Both Needed DC Fan Fanfic?

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Both Needed DC Fan Fanfic?


Big Dryad Energy
Staff member
Space Ranger
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 2:28 AM
Deep In The Forest
Would anyone be interested in assembling a DC heroes group? I used to write Starfire on an old site, and I'd love to pick up with a new DC group, if anyone is interested.

There's another request thread out there that mentions interest in a Spidey x OP RP.
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Sounds interesting. Working on an OC that uses a Lantern Ring. Not sure which colour yet. Tossing up Red and Green.
Or both...
hear me out. It has happened in the comics. Hal Jordan wielded both a red lantern and a green lantern. It was dubbed the Christmas Lantern.
That's actually what is was called in the comics.
Omg, that's fantastic. "Ho-ho-ho... Jackass." XD

Which comic is that? I need to add it to my list of ones to read.
Perfect. I need to find a place to read it online.
What a roster it looks like it's gonna be. Think of all the hard light constructs. Massive scissors, paper, rock.
And the combined angst... Not to mention doctor light could kill everyone :p

I also like the idea of a project CADMUS character, a half kryptonian girl, just on the topic of characters rendered useless by doctor light.
Do we want to throw together a band of light-wielders? :eek:
You could do Light and Darkness. I could play the descendent of Richard Swift, the Shade.


Or a new Obsidian.

For heroes and villains, cities are usually the most interesting and dynamic settings, in my experience.
I would! :D
As long as it fits with everyone else's plans and desires.
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