Female(s) needed A Wicked Wonderland (Need a few female characters)

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Female(s) needed A Wicked Wonderland (Need a few female characters)

Alright, that's pretty good to me.
Oh my! This looks interesting! Out of curiosity;
1. Still looking for people?
2. The title states "need a few female characters", I can play one, just wanted to make sure it was necessary before committing to it.
3. Who among the following is not yet taken? March Hare, Mad Hatter, Red King, White King, Red Queen, Duchess, Blood Dupre, Absolem/Caterpillar ?

Thank you ^^
oooh this sounds interesting
is blood dupre taken ?

and how about cheshire cat ?
is someone already playing him ?
@ArsenicSoliloquist Of course, March away dear hare, March away!

@fudgecakez Ooh, hey, I just looked into it, because the second time I saw the name I was like ... oh, I don't know who that is, and the wiki says he's basically a stand-in for the mad hatter, who is already taken. As for the cheshire cat ... I'll give you oooooone guess :3
I'm just trying to figure out where to appear.
As a wild and wildly unpredictable creature, pop in whenever. That was my understanding.
Have fun. Be a lewd lascivious libidinous lethario of a character if it strikes your fancy.
Very few rules. Bandie is your baby.
We would hope so.

Looking forward to her hijinks
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