Closed Cardinal Sins OOC!

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Closed Cardinal Sins OOC!


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Today 1:23 PM
The Past

"We've got them" The first of the seven gathered in the room spoke as he continued to munch away, "We've got them good." The feast spread before him and his acquaintances could easily be mistaken for a banquet feast. It wasn't, it was his lunch.

"Says you. You know full well that the negotiation-" She was suddenly very very busy eying the delicious specimen before her. No, it wasn't part of the spread, it was her own personal banquet, a delectable blue eyed, blond haired, dimple cheeked beauty with his muscled arms wrapped around an equally delectable gorgeous brown crowned green eyed angel. Of course it wasn't a true angel, no, those filthy creatures would never associate with those as high standing as themselves.

"What I know she meant to say is" the new stranger piped in throwing a glance at his distracted companion, "that the negotiations going on upstairs might not be too favorable." His voice carried confidently, he knew he was right and made sure to show that off. That was the case in most of what he said. He knew of his own perfection.

Finally snapped out of his trance by the spoken words another followed suit. His eyes though never trailed from the food laid out on the table. If they did though, they travelled towards the couple being very... animalistic in the corner of the room or his companion who had just spoken before him. He wanted food, or love, or confidence. He wanted it all and his voice, as it carried over the room expressed his want more than individual words could ever hope to do. "But the earth is our domain. What can he do? Restrict us to puny islands?"

She wanted to stand up and clamp a hand over this mouth. The wanting idiot. He'd get them all restricted to a corner somewhere in the earth. He knew as well as her that the Big Man could hear everything they said. She wanted to tell him to shut up, she wanted to tell him that he was an idiot but... too much work. After making some sort of growl of disapproval she just leaned back in her chair once again. He'd figure it out, or someone else would shush him.

"Shut up you Goddamn idiot! By Lu's hairy a**! Are you trying to get us put in a box? I hope you rot in the deepest pits of our domain with no one but the tapeworms who are feasting on your flesh to keep you company!" Of course he would be the one to shut his acquaintance up. He would never pass up a chance to do so, or anything of the sort. No, it brought him too much anger to pass it up. He loved it!

"I wouldn't mind a box... as long as I got my own one. And a lot more space than I need... and maybe a hot tub and jacuzzi with some money... a lot of money actually." Pitched in her young voice from somewhere in the background where she was playing with her pouch of gold coins.

Just then the door came flying open. It was loud, loud enough to force the one leaning back to open his eyes, loud enough for the munching and the yelling to stop. It was loud enough where the couple in the corner decided to freeze, loud enough where wanting wandering eyes were bewitched, were the confidence oozing off the man and the jingling of coins stopped. The body at the door was large, and exuded power. Though he held nothing but an unlocked padlock which he seemed to have been fiddling with, he was just as terrifying. Following the loud crash was a voice, as smooth as silk and as soft as cashmere. The voice was quiet, a large contrast to the ruckus that had just forced the room to acknowledge him.

"Which one of you seven bastards mentioned islands?" Growled out an enraged Lu, all while snapping the little padlock closed.

The Present
No one could quite place where the stories had originated from, and it was all the more dotty to believe that some batty bastard had actually believed the make believe tales; but he did. With him began the frenzied hunt for Lu's treasure. Treasure fabled to set you free of this mortal flesh you've been reincarnated into.

Who are you?

One of the Seven Deadly Sins.


Hi Darlin! Sorry that was a bit long! I hope you enjoyed the read! My name is Ambrosia, and I'll be playing as Sloth in this roleplay! It's a group story, where I'd like to have, ideally, 7 individuals to play one of the seven sins. I apologize if this stifles your creativity but I'd appreciate aspects of the sin to shine through in your characters personality (so please pick with that in mind!)

The story will follow the crew (Yep! We're all on one ship. We can have a mix match of pre-existing relationships and not) while they seek to hunt out the treasure "Lu" has hidden somewhere in the world. If you're able to find it, you can return home, to the underworld. If you can't, good luck. When your current host dies, you'll be reincarnated into the next.

