Both Needed Dungeons and Dragons - The Dark Lanterns of Eberron

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Both Needed Dungeons and Dragons - The Dark Lanterns of Eberron

Baxter Peters

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Eberron is a D&D campaign setting. Picture your typical D&D castle-land, then add 300 years of development. In Eberron a late-Victorian/early modern society is in full swing, except technology never advanced due to a reliance on greater and more marvellous magic. Instead of the Printing Press, the Cannon, and the Steam Engine the innovations that revolutionised Eberron were the Invisible Scribe, the Siege Staff, and the Bounded Elemental. Rather than "steampunk," it's "magepunk." City streets are lit with everbright lanterns, and the village square might be centered on a cleansing stone which the villagers use to clean their laundry.

Magic is a part of everyday life, yet most individuals do not really understand how it works (much like our own society's relation to computers). Despite a societal reliance on magic those who can cast spells beyond the very simple are exceeding rare, even more so than in a typical fantasy setting.

Industrialized magic is controlled by twelves Houses (think megacorporations), each characterized by a magical "dragonmark," which gives them magical abilities, and the ability to control certain kinds of magic items. Each house maintains a monopoly over the magical services it offers. The 12 Houses became especially powerful during The Last War, where they remained neutral yet sold their services to all sides.

The Last War was a continent spanning conflict that ended less than 2 years ago. The once strong Kingdom of Galifar broke apart into 5 warring nations, each vying for total control of the continent of Khorvaire. The Last War was long and devastating, with the scars of the war still apparent in both the landscape and society of Khorvaire. Fresh methods of war were devised; terrifying spells, titanic siege engines, and a new race of living weapons: the Warforged. The war only ended because the nation of Cyre was destroyed in a magical cataclysm called the Mourning. What was once the proud nation of Cyre is now a magical wasteland. Nobody knows what caused the Mourning, and it is only fear of the possibility that it could happen again that has lead to the tenuous peace which characterizes the continent of Khorvaire.

Eberron is a world of Noir Intrigue, the world is a complex mess of grey morality and conflicting motivations. Things do not always end well for the heroes, good does not always triumph over evil, and often it's not clear which side is which.

So, what's your side?

Here's my idea:

You are members of the King's Dark Lanterns, a secret intelligence agency that answers directly to King Boranel il'Wynarn of Breland. You are his eyes, ears, and knife in the dark. The king is beset by foes on every side—from other nations, from the Dragonmarked Houses, and even from within his own parliament, and he's counting on you to protect him. This message will self-destruct.

Basically, magical Mission Impossible.

EDIT 4/8/21

5th Level Characters - Standard Point Buy for Attributes - Normal Starting Gear with Extra Gear Provided by the Dark Lantern Organization (I'll give your characters things based on mission) - All official D&D content is allowed with the caveat that if your character concept doesn't fit the campaign concept, I'll need some good convincing.

I've created a campaign page on D&D Beyond. To get a campaign invite link, you'll need to PM me with you character concept. That concept isn't something that has to be set in stone. When you start building your characters you might find other inspiration, however I want an initial PM showing real interest.
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I would be interested. Would you allow a Warforged? Pretty sure they are Eberron.
Warforged are a signature Eberron race and would be a viable race option.
What were you thinking about character wise? Would you want the basic edition 5 races, or more? Which classes would you accept?
I'm planning a Warforged Rogue/bard to make a Butler. :P Depends on what level we start at.
Alrighty, it looks like we have interested parties. I'll set up a campaign on D&D Beyond. Characters will be created there.

I'm picturing competent operatives serving the crown. You aren't random freelancers gathered in a tavern but special agents, so your character concepts should reflect that.

5th level characters, pretty much any race with the caveat that the weirder the race the harder to justify working as a secret agent of the Breland Crown. Standard Point Buy. Standard starting equipment with mission specific equipment handed out by the Shadow Lantern Quartermasters.
@Baxter Peters

Would this homebrew background work for you or do you want me to pick something else? I can go for something more official if preferred.

Actually, before I go too far with this, would a Butler rogue work for this? He would be in service to the Crown, and I don't think it would be unusual for those of High Society to have Warforged servants.
A warforged butler could work. If you wanted to tie the background into the overall setting, they could have been a gift to the King of Breland from either the Kingdom of Cyre or House Cannith. The warforged came from them. Of course, with Cyre being destroyed on the Day of Mourning, were they a spy, they'd be without a master, opening them up to pursue other opportunities.

That's just one example of how the idea could work. It's your character/concept.

And that background is fine. Even in just the PHB, you can create whatever backgrounds you like so long as you follow the 2 skills + two other non combat proficiency model.

I should be able to import that home brew background into the campaign so it's included as an option in the character builder.
Depending on how old I can have him, he could have been a gift to the family before the war and has served faithfully throughout the years. He could have spent time learning various abilities to better serve, and even manage the other servants. As a Warforged, he is excellent for taste testing for poisons as well as standing guard given that he doesn't need to sleep. He's an excellent butler.
Warforged don't really age and while I admit I haven't caught up on the timeline in the 5E setting book, it was my understanding that the vast majority of warforged are prewar.
From looking on the Wiki, the war seems to have lasted over a hundred years? Say, near the beginning of the war, he was given to the Wynarn family from an Ally of theirs, with the intent of securing long lasting ties. We could even say that he was put on standby for a long time as there was a lot of suspicion of spies and the like. It would only be recently that he was brought out of storage.
I don't have an issue with a warforged who's been a butler for over a century. No need to include hibernation unless you want to.
Works for me. Is there anything I need to know to be a butler for the Wynarn family?
Im in. I done pathfinder a few ocs to move to this. If needed.
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Works for me. Is there anything I need to know to be a butler for the Wynarn family?

From everything you've seen the King of Breland is a good king who cares for his people and nation. Of course, being a good king sometimes involves doing bad things, and the Dark Lanterns are a part of that.

Breland has a strong populist movement that feels the nobility's time is past, and there are members of the nobility that feel the King isn't dealing with that threat appropriately.
Any known Enemies or Allies I should know about?
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