All Divine University (A Reawakening of the gods)

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All Divine University (A Reawakening of the gods)

LOL, now I feel a bit petty. Let me ask you, TravelingScribe, how would you keep them distinct in this story?
Honestly, it would be easier to make a new one. Granted, Kali and Durga are different in a few ways. 1) Durga is a radiant warrior goddess and Kali is a bloodthirsty monster goddess. 2) Durga and Kali are both associated with the Hindu god Shiva. The two goddesses play different roles with Shiva and affect him in different ways. 3) Durga maintains the balance of the cosmos while Kali destroys the balance. So, Kali would be more of a chaotic character like a mean girl of sorts, though I do recognize that they're essentially 2 sides of the same coin in a way. However, I agree that they may be too close and I don't want there to be any issue. There are numerous other ones to choose from, so I'll work on that and have something up in a bit.

You. You seek the essence of eternal youth? The very thought is a dance with the timeless, a quest for the evergreen.

What are the names of the blossoms that never wither? The names of the springs that never run dry?

Have you ever tasted the sweetness of an ageless moment, felt the gentle touch of a never-ending dawn? I am as fresh as the first dewdrop, as radiant as the morning sun.

Yet, names... names are the songs of the soul, the echoes of ancient tales.

Let the winds of the North carry my story to you. I shall share my titles, for I am the keeper of life's most coveted secret.


Hear, then, the names that have been whispered with hope and longing:

I am Idunn, the Keeper of the Golden Apples, the guardian of the gods' youth.

I am called Iduna: The Rejuvenator. I am Ever Young, the beacon of hope in the heart of winter.

When the gods seek renewal, they come to me, for it is my orchard that holds the secret to eternal youth.

I am the promise of spring in the heart of winter, the spark of life in the depth of darkness.

From the heart of Asgard, I emerged, a beacon of hope, a promise of renewal.

I am the guardian of the sacred fruit, the keeper of the elixir of life.


Do you yearn for more?

I am Lifgiver: The Bringer of Vitality.

Ydun: The Refreshing One, the touch of youth in the heart of the old.

I am the melody of life, the joy in every heartbeat, the promise in every new dawn.

In the laughter of children, in the bloom of flowers, in the hope of every new beginning...

I am, and forever shall be, Idunn.

My heads a little hazy and my memories are all scattered, but you can call me Ester, for now


You. You wish to touch the essence of creation and destruction? Such a desire is a dance with the flames, a communion with the forge.
What are the names of the fires that never extinguish? The names of the anvils that have borne the weight of civilizations?
Have you ever felt the heat of creation, witnessed the birth of artistry from raw elements? I am as fierce as the heart of a volcano, as meticulous as the hands that shape destiny.
Yet, names... names are the sparks of legends, the tales forged in the crucibles of time.
Let the embers of history share my story with you. I shall unveil my titles, for I am the master of the forge, the guardian of the flame.


Hear, then, the names that have been chanted in workshops and temples:
I am Vulcan, the God of Fire and Forge, the artisan of the gods.
I am called Mulciber: The Smelter, for it is my flames that purify, my fires that transform.
When mortals seek the blessings of craftsmanship, they invoke me, the god of metallurgy, the protector of blacksmiths.
I am the passion of the flame, the precision of the hammer's fall, the artistry of molten metal taking form.
From the heart of Rome, I emerged, a deity of creation and transformation, a god of innovation.
I am the guardian of the sacred forge, the keeper of the eternal flame.


Do you yearn for deeper revelations?
I am Hephaestus, my Greek counterpart, the mastermind behind wonders and marvels.
Festus: The Joyful, for in creation there is joy, in artistry there is celebration.
I am the spirit in every crafted artifact, the soul in every masterpiece, the innovation in every invention.
In the glow of the furnace, in the rhythm of the hammer, in the birth of every creation...
But, for now, Darren works just fine.
@TravelingScribe My jaw dropped. Idunn and Vulcan/Hephaestus are in great hands.

Ok group, I have a question or two I would like to pose:

Firstly this thread might be my idea but it is you, the members who get to bring it to life. That is a great honor that you all believe in this enough to join up. So I mean this: Thank you.

This site is 18+ and my writing tends to go in that direction however I want input on how we deal with smexy time events. I plan to definitely explore adult themes including violence, drugs/alcohol, sex, etc. Most of that is standard fare in writing but for the sex.

Sex, if we choose to show it, should not take away from the story. I think 70-80% story to 30-20% smut might even be generous. We're here to show gods reawakening. Nudity can serve the story well if done creatively. But they're also a bunch of college students with hormones.

So, should we include a dash of smexy stuff limited to 1 or two posts (maximum) or should we instead do a "lights out/fade to black" kinda element. Enough so that readers get the idea?
@TravelingScribe My jaw dropped. Idunn and Vulcan/Hephaestus are in great hands.

Ok group, I have a question or two I would like to pose:

Firstly this thread might be my idea but it is you, the members who get to bring it to life. That is a great honor that you all believe in this enough to join up. So I mean this: Thank you.

This site is 18+ and my writing tends to go in that direction however I want input on how we deal with smexy time events. I plan to definitely explore adult themes including violence, drugs/alcohol, sex, etc. Most of that is standard fare in writing but for the sex.

Sex, if we choose to show it, should not take away from the story. I think 70-80% story to 30-20% smut might even be generous. We're here to show gods reawakening. Nudity can serve the story well if done creatively. But they're also a bunch of college students with hormones.

