Male(s) Needed An Angel's Charge and a Demon's Prize(Closed)

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Male(s) Needed An Angel's Charge and a Demon's Prize(Closed)

I found mine

Got any specific one to use? How detailed do we want them?
How about we use this one
First Name:
Last Name:
Physical [Original Form and Human Form]:
Personality [from both forms]:
Weaknesses/ Dislikes:
Other Notes about the Character:
This is the basic character sheet. I think this would suffice. Also, if you find a song that might best describe the character, feel free to add it :D

@CalmCaster, is this alright?
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That should be fine. Think I covered most of that in my characters mini intro. Only other thing I can think to mention is that she has a very high immune system and more durable than the average human.
Sorry guys I got super busy with my brothers new baby I'll post the character sheet in the next two hours
First Name: Dorian
Last Name: Carters
Nickname: none yet
Saying: "Control yourself" to himself often, "Hey hot stuff" to Azriel, "Sup assface" to Rowan
Physical [Original Form and Human Form]: He has the hair of the human form picture in both forms.
Personality [from both forms]: Dorian had a devilishly charm that matches his devilish good looks. His face is constantly twisted into a smirk and he has an air of superiority around him. He loves to play tricks and games with humans but mentally and physically. He is very slow to anger but when he does hell fire rains down on whomever pissed him off. He can be very stubborn and protective when he has someone he cares for and is very prideful. Playful and funny with a sweet side when you get past all of the asshole layers. Take the time to peel him like an onion and you may just find a bit of sweet in him, but be careful not to get burned along the way.

Abilities: He loves all things playful so he has the ability to cast illusions, often used to pull pranks or scare people. They can been seen through if one has enough concentration and learns how to spot the subtle differences between reality and illusion. He has the ability to use glamour to appear human and hide his horns, wings, and tail but when he feels any extreme emotions his control sometimes slips a little bit. He can control hell fire as well as other elements to a lesser degree. He trains in all sorts of combat and loves sword play. He's also a really good cook and enjoys it a lot (don't tell him I told you that)

Mannerism: When he is nervous he tends to run his fingers through his hair or scratch at his wrists. He hums and sticks his tongue out when he is concentrating on something. He is claustrophobic and so will stick to the outside of a crowd or to the walls of rooms close to exits.

Weaknesses/ Dislikes: He hates crowds and small spaces. Dislikes water especially unclear deep water like a lake or the ocean. Dislikes going a long time without being able to fly/stretch his wings. He is weak to the cold, being a demon and all, as well as magical light/pure magic. Typical holy water, blessed crosses, and blessed rosaries can work if put on his skin to a lesser degree but prayer does not work.

Other Notes about the Character: He has a hidden love for his hair to be played with or someone to run their fingers through it. He also has a pet cat named Lilith

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I'm not sure why that never posted and just saved as a draft sorry!

When do we want to start?
I'm not sure why that never posted and just saved as a draft sorry!

When do we want to start?
Hrmmm. I have no idea and... gawds, the work I did to the character... all gone! I thought it was saved in draft. Both of you could start off. I have to rewrite the character sheet again
First Name: Rowaniel - From the plant Rowan meaning courage, wisdom and protection.
Last Name: Poppy - meaning Oblivion and Imagination
Nickname: Rowan
Saying: "This is not part of the plan." To Azriel : "Cover your eyes, Az. This is going to be ugly."
Physical [Original Form and Human Form]:

In case it cannot be seen
Pixilart -
Personality [from both forms]:
Rowan, in general, is cold and silent. In his occupation as a scribe in the heavens, results were of the highest priority. What he rarely does is to intervene with the dealings of man. He is there to either announce what the deal was or to watch, observe, and write down the happenings. He usually communicates with writings instead of using his voice.
As a human, he is a worry-wart. He is the one usually getting hurt from his best friend's antics. He usually uses his body to protect the girl. The humans know him as a pacifistic but when it comes to Azriel, his true characteristics are shown. If he is truly panicking, circular daggers starts to appear around him; an indication that he could not concentrate on his illusion enough.

Abilities: As a scribe, he is more in nature with runes, barriers, and alchemy. His ability to plan ahead is what makes his runes deadly. When surprised, he takes out his chakram and goes into 'ninja' mode. He could also cast illusions to deceive the eyes of common humans. He hides his runes with glamour.

Mannerism: He narrows his eyes and purses his lips when he is ready to get into a fight.

Weaknesses: There is a time window on which his surprise and reaction could be exploited. This is when his 'scribe' thinking switches to 'battle mode'. Get him frustrated and he will be useless. Do not get him angry though. He will rip you a new one if you did.

Dislikes: Unnecessary fights. Loud noises. Broken contracts/agreement/ promises [with the exception of this one]. Unfinished papers.

Other Notes about the Character:
  • When facing Dorian, his pen is already out, ready to draw a rune on whatever surface he could write on.
  • Signature way of killing in which both heaven and hell knows he did it is when the chest is ripped open and the symbol of his dagger is singed around the body.
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