This story can take place in modern times (technology and all). The posting order will be a "free for all" unless it proves inefficient. In which case, we'll switch over to an order based play style. I ask that OOC chats be minimal and (these brackets be used to show that it's OOC) if they ABSOLUTELY MUST be discussed in the Roleplay thread. I'm always willing to incorporate new ideas so feel free PM me at any time!

I'll attach a list of the remaining sins and a character skeleton sheet below. Please keep in mind that I'm looking for slightly more advanced writers, so if writing just a paragraph or two is enough to drain you and make you less interested in the story, I unfortunately don't think this is the place for you. That being said, be on the lookout for wonderful prompts that you might enjoy and that can cater to you! This site is FULL of them!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To whomever is playing the Sin of Pride, you will be Captain of the crew (for the most part). Please be prepared to help move the story forward when it lulls! :D (PS. Everyone else can help with that too!)

7 Deadly Sins:
Gluttony (Also includes drunkedness)

Character Sheet:

Reincarnation of:
Species (this does not allow anything more than a change of appearance):
Appearance and Personality:
Position in crew: (I attached a picture to help! Please be mindful of anyone else's choice already! At the moment, Whoever is "Pride= Captain, Sloth= Quarter Master)
Choice of weapon:
(Feel free to include a bio as well but I'll leave that upto you!)

Character Sheet (Example)

Name: Ambrosia Delisle
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Reincarnation of: Sloth
Species: Bani girl
Position in crew: Quartermaster (not by choice)
Choice of weapon: 2 Shield EZ .380 ACP pistols (both attached to her arm under her sleeve for easy access).

Skills: She's agile and quick once she's on her feet, especially when she slows down someone's motion through touch. She's also not a bad shot… when she feels like actually shooting that is.

Weaknesses: She rarely wants to be ON her feet. Her laziness has prevented training, forcing her to be much weaker than her brethren. She's limited to slowing down individuals/objects through touch alone (transitive properties are included). All in all, she's much more a threat with her mind than she is with anything physical.

Appearance and Personality: Ambrosia is small and delicate-featured, weighing no more than 120 lbs. and standing tall at (ears included) 5'4 feet. She's not one to stop the party when she walks in, but one look at her hazel-amber eyes and you know you want to get to know her. There are no two ways to go about describing her. She's cute; button nose, pastel pink pouty lips, wide eyes, long dusty blonde hair framing her round yet sharply cut face with two long bunny ears sat atop her head type of cute. She's often found sporting black shorts, an oversized, a pastel blue poofy hoodie and big bulky combat boots (of course, it's pastel blue and cream). Under it all, the girl is barely noticeable, but that doesn't stop her from noticing everything. She's quiet, and lazy but her one redeeming feature would have to be her observation and retention. That being said, it's nearly impossible to get anything out of her without direct questions, after all, offering up information is just too much work. She is someone who plans and thinks many steps ahead, if for naught but to allow herself to do the least amount of work. Her inherent laziness has even extended far enough to slow down her physical ageing, effectively keeping her small petite, unlike the rest of her species.



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Name: James Verrick Halfdan, The Wyvern
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Reincarnation of: Pride
Species: Human
Appearance and Personality:

James keeps a tidy appearance and dress, sometimes wearing a jacket and tie, and other times opting for a slightly more modern dress such as dress boots, jeans, infinity scarves, and excessive jewelry. Either way he constantly looks like he just stepped off the set of a Vogue photo shoot. He has an intense presence, often using his height to his advantage standing at a full 6'4" to intimidate those smaller than him. This is not to say he has any shortage of verbal manipulation either. Those taller than himself he usually undercuts by saying "What's so great about being an ogre? I'm the proper height for a man."

James loves to laugh, though admittedly this is only drawn out by dark or inappropriate humor. Because of his callous egotistical, nigh on narcissistic behavior he can be easily befriended or manipulated by simple compliments and favors. Despite this he is not easily betrayed. He constantly combs his inner circle for dips in their fealty or usefulness, culling them on a whim should the mood strike him. "I don't need any one of you, you're simply entertainment until I reclaim my throne."

