Either Needed Dragon Age Rp![More Needed!]

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Either Needed Dragon Age Rp![More Needed!]


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Today 4:19 AM
I have tons of ideas for a few rp's I would love to run. For all of them I would prefer around 3-5 people for as I think it would make it the most interesting in each case. The ideas I have are gonna be listed down below. Just let me know which ones you are interested in and we can set up the most popular of them!

1. A tale set in the world of dragon age during any era of game or in a fresh idea we make ourselves.

2. In the world of Eragon after Eragon sets out to the far island. We are the new race of Dragon Riders.

3. I think it would be cool to do an rp based off the elder scrolls series. Lots of choices and places to discover and things to do.

4. Last would be an rp based off Fable. During the first period of the game where the guild is still intact far before the fall. A new world that has us follow a different storyline with memorable characters from the game.
Yes hello someone said Dragon Age? lol
I come running whenever anyone says Dragon Age. I'm in!
Little late to the game… huge fan of Dragon Age here. If you're looking for partners for this in the future, I'm interested in playing a circle mage (but flexible). Also a Fable ll fan.
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D-dragon age.
Little late to the game… huge fan of Dragon Age here. If you're looking for partners for this in the future, I'm interested in playing a circle mage (but flexible). Also a Fable ll fan.
Still be interested in some dragon age?
I think one more would be ideal, but we could definitely do this with 3 people as well.
@Annix @Fenn Since you guys are interested, we can definitely try to work out some ideas on what era we want to be in as well.
I'm personally a fan of RPing the Inquisition setting, even though it is often people's least favorite game. The concept of an army being formed gives a lot of options as to why different characters are being introduced to the story, as well as a timeline and plot for them to follow and react to. It would be AU, obviously, since I'm sure we would want some if not all to be directly involved with the large events of the game. This can also give a lot of insight to mage / templar interactions.

Origins is also fun but that is also a little more narrow? There is grey wardens and then everyone else trying to survive the blight.

A new story altogether might be the best if we want a lot of freedom and creativity for what our characters go through.

There is my two-cents to start with.
I'd be interested in a group! As long as y'all can bear with me for a few weeks while I get moved a few states away.

But also ummm who says Inquisition is their least fave game? Cuz I will fight a bitch 😂😂 I like Inquisition but it could be fun to pick an Age other than Dragon and set up a whole new story from there. At any rate, I'd like to do it! I can always relay if I need some extra time to post and you guys could skip a turn of mine or something
I was thinking of either Inquisition or a new era itself. I don't personally like running into game characters because I have such a bad time of role-playing how I think they would be lol.
New era or one of the ones mentioned in the games that came before? Like Storm or Glory or Blessed etc...?
Knowledge disclaimer: I've played all three games, but I'll admit to never reading the books or finishing the *very* end of Inquisition (it was not my favourite, please don't fight me ^^). I'm aware how Inquisition ends, though.

However, I am very familiar with DAO and the lore/setting that comes with it (I've beat it more than once and played through more characters than I can count).

The first Blight always seemed like an interesting setting to me, or a new era if my ignorance of the books isn't damning. I'll do my best with whatever era/setting you all want, even if that's Inquiition.
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