All Divine University (A Reawakening of the gods)

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All Divine University (A Reawakening of the gods)

Storm Crow

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The depths of futility
There are 3 main religions of the world: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. There are others but these are the biggest.

And yet in eras before their prominence, there were many, many, pagan religions. With many, many, gods. Over 18,000 gods in fact.

Where have they all gone since the "big 3" supplanted nearly all of them? Easy. They went extinct. Fortunately a great deal of those religions held the idea of reincarnation as a fact. And the ones that didn't? Well it's happened anyway so lucky them.

There is a college where these reborn gods, by some strange twist of fate, all happen to be attending. Most are students, some are staff. The gods in attendance are all in varying states of their re-awakening.

So which gods are getting the spotlight? Loki? Hekate? Zeus? Maybe Ra and The Morrigan? That is up to you dear reader.

But this thread is to see who is interested. So, you in?
You got yourself a Hekate, the goddess of Magick, witchcraft, the night, the moon, spirits, crossroads, necromancy & SOO much more.


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Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Madness. party! Party! PARTY!

Durga, the supreme Hindu Goddess of War. I'm guessing women's decathlon scholarship, maybe?
The following is a template of how your character profile should read and look. Feel free to modify as you would like but I really like the idea of an introduction being done like your character is speaking to the reader.

You. You would know my name? If only you recognized the absurdity of such a question.

What are the names of the grains of sand you'll find upon the beach? The names of the trees within the forest?

Have you even looked upon those trees? Have you seen where their roots go? I am as far beyond such things as you are over the ants you think nothing of.

And yet, names have meaning. Names are how we can start to get a handle upon things beyond our understanding.

Very well, I shall humor you and tell you my names. Yes, my names. For I have many.
As many names as there are ways to die.


I told you I would tell you my names. For this is what I am called:
Graybeard is my name, I rarely lie about that.

I am called Vegtam: Wanderer or Road Traveller. I am Geirs Drotinn: Spear Shaker. Herteitr: Battle Glad

I am called Báleygr: Fiery Eyed when one needs a piercing stare through the dark.

Fjölnir: Many Forms. When one wishes to tap into my magic. Others have called me Bolverkr: Evil doer.

Grimnir: Masked One. When asked to conceal ones movements. I was there when the world was formed,
I was born in the gaping abyss, when there was nothing but the ice and fire.
It was I who tore that giant Ymir asunder. The earth created by his flesh, the oceans from his blood.
I was there when the gods made hills from his bones and trees from his hairs.
The sky dome is that giant's skull and from his brain we shaped the dark clouds.
I was the Third of Three when Ask and Embla were carved from driftwood. Bestowing upon them the gift of breath.

I was with Fjolvar for five years on the island called Algron, We were waging war, killing warriors, proving ourselves and sampling the local ladies.

I am the Hooded One, Havi when my advice to humankind is spoken of.


Would you still know more?
Válföðr: Father of the slain.
Sváfnir: Sleep Giver

Hrafnaguð: Raven god

I am the keeper of the slain, the wanderer, the wise, the wand-bearer, I have as many names as the winds.
My ravens are Huginn and Muninn,
My wolves are Geri and Freki.
I am the gallows god for I know that I hung on a wind-battered tree for nine long nights.
Pierced by a spear, and given to Óðinn,
Myself to myself on that tree whose roots grow in a place no one has ever seen.

I was called Allfather. Anganfriggjar: Frigg's Joy. And Óðr: Beloved.

Know my name and know who you look upon:

I am Óðinn.

And I no longer remember my name. For I was born upon Midgard, what you call Earth as a mortal. I do not know why I left my parents for a life as a vagabond. I can no longer recall their touch. Their words of encouragement even. Their love was strong, but my will to leave was stronger. I grew close to my uncle for within his words were wisdom I could live by.

I can no longer recall why, at the age of 23, my beard became grey. I do not know why my eyes have 20/20 vision yet I can't seem to see the path in front of me.
Nor can I recall why I seem to relentlessly seek to learn. I can't tell just why no food will ever satisfy nor any drink will ever slake my thirst.