This all being said, the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins can be protective of his "friends." Not out of a sense of kinship or sympathy, but rather viewing any encroach upon them as one upon himself. He treats people as playthings, but nobody may break his toys but him. It is perhaps possible for James to be rehabilitated to a more civil and empathetic being, but this would require the same attention and insight a trained therapist would provide, or similar emotional trials resulting in growth. No one has time for such a service for free, especially not for a brash, rude, egotistical demigod who's only concern is returning to his kingdom. With so many lifetimes, however, it's impossible to avoid at least one ego death, is it not?

Position in crew: Captain

Choice of weapon: A single five foot long and slightly thin long sword, styled similarly to Viking blades, with a hilt made of carved bone with a leather wrapped hilt. The metal in the blade is black, visibly ancient, with twisted faces etched into the blade. The sword grants the holder, any holder, the ability to block and cut through magical barriers, as well as magical attacks. The effect is not active on anyone not touching the blade. It is a relic bearing this small enchantment from one of Pride's previous lives. It could block a fireball, but would have no effect on illusions or mind altering attacks.

Skills: James insists he was first reincarnated as a Viking when the Sins were cast out of hell. He has claimed this since his childhood in which he was born as James Verrick Halfdan. As such he practiced the many warrior arts available to him in the modern day, them being wrestling first throughout college and high school, as well as jiu jitsu in his later years. Coupled with his lifetimes of battle experience, and a few olympic fencing lessons to get his footing back, he is able to do things with a sword considered impossible by most. Deflect bullets, cleave humans in half, or even the act of swinging his massive blade is superhuman.

While socially James is basically inept in dealing with other's feelings, he is methodical and calculated in combat or other stratagem. He will spend hours before an encounter going over scenarios in his head, and has done the same for the task of seeking out the treasure as well. As such he leads the crew without a single hesitation or misstep. He knows what he must do, he knows his pieces are equipped for the game. After all, how can Pride itself fail.

Mark of the Beast
James is the incarnation of heat. He rules the innermost ring of hell, or did rather. The mark on the left of his chest feeds him power directly from the furthest depths of hades, and grants him this boon. Heat goes both ways, he can absorb from an area turning a small space into a frigid tundra reminiscent of the void of space. Similarly, he can release this thermal energy in a three foot space anywhere in a three meter radius away from his position. Either focused on a single point or in an AOE attack. He cannot use this attack while wielding his large sword, and must have his hands free.

The drawback of this attack is it must first absorb energy from somewhere to release any. This can be in the form of sucking the heat from an area, but this first step takes one move to charge in itself. This means to use his thermal powers at all, James must first take one post to ready the attack>suck in heat, creating a pocket of cold air or flash freezing an inanimate object,>release heat attack. A three pronged attack which only does damage on the last move. The cold, however, will slow an opponent's movement.

Weaknesses: James is easily manipulated via flattery or clever distraction. He believes himself infallible. Unmatched. Whether this comes entirely from his inherent sin or his success at a young age, he won't admit his flaws without a heated argument and possible tears first. He is also a sore loser, brooding about any sleight on his character for weeks. Facing a major emotional event coupled with character change would cost him plenty of usefulness for a month or two. He is also not the quickest thinker if he has not already planned for an event, meaning the unexpected can catch him off guard with extra effectiveness.

Hi! I'm pretty new around here, and while it may seem brash for a new member to go vying for your captain's spot, I am a Leo and THUS I tell you I have a natural relationship with the sin of pride. If you don't like my character, however, I can understand if he's not what you're looking for, but I tried to go rather sinister to fit the theme. A protagonist in the way of advancing the story, but not necessarily a hero type.

I also would be glad to edit his abilities, I wasn't sure quite how exceptional we were meant to be as I'm used to roleplays with magic powers and such, and I can tell you're going for an air of believability. I just loved your starter prompt so much I had to see where the story went. His background can also be edited to fit, I wasn't sure if it was specified our characters were all born in the same place.

