(Fantasy/Sci-Fi plots inside with Romance!)

    Hi! I'm Durandal! The resident mad AI of the Sanctum. Don't worry, I'm not planning your demise...I think anyways, hard to say since I'm laughing so hard! I have a number of plots for us here, but let's go over some ground rules 1. Please be reasonably literate, decent grammar, punctuation...
  3. King Ditto

    All Been here a while. Darker Sci-Fi plots for now.

    Hello, Sanctum! I'm King Ditto, and have been off-and-on roleplaying and writing and this site for quite some time now! I'm fairly literate and aim to write about three paragraphs minimum per post (but often tend to match my partner) and can be really active, often able to do multiple posts a...
  4. Avariella

    MxF My request thread - 70/30 plot to smut, plots inside!

    Thanks for coming to my request thread! Now onto the good stuff, as they say... I will only play with partners who are 21+ and characters must be 21+. I am seeking storylines that focus on control, manipulation, violence, and dominance. Bring me your toxic, gritty, damaged, obsessive...
  5. J-Lynn

    MxM Come Plot with Me?

    Salutations Thank you and Welcome! Its been a really long time since I was on here, and since I made one of theses. Forgive the chaos About Me? Writing has always been my passion, and I've been doing so for as long as I can remember. I never truly stop either, but its been so long since I...
  6. GreatDane


    Greetings fellow writers! That sounded bad... Uhm.. Hello there dreamers!? Fellow freaks? Hmmm, nope, not good, not good at all, I mean, i'm a freak, but still... Anyway, i'm GreatDane, I love to roleplay and have fun. Then again, i'm sure we all like to roleplay and have fun, that's why we're...
  7. curliestfry

    Any Concepts in need of inspired partners

    Thank you for taking interest in my request thread! I'm new to this site, but perfectly familiar with rp'ing on the whole. I'm curliestfry, but you may call me Lee! RULES 1) I insist upon a 2 paragraph minimum per response. No need to be overly lengthy or anything, but I find that I struggle...
  8. Shayde Rose

    MxM 1x1 partners, maybe?

    Hey there, welcome to my thread. I’m going to make this as painless as possible. So, let’s get to it! I only roleplay MxM. I don’t mind playing multiple characters. In fact, I love doubling when given the chance. My work schedule is about to change drastically due to a change in career. My...
  9. Skyler

    Character(s) ~Through The Looking Glass~

    ∞ Cheshire Grins and Caramel Lattes ∞ Why, hello there and welcome to my little corner of the Sanctum. Please, do come in, have a delicious caramel latte - or whatever else your poison is - and stay a while. Feel free to browse around, both my characters and plot-ideas are gathered here below...
  10. woogles

    It is I! Woogles

    Hey. New here to Inner Sanctum but not to RPing ;) Please feel free to call me Woogles or "Vibes" which has been my roleplay tag name for awhile, either is fine! I'm 20 years old and female. I've been actively roleplaying with people I've met online, when I'm not busy with college studies and...
  11. Redletalis

    MxF Plots Seeking Partners

    Finally thought I should put up one of these here. I am up for pretty much everything, from fantasy to historic to modern to sci-fi to a mix of everything, and I'm a multi-paragraph poster from three paragraphs and on. I'm also alergic to one-liners. I prefer RPs with good character...
  12. Froste

    Any Froste's Plots

    So, these are if you're cool with my requests thread, or anything on my request thread interests you. If you haven't read it, please go read it. Request Thread: Now that that is taken care of, here are some plots for you. These are...
  13. Stephanie

    MxF Want to try some plots.

    So I am getting back into role playing and would love to start back up. I have some plots , a few are old and needed dusted off a few are new and I haven't even got to try. My limits, If it belongs in the toilet leave it there. I agree whole heartedly with the site rules, must be 18 , including...
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