So, should we include a dash of smexy stuff limited to 1 or two posts (maximum) or should we instead do a "lights out/fade to black" kinda element. Enough so that readers get the idea?
I thank you for the awesome story plot/idea @Storm Crow! I just really truly love the idea of it…

SOO… My thoughts on this would be (& again this is just my opinion) that we're dealing with college students who aren't just finding themselves in the sense of a "normal" college student, but they're reawakening at some point as gods/goddesses. They're, I'm sure, going to have a lot going on, more than the average every day student. The more depth the better… I think that including sex, violence, drugs/alcohol, nudity, experimenting & all that good stuff is only logical. I take no issues with the smexy stuff, whether it be limited posts or freely written or lights out/fade to black. I agree that the stories shouldn't be all about smexy stuff, but there's nothing wrong with some spicey spice… I would love the chance to creatively flow with my character when the time comes. I'm up for whatever the group agrees on…
@Storm Crow , your welcome.

I have no problem with your story-to-smut ratio...,
well that is a more than decent percentage of smut.
I might bump it down with Durga and bump it up with Dionysus....
Nudity doesn't bother me.

So, I'm interested in what is happening that these gods are reawakening in these new mortal(?) vessels.
Is the world in some new danger?
Some pesky angel or archangel starting yet another Christian membership drive?
Are they reawakening simply to enjoy their new lives (This Is How The Gods Party!) or maybe look far a meaning of some kind...?
In the interest of not having writers passed around like party favors, sex should stick to our characters with NPC's (non-playable characters). That said I do value writers interacting. Collaborative role plays where two or more writers make a singular post where their characters interact.

Interact as in, a drinking game, go on a date, talk, or whatever.

@Double Plus Ungood

My original idea for the villain is meta critique about the overall takeover monotheistic religion has accomplished. Monotheism has driven polytheism underground or very nearly eradicated it altogether.

The villain being Yahweh himself. Think of how Christianity has invaded polytheistic lands and forced conversion of its people or killed them for being pagans. The same can be said for Allah and the ongoing struggles between Hinduism and Islam.

But adding all of that would be a bit much. I'm more knowledgeable on the Christian terrorism inflicted upon European peoples anyway. Yahweh would have his own personal goon squad with Archangels and such trying to again suppress or destroy other gods.

No other gods was his number 1 commandment funny enough. So we'll have religious extremists/fundamentalists and Yahweh himself pushing to end our characters in anyway that he can.

Just imagine one of our characters at first being a part of an Abrahamic religion only to break from it and come into their own? How meta would that kind of story be?!
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In the interest of not having writers passed around like party favors, sex should stick to our characters with NPC's (non-playable characters). That said I do value writers interacting. Collaborative role plays where two or more writers make a singular post where their characters interact.

Interact as in, a drinking game, go on a date, talk, or whatever.

@Double Plus Ungood

My original idea for the villain is meta critique about the overall takeover monotheistic religion has accomplished. Monotheism has driven polytheism underground or very nearly eradicated it altogether.

The villain being Yahweh himself. Think of how Christianity has invaded polytheistic lands and forced conversion of its people or killed them for being pagans. The same can be said for Allah and the ongoing struggles between Hinduism and Islam.

But adding all of that would be a bit much. I'm more knowledgeable on the Christian terrorism inflicted upon European peoples anyway. Yahweh would have his own personal goon squad with Archangels and such trying to again suppress or destroy other gods.

No other gods was his number 1 commandment funny enough. So we'll have religious extremists/fundamentalists and Yahweh himself pushing to end our characters in anyway that he can.

Just imagine one of our characters at first being a part of an Abrahamic religion only to break from it and come into their own? How meta would that kind of story be?!
As the Greeks at one time had settlements and cities, due to Alexander the Great, in what is modern Israel and there was the Maccabean Revolt (167-160 BCE). Then, after that was the Roman Empire and Christianity. So, I could imagine Dionysus, in this life awakening in the body of someone raised Jewish or Christian.

ROFLMFAO, Seeing Durga cast off Islam might make Allah shit a brick, or at least some of His more backward barbarian followers. I might also imagine her standing strong between a male Muslim and a woman that he had felt insulted him.

I'm imagining some kind of world event? The stars and planets in position (not necessarily in a straight line, lol). OMG, the destruction of Rome, Jerusalem, an Mecca by Atheists !?!?!?

On a smaller scale, maybe a museum trip with ancient artifacts calling to the characters awakening the characters to their identities?
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However your character is awakened is up to you. I have more of a process of things that awaken Hrafnaguð (Raven god).

That said, I have 3 NPC's that are fully awakened. They will have quite a reputation, and will likely do and say things to our characters to get them to wake up.

They are the 3 Norns. To the Greeks they were called the 3 Fates. Isn't it interesting how both the Norse and Greeks agree there are 3 women spinning the gates of everyone?

Anyway, here's their faceclaim:


All credit to the movie The Craft.
I'm starting to write Durga's awakening. Shall we call it "Late Summer/Late August" with the university classes just starting? Still warm but not oppresively hot?
One more thing..., which Norn is which(witch?)? Is it left to right: Urd, Verthandi and Skuld?
Morning, Storm Crow.
Hoping that you liked my first draft.
You working on the opening post?
Yes, kinda had a busy week and weekend. Apologies for the delay.

@Double Plus Ungood your post was well done! This week the thread will be launching so get the word out.

Also side characters are not only encouraged but are unlimited. Meaning if you should need 2, make up 2. If for some strange reason you need 90, go for it. Anything to help tell the story.
Well, it's good that Shyama has Inaya already, now I can piss off Allah by taking away one of his virgins..

I still need to think about Dionysus' awakening.... LOL, Dionysis gets a group of cultist women for his chief priestesses, the Maenads, or Bacchantes (Roman)!
Before I post my character intro, anyone opposed to me using Danny Phantom as my face claim lmao

This guy ⬇️
Before I post my character intro, anyone opposed to me using Danny Phantom as my face claim lmao
Do you have a live-action Danny Phantom to face-Claim?
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