I also hoped you wouldn't mind the slight liberties I took with the adventure, having him be the one to gather the sins. This can be edited out, but I thought it fit his character.
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Name: James Verrick Halfdan, The Wyvern
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Reincarnation of: Pride
Species: Human
Appearance and Personality:

James keeps a tidy appearance and dress, sometimes wearing a jacket and tie, and other times opting for a slightly more modern dress such as dress boots, jeans, infinity scarves, and excessive jewelry. Either way he constantly looks like he just stepped off the set of a Vogue photo shoot. He has an intense presence, often using his height to his advantage standing at a full 6'4" to intimidate those smaller than him. This is not to say he has any shortage of verbal manipulation either. Those taller than himself he usually undercuts by saying "What's so great about being an ogre? I'm the proper height for a man."

James loves to laugh, though admittedly this is only drawn out by dark or inappropriate humor. Because of his callous egotistical, nigh on narcissistic behavior he can be easily befriended or manipulated by simple compliments and favors. Despite this he is not easily betrayed. He constantly combs his inner circle for dips in their fealty or usefulness, culling them on a whim should the mood strike him. "I don't need any one of you, you're simply entertainment until I reclaim my throne."

This all being said, the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins can be protective of his "friends." Not out of a sense of kinship or sympathy, but rather viewing any encroach upon them as one upon himself. He treats people as playthings, but nobody may break his toys but him. It is perhaps possible for James to be rehabilitated to a more civil and empathetic being, but this would require the same attention and insight a trained therapist would provide, or similar emotional trials resulting in growth. No one has time for such a service for free, especially not for a brash, rude, egotistical demigod who's only concern is returning to his kingdom. With so many lifetimes, however, it's impossible to avoid at least one ego death, is it not?

Position in crew: Captain

Choice of weapon: A single five foot long and slightly thin long sword, styled similarly to Viking blades, with a hilt made of carved bone with a leather wrapped hilt. The metal in the blade is black, visibly ancient, with twisted faces etched into the blade.

Skills: James insists he was first reincarnated as a Viking when the Sins were cast out of hell. He has claimed this since his childhood in which he was born as James Verrick Halfdan. As such he practiced the many warrior arts available to him in the modern day, them being wrestling first throughout college and high school, as well as jiu jitsu in his later years. Coupled with his lifetimes of battle experience, and a few olympic fencing lessons to get his footing back, he is able to do things with a sword considered impossible by most. Deflect bullets, cleave humans in half, or even the act of swinging his massive blade is superhuman.

While socially James is basically inept in dealing with other's feelings, he is methodical and calculated in combat or other stratagem. He will spend hours before an encounter going over scenarios in his head, and has done the same for the task of seeking out the treasure as well. As such he leads the crew without a single hesitation or misstep. He knows what he must do, he knows his pieces are equipped for the game. After all, how can Pride itself fail.

Weaknesses: James is easily manipulated via flattery or clever distraction. He believes himself infallible. Unmatched. Whether this comes entirely from his inherent sin or his success at a young age, he won't admit his flaws without a heated argument and possible tears first. He is also a sore loser, brooding about any sleight on his character for weeks. Facing a major emotional event coupled with character change would cost him plenty of usefulness for a month or two. He is also not the quickest thinker if he has not already planned for an event, meaning the unexpected can catch him off guard with extra effectiveness.

Hi! I'm pretty new around here, and while it may seem brash for a new member to go vying for your captain's spot, I am a Leo and THUS I tell you I have a natural relationship with the sin of pride. If you don't like my character, however, I can understand if he's not what you're looking for, but I tried to go rather sinister to fit the theme. A protagonist in the way of advancing the story, but not necessarily a hero type.

I also would be glad to edit his abilities, I wasn't sure quite how exceptional we were meant to be as I'm used to roleplays with magic powers and such, and I can tell you're going for an air of believability. I just loved your starter prompt so much I had to see where the story went. His background can also be edited to fit, I wasn't sure if it was specified our characters were all born in the same place.