I could be a teacher, but I no longer recall my knowledge. So I am a student seeking to learn.

My name is now simply Havi. Yet I cannot say why except that it is a name I feel I will one day earn.​
@Storm Crow
Not exactly a simple template, eh?
I think I can manage such a style.
BTW, is it okay for me to play Durga as well?
@Storm Crow
Not exactly a simple template, eh?
I think I can manage such a style.
BTW, is it okay for me to play Durga as well?
You can have Durga as well.

I would hope for everyone to use actual faceclaims with their characters. And tell a story with your profile. The idea for such a template is not to make it complicated. But to challenge everyone to do more? Oh yes.

I'm very passionate about the project and I hope everyone else is too. So take that time. Apply that extra coat of polish to make your characters sizzle.
"Who are you?" you ask me.

Better to ask me, "What are you?"

I am a woman and I have never ever been a girl, as my fathers were my mother and they had no time for me to have a childhood.

Durga F.jpg

I create beyond the Incarnation of Creation.
I endure more than the Incarnation of Preservation.
I destroy what the Incarnation of Destruction cannot.

Think not that cleverness will forestall death.
Think not that I am weak because I am a woman.
Think not that I will be frightened by disguises.
Think not that I will be defeated or escaped from.

Only the Destroyer can hope to penetrate me.

From me comes wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility, prosperity, knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, learning, beginnings, protection, gates, keys, war and meaninglessness.

Durga G.jpg

With my arms I protect the innocent and wrongfully persecuted that call me mother.
They also call me many other things, some things truthful and some things that they imagine me to be, out of respect.

I have been called Brahmacharini 'The Youthful Maiden', Tanisi 'The Most Beautiful and Auspicious Bodied One' and Sadhika 'The Most Proficient One'.
I have been called Shaila, 'The One Residing in the Mountains', Sasi Shekari 'One Who Wears the Crescent Moon' and Simhavahini 'The One Who is Mounted on a Lion'.
I have been called Saumyaa 'The Peaceful and Gentle One', Nirbhaya 'The Fearless One' and Jaya 'The Victorious Conqueror'.

Most know me as Durga, 'The Invincible One'.

Durga D.jpg

I have been, or have been thought to have been, all of these. I am now called Shyama 'The Dark Complexioned One' and my current existence is new to me.​

Faceclaim is Bhumika Arora
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Ohh. We have to use real face claims instead of digital ones?
Ohh. We have to use real face claims instead of digital ones?
Storm Crow said, "I hope...', and he did use a black and white drawing for his last picture, so if your digital face claim looks sufficiently real then I have no problem with it.
Ohh. We have to use real face claims instead of digital ones?
@Double Plus Ungood Very well done post! Any doubts I might have had are erased. You understood the assignment.

@Pyx At least one or two faceclaims would be good. I don't know of any actual pictures of any of the gods so we'll have to make do with whatever we have. But a faceclaim for the character would be good to go off of I think.
Hey, hey. I actually have to withdraw my interest. Personal life is becoming a bit hectic, and I don't want to overload myself. Your idea is grande, though; and I wish you the best of luck!
Other projects demanded my time today. I'll try to work on Dionysus tomorrow and maybe get the character done tomorrow night or Sunday.
Hair of the dog that bit you? That's madness and I fully support it.
At least if you're talking about wine. Ah…, wine.

That ancient Roman, Pliny the Elder said, "In vino veritas".
In wine there is truth.
Robert Ingersol wrote, "… if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power."
Wine is simpler and less dangerous than power in the long run, I think.

Dionysus C.jpg

There is also freedom in wine, a kind of liberation through libation.
Wine frees from pain, frees from fears, frees desire to frolic, frees consciousness to dream in a state of wakefulness or in a state of sleep.
And then there is madness.
The ekstasis, to stand outside oneself through wine, song and dance.
The divine madness looks at things through the veils of death, life and time to discover both lies and epiphanies.