I also hoped you wouldn't mind the slight liberties I took with the adventure, having him be the one to gather the sins. This can be edited out, but I thought it fit his character.

Ooh la la~ I like! Let's see what the others do in terms of skills (So we know whether to limit or not) but for now, it looks wonderful! Welcome to the Crew Cap'n~
Name: James Verrick Halfdan, The Wyvern
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Reincarnation of: Pride
Species: Human
If I may, I might mention your character in my own for it is too much to pass up to "play around" with the captain. No sexual pun intended. It's just fun messing around the the leader
If I may, I might mention your character in my own for it is too much to pass up to "play around" with the captain. No sexual pun intended. It's just fun messing around the the leader
I'd love for you to. He'll be such an easy target, but be wary if he catches onto the egg on his face lol
Name: Pitcher Puruntu
Derived from the plant - Pitcher Plant
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Reincarnation of: Gluttony
Species: Human/ Shaman
Appearance and Personality:
Pitcher is of an Asian decent, thus having to only reach about 5'3" in height. In terms of build, one would be surprised that this chick is the reincarnation of the very hungry sin. She is lithe, almost brittle-looking, especially since her feet were cleanly cut off. Though she does not wear any glasses, she exhumes the air of scholarly class and grace. The other thing wrong on her face are the stitched across her cheeks linking to her mouth, the one that that shows the world of her real self. She could open her jaw like that of a dog [or Katakuri Charlotte from One Piece]. This has her wearing a face mask if she is outside of the ship.

The thirst and hunger from this person not only directs to material things. Pitcher, as she is currently known, is also thirsty for knowledge and hungry for experiments. This had her to experiment on her own body and basically had her feet amputated because of it [and also because she was hungry]. And now that she is this condition, used them to her advantage. This disability of hers have been used in so many scenarios in which they took pity on her and gave her release. And for some odd reason, Pride, her current captain, is the first one to actually see through her ruse.

Her room is a cacophony of papers, scrolls, books and glass jars. With most of her experiments being thrown out by Pride, Pitcher could only mourn her captured creatures and experiments. And with her experiments gone, she would most likely be using the other crew members as her live guinea pigs. Even the captain himself would become her victim for as long as he does not notice and knows that his screw-up was because of his own decisions.

Pitcher is quite playful, joking around with most crew and noting the ups and downs of each one. She is basically some sort of an older sister if she wants to but would also knock heads if need be. Another is that she is quite fascinated with the skills of the crew, usually letting them use their skill on herself before recording and looking for the strengths and weaknesses.

Position in crew: Sea Artist/ Navigator
Choice of weapon: Feet Blades [See attached spoiler] and a black book of spells, blackmails, and whatnot
A formidable practitioner of the arts of magic and alchemy, Pitcher is well versed with the ancient rituals and history to know how to navigate the seas and most of the recorded lands.

With her big appetite, most of their journey would have them hunting for very large game. And she gets away with this because, in return to parsing her hunger, she would advice the crew to actual treasure and more game. Not only finding treasure, she also makes sure to give the praise to the captain so that she is given leeway for more experiments and researches. Could also help in the kitchen and whip up the most appetizing and questionable dishes one could not distinguish. If ever one of the crewmates see her making her way into the kitchen with a jar, she is banned to actually cook for that meal. "Because of morals they said. You are all part of the Deadly Sins and you need morals? It meat! Human meat to be precise but still meat!"

Another advantage is that, even with no feet, she is agile [when using her feet blades] and would have left the battlefield before any major fights broke through. In terms of the people she was with, this would be one less person to actually guard or protect.

Though known for her dangerous magic, she could not kill anyone with them. Not only that but she could only create about 5 major spells in a week. More than that and she loses her consciousness and would be a dead-weight in battle. Most of the time, she avoids confrontations because of her weak body and would basically be snapped in two quite easily. She also has low stamina and thus really useless for fighting unless she is very far away and could use magic.

When stressed, Pitcher usually starts munching on sweets and would drink anyone under the table. She would actually argue and look for a fight when she is hungry and would use the most devastating thing if her food is not on the table within an hour.

How Pitcher met Pride:
Pitcher is already renewed for her researches and way of sniffing out relics and treasure. Pride had barged in the room as she was finishing up her writings only to be lifted off her chair and was declared part of the crew without much of a word. This had Pitcher a bit connected with Pride, helping him where he lacks judgment even without her telling him he is wrong and all that. Though Pride only thinks of her a a means to an end, Pitcher thinks of him as a relative but would easily throw him under the bus to save her own skin if need be.

Thoughts of actually looking for a way to break them their mortal curse:
Pitcher, at first, will not be very keen on actually getting the said treasure. This being said, she gets the crew to islands to delay their search. Being mortal has its perks, especially that of the mind. How can she unlock the full potential of the said organ if she got back to her original form? That is until she realized that she needed her full power to get what she wanted.

Like what is stated above, I could change whatever bothers you.
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Could I reserve lust? I have a "devilish" idea for him.
Name: Wade Johnson

Age: looks to be in his late thirties (actually 645)

Gender: Male
Reincarnation of: Lust
Species: Demon of the incubus variety
Appearance and Personality:

Wade is a relaxed man who is known to be aloof and teasing of all. He has no real preference on who he lusts after just that they lust after something. He is drawn to those who have deep feelings or obsessions because at the core its all lust. The deeper the obsession the faster his claws dig in to make you his. But despite his craving for someone's lust and his carefree ways, he is loyal to those who have his trust. But those who think they are better than others tend to piss him off even if they tend to be the most filling meals.

Position on crew: first mate (because of sloth)

Skills and powers:
Lust can be persuasive and tricky in his pursuits. His magics have to do with the mind and heart. He can make almost anyone lust after him as if they were in love with him. The more they lust for something the easier it is for him to get entangled with them. Along with his gifted tounge he is quite good with his hands. Be it a brawl, with a sword or with guns he he will be the first to strike. Though he can use anything to fight do to his well muscled body he prefers pistols and his cane sword.

Even with his powers being due to and from the very nature of lust. He has never found something he himself loves or lusts after. His lust always comes from others which is part of the reason he doesn't like people who think they are better than others. His lust changes by what someone else's lust is. So people who have lots of pride in themselves make him pride himself. Its hard to pride himself when he is the person he likes the least. The other big weakness he has is that he can't charm or get someone to lust after him if they themselves are in love or have had true love. They are his forbidden fruit they he can only taste. If he had something himself to lust after it would be to be able to actually love.