Dionysus D.jpg

The Jesus is not the only one to have died and risen.
Not the only one to have been murdered and then returned to the world.
"Who else is there?" you ask.
That would be me:
The Dimoter (born of a father and two mothers),
Bromios (the roar of thunder)
Enorches (with balls),
Mystes (of the mysteries),
Eleutherios (the liberator),
Lenaius (god of the wine-press),
Acratophorus (giver of unmixed wine).

Do you get the picture?
Wine? Madness? Dionysus?

Dionysus B.jpeg

That seems a bit 'high profile', I suppose.
Call me "Oeneus" ( Ee-nefs ).
A last name?
How about "Theós"?
Oeneus Theós.

Face Claim = Alex Kavvadias
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Who am I? What a question to behold. My name alone awakens the souls of many. If only you knew who was truly standing before you.

I am the star walker reigning over the night from above, yet I'm also the one who wanders the night to rescue lost souls, while bringing vengeance to those who defile my beloveds.

I am the dark mother who offers respite to the weary & the banisher of evil. My history is the history of women, especially those of us who are deemed witches. For some of us, we truly are, but many of the women persecuted were not. They were simply independent, unruly outlaws of their times.

I am the mystery of the unseen world. I appear differently to everyone. I am often the veiled one, obscuring my power, calling you forward to reveal your own.

I am the weaver of time on which we tread, I create all, including time & our fates. I have governance over the fates, who are part of my horde.


I am the keeper of the keys of wisdom & transformation, the mediator between mortals & the deeper world.

I represent the power of transformation, the ability to shape shift & the seasonal progression.

The New Moon has been sacred to me since ancient times. On this night sacred rites are performed in my honor. The Moon is very much under my domain. The moon's deep association with women & witchcraft & the goddesses, further illustrates the complexities of my vast powers.


Look within the flames that burn bright, that burn hot & you'll look upon my face & feel my power that illuminates the way through the darkness of the underworld.

Listen to your souls & you'll find me at the crossroads holding the keys to the very Magick of the universe.

Who am I? I am the soul of the world. I am the torch bearing Goddess of the underworld.

I am the dark Mother, the mother of witches! I am the Goddess of witchcraft, magick & the underworld! I am the goddess of boundaries, transitions & the crossroads. I am the goddess of the new moon, necromancy, & spirits.

I am the triple goddess, I am Triformis (Three Formed) & Trimorphis (Three Morphed.) I represent the three visible phases of the moon.

My witches are my chosen ones! They return to me for I am the immovable yet always evolving soul of the witch. There is no separation between myself & my kin. I am certainly not a goddess for everyone. My witches know who they are. Their awakening is now. Remember who you are.


I am Hekate.

Although I fail to remember who I am.

I was born inside the prestigious halls of the Perses & Asteria, as a second-generation Titan goddess. I was the only Titan to retain my control under Zeus's reign. My powers transcended the boundaries of the sky, the earth, the seas, & the underworld.

I am a liminal goddess who can cross from the underworld to the physical world with ease. My liminality stemmed from my parentage & mythology, where I was able to move between my position as a Titan & a goddess.

I possessed extensive powers, which were later assimilated by other deities. I could bestow wealth & blessings beyond your imagination, yet I could also withhold these gifts if I was not adequately honored. Yes… My powers are many & great!

I feel this surge of power coursing through my veins, through my body. Spectacular things happen & I don't understand why, or even how. I don't quite feel like one person lives within this body as my thoughts aren't always my own, or at least that's the way it feels. The voices… Oh the voices.

My memory betrays me as I have no idea how & when I got here. I do however remember the feeling of longing & wishing, longing to know what it felt like to live a mundane life. I guess my wish was granted because here I sit.

Here I sit… 22 years old, In this mundane apartment with my 2 dogs Hades & Luna by my side, near my mundane college campus where I study Parapsychology & Spiritual psychology.

I am now called Calista Erebus Thea, but most mortals just call me Callie.

There's a deeper meaning behind my name, I know it. I feel it every time my heart beats.
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