Wade from the beginning was the best when it came to seductively bagging a client. But being an incubus does help. He spent his days being flown, driven, or snuck to a different person's bedroom day in and day out. Using his skills both as a demon and as the Sin of Lust he gained money and knowledge on his clients. The dirt and blackmail he has could crumble a few companies and ruin many, many marriages of powerful government leaders. One day a client had a peculiar woman in a cage and he found a kindred spirt by the name of Ambrosia the Sin of Sloth. Taking her as his payment even though he was already paid he freed the girl and took her on his escapades but no one was ever allowed to touch her. Those who tried especially against her will woke up the next day, if they woke up at all.
I'm interested in joining this RP. Is it fine to have Wrath reserved?
I am interested. May I reserve Greed?
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Name: Priscilla "Scilla" Waand.
Age: 31 in Human Years.
Gender: Male-to-Female Transgender.
Reincarnation of: Carpenter.
Species: Fae.
Appearance and Personality: Given she is the reincarnation of Greed, Scilla is quite a hoarder and loves her materialistic possessions. In-fact, her private quarters are quite lavish though she is in charge of the ships' well-being. She knows the nook and crannies of the ship and is quite an intelligent woman to boot with quite an ethereal appearance to boot. This is because she is a fairy. She is also mischievous, but only since she enjoys having fun. She is 5'9" (175 centimeters), and weighs 165 lbs. (75 kilograms).
Position in the crew: Contractor.
Choice of weapon: Naturally she must have a lavish weapon, and that is a ranged sort. Though she has a whip sword, she prefers to use her hallucinogenic needles imbued from her own magical abilities.
Skills: She is able to cause hallucinations, and is quite dexterous and slender. She is well known to be able to slip into the cracks. She is also an excellent negotiator and knows contracting quite well, which pairs wonderfully with her hands-on skills.
Weaknesses: She'll do next to anything... for a price. She is also highly a perfectionist, and is, of course, a hoarder. What's hers is hers, as well, and she is quite possessive over her possessions. If anyone knew where she hid her valuables... she might have to take care of them. Do not expect her to do much of anything without payment, as well, as she is not an altruistic soul. In order to achieve her hallucinogenic effects, one must be exposed to her fairy dust. It might be recognizable as it dimly glows.
Biography: Scilla comes from the prestigious Waand family. They're known to be skilled architects, carpenters & contractors. Mostly because the Fae, themselves, are quite materialistic. However, Scilla had always had the most peculiar taste out of her family. This is why she has most recently joined Halfdan's crew and oversee the construction of his ship. Oh, and of course he offered handsome payment. As Scilla loves to say, "girls love diamonds."
Acquaintances: She only is familiar with Halfdan, and has not met the rest of his crew. This will be her first time meeting them.

This is my idea for Greed. Of-course, only with your approval. :)


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Name: Priscilla "Scilla" Waand.
Age: 31 in Human Years.
Gender: Male-to-Female Transgender.
Reincarnation of: Greed
Species: Fae.
Appearance and Personality: Given she is the reincarnation of Greed, Scilla is quite a hoarder and loves her materialistic possessions. In-fact, her private quarters are quite lavish though she is in charge of the ships' well-being. She knows the nook and crannies of the ship and is quite an intelligent woman sporting quite an ethereal appearance to boot. This is because she is a fairy. She is also mischievous, but only since she enjoys having fun. She is 5'9" (175 centimeters), and weighs 165 lbs. (75 kilograms).
Position in the crew: Contractor.
Choice of weapon: Naturally she must have a lavish weapon, and that is a ranged sort. Though she has a whip sword, she prefers to use her hallucinogenic needles imbued from her own magical abilities.
Skills: She is able to cause hallucinations, and is quite dexterous and slender. She is well known to be able to slip into the cracks. She is also an excellent negotiator and knows contracting quite well, which pairs wonderfully with her hands-on skills.
Weaknesses: She'll do next to anything... for a price. She is also highly a perfectionist, and is, of course, a hoarder. What's hers is hers, as well, and she is quite possessive over her possessions. If anyone knew where she hid her valuables... she might have to take care of them. Do not expect her to do much of anything without payment, as well, as she is not an altruistic soul.
Biography: Scilla comes from the prestigious Waand family. They're known to be skilled architects, carpenters & contractors. Mostly because the Fae, themselves, are quite materialistic. However, Scilla had always had the most peculiar taste out of her family. This is why she has most recently joined Halfdan's crew and oversee the construction of his ship. Oh, and of course he offered handsome payment. As Scilla loves to say, "girls love diamonds."
Acquaintances: She only is familiar with Halfdan, and has not met the rest of his crew. This will be her first time meeting them.

This is my idea for Greed. Of-course, only with your approval. :)
Oooh la la! I like!! I did do a small correction or two in the actual post. I do as that there be a good weakness to counter the "hallucinations". Perhaps a set of requirements that need to be met or something of the sort? Otherwise, you're all set!
Hi y'all! So as far as the roleplay goes, we've got almost everyone!! That being said, would you prefer to wait for an "Envy" to show up or incorporate them sometime during the story after we start? :3

Also, please make final edits to your characters before I save them! Whether that be skills, powers, weaknesses or anything!
Sure! Perhaps she has to sprinkle her dust on'em. As a fae, I imagine she can use fairy dust. How does that sound?
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